
仁爱版八年级上册期末专项复习之翻译句子 根据汉语提示,完成句子。


Teachers think they will _______ much _______ with the students. 2.越来越多的外国人将在中国生活。

_______ and _______ foreigners will live in China. 3.有多少国家参加了2008年北京奥运会? How many countries _______ _______ _______ the 2008 Beijing Olympics? 4.我们的城市将有更多更宽阔的道路。

There _______ _______ more and more wide roads in our city. 5.CBA代表什么? What does CBA _______ _______? 6. 我相信他会按时到这的。

I _______ _______ he will be here on time. 7. 他们没有机会打败湖人队。

 They have ______ _____ to beat Lakers. 8. 我以前经常梦见坐火车,梦见去首都。

  I often ________ _________ the train, about going to the capital. 9. 我宁愿自己做饭也不愿出去吃。

  I prefer_______ _______ for myself _______ ________ out.  10. 他是班上最高的男生之一。

  He is _______ ________ _______ _______ boys in the class. 1. get; fun 2. More; more 3. took part in 4. will be 5. stand for 6.am sure 7.no chance  8. dreamed about/of  9. prefer cooking, to eating  10.one of the tallest (二)

The girl misses her mother _______ and _______. 2.—你今天感觉怎么样? —不是很糟。

—How are you feeling today? —_______ _______. 3.露西和莉莉都是我的好朋友。

_______ Lucy _______ Lily are my good friends. 4.你的左脚怎么了?让我给你检查一下吧! What’s wrong with your left foot? Let me _______ it _______. 5.不要看电视看得时间太长了。

Don’t watch TV _______ _______. 6.哈利吃了太多的糖果,很快他就牙疼了。

Harry ate_______candy, so he_______soon. 7.布莱克先生总是担心他的小儿子,因为他太小了不能照顾自己。

Mr. Black is always about his little son because he is too young to . 8.他有大量的工作要做,因此他经常熬夜,感觉很累。

He has lots of work to do, so he often_________late and feels. 9.我们应该经常运动,这能帮助我们增强体质。

We should do sports often, it can______us our bodies 10.另一方面,我们需要吃健康食品而不是快餐。

______________,we need to eathealthy food fast food. 1. day; night 2.Not bad 3.Both; and 4.check; over 5.for long 6. too much; had a toothache 7.worried; look after himself 8.stays up; tired 9. help; build up 10.On the other hand; instead of (三)
1. 我妈妈回来的时候我正在做飞机模型。

I _______ _______ _______ _______when my mother came back. 2. 我认为古典音乐不枯燥。

I _______ _______ classical music is boring. 3. 我妈妈当时在洗碗。

My mother was _______ _______ _______ at that time. 4. 他太小了,不能上学。

He was _______ young _______ go to school. 5. 昨天晚上八点他正在看故事书。

He _______ _______ a story-book at eight o’clock last night. 6. 男孩们过去常常在河边钓鱼。

The boys _______ _______ _______ fishing by the river. 7. 你儿子什么毛病都没有。

There isn’t _______ _______ with your son. 8. 他到了上学的年龄了。

He is old _______ _______ go to school. 9. 上个周末上午九点凯特在干什么? _______ was Kate _______ at 9 o’clock last Sunday morning? 10. 为什么不和我一起去? _______ _______ _______ with me? 1. was making model planes 2. don’t think 3. doing the dishes/washing the dishes 4. too; to 5. was reading 6. used to go 7. anything wrong 8. enough to 9. What; doing 10. Why not go (四)

The bridge is _______ _______ 600 years old. 2.这场比赛吸引了数千名观众。

The game drew____________  audience. 3. 尚未有人能对恐龙的灭绝做出一个令人信服的解释。

No one have come up with a convincing explanation of why dinosaur_________________. 4. 鸟以虫和谷物为食。

Birds  _______________worms and grains. 5. 遇到危险时要保持冷静。

Try to keep cool when you’re____________ . 6. 我们可以在字典里查这个字。

We can ___________ the word in the dictionary. 7.飞机再过一小时燃料就将用完。

The aircraft will______________ fuel in another hour. 8.他叫他的孩子们要远离危险的电器。

He told his children to _____________ dangerous electrical things. 9. 他抬起胳膊挡住脸,以防挨打。

He raised his arm to  __________his face  __________the blow。


He is looking forward to meeting his favorite pop star ____________. 1. more than 2. thousands of  3. die out4. feed on 5. in danger 6. look up 7. run out of  8. stay away from  9.protect; from  10. face to face. (五) 1.我对打篮球很感兴趣。

I________ ________ _______ playing basketball. 2.我过去常收集棒球卡,但现在我喜欢养宠物。

I collect baseball cards, but now I enjoy keeping pets. 3.所有宠物都给主人提供爱和安慰。

All pets their owners love and comfort. 4.你能把你的自行车借给我吗? Could you your bike me? 5. 古典音乐使他快乐。

Classical music . 6. 我同意你刚才所说的话。

I what you said just now. 7. 这个小女孩不敢回家。

The little girl go home. 8. 没有热带雨林,许多动物和植物将会灭绝。

Many animals and plants would without rainforests. 9. 让我在网上查明这个信息。

Let me the information online. 10. 我们不应该花太多时间玩电脑游戏。

We shouldn’t computer games. 11. 垃圾食品对我们健康有害。

  Junk food _______ _______ ______ our health. 12. 中国的长城是世界的奇迹之一。

The Great Wall in China is __________ _________ the wonders of the world. 13.汤姆,你不应该玩刀。

Tom,you shouldn’t ________ ________the knife. 14. — 你怎么了?  — 我牙疼。

 — ________ ________ ________?  — I have a ________. 15. 我奶奶宁愿去散步而不愿看电视。

My grandma prefers _______ a walk ______ ______ in front of the TV. 1. am interested in 2. used to 3. provide, with 4. lend,to 5. makes him happy 6. agree with 7. was afraid to 8. die out 9. find out 10. spend much time playing 11. is bad for 12. one of 13. play with 14. What’s the matter; toothache 15. taking; to watching
