
 你让我从何说起呢 How far back do you want me to go? 大学 College? 我那时特别外向 Oh, I was totally outgoing. 十足的交际花 A real people person. 高中那会 In high school, 我就像掉进蛇笼的老鼠 I felt like that mouse that gets dropped into the snake cage 小心潜伏

 伺机而动 and just kind a sits there, frozen, trying to blend in. 孩提时代的我开心指数比较高 I guess I remember being happy when I was a kid. 总是天真地期盼着会有好事发生 Back when you just naturally expect good things to happen. 直到我母亲去世 Before my mom died. 现在我已经心灰意冷 Now I just expect the worst 对什么事都做最坏的打算 and try not to get my hopes up. 所以我来这里应聘 Which is why I’m here. 这可以算回答你的问题了吧 Does that answer the question? 人们一般只会说自己的籍贯和简历 Usually people just say where they"re from and where they worked before. 太好了

 显然我已经绰绰有余了 Great. I"m already overqualified. 在你以往的从业经历中 So, in your previous experience, 是否有比服务顾客更高的工作范畴 can you give me an instance in what you wanna above and beyond 举个例子 the call of duty for a customer? 没有 No. 我明白了

 Oh, I get it. 你觉得自己是大材小用了 You think you"re too good for this. 那你来干什么 Why are you even here? 不好意思 No, I"m sorry. 我手头很紧 I really need the money. 寄居在家里 I live at home, 拼了命争取这份实习工作 I work my ass off at this internship. 只是为了 I just... 好了

 废话少说 Yeah, it"s not gonna work out here. 我知道你这种人 I can tell your type. 不适合干这个 You"re just not a quality hire. 西雅图杂♥志♥ 安全没有保障 早 Wazzup? 我不要看起来像个小萝莉 No, I don"t want the prepubescent look. 我要做御姐 I want a woman. 我们西雅图杂♥志♥不会粉饰事实 We don"t retouch at Seattle Magazine. 我们是记者 We"re journalists. 不许放这里 No, not there. 我跟实习生说话 An intern. 正如我所说

 我们尊重女性 That"s what I"m saying. We respect women. 住手

 拿到储藏室去 Don"t put that there. That goes in the utility closet.


 -然后填充每个厕所 - I know - And then refresh all the bathrooms. 我只是把零钱给你 I was just giving you this change. 是啊

 这成了我的工作 Yeah, this is my job now. 新来的实习生什么都要教 It"s like spelling things out for interns. 真♥他♥妈♥的倒霉 Fuck! Okay. 写手们

 灵感 Writers, ideas. 灵感时间到了

 你们有了吗 It"s idea time again. It"s that time. What have you got? 谁有灵感

 或者故事吗 Does anybody have an idea? Or a story? 你们的魂灵在这儿吗 Are you guys here? 听见我说话了没

 没人吗 Can you hear me? Anyone? 西雅图十佳狗狗公园 Top 10 dog parks in Seattle. 不行 No. 冬人夏日游 Summer activities for winter people. 毫无创意 Not interested. 杰夫 Jeff? 这个时光旅行的广♥告♥怎么样 All right. How about this time travel ad? 说说看 What have you got? 有人把这个从分类广♥告♥里发给我 Yeah, somebody e-mailed it in from the classifieds. 征人广♥告♥[内容详见情节] 他在找人一起穿越回去 He"s looking for somebody to go back in time with him. 我们可以做点煞有其事的调查 Do a little tongue-in-cheek investigation.


 看他是不是玩真的 Find this guy, see if he thinks it"s real or if it"s a prank. 不错 Not bad. 他说会给穿越伴侣支付报酬 The guy says, you"ll get paid when you get back. 但是武器自带

 安全没有保障 Bring your own weapons. Safety"s not guaranteed. 因为他也只穿越过一次 And he"s only done this once before. 说不定他真是个科学怪人 See if maybe he believes in this stuff. 我估计会很有意思 I don"t know. I think it could be funny. 你想做这个任务吗 You wanna do it? 好

 放手去做吧 All right. You got it. 我能带几个实习生吗 Can I get a couple interns? -我去

 -协助我调查 - I"ll do it. - Help me with the research? 搬点东西什么的 Do some heavy lifting. 我也想去

 拜托 Me, too, please. Me. 好吧

 给我这位女同志和阿三 All right. Give me the lesbian and the Indian, 我给你故事 and I got a story. 我们给广♥告♥公♥司♥发邮件 We sent a letter to the address in the ad 让他们帮忙查询 and asked them to get back to us. 我打电♥话♥给当地报社 And I called the local paper, 但是他们对于谁登了这篇广♥告♥守口如瓶 but they"re really uptight about giving out information on people that take out ads, -所以

 -我上了布丽姬特[女老板] - so... - I fucked Bridget. 你懂的


 You know, sometimes somebody pisses you off so much 要是不发威

 就会当你是... that you just wanna get in there with... 她是不是一直抱怨你的老二不给力 Did she like criticize your technique the whole time? 她用的是女上位


 对吧 Like boss you around? She did, right? 有时候会 Maybe a little. 好了

 我们出发 All right, we should go. 去海景城 Let"s go to Ocean View. 我们只要找出那个人然后盯牢就行了 We can just find whoever put up the ad and stake him out. 我们

 谁是我们 We? What do you mean "We"? 我们三个啊

 现在你不想去了吗 I mean we, the three of us. Now you don"t wanna go? 那地方糟透了 That place sucks. 那地方不错的 That place does not suck. 我在海景城度过了 I had the best summer 人生中最棒的夏天 of my life in Ocean View. 我才不去 I"m not going. -你要去的

 -不去 - Yeah, you are. - No. 貌似我在问你意见 It seemed like I was asking, 事实上这是命令 but I"m actually telling as your boss. 你必须得来 You"re coming. 爸

 我要出去几天 Dad, I"m going out of town for a few days. 旅行吗 Out out?


 出差而已 No, it"s just this work thing. 我觉得是你是该出去转转 Yeah, I think it"d be great if you went out, 社交一下什么的 did a little social stuff. 别畏畏缩缩的 Get out of your funk. 我没有

 我怕个屁啊 I have no funk. I"m totally funkless. 出去跟朋友玩一玩

 我觉得挺好 Going out and being with your friends. I think it"s a great idea. 我怎么了 What"s wrong with me? 你很忧郁

 我也不知道怎么说 Well, you"re sad. I don"t know how to describe it. 就像有团乌云跟着你 It"s like tre"s a cloud following you. 你很反♥社♥会♥

 而且你还是处♥女♥ You"re antisocial, and you"re a virgin. 什么 What? 我就没见你约会过 I don"t ever see you with any guys. 你上次带男生回家是什么时候了 I don"t remember the last time you brought a guy home. 你怎么知道我没有在网上约炮呢 Yeah, well, how do you know I"m not on Craigslist having casual encounters? 或者我在寄宿的时候

 你又不在那儿 Or when I was away at the dorms? You weren"t there. 我问了艾米 I talked to Amy. 你问我大学室友干什么 Why are you talking to my college roommate? 我们微博互粉了 We"re Facebook friends. 我的天啊

 情何以堪 Oh, my God ! How do I eject? 你给笔记本弄上火焰干什么 Why do you have flames on your laptop? 这是台游戏本本


 It"s a gaming laptop. It"s really fast. 你想穿越回什么时候 What time would you go back to? 如果可以选 If you could? 不知道 I don"t know. 现在就挺好的 I"m fine here. 我百分百地想回去 I would definitely go back. 好东西都是过去式 Everything cool is gone. 14 至 16 世纪中美洲古印第安人 阿芝特克人 The Aztecs. 殉情的痴男怨女 People killing themselves for each other. 你难道不想看看猛龙和精灵什么的 You wouldn"t wanna see the dragons and the elves 在魔法丛林里互砍 fight each other in the magical forest? 拜托 Come on ! 那个时代不存在 No. That wasn"t a time. 也对哦 Yeah. Okay. 上车

 白♥痴♥们 Get in, retards. 我是这么想的

 预算我们住两间房♥ So, here"s what I"m thinking. We"re budgeted for two rooms, 但是如果我们挤一间 but if we share a room, 就可以省下钱来找点乐子 we can use that extra money for some other shit. -你想干什么


 -答对了 - What, drugs? - That"s exactly right. 放松


 我们耍你的 Easy, Arnau, we"re messing with you, pal. 我们是说吃吃喝喝而已

 We"re talking about using it for buffets and shit. 你没有吸过毒吗 You never done coke or anything 上学那会儿 when you"re studying for an exam? 可♥卡♥因♥

 你疯了吗 Cocaine? Are you crazy? 你学什么的 What is it you study? 生物与生命科学 Biological and life sciences. 难怪

 那你干嘛来杂♥志♥社实习呢 Makes sense. So what are you doing interning at a magazine? 多样的社会实践有助于申硕 Diversity looks good on an application for grad school. 这个假期你要实践破处 We got to get you laid on this vacation. 懂了吗 That"s what needs to happen. 假期 Vacation? 好吧



 随你怎么说 All right, work trip, whatever. 把她送到这世上 Send her out into the world 注定要受到伤害 You know that she"s bound to get hurt 上帝改变了她的命运 God softly moved the young girl 海景城 当她还是个懵懂小孩 When she was digging in the dirt 你受伤了 You"re hurt 那就从头再来吧 So bring it back

 这儿冷死了 It"s freezing here. 寒风刺骨啊

 是吧 It"s got bite, don"t it? 让我想起上学的时候

 Reminds me of going back to school. 工作相当于上学

 只不过学期特别长 Yes. It"s all one long school year now. 无穷无尽 No start, no finish. 这家伙除外 Except for this guy. 还有几年毕业

 阿诺 How many years till you graduate, Arnau? 包括博士还是只算本科 Total, including doctorate or just undergraduate? 海湾旅馆


 可带宠物 当我没说 Ah, forget it. 床怎么分 How"re we doing the beds? 我睡一张

 实习生睡一张 We"ll do me in one, interns on the other. -好啊

 -做梦 - Okay. - No. 那我和达丽丝吧 Cool. Me and Darius. 希望你够润滑

 阿诺 Fine. I hope you moisturize, Arnau, 因为我喜欢后♥庭♥花 "cause I cuddle. 明天早上第一件事就是去邮局 Tomorrow morning first thing, we hit the post office. 希望那个人天天都检查邮箱 Let"s hope our boy checks his P.O. Box every day. 找到了 There she is. 怎么了 What? 征人启事

 寻找一起穿越的人 Wanted, someone to travel back in time with me, 这不是玩笑 This is not a joke. 华盛顿


 91 号♥邮箱 P.O. Box 91 Ocean View, Washington. 穿越之后会有报酬


 You"ll get paid after we get back. Must bring your own weapons. 安全没有保障 Safety not guaranteed. 准备行动 Hey, here we go. 不可能

 他太老了 Mmm, no way. He"s too old to be time traveling. 拜托

 典型的穿越男 Come on. That"s the time traveling demo. 白胡子


 烟斗 White beards, spectacles, pipes. 就差那么一点点 Close. 这个怎么样 Wait, what about this one? 她估计想穿越回去 Yeah. She wants to stop whoever 弄死那个给她剪头发的人 gave her that haircut from being born. 喂



 那个人 Yo! Yo! It"s him. It"s the guy. 他吗

 你确定 Him? Are you sure? 没错

 91 号♥

 快上车 Yeah, I"m sure. Box 91. Get in. -你要干什么

 -跟着他 - Wait, what are you doing? - Following him. 那杰夫怎么办

 你该先向他汇报 What about Jeff? You should call him! 时空激光技术部 杂货经销店 这玩意可棒了 That"s pretty amazing stuff, man. 即薛定谔的猫

 一个关于量子理论的理想实验 我告诉你盒中猫理论 I"ll tell you about the cat in the box theory, 它会让你疯狂的 it"ll blow your mind. 估计我是世界上唯一弄明白的人 It"s like I"m the only one who really gets it. You know? 我在网上跟这个"大"物理学家辩论

 I started this dialog with some big shot theoretical physicist online, 我问

 量子力学法则 and I"m like, Do the rules of quantum mechanics 或然历史

 科幻文学的一种 考虑到了或然历史理论吗 allow for alternate histories? 他就嘲笑了我一番 And he just blasted me. 人们总是对确定的事情深信不疑 You know, people are just so convinced it"s a fixed thing, 但是他们只是窥到了时间的片段 but they"re just, like, looking at this little sliver of time, 人们只能看到这些 that"s all people can see. 这不是确定的

 仙农 It"s not a fixed thing, Shannon. 它朝两个方向延伸 You know, it"s on and on in both directions. 就像个 V 字

 你懂我说的吗 It"s like a "V," You know what I mean? 我得检查洗手间了

 兄弟 I gotta do a bathroom check, brother. 好吧

 你懂我说的吧 Yeah, You know what I"m saying. 我想填个意见卡 I"d like to fill out a comment card 给你们的雇员

 肯尼斯 on one of your employees, Kenneth. 他姓什么 What"s his last name? 抱歉


 他有点...那个 Sorry, ma"am, he"s a little... 不


 是表扬他的 No, no, it"s a positive comment. It"s like complimenting him. 好吧

 他叫肯尼斯·卡洛威 Oh. Oh, good. Um, Kenneth Calloway. 卡洛威 Calloway. 谢谢 Thanks. 点击那个


 Hit the thing that says I have a new message. 丽兹添加你为脸书好友 Liz confirmed you on Facebook. 没有照片

 真讨厌 Here. No photos, that"s a drag. 很好


 还在这个镇上 Okay, good. She still lives here. She lives in this town. 谁是丽兹·麦赫利 Who is Liz McHollis? 那年夏天度假时和我有过一腿的女人 She was a girl I had a fling with when my family used to come here over the summers. 她是个超辣的金发妞 She was this really smokin" hot blond. 我的第一个口♥交♥对象 She was my first blow job. 一个我至今想念的尤物

 说真的 If there"s one girl that I still think about, honestly. 她来了


 搞到啥了 Here she is. Look at you, you went all rogue. What did you get? 他的名字和工作 Got his name, where he works. 太棒了 Great. 你们呢 What did you guys get? 她接受了

 但没有照片 She accepted, but no photo, 我也不确定 so I"m not really sure. 什么 What? 他来这儿泡他高中的女朋友 He came here to hook up with an old high school girlfriend. 真的吗

 这就是你干的"正事" Seriously? That"s what you"ve been doing? 还有别的呢 Well, I"ve been doing other stuff too, 这可能会让你的人生观有所改变 but maybe this will change your attitude a little bit. 她那时才 18 岁

 我见过她裸体 That"s her when she was 18, I used to see her naked.

 然后呢 So? 然后我回来再看一次她的裸体啊 So I"m coming back to try to see her naked again. 要是有人追踪了我 20 年 I"d be weirded out 我会觉得很诡异的 if some guy tried to track me down after 20 years. 要真有人追踪你

 我也觉得很诡异 I"d be weirded out too if some guy tried to track you down. -为什么

 -谁会这么做 - Why? - Who would do that? 明天早上

 我来出马 Tomorrow morning, I"ll go in. 假装去回应他的广♥告♥ You know, go undercover, pretend to answer his ad 然后搞到独家新闻 and get the scoop on this yo-yo. 马洛里

 991 号♥

 就是这里了 991 Mallory. This is definitely it. 什么鬼地方 What a piece of shit. 好吧

 我进去了 All right, I"m goin" in. -我看起来如何


 -很好 - How do I look, Arnau? - Good. 好的 Good. -我能去吗


 你昨晚干得很好 - Can I go in? - No, you did good last night, 现在由我来接手

 轻松搞定 but I"m gonna handle this. I don"t wanna overwhelm the guy. 好吧

 祝我好运 All right? Wish me luck. 你在家常出去玩吗

 泡吧什么的 Do you go out a lot back home, like clubs and stuff? 不怎么去 Not really. 你知道女孩子穿的紧身裤吧 You know those really tight leggings that girls wear, 你穿过吗

 do you ever wear those? 没有 No. 你穿起来应该很好看 I think you would look nice in them. 有人吗 Hello? 肯尼斯 Kenneth? 肯尼斯·卡洛威

 是吧 Kenneth? Kenneth Calloway, right? 是你吗 Is that right? 我叫杰夫 My name is Jeff. 我在分类广♥告♥里看到了你的征人启事 Look, I saw your ad in the classifieds. 所以前来应征 I wanna know if you need a partner. 你的任务是什么 What"s your mission? 什么意思 What do you mean what"s my mission? 你想穿越的原因 What"s your reason for going back? 谁不想穿越呢

 这是个神奇的机会 Well, who wouldn"t want to go back? It"s an amazing opportunity. 这可是穿越啊

 回到过去 To go back in time, you know? 亲眼看看角斗士和恐龙 See gladiators and watch dinosaurs with my own eyes. 跟朝圣者来一发 Have sex with a pilgrim. 我想回到过去 Fun stuff, that"s all I want. 寻欢作乐

 就这么简单 I wanna go back. It"s neat. 谁不想回到过去呢

 肯尼斯 Who wouldn"t want to go back, Kenneth? 你不也想吗

 你为什么想回去 You wanna go back. Why do you wanna go back?

 你需要伙伴吗 Well, do you need a partner? 你敢直面恐惧和危险吗 Can you look fear and danger in the eye? 这问题很奇怪 That"s an odd question. 你有面对过恐惧和危险

 坦然无畏吗 Have you ever stared fear and danger in the eye and said, "Yes"? 有啊 Sure. 离开我的走廊 Get off my porch. 我们重来好吧

 我们能成为朋友 Let"s start over. Come on, we could be pals. 一起穿越回去 Let"s go back in time. 那种微笑 Man, that smile. 那是笑什么 What is that smile? 你不懂什么是痛苦 You don"t know pain. 我不知道 I don"t know pain? 你不懂悔恨 You don"t know regret. 好吧 Yeah. All right. -你不懂

 -好了 - You don"t know. - Okay. 很高兴见到你 Well, it was really nice to meet you. 果然不出我所料 That"s what I thought. 他说什么了 So, what"d he say? 他玩真的

 那个广♥告♥不是恶作剧 Well, he"s the real deal. That ad is no prank. 他也不像白&hets;痴♥ He"s not like retarded, 但是他有点不对劲

 but there"s something wrong with this guy. 他肯定不喜欢我

 我可以确定 Definitely didn"t like my ass, I"ll tell you that. 就这样不了了之 So, what, that"s it? 不

 事情正越来越好 Oh, no, this just got good. 你凭什么觉得他不会让我也吃闭门羹 What makes you think he won"t slam the door in my face, too? 你得诚恳地去勾引他

 行吗 "Cause you gotta be sincere and charm him, okay? 他已经习惯了像我一样的坏蛋去嘲笑他了 He"s used to assholes like me coming and making fun of him. 那些人里应该没有漂亮姑娘 Uh, also probably none of the other people were beautiful girls. -别插嘴


 -怎么了 - Easy, Arnau. - What? 他说得对

 这个也用上 But he"s right. Use that, too. 这家伙有点不对劲 There"s something off about this guy, okay? 你得慢慢来

 就像抓捕警觉的动物 So you gotta go slow, like you"re trapping a skittish animal. 你懂的


 装装腼腆 You know, lure him, play coy. 女孩子都会的 Girls know how to do that shit. 你让我去出♥卖♥♥♥色相 You"re dangling my vagina out there like bait? 如果那家伙是个杀人犯呢 What if this guy"s a murderer? 要是他把我切碎吃了呢 What if he cuts me up into little pieces and eats me? 那故事就更精彩了 Then the story"s even better. 这儿有枪卖♥♥吗 Do you sell guns here? 什么枪 What kind of guns? 不知道 I don"t know.

 性感又实惠的那种 Something sexy and affordable with killing power. 可以在威尔金斯的武器执照清单上找找 You should try C&R Guns in Wilkins. 华盛顿不允许杂货店卖♥♥枪火的 The state of Washington does not allow the sale of firearms in the business premises of a grocer. 那种链子上挂着钉球的流星锤呢 What about those thingies with the spiky ball at the end of the chain things? 你这儿有吗 You know, do you have those? 你想用来干什么 What exactly is the intended use? 对付害虫还是打猎 Is there a pest problem, or hunting? 如果你的广♥告♥没写错的话 Well, if your ad had been written properly, 这些东西就可以派用场了 I may have a better idof what I need. -我的广♥告♥

 -对 - My ad? - Yeah. 实在太大意了 It"s pretty sloppy. 你说什么 Excuse me? 你听到了的 You heard me. 我希望你在穿越的精确定位上用点心 I hope you worked harder on your calibrations. 放心

 我的定位绝对精准 My calibrations are flippin" pinpoint, okay? 有人盯上我了 There are people after me. 我怎么知道你不是为他们工作的 How do I know you don"t work for them? 因为我从不为任何人工作 Because I"ve never worked for anybody in my life. 你经历过注定的死亡吗 You ever faced certain death? 如果真是注定的 If it was so certain,


 是吧 I wouldn"t be here, would I? 这里不方便说话 This is a bad place to talk. 我 15 分钟后下班

 我们在哪儿碰面 I get off in like 15. Rendezvous? 8 点钟方向 See you in eight. -快趴下

 -怎么回事 - Ohh, get down ! - What"s going on? -趴下就是了


 -他来了吗 - Just get down! Don"t let him see you. - Wait, is he coming? -是的

 -他到底想干嘛 - Yeah. - What the hell is he doing? 我不知道

 他完全被吓坏了 I don"t know. He"s all freaked out. 他觉得有人在跟踪他 He thinks peopIe are following him. 他约我去个安全的地方见面 We"re gonna rendezvous. He"s taking me to a secure location. 快趴下 Get down! 要是他想带你去打一炮 If this guy"s taking you to 突然看见我和阿诺像小丑一样出现 some sex bunker, he"s gonna be freaked out 一定会被吓成阳痿的 when me and Arnau pull out of this thing like it"s a clown car. -怎么回事

 -快趴下 - Hey, what"s going on out there? - Shh. Get down! -该死


 -天啊 - Shit! He"s coming! - Oh, man. 别让他看见我

 不然你就露馅了 Don"t Iet him see me, it"ll blow everything for you. -我该怎么办


 想办法啊 - What am I supposed to do? - I don"t know! Do something! 我们被跟踪了


 快 We"re being followed! Go! Get in your car! Go! 到底是怎么回事 What the hell is this? -该死的



 - Oh, shit! - Git! Git! Go! Get out! -怎么回事

 -他有枪 - What the fuck? - He"s got a gun ! -下车

 -这是什么地方 - Just get out. - Where are we? 我不知道

 下车就是了 I don"t know. Just get out. 我完事了就过来接你们

 快点 I"ll come get you when I"m done. Come on! 我懵了 I don"t know. 是啊

 去他妈的 Yeah. Fuck that. 你们有种族歧视吗 Are you guys racist? 这有点复杂 It"s complicated. 你好 Hello? 时间紧迫

 我不能多说 Hey. It"s too hot here right now. Can"t talk. 直觉告诉我你跟他们不是一伙的 Look, my gut tells me you"re not with them, 但是我必须完全肯定 but I have to be absolutely certain. 我会对你的背景做个简单的调查 I"m gonna do a quick background cck on you. 如果没问题


 好吗 If everything is good, I"ll be in touch, okay? 当然

 好的 Yeah, okay. 好的



 晚安 All right, over and... Um, good night. 你好

 丽兹在吗 Hi, is Liz around? 这也不一定 And it"s not necessarily... 这段感情应该不是假的

 她可真有魅力 It"s not a false relationship, but she"s so charismatic. 简直就像个发光体 She"s such a beam of light.

 所有记者都这么说 All the reporters are saying that. 还有

 我看到 Also, what I"m reading from... 我不知道


 就像... I don"t know. She was big, and like... 跟你一样老吗

 真糟糕 Mmm, and like your age? Yeah. Gross. 更像是 It was more like... 我不知道怎么说 I don"t know, 岁月是把无情的杀猪刀 like the years have not been kind to her, you know? 在她脸上体现得尤为明显 They pretty much took a shit all over her face. 那家伙有没有打电♥话♥来 So, did your dude call yet? 没有 No. 我想我们应该调查一下他的背景 Maybe we should do a background check on this guy, 看他是不是有精神病 you know, make sure he"s not a psychopath. 他看起来像个良民 He seems pretty harmless. 别担心


 他会打来的 Don"t worry, Darius, he"ll call. 我肯定

 怪异的你碰到怪异的他 I"m sure your weird mojo clicked with 肯定会臭味相投

 一拍即合 his weird mojo and you got it in the bag. -加油


 开球 - C"mon! - Ready, hike! 谢谢 Thanks. 不好意思

 这里有点吵 Listen, I"m sorry about the noise level here. 但我们必须要掩人耳目 But we need to maintain cover. 我肯定被人盯上了

 I"m certain I"m being recorded, 被人跟踪了 I"m certain I"m being followed. 那我们是在跟谁过招呢 So, who are we dealing with here? 我也不确定

 也许是政♥府♥特工之类的 I"m not sure yet. Government agents maybe. Probably. 他们真是搞笑 But the joke"s on them. 几个普通智商的人 The technology I"ve invented 根本不能理解我的技术发明 can"t be understood by the average mind. 那...穿越工具是什么呢 So, what are the, um... Means of transportation? 先不要着急

 好吗 Just hold it in your holster for a second, okay? 你现在还是个考察期的搭档

 有待验证 I"m still making up my mind about you as a potential partner. 你必须得让我绝对信任 I have to be absolutely certain that I can trust you 我们才可以进行深入的沟通 before I include you in certain information. 我只是不想被耍 Well, I just don"t wanna be jerked around. 傻瓜才会被耍 You know, jerking around is for jerks. 老天


 草坪的气息 God, I remember this smell. The smell of grass. 我也算玩过几次橄榄球 I used to play a little bit, back in the day. 我觉得你应该再给丽兹一次机会 I think you should give Liz another chance. 是吗 Oh, you do? 你一直都对她朝思暮想 That sucks to spend all that time thinking about her, 现在终于来到她面前 and you"re finally here 却缺乏临门一射的勇气 and you don"t follow through with it.

 我觉得你很悲哀 I think it"s sad that you"re 芳龄 22 岁尚未破处

 还戴副诡异的眼镜 a 22-year-old virgin with those creepy glasses, 但我从不提这件事 but I don"t bring it up. 你知道吗


 其实 You know what? Actually, Arnau, 这里有很多辣妹

 欢迎乱搞 there are lots of hot chicks here, man. 你肯定会有所斩获的 You could kill in a place like this. 你应该去玩玩 You should run game. 阿诺


 去玩玩吧 Arnau, Arnau, Arnau, be cool, run game. 她就像个高中生 She"s in, like, high school. 我知道 I know! 我知道她是高中生

 而你是大学生 I know she"s in high school and you"re in college. 你觉得那女孩想跟谁做♥爱♥吗

 就是你 Who do you think that girl wants to fuck? You! -你能不能闭嘴

 -怎么了 - Could you, please! - What? 那我们要回到哪一年 So what"s the year? Where are we going? 1 年

 你觉得怎么样 2001. Is that gonna work for you? 太棒了 It"s perfect. 但是我得知道行程表 I will need to know the timetable, though. 接下来就是关键的一步 There"s a critical step soon. 我得凑齐一些特定材料才能完成时间旅行 I need to obtain certain materials to facilitate the travel. 接下来的一周必须完成这个步骤 I plan to execute this step within the next week. 为什么是 2001 年


 Why 2001 ? What are you going back for? 我说过了

 完全信任才能深入沟通 Like I said, certain information will have to wait. 撞死他

 这个烂人 Knock him on his ass, he"s a bum! 就是那两个人 Right there, these two. 你们两个下来 All right. Let"s go. 为什么



 为什么 Why? Sit down. We"re not going anywhere. Tell me why. Why? 你们在高中比赛现场喝酒 You"re drinking alcohol at a high school game. 你太对了

 自♥由♥的美♥利♥坚♥合众国 You"re damn right I am. United States of America. 在看橄榄球比赛时喝啤酒 Drinking a beer at a football game. 不要碰我


 不要这样 Don"t get tough on me, big guy. Let"s not do this. 等下


 他来过我家 Wait a minute, I know him. He came to my house. 我想他在监听我们的谈话 Um, I think that guy is recording our conversation. 我们能去其他地方吗 Is there somewhere else we can go? 我们得离开这里

 快点 Let"s get out of here. Come on. -跟紧点


 你没事吧 - Stay close. - Yeah. Are you okay? 要不是我想保持低调 I really would have messed that guy up 我一定会痛扁他一顿 if I wasn"t trying to keep such a low profile. 让我欣慰的是

 看到了你的专业素质 I"m glad I got to see your qualities, though. 我觉得你可以参与下一步骤

 做一些基本训练 I think you"re ready for the next step, some basic training. 他们来了

 今天到此为止 The heat"s moving in. That"s all for tonight. 我会走

 我知道怎么走 I"m leaving. I"m walking out!

 我是自己要走的 I"m leaving by choice. By choice. 说的是真心话吗 Seriously? 这地方真垃圾

 我们走 This place is a dump. Let"s get out of here. 该死的 Fuck. 很好

 试试单手♥枪♥击 Pretty good. You might be a one arm shooter. -好的


 -放轻松 - Okay, I"ll try it. - Let"s just loosen it up. -准备好了吗

 -准备好了 - You ready? - Yeah. 很好

 你打中目标了 Yeah! You smoked him! 我打中了 I smoked him. 来 Come on! 我觉得我会比你更好 I think I"m getting better than you. 不要操之过急

 好吗 Hey, let"s not get ahead of yourself here, okay? 现在只是打固定的目标 It"s one thing to hit a target that"s standing still, 要是打移♥动♥的靶子呢 but think about it when the heat"s moving in. 打中它 Smoke it! 我想要一点一点打造你 I wanna build you up brick by brick 我想要一点一点摧毁你 I wanna break you down brick by brick 我要重建 I"m gonna reconstruct 连击 Double smoke! 一招一式 Brick by brick 一点一滴

 Brick by brick 你的大腿肌肉怎么样 How are your hamstrings holding up? 没事 Real good. 你手♥枪♥用得很好 You"re pretty impressive with a handgun. 在模拟情形下

 表现不错 It"s a superlative performance under simulated pressure. 我们之间已经有默契了 Our chemistry is starting to build. 我喜欢你的专注

 不废话 I really like your intensity. You"re, like, no-nonsense. 废话是没有用的

 特别是面对压力 There"s no sense in nonsense. Especially when the heat"s hot. 完全正确 Exactly. 我也喜欢你的专注 I like your intensity, too. 是吗 Yeah? 是的

 你身手矫健 Yeah. You"ve got good moves. 我从不在别人面前露手 Nobody"s seen my moves before. 还没有哪个被考察的能到这一步 Haven"t brought a candidate this far into the training process. 真的吗 Really? 现在我们要开始互相学习 We"ll be learning from each other from now on. 好啊 Good. 我还是得知道你为什么想回到过去 We still have to discuss your reason for going back. 这是秘密 That"s classified information. 我能理解

 也充分尊重你的想法 I can appreciate that, I respect that, 但是作为这次任务的负责人 but I have a certain responsibility

 我有责任知道 to keep as the leader of this mission. 我只能说是私人问题 Then I have to tell you that it"s personal. 达丽丝 Darius, 有时候我觉得我们的关系有所进展 sometimes I think we are progressing in this mission, 有时候我又不太确定 and then other times, I"m not so sure. 我想要回到 14 岁

 阻止我妈妈的死亡 I"m going back to stop my mother from dying when I was 14. 她怎么死的 How"d she die? 被人杀死的 She was killed by some guy. 有人在加油站劫持了她然后施凶 Just some guy at a gas station took her and killed her. 天啊

 这是小概率事件啊 Oh, man. Just some random thing? 是啊 Yeah. 其实也不完全是 Well, no, actually. 她开车回家

 很晚了 She was driving home. It was really late, 在车上打电♥话♥告诉我她就要回来了 and she called me to tell me she was coming home, and I... 是我让她去加油站便利店买♥♥巧克力牛奶 I asked her to stop and get me chocolate milk. 因为我只喝巧克力牛奶 Because I had to have chocolate milk. 差不多 5 分钟后

 她打电♥话♥来 So like five minutes later, she called me 她跟我说她买♥♥到了 to tell me that she got 准备回来了 the chocolate milk and she was coming home. 她的声音听起来很兴奋 And her voice was like, 就像欣喜若狂的样子

 really excited, like she was really happy. 而我

 却是...总之语气不太好 And I was, like, okay, whatever. I wasn"t even nice. 那是我最后一次跟她说话 That was the last time I talked to her. 这不是你的错 That"s not your fault. 是啊

 大家都这么说 Yeah. That"s what they tell me. 没事的

 达丽丝 All right, Darius. 我觉得你已经合格了

 我信任你 I think you"re ready. I trust you. 太好了 Good. 你本来就该信任我 You should. 杰夫 Jeff! Hey! 丽兹

 很高兴见到你 Hey. Liz, it"s great to see you. -看看你

 -看看你 - Look at you. - Look at you. 这就是你的家 So, this is where you live. 是的 This is my house. 昨天的事我很抱歉 Well, look, I wanna say I"m sorry about yesterday. 我本来要来的

 但是工作又走不开... I was gonna come, but work"s getting crazy and... 我很难过

 因为只能在网上想象你的样子 I was sad "cause you got me thinking about you on that Facebook. 没想到我会再见到你 I never thought I"d see you again. 我都忘了

 不进来坐会儿吗 Oh, god, excuse me. Would you come in? 好啊 I"d love to. 你以前头发是红色的 Your hair"s red.

 是啊 Yeah. 看起来有点不一样 It"s different. 对啊

 我染了 Yeah. I changed it. 这是我唯一的改变 It"s just about the only thing I"ve changed. 真的吗 Really? 是啊 Yeah. 差不多吧

 你呢 Kind of. What about you? 我改变了很多

 差不多所有都变了 A lot has changed. Almost, like, everything. 跟我说说吧 Tell me. 我换了辆凯迪拉克 The car... I got an Escalade. 工作也很顺利

 又住进了大公♥寓♥ And my job"s going really well. Got a great condo. 说说你的生活吧 Tell me about your life. 我刚刚不是说了吗 I just did. 我看过你们的杂♥志♥ I"ve got to read this magazine of yours. 真是见笑了 Oh, don"t. 写得很精彩 That is so exciting. 你过奖了 It"s not that exciting. 你知道吗 You know what? 我一直觉得你是一个与众不同的人 I always thought you"d do something special with your life. 你要是知道我生活的真实情况 If you knew what it was really like, 就不会觉得与众不同了

 you wouldn"t say it was special. 少来了 Oh, come on. What... 你的脖子怎么了 What"s wrong with your neck? 不好意思

 失礼了 Sorry I"m doing that. 就是有点刺痛

 可能落枕了 It"s just I got this shooting pain. 我跟一个男实习生睡一张床 I have to share a bed with a male intern. 又不便跟他挨得太近

 所以... And I don"t feel like rubbing asses with him, so... 让我看看 Let me see. 不用了

 没关系 You don"t have to do that. 你得热敷一下

 舒经活络 You need to put some heat on that. 是吗 I do? 对了

 烤箱里有派 Oh, I have pies in the oven. 你做了派吗 You make pies? 做了一些 I made some pies. 有蜜桃派


 还有草莓大黄派 I made, uh, peach, apple, strawberry rhubarb. 你想吃什么味道的 Which one do you want? 好吧 Yeah. 丽兹

 真是难以置信 Liz, that is unbelievable. 你又做派

 还会按♥摩♥ You bake pies, you give these massages, 居然还是待字闺中 and you"re not married? 真是没有天理 I don"t get it.


 他是一个球手 I was married. He was a ball player. 我是个贤惠的小女人

 给球队烤饼干 And I was the good little wife, baking cookies for the team. 老天

 你还会烤饼干 Oh, my god, you bake cookies, too? 后来卡梅隆转会到了其他球队 Cameron got traded, 他去了马林队之后赚了很多钱 and when he went up to the Marlins, he started making money 就开始跟迈阿密的女人鬼混 and started messing around with those Miami girls. 说真的 Well, I can say this honestly, 卡梅隆可真是个白♥痴♥ Cameron"s an idiot. 我们那时都太年轻了 Yeah, well, we were young. 你哪天晚上有空吗 Hey, do you have one free night while you"re in town? 我想请你来吃顿家常菜 Because I would like to make you a homemade dinner. 乐意之至 I wanna eat that homemade dinner. 我开始录了 I"m just gonna press "Record." Okay. 肯尼斯

 你为什么想找一个搭档呢 So, Kenneth, why are you looking for a partner? 我觉得 I feel like 世界上大部分都是人♥渣♥...

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