【图文】毕加索 与 立体主义画派


 ? however, he was not satisfied, and felt the need to push forward and discover a style of painting ? push forward 推进;抓紧进
? ? ? 短语 push oneself forward出风头;极力表现自己;突出自己 push boats forward把船推向前 Push-forward推出 push forward推进 push forward human civilization推动人类文明进步;推动听类文明先进 push forward the urbanization推进城镇化建设 同近义词 推进;抓紧进行 propel, push ahead with Page ?36

 ? everyone was quite horrified at its ugliness
horrified ['h?rifaid] adj. 1. 感到恐惧的 2. (表现出恐惧的,惊骇的 3. 受惊吓的 horrify ['h?rifai] vt. 1. 使恐惧,使害怕,使毛骨悚然,使毛发竖起: They were horrified by the outrage before their eyes. 他们被亲眼所见的暴行吓得呆住了。

 2. [口语]使震惊;使产生反感: All of them were horrified at the news of Cindy's death. 辛蒂去世的消息令他们全都感到十分震惊。

 to the horrified at 因…而感到十分厌恶 Page ?37

 ? They therefore felt free to distort objects very widely, to do away with perspective do away with vt 1. 废除,取消;去掉;摆脱;不要;结束: to do away with some of the old laws 废除陈旧的法规 to do away with a rule 废除一条规则 2. [口语]干掉,杀死: The robbers did away with their victims. 盗贼杀害了被劫者。

 短语 to do away with oneself do far away with废除 自杀 do away with it干掉 do away with superstition破除迷 信 do away with sth摆脱 Page ?38

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推荐访问:毕加索立体主义时期 毕加索 主义 画派