


 考核单位: 时间:

 考核内容 考核标准 基准分 评分标准 考核办法 扣分 得分 一、组织机构

 (20) 1、建立以主要领导为负责人的安全生产领导机构。

 2、有专、兼职安全管理人员。 20 1、组织机构不健全扣10分。

 2、没有专、兼职安全管理人员扣10分。 查阅文件 二、规章制度(40) 1、制订有安全管理、安全例会、安全教育培训、事故报告、事故责任追究、隐患整改、信息报送等规章制度。

 2、各项制度能够认真落实。 40 1、缺一项制度扣10分。

 2、一项制度不落实扣10分。 查阅制度及相关材料 三、安全工作投入(80) 1、有安全工作专项经费。

 2、安全管理办公设施(电话、传真机、计算机、照相机、摄像机、交通工具等)齐全。 80 1、无专项经费扣40分。

 2、办公设施缺一项扣10分。 查阅资料,查看办公设施 四、安全管理工作

 (510) 1、制定有年度安全工作计划。 20 1、没有制定年度工作计划不得分。

 2、计划少落实一项扣10分。 查阅文件及相关资料 2、目标责任考核 (1)层层签订目标责任书。 40 没有层层签订目标责任书不得分。 查阅资料 (2)有考核、有记录、有奖惩。 30 缺一项扣10分。 查阅资料

 考核内容 考核标准 基准分 评分标准 考核办法 扣分 得分 四、安全管理工作

 (510) 3、安全会议 (1)定期召开安全工作会议。 40 每季度召开一次安全工作会议,少一次扣20分。 查阅会议记录

  (2)会议记录齐全。 20 会议记录不齐全缺一次扣5分。 查阅记录 4、安全检查 (1)每半年组织一次综合检查。 30 没有组织综合检查扣20分。 查阅记录 (2)重大活动、重要时段和根据上级要求组织专项检查活动。 30 少一次扣10分。 查阅资料 (3)每次检查活动有方案、有内容、有记录、有总结。 40 缺一项扣10分。 查阅资料 (4)隐患整改做到 “整改期限、整改责任、整改措施、整改资金、整改复核”五落实。 60 有一项不落实扣15分。 查阅资料与现场查看相结合 5、档案管理 (1)档案种类齐全,内容详实。 20 1、没有建立档案,不得分;

 2、缺一种扣2分,扣完为止。 查阅资料 (2)有专人管理。 20 无专人管理不得分;管理混乱扣10分。 查阅资料 6、信息管理 (1)上报年度安全工作计划和上年度安全工作总结。 30 缺报一项扣15分。 查阅资料 (2)重大活动按要求上报活动工作总结。 40 1、缺报一次扣20分。

 2、未按时上报一次扣10分。 查阅资料 (3)报送日常安全工作信息。 60 每年不少于4篇。少一篇扣15分。 查阅资料 (4)报送典型经验材料。 30 每年不少于一篇。未报送不得分。 查阅资料

 考核内容 考核标准 基准分 扣分标准 考核办法 扣分 得分 五、宣传与培训教育

 (50) 1、制定有宣传教育培训计划。 10 没有制定培训计划不得分。 查阅资料 2、举办1至2期安全管理人员培训班。 30 未举办培训班不得分。 查阅资料 3、培训记录齐全。 10 没有培训记录不得分。 查阅资料 六、举报与奖励

 (60) 1、公布举报电话、通信地址、电子邮件地址。 20 每少一项扣10分。 查阅文件资料 2、有举报处理结果和落实记录。 20 每少一项扣10分。 查阅资料 3、举报奖励兑现。 20 每少一次扣10分。 查阅资料 七、应急预案

 (80) 1、制定有类别齐全的突发事件应急预案。 30 缺一项应急预案扣20分。 查阅资料 2、预案应进行演练。 50 预案未进行演练不得分。 查阅资料,随机抽查 八、事故处理

 (160) 1、及时报告安全生产事故,没有迟报、瞒报情况。 30 迟报一次扣10分;瞒报一次扣20分。 查阅事故上报材料 2、发生人员死亡事故按照“四不放过”原则进行处理。 40 未按照“四不放过”原则处理事故,发现一次扣20分。 查阅事故材料 3、发生责任事故情况。 90 1、每发生一起一般事故扣10分。

 2、每发生一起较大事故,死亡3-5人扣30分;死亡6-9人扣50分。扣完为止。 查看事故统计资料

 考核内容 考核标准 基准分 扣分标准 考核办法 扣分 得分 九、落实交通安全生产“四项机制”

 (100) 1、下发有实施“四项机制”文件。 100 1、没有下发实施“四项机制”文件,扣20分;




 5、没有奖惩费用,扣10分,没有实施奖惩扣10分。 查阅资料 2、层层签订有承包责任书。 3、定期开展安全督查工作,有记录。 4、坚持每日上报安全生产情况。 5、落实奖惩工作经费,并实施。 十、落实“双基”建设(100) 1、成立“双基”建设活动组织。 100 1、没有成立组织,扣25分;



 4、没有选择试点单位,扣25分。 查阅资料、现场查看相结合 2、完善细化活动方案. 3、广泛发动宣传。 4、选择试点单位并开展工作。 十一、学习《通知》和《条例》(100) 1、制定学习方案。 100 1、未制定学习方案,扣50分;


  查阅资料 2、组织学习培训。


 考核内容 扣 分 得 分 一、组织机构(20) 二、规章制度(40) 三、安全管理投入(80) 四、安全管理工作(510) 五、宣传与培训教育(50) 六、举报与奖励(60) 七、应急预案(80) 八、事故处理(160) 九、落实“四项机制”(100) 十、落实“双基”建设(100) 十一、学习《通知》和《条例》(100) 合 计(1300) 考核人员签字: 被考核单位负责人签字:


 in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, "down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead!" Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet, grenade explosions were heard. After about half an hour after the gunfire stopped, came the sound of boots trampling the enemy, flogged, inmates issued a cry of pain. At this time, 5, 6 the devil entered the Department a few people hiding the mansion, kicked open the shed door, suddenly a beam of light came in, I saw the Devil with a bayoneted gun, that pile of dry leaves dump to the corner stamp. The scene, hiding behind that plaque, Xie Chengji was seen clearly, see the danger he issued "blimey" shrieks, which fell from behind the plaque. Sheds and tossing the Devils heard the cry, they rushed onto the Hall, Xie was stabbing with bayonets, Xie Chengji was blood like a fountain, and herring. When the second batch of Devils come in, a look at the Windows and doors wide open, lay corpses in the House, only a perfunctory look at, left in a hurry. Xie's tragic death, but Wen Yongzhi, 4 people had been saved. That day, the farmers in the village virtually gone, leaving behind several people could not bear to share in the family business. In that bloody battle, the village more than more than 40 villagers were innocent of killing, Qiu surname, Wang Jia village north a peasant

 in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, "down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead!" Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet, grenade explosions were heard. After about half an hour after the gunfire stopped, came the sound of boots trampling the enemy, flogged, inmates issued a cry of pain. At this time, 5, 6 the devil entered the Department a few people hiding the mansion, kicked open the shed door, suddenly a beam of light came in, I saw the Devil with a bayoneted gun, that pile of dry leaves dump to the corner stamp. The scene, hiding behind that plaque, Xie Chengji was seen clearly, see the danger he issued "blimey" shrieks, which fell from behind the plaque. Sheds and tossing the Devils heard the cry, they rushed onto the Hall, Xie was stabbing with bayonets, Xie Chengji was blood like a fountain, and herring. When the second batch of Devils come in, a look at the Windows and doors wide open, lay corpses in the House, only a perfunctory look at, left in a hurry. Xie's tragic death, but Wen Yongzhi, 4 people had been saved. That day, the farmers in the village virtually gone, leaving behind several people could not bear to share in the family business. In that bloody battle, the village more than more than 40 villagers were innocent of killing, Qiu surname, Wang Jia village north a peasant

 in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, "down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead!" Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet, grenade explosions were heard. After about half an hour after the gunfire stopped, came the sound of boots trampling the enemy, flogged, inmates issued a cry of pain. At this time, 5, 6 the devil entered the Department a few people hiding the mansion, kicked open the shed door, suddenly a beam of light came in, I saw the Devil with a bayoneted gun, that pile of dry leaves dump to the corner stamp. The scene, hiding behind that plaque, Xie Chengji was seen clearly, see the danger he issued "blimey" shrieks, which fell from behind the plaque. Sheds and tossing the Devils heard the cry, they rushed onto the Hall, Xie was stabbing with bayonets, Xie Chengji was blood like a fountain, and herring. When the second batch of Devils come in, a look at the Windows and doors wide open, lay corpses in the House, only a perfunctory look at, left in a hurry. Xie's tragic death, but Wen Yongzhi, 4 people had been saved. That day, the farmers in the village virtually gone, leaving behind several people could not bear to share in the family business. In that bloody battle, the village more than more than 40 villagers were innocent of killing, Qiu surname, Wang Jia village north a peasant

推荐访问:交通运输安全生产管理 河南省 安全生产管理 考核标准