
倒叙 inverted pyramid style 回访 return visit 均势 balance of power 社论 editorial 试播 start trial broadcasts 述评 commentary 顺叙 pyramid style 主编 chief editor 直播 live broadcast 专电 special dispathc 编者按 editor’s note 读者量 readership 发刊词 prospectus 发行量 circulation 公正性 fairness 画外音 voiceover 幻灯片 slideshows 时效性 timeliness 假新闻 pseudo-news 教育性 enrichment 可信度 credibility 新闻稿 news release 言论版 opinion page 本报记者 staff writer 编辑主任 managing editor 标题妙语 headline witticism 常驻记者 resident correspondent 地方新闻 local news 电视指南 TV Guide 电视转播 on-camera delivery 独家新闻exlusive news 扼要重述 recap the headlines 发布公报 issue a communiqué 封锁消息 news blackout 公众意识 public consciousness 国际新闻 world news 国内新闻 domestic news 滚动报道 running/rolling stories 记者新闻 eye-account 经济新闻 economic news 媒体炒作 press hype 秘密采访 covert coverage 民意测验 opinion poll 目标受众 targeted audience 深度报道 in-depth report 视频新闻 video broadcasts 双休特刊 double dayoff supplement 体育新闻 sports news 网络浏览 browse 网络审查 web censorship 网络杂志 online magazine 网上报纸 online newspaper 微型新闻 mini-story 文化差异 cultural differences 文化干扰 cultural interference 文化新闻 cultural news 细分受众 narrowly defined audience 现场采访 on-the-spot intterview 新闻官员 information officer 新闻联播 news hook-up 新闻审查 news censorship 新闻线索 news peg 新闻英语 journalistic English 新闻自由 freedom of the press 音频播放 audio presentations 有偿信息 paid messages 赠阅发行 controlled circulation 战地记者 war correspondent 政府声明 government statement 政治新闻 political news 招待主编 executive editor 抓拍镜头 candid camera 标签式导语 label lead 概括性导语 summary lead 记者招待会 press/conference 据外电报道 foreign radios announce 描写性导语 descriptive lead 评论和专栏 commentaries and columns 突发性新闻 breaking news 新闻发布会 news briefing 要点式导语 main fact lead 引语式导语 quotation lead 争取收视率 grab ratings 自由撰稿人 freelancer 传播小道消息 grapevine news 报道国际形势 do reportage on the international situation 单一事件报道 single event coverage 揭露丑闻的人 muckraker 社会新闻特稿 social event feature 外交部发言人 Foreign Ministry spokesman 网络新闻资源 Internet news resources (对稿件)删改 trim 对比性背景材料 contrast background 分析性背景材料 interpretative background 谈话节目主持人 talk-show host 未经证实的消息 unconfirmed report 新闻价值的要素 news value determinants 纵向性综合报道 vertical roundups 标题、导语和正文 headline, lead, body 对听众有巨大影响 have a tremendous impact on the audience 自身(内向)转播 intrapersonal communication 横排形式/竖排形式 horizontal form; vertical form 就新闻报道发表社论 editorialize on the news report 平面(纸质)新闻媒体 print journalism (大型活动的)记者席 press tribune (电台、电视台)现场报道 ad-lib 报刊所具有的超越国界的影响 the press’s transnational ramifications 贯彻百花齐放、百家争鸣的方针 carry out the principle of letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend (国际关系中的)单极、两极、多极与无极 unipolarity, bipolarity, multipolarity and nonpolarity 内容永远主宰高质量的新闻和新闻教育,传输系统永远是第二性的。不过,作为教育者,必须适应技术并且采纳技术。

Content will always dominate quality journalism and journalism education. The distribution system will always be second. Yet, we must be attuned to the technology and embrace it as educators. 新闻传播教育的是最终使命是培养社会责任感。人们希望不仅要教会学生做记者的技能而且要让他们明白他们的工作对社会有什么样的影响。

The mission of journalism education seems to be “social responsibility”. People expect us not only to teach students to be skilled as journalists but to understand how their work affects society. 这条报道是新闻节目的最后一条,接着便是最新体育消息。

The report was the last news item, a sports update followed. 西藏问题的辩论再次成了国际、国内媒体和国际、国内舆论关注的焦点。然而,西方媒体的许多报道和言论没有抓住与中国相关的基本事实和概念。

The debate on the Tibet issue is once again centered on the international and domestic media and public opinion. Many reports and comments in the Western media, however, fail to grasp the basic facts and concepts of a nation such as China. 互联网在国际新闻交流方面的潜力正为越来越多的人所认知。越来越多的互联网用户通过网络从遥远的媒体上获知新闻。

The potential of the Internet for international news communication is beginning to become realized. More and more Internet users are getting their news online and from media in far-off places. 很多网上新闻和信息并不具有很高的可信价值,本身也许就是蓄意捏造的错误或是带有误导性的信息。

Much news or information in the net is of dubious value and may be deliberately or misleading. 世界上那些最好的新闻机构——包括报纸、新闻杂志、电台和电视台——每天都在坚持报道真实新闻,因此,具有辨别力和批判眼光的读者能够得到很多具有依据的可靠信息。

The discriminating and critical viewer can find folid, reliable information because the world’s best news organizations – newspapers, news-magazines, television, and radio – are reporting the real news daily. 与电台、电视台等播出机构播发新闻时受到的时间限制,以及报纸等印刷业媒体刊登新闻时受到版面限制相比,网络空间并不受这些因素的约束。

Cyberspace is not limited by the time restraints of broadcast news or the space limitations of the printed media. 报纸历史悠久,但它也是一部自然史。它是一个历史过程的结果,在这一进程中,很多参与者没有预见到他们的劳动最终将有何收获。

The newspaper has a long history, but it has, likewise, a natural history. The press is the outcome of a historic process in which many individuals participate without foreseeing what the ultimate product of their labor is to be. 文学是那种让人一读再读回味无穷的艺术;

Literature is the art of writing something that will be read twice; journalism is what will be grasped at once. 新闻是历史的最初稿。

News is the first rough draft of history. 新闻事业的任务是采集新闻、发现事实并予以报道。新闻事业非常重要,任何地方、任何时候莫不如此。

Journalism is news-gathering, fact-finding, reporting. It is important anywhere and any time. 在新闻从业人员与读者之间存在着社会与文化方面的隔阂,这或许正是为什么新闻编播室中的“标准模板”与众多读者的意趣相差甚远,甚而背道而驰的原因。

There exists a social and cultural disconnection between journalists and their readers, which helps explain why the “standard templates” of the newsroom seem alien to many readers. 新闻人员是从事媒体事业的人,包括新闻记者,摄影记者,报刊发行人及广播员。

The people involved in the media include news reporters, photographers, publishers, and broadcasters.
