
2020学年第一学期太湖高中高一英语book 1 unit 3 Living Legends Language points 学案 1. The team that she had built was falling apart. 1)翻译:_____________________________________________________________________ 2)仿写:

______________________________________________________________ 3)相关词组整理:
fall behind __________ fall down _________ fall in love with __________ 4)用fall相关短语填空 ①She was afraid of _______ in the ski race. ②To be successful,the first thing to do is to _______ your study. ③This old car is about to _______.You’d better sell it. 2.The Boys and Girls Club which he started in Chicago has been helping young people since 1996. 1)翻译:______________________________________________ 2) Translate the following sentences. a. Jim一上午都在做作业,但还未完成。

______________________________________________________________________________ b.我一直在等,但是她还没来。

___________________________________________________________ 3. As a player, Lang Ping brought honour and glory to her country 1)Read the following sentences and summarize the usage of honour. ①It is a great honour for me to be invited to your wedding. ________________ →I’m very honoured to be invited to your wedding. ________________ ②The local government built a monument in honour of the dead soldiers. ________________ The local government built a monument to honour the dead soldiers. ________________ 2). Translate the following sentences. a.能在这里和大家分享如何学好英语,我感到非常荣幸。(一句多译)
_______________________________________________________________________________ b.今晚这会有个聚会来欢迎我们新的英语老师。

_______________________________________________________________________________ c.这里将会建一座公园来纪念那些死于重大自然灾害的人 ____________________________________________ 4. determination 1)Read the following sentences and summarize the usage of determinnation. a. She is a young woman of great determination. _________________ b. She determined to work twice as hard as before to make up for the lost time. _______________ c. The government of China is determined to control the housing price this year. ___________________ 2). Translate the following sentences. a.决心实现目标,他开始努力学习。

____________________________________________ b.他是一个意志坚定的人,他相信决心和努力会带来成功 ____________________________________________ 5.One of the best players had been injured. Injure vt. 使受伤;
损害 Injured adj.受伤的; 有伤的 Injury n. 伤害;
损伤 1)用injure的正确形式填空:
he got an _________ to his arm when he was helping rush the _________ to the hospital. 6.strength n.[U]力量;
强项 1)Read the following sentences and translate the meaning of “strength ” ①Happiness and success often come to those who are good at recognizing their own strengths. ____________ ②Maths is my strength,while I don’t do well in English. ______________ ③I don’t have the strength to lift the box. ______________ 2). Translate the following sentences. a.我们需要锻炼来增加我们的力量 ___________________________________________________________ b.每个人都有自己的优点和弱点。

___________________________________________________________ 7.failure n. 失败 Fail to do 1). Translate the following sentences. a.他未能准时赶到那里 _____________________ b.并非所有的人都能接受失败 _____________________ 8.give up放弃;
投降 1)相关词组整理:
give back _________ give in _________ give off _________ give(...)away _________ 2). Translate the following sentences. ①我放弃了再次找到队长的希望。

___________________________________________________________ ②我们将战斗到底,决不屈服。

___________________________________________________________ ③如果你把秘密泄露出去,你就得承担责任。

___________________________________________________________ Assignment: microwriting 1. 李娜是公认的(recognize)网球界的传奇(legend)人物,曾经两夺大满贯(Grand Slams)。

2. 她为我们树立了良好的榜样(set a good example to),为祖国带来了荣誉(glory and honour)。

3. 在她15年的网球生涯里,李娜赢得了很多奖牌(medal),也遭受了很多失败(failure)。

4. 尽管她多次受伤(injured),但是她从未失去信心(lose heart ),永不言弃(give up)。

5. 正是她的决心(determination)和强大的精神力量(mental strength)让她如此成功(强调句)。

