
人教版PEP英语五年级下册 Unit 6 Work quietly! Part B同步训练B卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友们,经过一段时间的学习,你们一定进步不少吧,今天就让我们来检验一下! 一、 为句子选择正确的图片。

共5分) 1. (5分)
为句子选择正确的图片 A、 B、 C、 D、 E、 No smoking________      Don't turn left.________ No eating! ________   Be quiet! ________   No parking! ________ 二、 根据首字母提示补全单词。

共5分) 2. (1分)
My father is w________ TV. 3. (1分)
W________ storybook is this? 4. (1分)
No,they aren't. They are l________ to music. 5. (1分)
K________ to the right. 6. (1分)
We are h________ Chinese class now. 三、 把正确选项的序号填入括号中。

共20分) 7. (2分)
This is        red T-shirt.  A . mine     B . yours     C . my     8. (2分)
What will they do on Children's Day? A . They will sing.     B . We'll dance.     9. (2分)
It's over ______,on the desk. A . there     B . here     C . her     10. (2分)
—Look! That's your dog! —Yes,it's      . A . mine     B . theirs     C . yours     11. (2分)
—Can I have __________ soup? —Yes,you can. A . a     B . some     C . any     12. (2分)
Would you like some oranges? A . No,Thanks.     B . Here you are.     13. (2分)
—I like autumn best. Because the        are pretty! A . colours     B . snow     C . colour     14. (2分)
Please________ your book about space travel. A . bringing     B . bring     C . brought     15. (2分)
A:Who did you go with?         B:           A . I went to Xinjiang.     B . I went yesterday.     C . My parents and friends.     16. (2分)
                size are your shoes? A . What     B . How     C . Where     四、 选择正确的译文。

共6分) 17. (2分)
选出与图片相符的句子( )
A . Duck,follow the rabbit.     B . Pig,follow the panda.     18. (2分)
选出不同类的一项( )
A . take turns     B . having English class     C . keep to the right     19. (2分)
(2008·广州模拟) —      you at home yesterday? —No,I       A . Were,wasn't     B . Do,don't     C . Was,wasn't     五、 用所给单词的正确形式填空。

共20分) 20. (6分)

Hello. I am Tom. Today is Sunday. Look! My sister is ________ (play) with her doll. My mother is ________(wash) clothes. My brother is ________ (do) his homework. My father is ________ (read) a book. My grandpa is ________ (watch) TV. I am ________(draw) a picture. I'm very happy. 21. (5分)

① What are you doing? ________     A. No,she isn't. ② What is your mum doing? ________     B. Yes I am. ③ Can I use your pen? ________     C. I'm cleaning my room. ④ Is Sarah reading a book? ________     D. She is cooking fish. ⑤ Are yoy doing homework? ________     E. Sure. 22. (1分)
A:What's she doing? B:She is ________ 23. (6分)

① talk________  ② play________ ③ take________  ④ write________ ⑤ walk________ ⑥ draw________    24. (2分)
A:What are you doing? B:We are________a________ 六、 连词成句。

共15分) 25. (15分)
连词成句 (1)
the / monkey / doing / What's / little  (?) (2)
drinking / is / water / The / elephant (.) (3)
they / are / doing / What  (?) 七、 英译汉 (共1题;
共15分) 26. (15分)

Talk quietly. (2)
Anything else? (3)
Keep your desk clean. 参考答案 一、 为句子选择正确的图片。

共5分) 1-1、 二、 根据首字母提示补全单词。

共5分) 2-1、 3-1、 4-1、 5-1、 6-1、 三、 把正确选项的序号填入括号中。

共20分) 7-1、 8-1、 9-1、 10-1、 11-1、 12-1、 13-1、 14-1、 15-1、 16-1、 四、 选择正确的译文。

共6分) 17-1、 18-1、 19-1、 五、 用所给单词的正确形式填空。

共20分) 20-1、 21-1、 22-1、 23-1、 24-1、 六、 连词成句。

共15分) 25-1、 25-2、 25-3、 七、 英译汉 (共1题;
共15分) 26-1、 26-2、 26-3、

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