
人教版(PEP)小学英语六年级上册Unit 3同步练习2(I)卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友们,经过一段时间的学习,你们一定进步不少吧,今天就让我们来检验一下! 一、 单选题 (共5题;
共10分) 1. (2分)
         are you going to         ? A . Where;to     B . When;do     C . What;do     2. (2分)
We often _______ the flag on Flag Day. A . flying     B . fly     C . to fly     3. (2分)
Wolf can not blow ____________ the house. A . at     B . down     C . out     4. (2分)
It's time ______ dinner. A . to     B . for     C . for have     5. (2分)
I'm going to speak Chinese________ China. A . in     B . at     C . with     二、 单词拼写(词汇运用)
共5分) 6. (5分)
l________st 三、 选词填空(词汇运用)
共5分) 7. (5分)
请用所给的代词填空 this,  that,  these,   it (1)
________keys are mine. That is yours. (2)
What's ________? It's an egg. What's ________over there? It's an orange. (3)
Look at ________ pencils. Are they Lucy's?  No,these aren't hers. (4)
Hi,Mum,________ is my friend,Lucy. (5)
What is it?________ is an apple. 四、 情景交际 (共1题;
共25分) 8. (25分)
选择正确答语 ⑴What do you want for dinner?________ A. It has long ears and red eyes. ⑵what does it look like?________         B. Yes,please. ⑶Can I help you?________                C. Yes,I have a duck. ⑷What should I wear?________          D. I want some tomatoes and eggs. ⑸Do you have a pet?________            E. You should wears coat. 五、 补全对话 (共1题;
共5分) 9. (5分)
选择合适的选项补全对话。(每个选项只能选一次) A. It's on the second floor. B. Yes,it is. C. No,it's the first floor John:Excuse me.Is it the second floor? Tom:________ John:Is that the teachers' office? Tom:________ John:Where is the library?                       Tom:________                                  John:OK.Thanks. 六、 匹配题 (共1题;
共5分) 10. (5分)

Old MacDonald comes. He feeds pig with the corn. Pig can eat the corn now. ________ (2)
Old MacDonald has a pig. The pig's name is Big. ________ (3)
Pig is not hungry. Pig is not angry. Pig swings his two big ears and is very happy. ________ (4)
Pig likes eating corn,Pig smells some corn outside the pen,but he can not eat it. Pig is hungry. Pig is angry. ________ 参考答案 一、 单选题 (共5题;
共10分) 1-1、 2-1、 3-1、 4-1、 5-1、 二、 单词拼写(词汇运用)
共5分) 6-1、 三、 选词填空(词汇运用)
共5分) 7-1、 7-2、 7-3、 7-4、 7-5、 四、 情景交际 (共1题;
共25分) 8-1、 五、 补全对话 (共1题;
共5分) 9-1、 六、 匹配题 (共1题;
共5分) 10-1、 10-2、 10-3、 10-4、

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