
  [键入公司名称]癌症与药物治疗——我对癌症治疗的大胆猜测作者:郑鑫 学号业:经济管理 E-mail zx582602202@指导教授:印春华2013/12/7 Saturday 目录一.癌症——变异的自己21.1癌症村21.1.1中国癌症村现状..............................................21.1.2谁让“桃花源”变成“癌症村”.................................21.1.3谁来拯救“癌症村"?...........................................31.2癌症..............................................................31.2.1癌症概述及现状............................................31.2.2癌症产生机制与致癌因子....................................31.2.3癌症种类及表现............................................4二.化学治疗——同归于尽62.1化学治疗概述62.2常见化疗药物62.3化疗药物机理62.4化疗药物耐药性机理72.4.1耐药相关蛋白的高表达72.4.2酶活性的改变72.5化疗综述8三.中药治疗——以柔克刚................................................83.1中药治疗概述.....................................................83.2常见中药治疗药物.................................................83.3中药治疗机理.....................................................93.4中药治疗综述.....................................................93.5中药治疗与化学治疗的协同作用.....................................9四.纳米药物——新世纪的展望............................................104.1纳米药物概述....................................................104.2纳米药物机理....................................................104.3纳米药物优点及前景..............................................114.4纳米药物的问题及作者的探讨......................................12参考文献...................................................................13摘要:本文从中国癌症村的现状及癌症病人的悲惨生活入手,介绍癌症相关知识,阐述癌症的传统的化学治疗与中医治疗,比较它们各自的优点与缺点以及一些药物的治病机理。进而讨论癌症治疗的前沿手段——纳米药物治疗,并探讨纳米药物没有走入市场的原因,以及作者对这种治疗方法的理解与猜测。关键词:癌症 癌症村 化学治疗 中药治疗 纳米药物 随着现代生命科学与医药学水平的高速进步,我们人类通过药物对付疾病的手段越来越多也越来越强。我们用抗生素压制了细菌,用干扰素对抗了病毒,用激素战胜了生理水平的波动……那我们应该用什么来对抗变异的自己呢? ——前言一.癌症——变异的自己1.1癌症村1.1.1中国癌症村现状日前,一幅中国地图在谷歌上广为流传,显示了中国100多个“癌症村”的分布,而实际上这个数字已经超过了400……坐落在淮河支流的河南省沈丘市孙营村就是典型的癌症村,全村1600人,从过去14年起,患癌症死去的人数有上百人,主持葬礼的人自言“死人就像家常便饭”。[1]“癌症村”绝大多数位于东部沿海的富裕地区,这是中国第一个从海外“肮脏产业”接受“外包”的地区。但由于这些地区已经上升到价值链的顶端并加强管理,有迹象表明,污染和癌症可能已经转移到内陆。这些地区,要么不知道从事产业的危险程度,要么就是因为太穷无法拒绝这些生意。[2]1.1.2谁让“桃花源”变成“癌症村” 还有一个江苏龙岗镇的例子,这里曾经桃红柳绿闻名,每年这里“中无杂树,芳草鲜美,落英缤纷。”而从2001年起,美景不在,“桃花源”变成了“癌症村”。是什么造成了这种悲剧呢?究其原因,凶手是新建的雪花膏厂的派出的大量气体污染水污染。但在这里,污染大户却仍然被评为“先进模范”……[3] 1.1.3谁来拯救“癌症村"?65岁的王六锁裹着被褥蜷缩在床上。他脸色蜡黄 ,骨瘦如柴 ,千枯的眼睛空洞无神 ,从喉咙里发出微弱的声音就得大口地喘息……家人说,他每天靠大量的杜冷丁止痛活命 。癌症 ,正吞噬着这位老人的生命 。和他一同面临死亡威胁的还有村子里的1100多口人[4]不断出现的癌症村向我们清晰地展示了这样一个现象:环境污染正从城市转移到农村,现代化的代价正转移到无辜的农民身上,但他们却愈来愈被排挤在现代化成果之外。权力与财富向城市集中, 农村成了一些污染企业的“避难所”。越来越多的癌症村要靠谁来拯救?有人说这是社会问题,但我想说这是生命科学与医药学问题,我们完全有可能通过纳米药物,像当年消灭天花一样,消灭癌症!下面,请让我从癌症的本源出发,论述化学治疗与中药治疗,进而探讨拯救之法——纳米治疗。1.2癌症1.2.1癌症概述及现状癌症,亦称/view/94487.htm" \t "_blank恶性肿瘤,为由控制/view/1160417.htm" \t "_blank细胞生长增殖机制失常而引起的疾病。/view/335175.htm" \t "_blank癌细胞除了生长失控外,还会局部侵入周遭正常组织甚至经由体内循环系统或/view/43147.htm" \t "_blank淋巴系统转移到身体其他部分。它是正常细胞因物理化学病毒致癌因子导致的基因变异造成的细胞恶性增值。癌症是威胁人类健康的五大杀手之一 ,对比因病死亡的死亡率,癌症位居第二。据统计,每年全球有近500万人死于癌症[7]。正是由于这个原因,民众大都谈癌色变。那么,细胞是如何癌变的?一个癌变的细胞又如何长成一个硕大的肿瘤?医学上又采取何种方法来治疗这种疾病的?下面,我将就这几个问题做出浅略的解答。1.2.2癌症产生机制与致癌因子体内好好的细胞,怎么就变成不受控制的癌细胞了呢?这其中既有外在因素的影响,也有细胞内在因素的控制。首先看外因,引起细胞癌变的外因有三类,即物理 致癌因子、化学致癌因子和病毒致癌因子。物理致癌因子主要是指辐射,如紫外线、x射线等,伟大的科学家居里夫人就是在研究工作中长期受到射线损伤,最后得了血癌—— 白血病。近年来有研究表明:手机由于无线电频率因素,可能增加一种名为神精胶质瘤的脑癌患病风险。[5]化学致癌因子指一些能引起细胞癌变的有机和无机化合物,如石棉、砷化 物 、亚硝胺 、黄曲霉素等。发霉的大豆和花生含大量黄曲霉素,黄曲霉素中AFBO能和DNA分子共价结合形成AFB1-DNA,进而造成DNA修饰、断裂、氧化,引起细胞癌变[6]。香烟的烟雾中分析出20多种化学致癌因子,它是人体摄入入化学致癌因子的主要途径之一。

 病毒致癌因子是指能引起细胞发生癌变的病毒,它们含有病毒癌基因及与致癌有关的核酸序列,感染人的细胞后。可将其基因组整合到人的基因组中,从而诱发人的细胞发生癌变。这些是引起细胞癌变的外因,这些外因只有作用于内因—— 细胞基因组中的原癌基因和抑癌基因,使之发生突变。使原癌基因突变成癌基因,使抑癌基因由于突变而失去作用,这时候细胞才会发生癌变。原癌基因在正常细胞内主要负责调节细胞周期,控制细胞生长和分裂的进程,原癌基因的表达可引起细胞周期的启动,使细胞进行分裂。正常细胞中原癌基因的表达是受到严格控制的,在致癌因子的作用下,原癌基因一旦突变成癌基因,这个基因就会一直表达,细胞就有可能不停分裂。细胞中有了基因还不一定会癌变,原因是细胞中还有抑癌基因的存在抑癌基 因的功能是阻止细胞不正常的增殖,一旦抑癌基因受到致癌因子的作用,因突变而失去功能,那么有癌基因的细胞就会变成不受机体控制而疯狂增殖的癌细胞 。由此可见,细胞癌变是致癌因子引起了细胞中多个基因发生突变造成的[7]。举一个人乳头瘤病毒的例子:人乳头瘤病毒(Human Papillomavirus,HPV)在人群中广泛传播,能引起皮肤和黏膜的异常增生,某些型的感染与生殖道恶性病变关系密切。HPV在致癌过程中,E2基因通常整合到宿主细胞基因组内,E2基因的失活和E5基因对EGFR的干预都能引起E6、E7基因过表达,E6、E7蛋白分别通过抑制p53、pRb基因的活性,从而激活人细胞端粒酶基因(hTERT)的转录,引起细胞分化异常,导致正常细胞癌化[8]。1.2.3癌症种类及表现 几乎每一种器官、组织都有癌变的可能,在男性体内,最易发生癌症的前十个器官分别是:肺、胃、肝、食管、大肠、膀胱、胰腺、脑、淋巴、肾。在女性体内,最易发生癌症的前十个器官分别是:肺、乳腺、大肠、胃、肝、食管、卵巢、官颈、胰腺、脑。在这些器官内发生的癌症可占所有癌症的80%以上。”可见,我们对癌症的种类认识越多,我们也就可以约好的预防癌症,越好的认识治疗癌症的方法。下面介绍一下如何预防男性和女性最易患7种癌症。肺癌男性和女性最易患的癌症都是肺癌。肺是一个开放的器官,是人体与外界进行气体交流的“窗口“,因此每天都会接触大量的有害物质。诱因主要有两个:①吸烟。②环境污染。乳腺癌主要病因包括吃高脂、高热量的食物、精神压力过大、晚婚晚育、体型过于肥胖、长期服用雌激素等。胃癌有调查数据显示,每3个胃癌患者中就有两个是男性。饥饱无常、摄盐量过多、酗酒、常吃盐腌食物、红辣椒、加工过的肉类食品、烟熏烧烤类动物肉及温度过高的食物是诱发胃癌的大肠癌常吃烧烤、炸红肉、油炸薯条的人或有久坐习惯的人,是大肠癌的高发人群。前列腺癌调查数据显示,患有前列腺癌的台湾居民都有常吃高热量、高脂肪食物,而很少吃蔬菜的饮食习惯。口腔癌嚼槟榔、抽烟、喝酒都会刺激口腔,使口腔黏膜细胞发生变性,从而诱发口腔癌。肝癌我国的调查数据显示,感染乙肝病毒、食用被黄曲霉毒素污染的谷类和豆类食品、酗酒是导致肝癌发生的主要原因。在临床上,原发性的肝癌很少,大多数肝癌都是因感染乙肝病毒、丙肝病毒或由酒精性肝硬化引起的[9]。二.化学治疗——同归于尽2.1化学治疗概述化学疗法是将药物经血管带到全身,对身体所有细胞都有影响。这种疗法有时也称为“胞毒疗法”,因 为所用药物都是有害,甚至是带毒性的,体内细胞,无论是否恶性细胞,都受到破坏。化学疗法如同放射线疗法,大多数的化学药物是针对癌细胞快速生长的特点所施予的,但是对某些正常细胞如毛囊细胞或骨髓细胞等,生长快速的细胞仍会大幅度造成伤害,而导致免疫系统受损、掉发及呕吐等可能严重危及生命的副作用。2.2常见化疗药物一般使用的化学治疗药物有抑制核苷酸生成的抗代谢药物(5-Fluorouracil、Methotrexate等)、干扰基因复制的烷基化剂(如Cyclophosphamide、Chlorambucil、Mechlorethamine等)、干扰酵素作用的抗生素类药物(如Dactinomycin、Doxorubicin等)、抑制有丝分裂的药物(如Paclitaxel、Vincristine等)、类固醇或荷尔蒙拮抗剂。[10]2.3化疗药物机理大多数化疗药物主要是从抑制肿瘤细胞增殖和诱导细胞凋亡的方法来控制并治疗癌症。随着分子生物学技术的进展与应用,近年来,人们发现肿瘤化疗可能是通过诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡而发挥抗肿瘤作用的。目前已知多种抗癌药物均可引起肿瘤细胞捅亡[11]。现在凋亡研究方法巳从初期的形态学,向分子生物学发展[12],从而为癌症治疗奠定生命科学基础。细胞凋亡是一种主动的受基因调控的细胞自杀过程。许多人体基因如Bcl-2、p53、C_myc及相关基因Bcl-x、Bax、Bad等参与凋亡的调控[13]。其中,Bcl-2基因尤为重要.它被看作是细胞凋亡调控的虽后共同通路之一[14] Bcl- 2能抑制许多抗肿瘤药物诱导细胞凋亡,降低其细胞毒性-8,Bax过量表达,细胞凋亡;BcI- 2过量表达,细胞存活”[15]化疗药物均可使Bax基因的表达明显升高。综上所述,化疗药物抑制肿瘤细胞的作用主要是通过诱导细胞凋亡途径进行的,同时许多基因如№I.2、Bax等参与了凋亡的调控。近来有人将化疗与基因治疗结合,向肿瘤细胞中转染Bax基因,以改善肿瘤细胞的药物敏感性,增强其抗肿瘤作用获得成功。相信不久的将来,随着抗肿瘤药物作用机理的进一步明确,将会给肿瘤的临床治疗提供更新的理论基础。[16]2.4化疗药物耐药性机理化疗药物的一个很大弊端就是耐药性,耐药性让病人、医生都苦不堪言。下面以大肠癌为例介绍多药耐药机制。2.4.1耐药相关蛋白的高表达 P糖蛋白多种机制参与介导MDR的产生,其中P糖蛋白(P-gp)介导的耐药机制最为重要,而且研究最为深入。P-gp由MDRl基因编码,为ATP依赖性膜转运蛋白。已发现细胞膜上的P-gp糖蛋白水平与抗药性及细胞内药物积聚减少程度呈正相关,提示这种蛋白与药物在细胞内积聚有关[17]。目前认为P—gP为药物泵,能将多种药物泵出细胞外,使胞内药物聚积减少,从而减弱药物的细胞毒作用,产生耐药性。[18]多药耐药相关蛋白与P-gp不同的是,MRP不能直接转运未经修饰的化疗药物,而需要谷胱甘肽(GSH)与药物的共价结合来确保转运的实现,从而导致肿瘤细胞的耐药性。

 [19]2.4.2酶活性的改变谷胱甘肽S转移酶谷胱甘肽S转移酶(G1utathioneS—transferases,GST)是一个同源=聚体酶的超基因家族,普遍存在于各种生物体内观察谷胱甘肽转移酶活性和含量的变化,结果发现在耐药的LoVo/Adr细胞中GST-丌的蛋白水平显著高于敏感株Lovo细胞,提示大肠癌MDR的产生与Gsl的表达增高有关。[20]拓扑异构酶Topo相关的耐药机制主要表现在Topo活性降低、表达减低或基因突变,从而使抗癌药物的靶点减少或丧失,产生耐药性[21][22]。2.5化疗综述化疗是一种全身性治疗手段,对原发灶、转移灶和亚临床转移灶均有治疗作用。但是药物选择性不强,对肿瘤和正常组织细胞的损伤差别不大;对G0期细胞无效或效力太差;不能作用于“避难所”内的瘤细胞如不能通过血脑屏障而进入颅内:肿瘤细胞耐药性高(原发性和/或继发性耐药),破坏力极大,但不能杀死所有的肿瘤细胞,残存肿瘤细胞常常会复发、转移;它对机体免疫系统损伤较大,常常加快病情恶化;而且成份不能全部进入肿瘤组织内。所以说化疗是一种人类对抗肿瘤的强有力手段,但是代价太大。三.中药治疗——以柔克刚3.1中药治疗概述人类对癌症的认知始于远古时代,但时至今日,医学界对很多晚期或已扩散病例依然束手无策。西方医学对癌症的治疗固然有其卓越成效,但显然仍有不足之处;近年中医药在传统医学宝库上加入高科技和规范化的新元素,大大提高了中西医结合治疗的可行性。期望世界各国医学界能鼎力合作,进行更多大规模中西医结合治疗癌症的临床试验,再配合崭新的生物疗法和基因治疗,从而提高癌症病人的存活期,并得以改善其生活质量。3.2常见中药治疗药物众所周知的中药抗癌药物有紫杉醇,常春藤碱等等。也有不少中药制剂如羟基喜树碱、华蟾素、斑蝥素、康莱特注射液等[23],应用这种抗癌中药制剂介入治疗恶性肿瘤,无论在抗癌效果,还是在保护患者机体功能,延长生存期方面,均有独到优势。3.3中药治疗机理中药诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡及调节细胞周期肿瘤细胞存在凋亡受阻和细胞周期紊乱等现象。大量研究证实中药可以诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡和影响细胞周期。单味中药和复方制剂通过诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡、阻断细胞周期增加化疗疗效,是近年来中西医结合抗肿瘤研究的热点之一。姜黄具有行气破血、消积止痛、清心解郁等功效。姜黄素是姜黄的主要有效成分,有抗炎、抗凝、降脂、抑制肿瘤血管生成及抑制肿瘤生长等药理作用。姜黄索可能通过改变p53和c—myc蛋白水平诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡。有研究发现姜黄素和阿霉素联合应用对体外培养的人肝癌细胞sMMc一7721生长有协同抑制作用,联合用药组肿瘤细胞细胞器明显扩张呈空泡状,细胞核固缩,染色质边集,呈凋亡前期改变”。[24]3.4中药治疗综述中医药治疗癌症有着整体治疗、副作用小、延长晚期病人生存、有效控制癌前病变等特点。但是中医药对局部病灶的清除能力相对较弱,某些以毒攻毒、清热解毒中药虽具有一定的控制局部病灶发展甚至有消除小肿瘤病灶的作用,但是上述中药往往有较为明显的毒性,其治疗剂量与中毒剂量也比较接近[25],因此,临床应用须十分谨慎。3.5中药治疗与化学治疗的协同作用中医药治疗肿瘤有着悠久历史,化疗是西医治疗肿瘤的主要手段之一。在我国,肿瘤患者接受化疗的同时都会尝试中药治疗。在肿瘤临床治疗过程中,发现化疗的同时加用中药使化疗药物所致的不良反应明显减轻,并且在同等条件下使用中药后化疗疗效有所提高。[26]比如大黄酸与其他化疗药物联合用药:大黄酸能抑制肿瘤细胞核苷转运和DNA合成,可增加淋巴细胞膜流动性,影响肿瘤细胞膜相关功能。黄云虹[27]等报道大黄酸能明显增强丝裂霉素对人口腔鳞癌K13细胞的细胞毒性,联合用药使IC50由0.018g/mL下降至0.006 g/mL。汉防己甲素能下调胃癌MKN-28细胞和Bc-823细胞化疗药物相关基因TS、ERcCl、tubulinⅢ和tau水平,可能与汉防己甲素协同氟脲嘧啶、奥沙利铂和多西他赛有关。[28]总之,无论是实验研究还是临床观察均证实中药对化疗药物协同增效作用明确,中药及其有效成分通过多靶点、多途径、多环节实现与化疗药物的协同增效作用[29]。中医学在肿瘤治疗领域有着广阔的应用前景,我们应该充分利用现代科学技术,进一步揭示中药与化疗药物的协同机理。并根据体内外研究结果为肿瘤患者设计个体化治疗模式[30],为肿瘤临床治疗中联合使用中药和化疗药物提供理论依据。四.纳米药物——新世纪的展望4.1纳米药物概述纳米药物,指通过一定的微细加工方式直接操纵原子、分子或原子团、分子团,使其重新排列组合,形成新的具有纳米尺度的物质或结构,一种具有同生物膜性质类似的磷脂双分子层结构载体的药物。近日,国际著名学术期刊ACS nano和Biomaterials相继报道了理化所研制的新型纳米载药系统在恶性肿瘤治疗及其生物安全性评价方面取得的新突破[32]。4.2纳米药物机理纳米药物的靶向作用是通过其特定的物理性能(如粒径、亲脂性、亲水性)和生物性能(如供体与受体的结合方式)来实现的[31]。一般情况下,未经表面修饰的纳米颗粒进入血循环后。经调理作用,大部分被单核巨噬细胞系统中的巨噬细胞吞噬,将药物富集于肝(60%~90%)、脾(2%~10%)和肺(3%~10%)等器官中,粒径小于50纳米粒易进入骨髓 [33]。通过这些途径降低了由于治疗药物的非特定聚集而引起的毒性[34]。这些器官和组织是载药纳米粒的天然靶器官,因此,利用巨噬细胞的吞噬作用以达到靶向给药的目的。纳米药物的靶向作用可以分为主动靶向作用和被动靶向作用,主动靶向作用是指生物导向利用抗体,细胞膜表面受体或特定基因片段的专一性作用,将配位子结合在载体上,在启动子的作用下与目标细胞表面的抗原性识别器进行特异性结合,使药物能够准确送到靶细胞中,实现靶向治疗[35]。直径小于4 nm的被动靶向载药微粒表面经受体的配体、单克隆抗体和其他化学物质修饰后,能避免巨噬细胞的摄取而达到特定的靶部位。将药物修饰成前体药物。也能通过在体内特定靶区激活而发挥作用[36]。4.3纳米药物优点及前景纳米载体可以增强药物的抗肿瘤效果,并且降低药物引起的毒副作用,大大减轻病人痛苦,延长生存期,为肿瘤治疗带来新的机遇。无机纳米材料是生物医学领域的后起之秀,具有独特的理化性质、特殊的结构及高稳定性,可以克服有机纳米材料的功能单一,可控性差等硬伤,在药物输送、医学成像等方面显示出巨大的应用前景。不过对于将来的临床转化,无机纳米材料的生物安全性一直是人们担忧的问题。如果不能有效代谢出体外,会在体内不断蓄积而产生毒性,甚至产生血管堵塞等严重后果。纳米介孔二氧化硅做为生物相容性优异的无机纳米材料的卓越代表,被公认是一种极具潜力的药物传递载体,已经被广泛用于磁性纳米颗粒,量子点等功能材料的包覆以降低毒性、提高稳定性。开发在体内具有良好稳定性,高效低毒、产量高并可代谢的介孔二氧化硅药物载体材料用于恶性肿瘤的治疗一直是该领域研究的难点[37]。一旦这种药物载体材料开发成功,将为癌症病人恢复健康、走向新生带来曙光。对于患者来说,BIND的纳米疗法不仅能够“令肿瘤缩小到几乎没有”,最重要的是能极大减轻化疗带来的痛苦。传统化疗药物在到达癌细胞之前就已经在血液中扩散开来,所以病人才会那么痛苦,而在新型纳米颗粒的包裹之下,化疗药物丝毫不会在到达患处前泄漏出来。BIND的新型纳米疗法已经完全治愈了实验鼠的前列腺癌,从实验图像中可以看出纳米颗粒紧紧地包围着肿瘤,不断释放着药物,令其一天天缩小,直到消失不见。[38]4.4纳米药物的问题及作者的探讨从目前来看,采用磷脂或聚乙二醇等纳米脂质体做纳米粒[39],其免疫排斥反应和毒性比较弱。但如果是其他材料,可能存在一定的免疫排斥与毒性[40],但这两点并不是最大的问题。本人的课程老师——印春华教授曾经说过,这种纳米药物的确在临床实验中非常有效果,但没有审批通过的原因是不知道它的潜在危害,也就是说它有可能在使用该药物的这一代人中表现不出危害,但是可能在下一代或者更远的一代中表现出危害效应。本人认为这个问题和转基因食品很像,也有不少人认为转基因食品会对子孙后代造成不利影响,甚至有这样的阴谋论说转基因食品是美国人为了让中国人不育而由美国倡导起来,在中国人中推广使用的。首先,需要否定这个阴谋论,理由是这么大的阴谋不会骗过中国的广大从事生命科学的科学家的,中国有很多科学家拥有着与生物相关的前沿水平与研究能力,这一点毋庸置疑。其次,既然转基因技术可能也存在隔代危害,它为什么被大范围推广了呢?转基因食品解决的是产量与品质问题,与此相比,癌症患者的生命是不是更加重要呢?转基因食品的确会给人们带来短期或者长期利益,与此相比,纳米药物治疗癌症价格昂贵,带来不了经济效益,但一旦投入使用,技术会革新,经济效益自然来到。第三,本来癌症发病多在老年人,那么无需害怕对子孙后代的影响,他们早就过了生育期,即使有潜在危害也传不给下一代。就算是会对自身造成危害,那也总比癌症要好得多,因为它用或许有或许没有的危害,换来了活的生命!至于解决办法,一方面可以用繁殖周期非常短的鼠等哺乳动物做实验,经过许多代没有问题的话,就可以作为一个证据。另一方面,可以用与人类亲缘关系最近的猩猩做一代又一代实验,这种实验进行的越早,对人类的认识越有利。在实验没有完成之前,可以只允许失去生育能力的老人使用这种药物,防止累积效应。所以,我认为将纳米药物推广上市是十分合理的,是大势所趋,是十分紧迫的,是前沿生命科学对人类的造福,是新世纪的展望!【参考文献】[1]陈筱, 花宝金 .被癌上怎对抗 .人人健康Every One is Well. 2013(5)[2]Jonathan Watts, Xinglong, 文峥. 癌症村"为何越来越多. 癌症康复CANCER REHABILITATION . 2011(3)[3]南柯 .谁让"桃花源"变成了"癌症村". 山西农业SHANXI NONGYE. 2007(2)[4]王勇.谁来拯救“癌症村”?《中国经济周刊》China Economic Weekly .2012(14)[5]手机可能致. 癌大自然探索Discovery of Nature. 2011(8)[6]庄振宏, 张峰, 李燕云, 袁军, 杨燕凌, 林玲, 汪世华. 黄曲霉毒素致癌机理的研究进展. 湖北农业科学HUBEI AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES .2011,50(8)[7]张英华.细胞的癌变及肿瘤的产生与治疗. 学周刊Learning Weekly.2012(9) [8]刘立鸿, 汪凯, 张富春, 马正海.人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)致癌机制研究进展.生命科学 CHINESE BULLETIN OF LIFE SCIENCES .2008,20(2)[9]元城.如何预防肺、乳、胃、肝癌求医问药. 2012(2)[10]Ernst E, Possible interactions between synthetic and herbal medicinal products. 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The following chapter * *, according to the county Discussion of the views of the Standing Committee, I focus on four aspects of the problem:* * * years, the county to seriously implement the central decision-making arrangements and real, in accordance with the "high position, as a typical tree, catch catch up with speed for a breakthrough, five in one overall grasp to raise human resources to promote overall leap", firmly grasp for the project, investment, industry, structural adjustment, Emegumi Mio, promote harmony, agency the county economy presents the social development to catch up, are balanced development, promote the overall, a good momentum of sustained rise.According to Article 11 priority, economic construction full speed. Focusing on the development of this priority service, set up the market idea is constantly refined, can the implementation of major projects, efforts to expand the investment, vigorously develop the non-public economy, to ensure the continuous healthy and rapid development of the county economy, investment in fixed assets investment, industrial added value. Fiscal income, per capita net income of farmers and other major economic indicators maintained two digit growth. According to the "3341" project engineering, proved reserves pre project 4744, * * 4, for central heating in the west, the South Cave Temple landscape Avenue, oil oil road lifting column ten key counties Project smoothly, investment projects to promote the transformation of the pull, supporting further highlights the role; to promote in Honghe oilfield Mton construction, careful implementation of natural fiber cotton industry a reconstruction and expansion of the two phase, Huarun home ceramics, ceramics, Zhengda feed class three, class 44 full load keep the production, operation and sales booming, the cotton industry has become the city after the coal transport and one employment value-added industry; Xiping railway through infiltration through operations, Jing Road opened to traffic vehicles, further highlights the * * traffic hub; Longyuan red fruit trade company successfully introduced, for the first time now * * fruit Direct export; is a production company 300 thousand tons of feed production line, Yurun Group * * broiler breeding district built colonization production, forming a "" company + farmers "model of development, in promoting the transition to farming aquaculture has taken a solid pace; vegetable industry focus management promotion and marketing docking. Rui Jing River area, vegetable mould scale continues to expand, Wang Rui Feng, and other heavy key towns" village village layout, sudden breakthrough "strong momentum; Yudu Kang family, Wang twenty shop center village construction into the industry, ecological, cultural, tourism and other factors, the tour group construction community management, Set a benchmark for the new rural construction, the construction of new rural county in the two end of the pilot beam to keep the innovation and enhance the momentum.To accelerate the reform and innovation, political construction steadily. The reform and innovation as the core of the heart, coagulation unite together in political construction, to create a good environment for the county's development. Constantly improve the working mechanism, support people's congresses, governments, CPPCC Standing Committee work, to further improve and perfect the sub division of responsibility, the full implementation of the county led the pack leader catch the township, contact departments, corporate responsibility system; established a comprehensive assessment of the five one "approach, the implementation of Rural Township, Department of secretary of the party organization work the honesty and democratic appraisal system, encourage encourage creative work for the Department of Township, village cadres, and constantly improve the performance assessing and Industry Development Linked incentive mechanism, the formation of winds are strong enough, good momentum and seek common development; communication mechanism and establishment of provinces and cities, "double" units, actively seek the support of docking project, the implementation of funds, with the country, the province, has injected new impetus to realize synchronous well-off. To strengthen the grassroots base,, take the two push an election "and" direct push elections ", complete the general village" two committees ", earnestly carry out the development of village level financial clean-up, to fully implement the party, government and village affairs, expand the people's right to know, participation and supervision rights; in-depth implementation of the four on two open" the work of law, and constantly improve the base By election procedure, public consultation and accountability mechanism, promote the masses in industry development, community governance, realize self management, public affairs and public welfare undertakings in the development of self service. To promote the reform of key areas of heavy water, and comprehensively promote the city comprehensive law enforcement, business, food and drug supervision system reform, reasonable the adjustment of discipline discipline inspection and supervision, procuratorate organs, quality inspection departments, strengthen the integration of industry and commerce, service functions, improve administrative efficiency; further promote reform into the right system of rural financial reform and development of collective forest, rural development and further enhance the vitality.Focus on financial integration and development of cultural construction, accelerate the pace of fast. Seize the province's heritage of Chinese civilization, Chuang Chuang District building, Dayun Temple unearthed cultural relics and Buddhist relics "Millennium" such as opportunity, efforts to promote cultural tourism integration development. Efforts to enhance the level of planning, and employ high quality planning and design units, the county cultural tourism development planning < > and < > the overall planning of the cloud temple, reported the provincial culture to enhance the coordination of regulation to promote the leading group approved in the province, the city within the province, forming a "west of Dunhuang, East * *" consensus, for my county with rich historical and cultural resources to promote the economic structure turn around, The development of the way to find a starting point. And constantly improve the implementation of the system of scenic spots, water conservation and construction of Tian exhibition hall construction, built the South Cave Temple before a square and landscape Avenue, meticulously made jade Kang Jia Wang Cun, twenty shop ecological tourism demonstration village, Wu Huan Martyrs Memorial Hall preparatory work disabilities progress smoothly and, to further improve the system of tourism attractions. Strengthen the protection of cultural relics, the temple unearthed cultural relics protection such as the focus, to carry out a full survey of cultural relics, registration, maintenance and other work, find out the county cultural relics protection and the status quo. Continue to strengthen publicity and promotion, in order to Buddha seselj "Millennium now "As an opportunity to successfully held the inauguration cum Dayun Temple Buddha relic Lian in deep mining method; mother of Queen Mother of the west culture, held the fifth cross strait Coast West Queen female culture seminar by Chinese intangible cultural heritage center initiative, the West Queen's birthday was established as the Chinese mother's day, I determine the county as the" international mother queen mother of the west culture the research base in Beijing; the success of the Gansu Buddhist Culture Research Seminar * *, established Chinese and international Fobao Holy Buddha relic research center position, CCTV and Macao and so on a number of media for the depth, resulting in extensive influence at home and abroad, visibility and influence * * * culture brand The sound is further improved.Efforts to improve the people's livelihood and social construction fruitful. Adhere to the people-oriented, pay more attention to social construction, efforts to improve the people's livelihood security barrier level. Careful measures do Huimin practical, "double", agricultural loans, and poverty alleviation development province in the practical handling of solid and effective, especially Jing Hebei road construction, the implementation of the county the 521 thread road reconstruction project, to solve the problems of the masses along the way group years of difficulties and problems, to speed up the development of the country along along conditions. Promote the overall development of social undertakings, adhere to the priority of education development, construction completion of recruit students * * 4, 13 kindergartens expansion and expansion is completed and put into use, 45 schools of food Hall fully completed, a substantial increase in the number of on-line books over the entrance general; all the full implementation of the rural health service "ten full coverage", the county food and drug supervision system for continuous improvement; regarded attaches great importance to the work of family planning, the national population and family planning interests to guide policy system construction demonstration county through the provincial inspection;; multi expansion the coverage of social security, technology, radio and television undertakings developed. Continue to deepen the "double" action, in accordance with the "village is linked industry, household income is linked to help" ideas, deepening the "not rich first help, together with the well-off society" theme of practical activities, to build a market wide wide Base platform, connection with the farmers, new farmers' professional cooperative economic organization with 121, capital cooperatives 10, first rich guide staff and poverty benefit object to establish the node mechanism, for rich people to fulfill their social responsibilities, to realize their own value to build a platform for poor farmers to get rich extension expand the ways find the starting point, for all levels of cadres to carry out work. To strengthen social governance, to construct the scientific governance pattern of society as the direction, to the township level and village level social service community management as the focus, product actively adapt to the economic structure, organizational form, the trend of diversified values Tie, and carry out the management of rural "three movement", "five independent, three cooperation" for action and "a study of three visits three" the main theme of practical activities, promoting social comprehensive governance, in-depth investigation and handling of the spear of contradictions and disputes, to crack down on illegal crime, the social stability and development to optimize the environment.Adhere to the comprehensive combination of governance, improve the level of ecological civilization. Ecological construction mode of innovation, to continue to expand the ecological effect, and strive to build the ecological brand, the construction of ecological civilization step pace significantly accelerated. Forestry development efforts of the increase, to control the key areas of green and heavy key River Basin as the focus, carefully implement the whole basin destroy, surface mountain ecological restoration, forest road facilities and villages Tuen green, complete ecological afforestation, mu, ecological barrier function is growing. The environment restoration by Ti Tianjian to accelerate the pace of construction, small watershed management, the governance and the construction of high standard basic farmland for heavy emphasis, additional land acres, national water Soil conservation ecological civilization County created by the provincial approval; in energy development and pollution of heavy industrial enterprises focus on emission reduction as the focus, pay close attention to the implementation of environmental protection measures, environmental quality improved significantly. The effectiveness of county county village of environmental governance, vigorously implement the "five force change three construction and reconstruction to carry out comprehensive renovation, village environment comprehensive improvement of the rural environment, dirty, chaotic, and poor problem in some key areas to be solved.Outstanding pioneer leader, continue to strengthen party building. The main building and development of the theme on the buckle, positive innovation carrier, and strive to build the brand, and the scientific level of Party Construction in a step by step improvement. To strengthen ideological and political construction, organization of Party members and cadres to seriously study and implement the party's general secretary of the Third Plenary Session of the eighteen and Xi Jinping series of important speech, enhance ideological and political quality of cadres and Party members at all levels of ability to lead the development of; extensive "China country dream" publicity and education, and actively promote the "harmony", "Ten Star" filial piety "of mass spiritual civilization creation and evaluation, public citizen morals and socialist core The construction of value system. The whole heart constantly strengthen comprehensively strengthen the building of grassroots organizations, to force "five hundred points" building integrated joint demonstration project, carefully build the "Jing water pioneer" brand building, earnestly carry out the exhibition "home hand in hand to build well-off dream" theme activities, and constantly improve the working mechanism of township town Party committee the base, the grass-roots party construction work was significantly improved;; set up in Germany for the first to have both ability and political integrity, and attention to conduct, advocate hard work, outstanding performance, recognized by the masses "selection guide, on the part of the Township Town, the Department team has been adjusted, so that a number of pragmatic style, outstanding performance. The masses of the public That cadres be reused;; the full implementation of village cadres remuneration growth mechanism, hiring 150 student village cadres, selected 54 outstanding young cadres to serve the village, 15 outstanding college-graduate village official in Shandong Weifang square, study tours, stimulate the work of cadres working force. Continuing to strengthen cadre style construction, the full implementation of the central "eight regulations" and the relevant provisions of province, city to beg, carry out the "effectiveness storm" actions, streamline meeting documents, reduce public official reception, strictly control three funds charges, and resolutely put an end to waste waste, actively carry out the clean room, clean car and normative appraisal standards commend Other special activities, work style continued to improve. Must strengthen clean government, strict accountability, honest government, political party cadres standards, leading leading cadres a pair of responsibility and the political conversation system, education, system, supervision and punishment as the main content of the punishment and prevention system to establish an effective, long-term mechanism of anti-corruption corruption tends to improve, to accelerate the development of the creation of a good environment.The scientific study situation, is the premise and basis of doing all the work. The thorough analysis of the situation, we feel deeply felt, at present, my county is in advance in the crucial period of reform, the transition across the rev

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