
Section Ⅱ Using language 1.Gregor Mendel chose to study pea plants because their characteristics were easy to control.格雷戈尔·孟德尔选择研究豌豆植物,因为它们的特性易于控制。(教材P53) 语言点1 characteristic n.特征,特性 情境探究 ①He described the character of the character he played with two Chinese characters. 他用了两个汉字来描绘他所扮演的角色的性格。

②Her behaviour last night was completely out of character. 她昨晚的行为举止与她的性格完全不符。

③She resembles her sister in appearance but not in character. 她外貌上像她的姐姐, 性格上却不同。

④Windmills are a characteristic feature of the Mallorcan landscape.风车是马略卡岛风光的一个典型特色。

归纳拓展 (1)characteristic adj.特有的,典型的 (2)character n.性格,个性;特点;品质;(书、剧本、电影等中的)人物,角色;字;符号 in character 符合(某人的)性格 out of character (与自身特性)不相符 (3)characterize v.成为……的特征,以……为典型 学以致用 (1)赏句猜义 ①Tough times are always good times for team character building. 品质 ②Brave, good and strong, Xiulian is the character we care about most. 角色,人物 ③Jim and Jack are good friends, but they are different from each other in character. 性格 (2)单句填空 ④Bananas have their own characteristic (character) smell. ⑤The two groups of children have quite different characters (character). 2.The extinction of the Pinta Island tortoise is blamed on humans.平塔岛乌龟的灭绝被归咎于人类。(教材P53) 语言点2 blame v.责怪,指责;把……归咎于 情境探究 ①I do not blame them for trying to make some money. 我认为他们努力赚一些钱也是情有可原的。

②The police are blaming the accident on dangerous driving. 警方把事故原因归咎于危险驾驶。

③The boy was to blame for what he had done. 这个男孩因他的所作所为受到了责备。

④She'll put the blame on us if it turns out badly. 如果这件事结果不好,她会责怪我们的。

归纳拓展 (1)blame sb./sth. for sth. 因某事而责怪某人/事 blame sth. on sb./sth.把某事归咎于某人/事 be to blame (for sth.)(对某事)负有责任 (2)blame n. (坏事或错事的)责任;责备;指责 lay/put the blame for sth. on sb. 把某事归咎于某人 误区警示 be to blame是主动形式表示被动意义。

学以致用 (1)单句填空 ①It's your fault. How can you put the blame on others? ②He blamed his brother for breaking the window. ③Who do you think is to blame (blame) for the accident?  (2)一句多译 他把失败归咎于我。

④He blamed the failure on me.   ⑤He blamed me for the failure.   3.After goats in particular had been brought to the island, the Pinta Island tortoise population declined.特别是山羊被带到岛上后,平塔岛乌龟数量下降了。(教材P53) 语言点3 decline v.减少 情境探究 ①The number of staff has declined from 217,000 to 114,000. 员工人数从 21.7万减少到了11.4万。

②The band declined to comment on the story. 乐队拒绝对这一报道作任何评论。

③An increase in cars has resulted in the decline of public transport. 汽车的增加导致了公共交通的减少。

④Thankfully, the smoking of cigarettes is on the decline. 庆幸的是,吸烟量在下降。

⑤Libraries are an investment for the future and they should not be allowed to fall into (a) decline. 图书馆是对未来的一项投资,不应任其日趋衰落。

归纳拓展 (1)decline n.衰退;下降;减少 on the decline在下降 fall/go into (a) decline开始衰落 (2)decline v.婉言谢绝 decline to do sth.拒绝做某事 学以致用 (1)赏句猜义 ①The number of tourists to the place of interest declined by 10% last year. 下降,减少 ②I offered to give them a lift but they declined. 谢绝 (2)单句填空 ③The number of pandas in the wild is on the decline. ④When he got home, the city labour office declined to help (help) him find a job.  4.The Giant Tortoise Reserve on Santa Cruz is home to several species of giant tortoise that are native to the Galápagos Islands.圣克鲁斯岛的巨型乌龟保护区是几种原产于加拉帕戈斯群岛的巨型乌龟的家园。(教材P55) 语言点4 be native to 源于……的,原产于…… 情境探究 ①He turned into a native cafe and ordered a drink. 他走进一家本地咖啡馆,要了一杯饮料。

②The panda is native to West China. 熊猫产于中国西部。

③Officials say the woman is a native of Somalia. 官员说,那名女子是索马里人。

归纳拓展 (1)native adj.出生地的;本地的;土著的;天生的 (2)native n.本国人;本地人;土著;本地的动物(或植物) a native of...……的本地/国人 (3)be+形容词+to(介词) be similar to与……相似 be friendly/kind to对……友好 be familiar to sb.为某人所熟知 be equal to胜任…… 学以致用 (1)赏句猜义 ①It is a long time since he has visited his native Chile. 出生地的 ②You can always tell the differences between the tourists and the natives. 当地人,本地人 ③The ability to swim is native to fish. 天生的 (2)单句填空 ④Taoism, native to China, has a history of more than 1,700 years. ⑤He doesn't seem equal to meeting (meet) our demands. Ⅰ.语境填词 1.His books have sold more than 20 million copies worldwide (遍及全世界). 2.A giant (巨大的) panda can weigh as much as 150 kg, when fully grown. 3.Primitive (原始的) humans needed to be able to react like this to escape from dangerous animals. 4.Some goats (山羊) are eating grass on the green grassland. 5.This section of the market has slowly declined (下降) in importance. 6.Melbourne and Sydney both have a long history and share many characteristics (特性). 7.Call her if you like, but don't blame (责怪) me if she's angry. 8.The tortoise (陆龟) wins the race while the hare is sleeping. Ⅱ.语境选词 be native to, put the blame for, in particular, be harmful to, by contrast, in the end, carry out, be home to 1.The judge put the blame for the accident on the driver.  2.Bamboo is native to every continent except Europe and Antarctica.  3.I am not good at expressing myself. By contrast, I am better at thinking instead.  4.To carry out the experiment, you need the following things.  5.The surrounding forests are home to many birds and animals.  6.In the end, the prince and princess unite in marriage and the whole city celebrates their happiness.  7.You'd better give up smoking, for it is harmful to your health.  8.Traffic is bad, in particular in the city center.  Ⅲ.语法专练 (2020四川南充高级中学高一下期中) It certainly takes a lot of effort to push through hard times. While the nation is fighting 1.against COVID-19, citizens have to make changes in their daily lives. Some people decide to make small routine changes, 2.while others offer all their time and energy to help others during this crisis. Most people take their temperatures, wear masks, wash their hands often and don't go out unless it's necessary. One of 3.the most painful (painful) changes was that many Chinese people didn't get together 4.to celebrate (celebrate) the Spring Festival. And many schools and places of work 5.delayed (delay) their return date before May. However, it didn't stop employees and students from working and studying at home.  February 10 6.was planned (plan) to be the first day of the new semester, and students began to have online classes at home. 7.Bored (bore) at home, people started to learn new things to fill their time. What's more, thousands of 8.volunteers (volunteer) are working non-stop to help deliver supplies and assist the 9.affected (affect) regions.  “In reality, we're more likely to rush to help others than run them over to save ourselves,” wrote the US psychologist Kelly Caldwell in Pacific Standard, “It's 10.an exercise in mass healing.” Ⅰ.单句填空 1.As we all know, people who circulate false news are to blame (blame).   2.Each rooftop had 16 different kinds of plants native to Texas. 3.I don't know the reason why he declined to join (join) the gardening club.  4.Personal characteristics (characteristic), such as age and sex, are taken into account. 5.By the time my parents reached home yesterday, I had cooked (cook) the dinner already.  6.I had planned (plan) to go for a walk, but someone called and I couldn't get away.  7.The twins, who had finished (finish) their homework, were allowed to play badminton in the playground.  8.This Monday morning I was informed I had been chosen (choose) as one of the three exchange students from our college.  9.Silk had become (become) one of the primary goods traded along the Silk Road by about 100 BC.  10.She was surprised to find the fridge empty;the child had eaten (eat) everything!  Ⅱ.完成句子 1.当我听到敲门声,我马上就开门了。(no sooner...than...倒装句) No sooner had I heard the knock than I opened the door.  2.这是球迷们第三次荣获这项大奖。(It be+the+序数词+time that...) It was the third time that the fans had been awarded the trophy.   3.销售额的下降归咎于经济不景气。(blame...on...) The decrease in sales was blamed on the bad economy.  4.昨天他们打算在操场上开个会, 但雨下得很大。(had meant...) They had meant to hold a meeting in the playground yesterday, but it rained heavily.  5.你听说过休·格兰特主演的那部新电影吗? (hear of) Have you heard of the new film in which Hugh Grant starred?  Ⅰ.阅读理解
                  (2020浙江温州十五校联合体高二上期中联考) A few months ago I took a trip to Osaka. Unfortunately, I didn't go there on holiday. I went there on a business trip. By the time I got to the station, I was very tired and hungry. At the station there was a shop selling lunchboxes. They had cheap lunchboxes and expensive lunchboxes. I bought a cheap lunch-box. After that, I made my way to my platform and found my train. I got on the train and found my seat. Now I was feeling really hungry and tired. I wondered whether I should eat my lunchbox or take a nap. I decided I would enjoy my lunchbox more after a nap. I put the lunchbox in the hat rack above my head. As I was sitting down, a young businessman approached me. Like me, he looked tired, and he also had a lunchbox. He asked if the seat next to me was free and I said it was. In a few minutes, I was fast asleep. When I awoke, the businessman was no longer there. I looked at the seat next to me and I saw a lunch box. I was so hungry that I opened it up and started to eat. I was very surprised to see how nice it tasted. After a minute or two of eating, the businessman returned. He had an astonished look on his face. He asked me why I was eating his lunchbox. Then it hit me that I had put my lunchbox above my head. This really wasn't my lunchbox. I apologized many times and offered him my lunchbox. Also, I bought him a drink to say sorry. We then spent the next few hours chatting away and we got along really well. We even exchanged numbers and now we occasionally meet up for drinks. We have become quite good friends. 1.What can be inferred about the writer from the first paragraph? A.He is not fond of Osaka at all. B.He is fond of going on a business trip. C.In fact, he is a very wealthy person. D.He is probably a person who saves money for his life. 2.What does the writer probably agree with? A.Eating is more important than sleep. B.Eating a meal should be enjoyed. C.Eating should be placed second to sleep. D.Sleep is more important than eating. 3.Why did the writer eat the young man's lunchbox? A.Because he was too hungry. B.Because he wanted to gain advantages. C.Because he mistook it for his own lunchbox. D.Because it tasted better than his own lunchbox. 4.How does the writer feel about his trip to Osaka? A.Fun and worthwhile. B.Ridiculous and regretful. C.Funny and guilty. D.Interesting and costly. 答案 [语篇解读] 本文是一篇记叙文,主题语境是人与自我。本文记叙的是作者到大阪出差,旅行途中错吃了邻座的盒饭,而最后两人却成为好朋友的故事。

1.D 推理判断题。根据第一段中I bought a cheap lunchbox.可推出作者可能是一个生活节俭的人。

2.B 推理判断题。根据第二段中I decided I would enjoy my lunchbox more after a nap.可推出作者认为吃饭得好好地享受。

3.C 细节理解题。根据第三段中Then it hit me that I had put my lunch-box above my head.可知作者误吃了那个年轻人的饭是因为作者把年轻人的饭误认为是自己的了。

4.A 推理判断题。根据文章情节:作者在旅行中误吃了别人的饭使他感到有趣,而两人因此成为了朋友使他感到旅行有意外收获,可知作者认为他的旅行是有趣且值得的。

Ⅱ.七选五 (2020重庆育才中学高一下期中) While many people are accessible by email, sometimes it is difficult to determine how exactly to write an email to them. Here are some tips for you to follow. Write an appropriate subject line. The subject line should tell the recipient (接收者) immediately what the email is about. 1.    Remember that your wording also has to be brief.  2.    It is best to be more formal rather than informal, so when writing to someone you have never met or written to before, a “Dear Jane Smith” is appropriate. When addressing someone whom you are a little familiar with, a “Dr. Smith” is okay until they tell you to address them by their first name, in which case a simple “Jane” will be okay.  3.    Within the first two sentences of your e-mail, your recipient should know exactly why you are writing to them. Sometimes an introduction may have to precede (先于) the sentence that states why you are writing, and sometimes it has to follow.  Use appropriate language. You may be used to using informal language in certain social settings. 4.   Even when dealing with colleagues or friends you are familiar with, do not immediately fall back on informal language.  Keep it simple. People may get dozens and even hundreds of emails a day. 5.    In that way, they can save much of their time when reading emails.  A.Use proper greetings. B.Express your ideas clearly. C.State your purpose in the beginning. D.Be as specific as possible when writing the subject. E.However, an email may not be the best place to use such language. F.It is important to check the language to avoid spelling and grammar mistakes. G.It is always easier for them if you keep your email as short and brief as possible. 1.    2.    3.    4.    5.     答案 [语篇解读] 本文是说明文,就如何写电子邮件提出了几点建议。

1.D 此处承接上一句来说明写主题的时候要具体,以便收件人能够立即知道邮件的主题,下一句也顺着本句展开,说明措辞要简练,故选D。

2.A 本段主要讲在不同情况和场合下应该使用适当的称呼,故选A。

3.C 根据下一句可知,本段主要讲在邮件一开始要点明你写邮件的意图,选项C中的“at the beginning”与下一句中的“Within the first two sentences”相对应,故选C。

4.E E选项与上一句构成转折关系,以此来说明写电子邮件时不要使用非正式的语言,同时也与下句构成了顺承关系,故选E。

5.G G选项中的them指代上一句中的People,与前后句共同来说明为什么要使邮件简洁、明了,故选G。

Ⅲ.完形填空 (2020山东德州陵城区第一中学高二12月月考)
My name is Miranda Gibson. I have been at the top of a tree for five months now. Some people might wonder  1  on earth I would choose to do that. I have walked through this forest many times.   On 12 December 2011, 2  rolled into the forest and the destruction (摧毁) began. I couldn't  3  the thought that these forests would be  4  forever. So, on 14 December 2011, I packed up my life,  5  of my job plans, and climbed 60 meters to the top of this tree. I have been here ever since.  Life in the tree tops can be 6  at times. I have times when I feel frustrated (沮丧) and wish I could  7  to anywhere, just have a  8  of scenery for a minute! There are times too, when I feel terribly  9 . I miss my friends and family.  10  these times I find myself loving the  11 . Living on the tree has been inspiring. I am willing to  12  up here for as long as it takes,  13  I honestly hope it won't be too  14  before I can put my feet on the ground below and stand in a forest that will never be  15 .  1.A.why     B.when    C.how    D.where 2.A.water    B.animals    C.machinery
  D.tourists 3.A.bear    B.help    C.keep    D.spare 4.A.sold    B.stolen    C.protected    D.lost 5.A grew out    B.fell short    C.ran out    D.let go 6.A.refreshing   B.risky    C.challenging   D.rewarding 7.A.get up    B.get away   C.give in    D.give up 8.A.change    B.look    C.search    D.touch 9.A.confused   B.nervous    C.sorry    D.lonely 10.A.Beyond   B.Without   C.Despite    D.Unlike 11.A.height    B.experience  C.background    D.position 12.A.return    B.stop    C.stay    D.hide 13.A.but    B.though   C.because    D.so 14.A.soon    B.long    C.near    D.bad 15.A.moved    B.logged    C.burned    D.missed 答案 [语篇解读] 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者待在树顶上五个多月的原因,以及待在树顶时的感受和希望等。

1.A 根据上文的“wonder”以及下文的“on earth I would choose to do that”可知,一些人可能想知道我究竟为什么会选择那么做。故选A项。

2.C 根据下文的“rolled into the forest and the destruction (摧毁) began”可知,机器(machinery)进入森林,摧毁开始了。故选C项。

3.A 根据下文的“So, on 14 December 2011, I packed up my life,...”可知,“我”无法忍受(bear)这些森林将永远失去的想法。故选A项。

4.D 根据上文的“the destruction (摧毁) began”可知,此处指的是森林会永远失去。故选D项。

5.D 根据上文的“I packed up my life”以及下文的“...and climbed 60 meters to the top of this tree”可知,我整理了我的生活,放下了我的工作计划,并且爬了60米到这棵树的顶端。短语grow out of 产生于……;fall short of 缺乏;run out of 用光,耗尽;let go of 放手,放开。故选D项。

6.C 根据下文的“I have times when I feel frustrated (沮丧)...”可知,在树顶上的生活有时是具有挑战性的。refreshing意为“使人精力充沛的,别具一格的”;risky冒险的;challenging具有挑战性的;rewarding值得做的,有益的。故选C项。

7.B 上文提及在树顶上的生活有时是具有挑战性的,根据下文的“to anywhere”可知,“我”希望能离开(树顶)到任何地方。短语get away意为“离开”,故选B项。

8.A 上文提及“我”希望能离开(树顶)到任何地方,故可推知此处表示“仅仅换一分钟的风景”。change 改变;look看;search寻找;touch触碰。根据语境可知,该题选A项。

9.D 根据下文的“I miss my friends and family.”可知,有时我也感到相当孤独。故选D项。

10.C 根据上文的“There are times too, when I feel terribly....I miss my friends and family.”以及下文的“these times I find myself loving the...”可知,上下文之间为转折关系。despite意为“尽管;虽然”,符合语境。故选C项。

11.B 根据下文的“Living on the tree has been inspiring.”可知,“我”发现自己喜爱这种经历(experience)。故选B项。

12.C 上文提及生活在树上一直是鼓舞人心的。由此可知,“我”愿意待在上面。故选C项。

13.A 根据下文的“it won't...”以及上文的“I am willing to...”可知,上下文之间为转折关系。故选A项。

14.B 根据上文的“as long as it takes”可知,此处表示“我”真诚地希望不会太久就能把脚放在地面上。故选B项。

15.B 根据第二段中的“the destruction (摧毁) began”可知,机器进入了森林并且摧毁开始了。由此可知此处表示“我”能把脚放在地面上并且站在永远不会被采伐的森林中。log 意为“采伐(森林的)树木;伐木”,符合语境。故选B项。

Ⅳ.语法填空 (2020四川成都蓉城高中教育联盟高二上期中联考) Standing at the top of Kilimanjaro (乞力马扎罗山), Africa, at 5,895 meters above sea level, Lin Ziyi, 15, didn't jump for joy. She  1  (breathe) in the fresh air and looked quietly at the white glaciers (冰川) and rolling hills around.  “Hello, Kilimanjaro, I finally came to you,” she said to herself. On Jan. 31, 2014, the student from Yueqing High School, Zhejiang,  2  (successful) climbed to the top of Kilimanjaro with her mother. She is the youngest Chinese woman  3  has achieved this, according to the Kilimanjaro National Park in Tanzania.  How could Lin get over such a  4  (difficult)? She is not physically stronger than others. Like many teenagers, she mostly  5  (take) exercise in PE classes. Lin's answer is strong willpower (意志力).  “Once I decide to do something, I never give up halfway. I'm  6  (satisfy) with myself,” she said.  While  7  (climb) Kilimanjaro, Lin suffered  8  serious altitude sickness. When they set off at midnight on the third day, she could hardly lift her feet.  “My mother encouraged me  9  (carry) on and to take one more step, then another and then I finally made  10 ,” Lin said. “Success comes when you keep on stepping forward.”  1.    2.    3.    4.    5.     6.    7.    8.    9.    10.     答案 [语篇解读] 这是一篇新闻报道。文章讲述了15岁的林子怡通过自己的努力和坚强的意志,成为登上非洲乞力马扎罗山山顶的最年轻的中国女性。

1.breathed 考查时态。and表并列,前后语法结构一致,and后面的looked用一般过去时,此空也用一般过去时。故填breathed。

2.successfully 考查副词。修饰动词climbed应用副词形式。故填successfully。

3.who/that 考查定语从句关系代词。the youngest Chinese woman后接了一个定语从句,the youngest Chinese woman是先行词,指人,在从句中作主语,所以用关系代词who/that。

4.difficulty 考查名词。a是不定冠词,后接名词,此处抽象名词difficulty具体化,意为“难事”。故填difficulty。

5.takes 考查动词时态和主谓一致。根据语境可知,此处讲述的是她现在经常性的动作,用一般现在时,且主语是第三人称she。故填takes。

6.satisfied 考查词性转换。固定搭配be satisfied with sb.,意为“对某人满意”。故填satisfied。

7.climbing 考查非谓语动词。While引导的时间状语从句省略了主语Lin和be动词,主语Lin和动词climb是逻辑上的主动关系,所以用现在分词(doing)表主动,作伴随状语。故填climbing。

8.from 考查固定搭配。suffer from...,意为“遭受……”。

9.to carry 考查固定搭配。encourage sb. to do sth.,意为“鼓励某人做某事”,所以用动词不定式(to do)。故填to carry。

10.it 考查代词。make it,意为“成功”,符合语境。
