
  2021 届高考英语二轮复习专题讲义全程跟踪 专题二 冠词 命题规律:2020 年新高考 I 卷及近五年课标卷在语篇型填空中对冠词的考查集中在冠词的基本用法上,冠词的习惯用法已经成为高考的难点之一。


 ★重点 ▲易错点 一、冠词的泛指、特指 泛指是指首次提到的、不限定的人或事物。



 The biggest whale is

 (the) blue whale, which grows to be about 29 meters long—the height of

  9-story building. 答案:the


 二、不定冠词 ★ 1、不定冠词的基本用法 (1)不定冠词有 a,an 两种形式。

 当冠词后的第一个音素为辅音音素(注意不是辅音字母)时,用 a;当冠词后的第一个音素为元音音素(注意不是元音字母)时,用 an。

 Eg: a digital camera, an ant, a university, a one-eyed dog, an hour, an X-ray ▲ 特别提醒 (1)hour, honest, honor 等词的拼写虽以辅音字母 hour 开头,但其读音却以元音开头,以此前面要用 an。

 (2)useful, university, usual, united, European, one-eyed, one-way 等单词的拼写虽然以元音字母开头,但其读音却以辅音开头,因此,前面要用 a。

  (3)如果名词被副词 hardly, scarcely, barely, exactly 所修饰,或和一个形容词共


 Eg: This is hardly a right thing to do.这不是一件正确的事。


 1. I earn 10 dollars

  hour as

 supermarket cashier on Saturdays. 2. The teacher asked us to write

 800-word-long composition. 3. Christmas is

 special holiday when the whole family are supposed. 答案:1. an a ; 2.


 3. a 2、含不定冠词的常考短语 have a cold患感冒 have a god time玩得高兴 have a gift for...有......的天赋 have a word with... 与......谈话 have/take a rest 休息下 have a holiday度假 make a living 谋生 get a lift/ride 搭便车 go on a diet 节食 as a result 因此 as a matter of fact 事实上 as a rule 通常,照例 after a while 一会儿后 in a hurry 匆忙 in a sense 在某种意义上 in a word总之 in a moment 一会儿 once in a while 偶尔 at a loss困惑,不知所措 at a distance 离……一段距离 for a while暂时,一会儿 once upon a time从前 all of a sudden突然 a waste of.. 浪费...... a matter of ... ......问题

 have a population... 有……人口 have a history of...有.....的历史 a collection of… 一批...... have a knowledge of(= know)知道 have an understanding of(=understand)了解 例题:

 1. I don"t want to have words with you. I prefer to have__ word with you. 2. The power supply was cut off. All of__ sudden, the lights went out. 3. China has

  far larger population than Canada. 4. The quality of the ambulance service is__ matter of life and death. 答案:1. a; 2.a; 3.a; 4.a 三、定冠词 ★ 用法:




 The book on the desk is mine. 书桌上的那本书是我的。


 Eg: The Chens are going to move to Langfang.姓陈的一家要搬到廊坊去。


 the Tang dynasty 唐朝

 the Spring and Autumn Period 春秋时期 in the 1990"s/1990s 在 20 世纪 90 年代

 the south 南方/部 4、用在表度量单位的名词前,表示“每一”。如 by the hour/day/week/month year/dozen/yard/ton/kilo,但是 size,weight 这类名词跟 by 连用时不加定冠词。

 Eg: We got paid by the month.我们按月计酬。

 Meat is sold by weight.肉按重量出售。


 Eg: the wounded 伤员 the dying 垂死之人

 the unknown 未知的事物 the deaf 耳聋的人 6、“动词+sb.+介词+the+身体某部”结构中的 the 不可用物主代词代替。此外,在 be red in the face(脸红),be lame in the right leg(右腿瘸),be blind in the left eye(左眼失明)等结构中,名词前也要用 the。

 Eg: An apple fell from the tree and hit him on the head.一个苹果从树上落下,砸在了他的头上。


 Eg: The Yellow River is the cradle of Chinese culture.黄河是中华文化的摇篮。

 The West Lake is famous for its beautiful scenery.西湖以其美景著称。


 Eg: I shall never forget seeing the Great Wall for the first time.我永远不会忘记第一次见到长城的情景。


 Eg: He was the first to speak against slavery.他是第一个发表演说反对奴隶制的人。

 He is the better of the two.他是两者中较好的那个。


 Eg: play the piano/violin/guitar 弹钢琴/拉小提琴/弹吉他 11、用在 same,very,only 前构成"the same/very/only +名词"结构。

 Eg: He is the very person(=just the person)I am looking for.他正是我在找的人。

 He is the only poet in this country that deserves the name.他是这个国家唯一一位名副其实的诗人。


 in the countryside 在乡下 in the end 最后,终于 in(the)daytime 在白天 in the habit of 习惯于

 make the most of 充分利用 in the distance 在远处 in the way 挡路 on the whole 总的说来 on the right/left 在右/左边 at the moment 此刻 for the time being 暂时 in the meantime 同时 at the end of......的尽头 in the playground 在操场上 go to the doctor"s 去看医生 by the way 顺便提-下 the other day 前几天 on the radio/phone 通过无线电广播/电话 on the spot 在现场,当场,当下 to tell(you)the truth 说实话,老实说 go to the cinema 去看电影 not in the least(=not at all)一点也不 on the one hand…on the other hand... 一方面……,另一方面..... for the most part 通常,多半 all the time 一直 特别提醒:

 1、定冠词通常放在 all, both, double, exactly, just 等词之后。

 2、定冠词要放在 half, twice, much 之后。

 例题:1.The little boy took the blind man by

 arm and walked him across the street. 2.Then,

 Smiths were listening to the boy who was playing

  piano. 3.In fact,

  Chinese language is the m most difficult one in the world. 4.I think Tom is

 cleverer of the two boys who is

  first to solve the problem. 5.Marco Polo is said to have sailed on

 Pacific Ocean on his way to Java in

 thirteenth century. 答案:1. the; 2. the the; 3. the; 4.the the; 5.the the 四、零冠词 用法:


 Eg: My father went to his doctor for advice about his heart trouble. 我父亲去了他的医生那里寻求关于他的心脏病的建议。

 He likes to read novels. 他喜欢读小说。

 2、名词前已有 this,that,my,your,some,each,no,any 等限定词时不再用冠词。


 She is not my type of woman. 她不是我心目中的那类女人。

 He went to some place in France. 他到法国某地去了。

 Each student must hand in his exercise book.每个学生必须上交他的作业本。



 Eg: A year can be divided into four seasons—spring,summer,autumn and winter.一年可以分 为四个季节——春、夏、秋、冬。

 Mr. Li is chairman of the meeting. 李先生是本次会议的主席。

 The organization was founded in the spring of(the year)2010. 这个组织是在 2010 年的春天成立的。

 4、英语中常见的不可数名词有:baggage,luggage,furniture,health, weather,

 fun,space(太空),advice,progress, information,news,luck,wealth(财产)等。以上不可数名词不能与不定冠词连用。


 Beyond the stars,the astronaut saw nothing but space.除了星星,那个宇航员只看见了太空。

 5、系动词 turn(变成)后的单数名词作表语用零冠词。

 Eg: Has he turned scientist?他成为科学家了吗? 6、“零冠词+单数名词+as though+主语+谓语+主句”,意为“虽然/尽管......,但是……” Eg: Hero as he is,he has some shortcomings.他虽然是英雄,但是也有一些缺点。


 at college 在上大学 at dark 天黑时 at dinner 在吃饭 at home 在家里 at peace 处于和平状态 in addition 另外 in advance 预先 in good condition 情况良好 in good order 有条不紊 lose weight 减肥 on business 因公出差 pay attention to 注意 例题:

 1.Tom is

  Bill"s best friend. 2.The Smiths often have ____lunch at half past twelve. 3.1 like

  milk and

 orange juice very much. 4.Gone are the days when

 man conquered

 nature. 5.The boys are playing

 basketball over there on playground. 答案:

 1./ 名词所有格前不用冠词。


 have 与三餐之间不用冠词。

 3./;/ 物质名词表泛指,其前不需冠词。

 4./;/ 句意:人定胜天的日子一去不复返了。man 当“人类” 讲时,前面不用冠词;nature 作“自然界”讲时,表示泛指,前面也不用冠词。


 play 与球类运动之间不需冠词;on the playground 在操场上。

 五、冠词的活用 1、表示世界上独一无二的事物的名词,如:sun,moon,earth,universe,world 等,常与定冠词连用,但该名词前有形容词修饰时,可以与不定冠词连用。

 Eg: The moon travels around the earth.月亮围着地球转。

 A bright moon is hanging in the sky.一轮明月正悬挂在空中。

 We have friends all over the world.我们的朋友遍天下。

 We are building a new world. 我们正在建立一个新世界。


 Eg: It is the most useful dictionary. 它是最有用的词典。

 It is a most useful dictionary. (most=very)它是一本非常有用的词典。

 3、“the+序数词"表示次序;“a/an+序数词”不表示与其他人或物排序,而表示“又一,再一” Eg: It is the second time that he has visited the city.这是他第二次参观这座城市。(表示次序)

 Can you give me a second chance?(a second=another)你能再给我一次机会吗? ▲六、有无冠词意义迥异的情况 at table 在吃饭 at the table 在桌子旁 at school 上学

 at the school 在学校 by day 白天 by the day 按日计算 go to bed 上床睡觉(侧重活动)

 go to the bed 朝床边走去(侧重地点)

 go to church 做礼拜(侧重活动)

 go to the church 去教堂(侧重地点)

 in hospital 住院 in the hospital 在医院 in charge of 掌管 in the charge of 由……掌管 in place of 取代 in the place of 在....的位置上 in office 执政 in the office 在办公室内 in possession of 占有 in the possession of 被…...占有 leave school 辍学 leave the school 离开学校 out of question 毫无疑问 out of the question 不可能 two of us 我们中的两个 the two of us 我们两个 in front of....(外部)的前面 in the front of....(内部)的前部 例题:

 1. This shop is in

 charge of Mr. Green and his wife is in

 charge of the housework. 2. Robots will never take

 place of man. 3. Tom was ill in

 hospital while his parents were at

  church on Sunday.

 4. It"s out of

  question that he can pass the driving test, for he has been training for a long time while it"s out of

  question for me to pass the driving test. 5. Mr. Green is in

  possession of a garden and this store is in

 possession of him too. 答案:


 in the charge of 由.....主管;in charge of 主管......。

 2.the take the place of 代替。


 in hospital 住院;at church 在做礼拜。

 4./;the out of question

 毫无疑问;out of the question 不可能。


 in possession of 拥有;in the possession of 为(某人)所拥有。

推荐访问:冠词 专题 讲义