【玻璃化冻存骨髓基质干细胞的实验研究】 大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞冻存状态不好

  [中图分类号]Q813.1 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2009)03-0318-05
  Experimental study of vitrification preservation for BMSCs
  YIN Hong-yu1, SUN Jian3, LIU Guang-peng3,CUI Lei2,3,CAO Yi-lin1,2,3
  (1. Research Center Of Plastic Surgery Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences& Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100041, China; 2.Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Shanghai Ninth People"s Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200011, China; 3.Shanghai Tissue Engineering Research and Development Center, Shanghai 200234, China.)
  Abstract: Objective Bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) have become the main cell source for tissue-engineered bone. There is of great significance for bone tissue engineering to cryopreserved BMSCs. At present, vitrification preservation is the most promising methods of cryopreservation for cells. The effect of vitrification method for BMSCs was wished to enhance by improving the vitrified solution and the pretreatment condition. Methods Using the different composition and concentration of vitrification fluid, the freezing experiments on osteogenically induced canine bone marrow stromal cells (cBMSCs) at passage 2 (P2) were performed under the different preconditioning. According to the cellular survival rate after rewarming, the ideal vitrification media and optimal pretreatments were chosen to cryopreserve the cells in order to compare with the experimental result of slow-freezing. Simultaneously, the influence of vitrification protocol on osteogenic activity of the cells needed to be considered. Results Taking the VS226 as a vitreous cryoprotectant, osteo-induced cBMSCs at P2 were banked under 0℃/5min of the pretreatment condition. There was no statistical significance of percent cell viability post-thaw between routine and vitrification method, and the cooling process did not affect osteogenic ability of the cells. Conclusions Based on these results, it can be concluded that BMSCs frozen by vitrification with VS226 can be used to provide the massive seed cell for bone tissue engineering.
  Key words: cryopreservation; vitrification; bone tissue engineering; bone marrow stromal cells
  组织工程学是一门以细胞生物学和材料学相结合, 进行体外和体内构建组织或器官的新兴学科[1]。构建的方法主要是在支架材料上接种高浓度的种子细胞进行复合培养。骨组织工程是组织工程的主要分支,其种子细胞以成骨诱导的BMSCs为主,因此组织工程化骨的构建迫切需要进行大量种子细胞的冷冻贮备。玻璃化冻存技术是近年来低温生物学领域发展最快的研究方向之一。本文通过采用一种新研制的玻璃化液对成骨诱导的cBMSCs进行玻璃化冻存的研究,以期能使组织工程化骨的种子细胞获得理想的玻璃化冻存效果。
  1.1.1 动物:2岁龄Beagle犬3条,雌雄不限,体重约20kg,上海农学院提供。
  1.1.2 试剂:Percoll原液:77237 Percoll (sigma公司,美国);BM Purple染色剂(Boehringer Mannheim公司,德国);茜素红染液(sigma公司,美国)。
  1.2.1 cBMSCs的分离和体外诱导培养:将实验犬以5 %的戊巴比妥钠(0.5ml/Kg)麻醉后,抽取骨髓2.5ml。根据以前报道的方法[2]进行Percoll液的配制和犬骨髓单个核细胞的分离提纯。将原代细胞接种培养48h后开始应用含有地塞米松(10mmol/L)、β-磷酸甘油钠(2.16g/L)和2-磷酸抗坏血酸(37.5mg/L)的成骨条件培养液,置37℃、5% CO2的培养箱内进行成骨诱导培养。细胞培养至第8天,细胞克隆形成单位的中心生长达密集时用0.25 %胰蛋白酶-0.02%EDTA进行第1次传代[3]。以1.6×104/cm2的细胞密度接种,培养至P2代。
  1.2.2 冻存液的制备:常规冻存液由体积比为10%二甲基亚砜(DMSO)、50%胎牛血清(FBS)和40%细胞培养液(DMEM)组成;根据文献[4]制备玻璃化液VS55;其它玻璃化液参见表1(根据文献[4]制备EC液)。
  1.2.3细胞的深低温保存方法:①常规冻存:将P2代成骨诱导的cBMSCs消化离心后倒除上清液,用0.5ml常规冻存液重悬并置入2ml冻存管中,先在4℃预冷30min,再置于-20℃ 2h,经过24h的-80℃保存后投入液氮(-196℃);②玻璃化冻存:将同样方法获得的细胞用同体积的玻璃化液重悬于冻存管中,经过不同的预处理方案,包括将冻存管放入冰水混合物(0℃)中或置于室温(25℃)下分别保持5min或15min后再直接投入液氮,或立即投入液氮(0min)。
  1.2.4 深低温保存细胞的复苏方法:从液氮中取出冷冻保存1天的冻存管,在37℃ 水浴中快速摇晃进行复温,将复温后的细胞溶液迅速转移到离心管中并加入成骨条件培养液进行稀释,离心(1 500 转/min,5 min)后去上清液,共洗涤2次。
  1.2.5 深低温保存细胞复苏后的细胞存活率[5]:将3×105个P2代成骨诱导的cBMSCs连续培养6天,用血球计数板计算出培养后的细胞总数,根据公式:增殖率=细胞总数÷(3×105),来获得未冻存细胞的增殖率。然后深低温保存3×105个此细胞,冻存1天后复苏,继续成骨诱导培养6天,同样获取培养后的细胞总数,利用公式:细胞存活率=培养后细胞总数÷(3×105×增殖率),以得出冻存细胞的存活率。
  1.2.6 生化检测:根据以前报道的方法[2]分别将P2代成骨诱导的cBMSCs进行冻存前后的碱性磷酸酶(ALP)染色和茜素红染色。。
  1.2.7 统计学分析:数据采用EXCEL软件处理,行t检验。每个检测样本重复3次,数据以均数±标准差表示,P15min>0min(P   为将玻璃化冻存中的细胞毒性损伤减小到最低限度,当然还需要严格控制细胞与冷冻保护剂溶液接触的温度和时间,加快降温和复温的速率。实验结果指出预处理温度为0℃的玻璃化冻存效果好于25℃,这是因为低温环境可减少DMSO的细胞毒性[20]。而预处理时间以5min为最佳,这是由于将细胞与冷冻保护剂预先接触可降低冻存过程中的渗透压突变对细胞的打击,而过长的接触时间又会增加冻存液对细胞的毒性损伤。
  自从Vajta[21]发明了开放型拉细冻存麦管(open pulled straw, OPS),冷冻速率增至20000℃/min,大大加快了降温复温速率和提高了细胞存活率。但因吸入管内液体仅为2μl,极大的限制了冻存细胞的数量,然而组织工程所需的细胞数量又较大,可见OPS法是很难满足的。但常规的2ml冻存管却可实现此要求,因此实验选用冻存管成装细胞悬液。同时为增加热交换率,实验仅用0.5ml的冻存液来混合细胞,以希望获得更大的降温和复温的速率。但毕竟此方法无法达到OPS法的冷冻速率,这也说明了本实验的细胞存活率不是非常高的原因。
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推荐访问:化冻 基质 干细胞 骨髓