
Section Ⅳ Integrated skills 主题听说专练 Ⅰ.词汇翻译 1.conserve the environment 保护环境 2.responsible travellers 尽责的游客 3.an important part of the economy经济的一个重要部分 4.ecotourism activities生态旅游活动 5.become concerned about the environment变得关注环境 6.eco-friendly环保的 7.create opportunities创造机会 8.disturb the wildlife打扰野生动物 9.help the local economy帮助地方经济 10.provide more jobs提供更多的工作 11.be in harmony with its beautiful surroundings 与它美丽的环境相协调 12.use up natural resources耗尽自然资源 13.higher carbon emissions更高的碳排放量 14.economic class 经济舱 15.a dream trip梦想之旅 Ⅱ.选择恰当选项补全对话 背景导学 旅游时需要有个导游指引,接下来是导游和一名游客的对话。

M:Good morning, Madam. 1.D. W:How lovely! Could you tell me something about the hotel I'm going to stay at? M:Yes, of course. The Grand Hotel opened in 1990 and it sits on the seaside along the South Coast Highway. It is the most beautiful hotel here. W:2.C! M:And there are some restaurants outside. So, at dinner time, you'd have a lot of choices. W:3.A. I like to have some local foods while traveling. What about the scenery around it? M:The hotel has the best views of the Pacific Ocean. W:Oh, 4.B. A.That's really nice B.I think I will love this hotel C.That sounds great D.I'm your guide for this trip Ⅲ.根据提示完成对话 背景导学 要订下个月15号往返武汉和美国纽约的机票,可以咨询上海旅行社…… W:Shanghai Travel.What can I do for you? M:Yes, I'd like to 1.book a round-trip ticket(预订一张往返机票) for the 15th next month.   W:OK.Where are you going? M:Well. I'm flying to New York, America. W:Well. Let me see if there are flights. Yeah, and when will you be returning? M:Uh, well, on 25th. Oh, 2.I'd like the cheapest flight(我想要最便宜的航班)available.   W:OK. There are only a few tickets left. M:Yeah, let me go to see the cheapest flight. By the way, how much is it? W:It's only $1058. M:All right. Well, let's go with that. W:Okay. That's flight 885 from Wuhan City to Shanghai International Airport, transferring to flight 988 from Shanghai to New York Airport Service. M:How about 3.the departure and arrival time(离开和到达时间)for each of those flights?   W:It leaves Wuhan City at 15:30 PM, arrives in Shanghai at 18:30 PM, then transfers to flight 988 at 19:50 PM, and arrives in New York at 6:30 AM the next day. M:All right. And, uh, I'd like to request a few kiwi fruit. W:Sure, 4.no problem(没问题). And could I have your name please?  M:OK. Brain Smith. Ⅳ.根据听力材料回答问题 背景导学 作者描述了一段在森林工作的美好经历。

  I've always wanted to go to New Zealand. So,when I saw an advertisement asking for people to work in a forest near Auckland,I applied. I was accepted and flew out to New Zealand in January. Eventually,there was going to be a really big tourist center in the forest. I thought I'd be staying in a wooden cottage,but in fact I was staying in a tent,which I shared with four other boys. It was summer,so I was a bit disappointed that the weather was rather wet and windy. The only thing I liked was the professional cook who made us great food. That's important when you're working outside all day. Our main job was creating a path in the forest. I enjoyed getting the information to make a map of the forest area. That was a good experience for me. I'll always remember how quiet the forest was early in the morning. The birds were singing as you expected but I couldn't believe I could actually hear the rabbits. They ran around in the long grass early in the morning. If you like nature,and you want a taste of life outside a city,try this trip. You have to find the money for your own flight,but everything else,including special boots,is provided. 根据以上听力材料回答下列问题。

1.What was the speaker most satisfied with in the forest? The meals.  2.What did the speaker enjoy doing? Collecting information for a map.  3.What sound made the speaker surprised in the morning? The rabbits' running around.  4.What does one need to prepare for the trip? The flight fare.  听力微课——学会劝说和妥协 听力测试中我们会遇到表示妥协和说服的各种暗示,如所给题干中出现Let's meet in the middle,I agree, but等,妥协和说服并不是对立的,说服就意味着一方的妥协,适当的妥协也可以争取更多的说服。想象一下,当我们在会议中讨论问题的时候,对于自身无伤大雅的部分,我们向对方妥协,当遇到我们坚持的内容时,他们肯定也会不太好意思不妥协。

从说话人口气得知劝说以及妥协的结果。在两人的对话中,如果一方表示赞成或妥协,往往说“I agree, but...”“I didn't think...”等。
