




 为确保小区安全和迎接政府一年一度"11 月 9 日"消防宣传活动日的到来,为构建本小区的"和谐",加强物业履行公共消防安全防范的力度与业户们自我消防安全防范意识/行为的"合力",强化小区业户抗御火灾的防范/应变能力,本处今年将举行以"寓教于乐"形式进行"119"消防工作的演练和进行推广。故请您务必抽空前来观摩和指导!

 因现已进入了一年一度的秋冬"消防"、"安全"的高危季节,为了您的安全,也务请各位对您的单元进行必要的"消防"与"安全"的认真检查和适宜的"消防""安全"意识行为的措施上的自我整改;若有需要本处提供帮助的,可及时致电本管理处 54221661 或在本次"119"活动期间径直向本处保安部提出,由本处保安部向贵户提供可能的协助。

 时间:06 年 11 月 9 日(星期四)下午 2:00-3:00





 xx 高尔夫物业管理处

 2006 年 11 月 2 日

 Notice About the Fire Fighting Day

 Dear Landlords Tenants:

 In order to our villa safety, and Fire Fighting Day will come, to ensure our distinct harmonious, we will strengthen the management office carry out the safety and the landlords (tenants) safety conscious. We will aggrandize the ability of keeping away fire fighting. So we will hold the drilling of fire fighting by special kind going on "119". So please make sure join us if you have free time.

 In order to protentiate security"s consciousness of fire fighting and meet an emergency for landlords (tenants) management staff. If y

 ou need our help, you can contact with our management office TEL: 54221661. Our security department will supply the help and try our best.

 Time:PM 2:00-3:00 Nov. 9th, (Thu.) 2006

 Adress:The Empty Playground side the club house

 Item:Preach: How to use the fire extinguisher and the fire main, put out a fire live show.

 View: Our security staff alignment, if have the urgency things, how to do our security staff.

 X Golf Villa Property Management Office

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