
六年级上册英语人教PEP Recycle2 第二课时 学习目标:
(一)认知目标 1.能够理解Ken’s father说的小故事,并了解故事的几大要素。




(三)情感目标 教育学生要有团结互助的合作意识。

教学重点 能够理解Ken’s father说的小故事,并了解故事的几大要素。

教学难点 能够运用故事要素,自己说一个小故事。

教具准备:PPT Step1.Warm-up 1. 全班齐唱chant。


A: How does your sister feel? B: She doesn’t feel well. 2. 学生五人一组,练习对话。

What does your sister do? She is a factory worker. ... Step2. Presentation 1.T:Hey ,boys and girls, I’m going to tell you a good story.教师播放书本68页的故事录音,学生静听,大概领会故事情节。然后教师将学生分成四个大组,分组讨论故事情节,要求小组合作完成书本69页的填空练习,并汇报讨论成果。

2.教师通过69页的练习以及小组讨论再次梳理68页的故事,请学生根据刚才讨论的成果总结故事的三要素:setting (when and where),characters(who), a plot (what happens)。学生总结完后,教师带领学生一起列出故事提纲,梳理故事脉络。




Step3.Practice Read and answer How does the fisherman feel after three months? How does he feel at the end? Why? He feels sad. He feels very happy. Because the businessman gives the money to him. 3.教师以这一则富有哲理性的故事,将4—6单元的重点知识融会贯通。借助图片帮助学生记忆故事的大概内容。

Step4. Summary 1.短语:go to zoo, come here, see a doctor, next time, go to the hospital, do more exercise, take a deep breath, wear warm clothes等。

2.句型: How does Sam feel? He feels well. Step5. Practice 一、英汉互译。

1.在一个小城镇 ___________ 2.在三个月后 ___________ 3.每天 _________ 4.努力工作___________ 二、按要求进行句型转换。

1. He feels happy.(对划线部分提问) ___________________________ 3. The businessman is old. (变成一般疑问句) ______________________ 4. the, nothing, poor, brings, but, fisherman (.) (连词成句) _____________________________ Step6. Homework 1句型: How does he feel? He feels happy. 2.能复述这个故事的大概意思。

板书设计 Recycle 2 1.短语: go to zoo, come here, see a doctor, next time, go to the hospital, do more exercise, take a deep breath, wear warm clothes等。

2.句型: How does Sam feel? He feels well.
