
人教版PEP英语三年级下册 Unit2 My family partA 同步练习A卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友们,经过一段时间的学习,你们一定进步不少吧,今天就让我们来检验一下! 一、 单选题 (共11题;
共22分) 1. (2分)
选出不同类的单词( )
A . face     B . leg     C . dad     2. (2分)
A . They are family.     B . They are boys.     3. (2分)
—Who's that woman? —           is my mother. A . He     B . She     4. (2分)
—Who's that            ? —He's my father. A . man     B . woman     5. (2分)
Who's that man? A . He's my father.     B . She's my mother.     6. (2分)
he             A . your     B . yours     C . you     7. (2分)
—      is this woman? —She is my mother. A . Who     B . Where     8. (2分)
      A . The man is my father     B . The woman is my mother.     9. (2分)
That is my father,that is my mother,and that is me. We are in a happy      . A . class     B . family     10. (2分)
______ is my mother.         A . She     B . He     11. (2分)
A . He is Mike.     B . This is my friend,Mike.     二、 填空题 (共2题;
共2分) 12. (1分)
Hi,I'm Fangfang. I'm from China. I'm a ________ (ten/student). 13. (1分)
—Who's that man?— He's my________(grandfather/ father).He's a teacher. 参考答案 一、 单选题 (共11题;
共22分) 1-1、 2-1、 3-1、 4-1、 5-1、 6-1、 7-1、 8-1、 9-1、 10-1、 11-1、 二、 填空题 (共2题;
共2分) 12-1、 13-1、

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