
 China"s Natural Resources 网络图片听力 1.The country possesses rich mineral resources. 矿产资源 2. The young leopard separated from its mother would be eaten by other beast.野兽 3. The loss of amphibian species is often the first warning sign that an ecosystem is in danger. .两栖动物 4. Bird evolved from reptiles, so the first bird must have come out of an egg -- laid by a reptile. 爬行动物 网络段落听力

 The Spring Festival 1.While having the family reunion dinner on Lunar New Year"s Eve, I got lots of red envelops from my elders. 年夜饭 reunion dinner on the New Year Eve 2.Every family paste spring festival couplet on the New Year Eve.

  贴春联 3.This is a piece of traditional Chinese New Year painting. 年画

 The Lantern Festival 1. People always

 enjoy the lighted

 lanterns and the gala performances. 赏灯 2. Some supermarket sellers said that around the day of lantern festival will be the hottest sales time for the glutinous rice dumpling, and they have plenty supplies to meet the people"s demands. 汤圆 3. Ordinary people come to the temple fair to buy and sell goods, watch the performances, and sample snacks, giving the temple fair a bustling atmosphere. 热闹的气氛

 The Pure Brightness Day 1. It"s a tradition for people to revere their ancestors on the Pure Brightness Day. 祭祀祖先 2.Days before Tomb Sweeping Day, this cemetery in northeastern Jilin Province sees a drastic increase of visitors. 扫墓每年公历 4 月 5 日前后为清明节,为二十四节气之一。在中国农历二十四个节气中,既是节气又是节日的只有清明。但是,清明作为节日,与纯粹的节气又有所不同。清明节是纪念祖先的节日,主要活动仪式是祭祖、扫墓,这是人们行孝的具体表现。除了扫墓,还有踏青、放风筝、荡秋千等游戏活动,因此,清明时节既有祭扫坟墓的悲酸之泪,又有踏青游玩的欢笑之声,是一个富有特色的节日。

 The Dragon Boat Festival 1. Rowing a boat on the lake is quite pleasant. 划船 2. In the jury"s presence, Johnson carefully examined the corpse, stripping off the shirt and inserting probes into some of the stab wounds to determine their depth and direction. 尸体 3. It"s a popular tradition for Chinese people to stage the dragon boat race on the Dragon Boat Festival. 赛龙舟

 The Mid-autumn Festival 1. At the night of the mid-month, it is the best time to admire the moon since the moon is particularly full and bright. 赏月 2. Which of the following pictures is a Seasonal Division Point according to Chinese lunar calendar?阴历的

 Romance of the Three Kingdoms 1. Which image represents the Romance of the Three Kingdoms? 《三国演义》 2.Which one was the character in Romance of the Three Kingdoms? 人物 3.huge Liang is a household name in China. 家喻户晓的

 Chinese Food Culture 1. "You do not have to be French to understand French cuisine, you do not have to be Chinese to understand Chinese cuisine," he said. 烹饪 2. The nests are considered a delicacy in China and are one of the most expensive animal products consumed by humans. 美味;佳肴 3. Which of the following is not a fairytale? 历史典故

 The Four Great Inventions of Ancient China 1. The invention of the compass promoted maritime undertakings, and its use soon spread to the Arab world, and thence to Europe. 指南针 2. Originally, gunpowder was used in China for making fireworks and fire crackers for the sake of amusement. 火药 3. The papermaking skill invented by Cai Lun is on the basis of forefathers" silk weaving experience.造纸术 4. The pieces of movable type could be glued to an iron plate and easily detached from the plate.活字印刷 Originally, gunpowder was used in China for making fireworks and fire crackers for the sake

 Of amusement . In the Tang Dynasty, the gunpowder begins to be applied to the military affairs.

 During the Song and Yuan Dynasties, the military applications of gunpowder became common . People

 utilize the throwing stone machine, light the gunpowder bag and throw out, burn the enemy, this is the

 mostprimitive cannon. Some other weapons like "rocket", "missile" and "fireball" were introduced .

 China"s long history has seen some extremely important inventions emerge, most noticeably gunpowder, paper making, printing and the compass, which, in the words of Roger Bacon, changed the whole appearance and status of things in the world. China was the first country in the world to make proper paper. Paper made during the Western Han Dynasty (202 BC-16 AD) has been found in Gansu Province, Xi"an and other places in Shaanxi Province as well as Xinjiang. A further development of paper is credited to Cai Lun of the Eastern Han (25-220). He used plant fiber such as tree bark, bits of rope, rags and worn-out fishing nets as raw materials. In 105, Cai presented the first batch of paper made under his supervision to the Han emperor, who was so delighted that he named the material "Marquis Cai"s paper". Eastern Han Dynasty paper found in Wuwei, Gansu, in 1974 carried words which were still clearly decipherable. Thin, soft, and with a smooth finish and tight texture, this paper is the most refined and oldest paper discovered to date. The invention of gunpowder was no doubt one of the most significant achievements of the Middle Ages in China. The correct prescription for making gunpowder with nitre, sulphur and carbon was probably discovered in the ninth century. In fact, in his book, Ge Hong in the third century records the procedures for making a kind of mixture that could be ignited. After the Tang Dynasty (618-907), things took a much faster course as gunpowder was already used in simple hand-grenades which were thrown by a catapult. In 1126, Li Gang, a local official, recorded how he ordered the defenders of the city of Kaifeng to "fire cannons" at the invading Nuzhen tribal people, inflicting heavy casualties on the invaders. On the basis of printing using carved blocks in the Tang Dynasty, Bi Sheng of the Northern Song Dynasty invented movable type printing in the 1040s, which ushered in a major revolution in the history of printing. According to ancient records, natural magnets were employed in China as direction-finding devices. This led to the first compass, called a sinan (south-pointing ladle) during the Warring States Period. In the Han

 Dynasty compasses consisted of a bronze on which 24 directions were carved and a rod made from a natural magnet. Such devices were in use until the eighth century. China"s four great ancient inventions made tremendous contributions to the world"s economy and the culture of mankind. They were also important symbols of China"s role as a great world civilization.

 The Chinese Zodiac Animal Signs 1. Which of the following is not one of the Chinese zodiac animal signs? 中国十二生肖动物 2. The year 2014 is the year of horse, then, the year of 2017 will be the year of rooster.

 3. For most nomadic people, they usually live in ______.

 Beijing Opera 1.

 Chinese acrobatic performance is wonderful. 杂技的 2.

 the role of xiaosheng

 2. the role of wudan

 3. the role of wujing

 4. the role of Wenchou

 The Potala Palace 1. The Potala Palace is a famous complex of the Tibetan fortress type.布达拉宫是著名的 藏式宫堡式建筑。

 2. Born in 1935, the 14th Dalai Lama fled to India in 1959. 生于 1935 年的第十四世 达赖喇嘛于 1959 年逃往印度。

 3. The gold-spired stupa is also known as the "Monkey Temple", named for the population of rhesus monkeys that roam its grounds. 灵塔这座金身的 佛塔又被称为"猴庙",那是因为有一群恒河猴常常在这里漫步。

  The Ancient Town of Lijiang 1.

 On Earth, breccia is a jumble of broken rocks cemented together by fine-grained material that is found around volcanoes and impact craters. 在地球上, 角砾岩是火山周围和遍布陨石坑中由破碎岩石胶混合粘结在一起的细粒物质。

 2. The water is not just muddy, it is absolutely black as ink.河水不仅只是浑浊,而是彻底变黑,就像墨水一样。泥泞的 3. One of the things that makes the game so popular is its simplicity. 朴素, 简单 让这游戏变得如此流行的原因之一其实是它的简单。

 4. In the early spring, the horizon opens its curtain along the ground line on the Nanbin road in the mountainous city and the Yangtze River shows a beautiful artistic flavor in the rising sun. 山城 初春的天际沿着 山城南滨路的地平线缓缓拉开帷幕,扬子江在朝阳的雕琢下展现出一种秀丽飘逸的气韵。

 5. Walking through the alleys of this venerable water town, one cannot fail to appreciate its pristine and intoxicating atmosphere.走过这个古老的 水乡古镇的小巷,人们不能不欣赏它的质朴,令人陶醉的气氛。

 6. Folk dwellings in Lijiang integrate the finest traditions of Han, Bai, Yi and Tibetan nationalities. 民居 丽江 民居融和了汉、白、彝、藏各民族精华。

  Kunming 1. This industrial city on the western edge of Lake Michigan has miles of shoreline, but no one would confuse it with East Hampton. 工业城市 在这座密西根湖西岸的 工业城市有着数英里的湖滨线,但不会有人把它和东汉普顿混淆在一起。

 2. San Francisco is generally known as the U.S."gateway to the Orient". 大门,门户 旧金山是美国"通向东方的 大门"。

 3. They are divided into dozens of ethnic groups, but they share some general patterns of living and culture.

 种族,民族 他们被分为许多种 民族群体,但是他们有一些共同的生活模式和文化。

 Shaolin Kungfu 1.This is a famous scenic spot design which is influenced by Buddhism culture. 佛教文化 2. He shaved his head and became a monk. 僧侣 3. The bowl contained a variety of fruit. 多样化 Shaolin Kungfu, named after the Shaolin Temple, is one of the most influential genres of Chinesemartial arts. Shaolin Temple, located on Songshan Mountain in Dengfeng City, Henan Province , was first built at the end of the fifth century. Shaolin Kungfu is a kind of martial arts formed in the uniqueBuddhism culture environment of Shaolin Temple. It is originally practiced by the Buddhist monks to build health and protect the temple. After more than 1500 years of development, Shaolin Kungfu has become famous both at home and abroad with its variety forms of 72 types of Shaolin Kungfu.

 少林功夫是中国最有影响的一个武术流派,因形成于少林寺而得名。少林寺位于河南登封嵩山,初创于公元 5 世纪末年。少林功夫是少林寺特定佛教文化环境下形成的一种武术表现形式。它最初目的只是佛教僧侣强身健体保护寺庙。现在经过 1500 多年的发展形成了极为丰富的形态,有所谓少林七十二艺的说法,在国内外均享有盛名。

 Chinese Martial Arts 1.It wasn"t until college that he discovered his passion for martial arts. 武术 他直到上大学时才发现了自己对武术的热情。

 2. I enjoyed all the sports with the exception of boxing. 拳击 3. Taoism is inclined to simplicity in all things.


 Chinese Kung fu, or Chinese martial art, carries traditional Chinese culture in abundance . It is a traditional Chinese sport which applies the art of attack and defense in combat and the motionsengaged with a series of skill and tricks. According to the formation of Chinese characters , 武 is made up of 止 and 戈. The former means "stop" while the latter means "any kind of weapon . The combination of the two means "stopping martial actions." With 术,which means strategies , the term means "using methods and skills to stop martial actions and activities". The core idea of Chinese Kung fu is derived from the Confucian theory of cultivating qi of both the mean and harmony. Meanwhile, it also includes thoughts of Taoism and Buddhism. With a long history and multi-various sects, Chinese martial art has many different boxing styles, emphasizing coupling hardness with softness and internal and external training. It contains the ancient great thinkers" pondering of life and the universe.中国功夫即中国武术,是将技击寓于搏斗和套路运动之中的中国传统体育项目,承载着丰富的中国民族传统文化。"武"由两个汉字"止"和"戈"组成。"止"表示停止,而"戈"的意思是武器。两个字合在一起意味着停止武力。


 因而,武术其本意就是用谋略和技巧阻止武力行为和活动。中国武术的核心思想是儒家的中和养气之说,同时兼容了道家、释家的思想。中国武术源远流长、流派林立、拳种繁多,讲究刚柔并济、内外兼修, 蕴含着先哲们对生命和宇宙的参悟。

 Shadow Boxing(Tai Chi Quan) 1. Exercise regularly such as doing shadow-boxing exercises, going for a walk in the morning. 太极拳 2. He is an expert in unarmed combat. 赤手搏击 3. Jimmy and his partner danced elegantly around the room. 优雅地 Shadow-boxing is an ancient martial art evolving from Chinese unarmed combat . It takes root in Chinese philosophy and focuses on the development of spiritual aspect . The characteristics of shadow-boxing is controlling mobility with stillness and defeating the strong with the soft. Shadowing boxing has a seemingly broken line linking the flow of energy. Following this line, the practitioner is like dancing elegantly, starting slowing and ending slowly, as naturally as if no force were applied. However, when in trouble, the practitioner can launch a sudden attack to effectively defend themselves. Therefore people compare shadow boxing to water – gentle but powerful. Through its slow and graceful practice, shadow-boxing combines the training of even breathing with thecultivating of a serene mind, which has become popular with both the old and the young to stay fit. 太极拳是从中国的赤手搏击演变而来的古老武术之一。它扎根中国哲学思想,倾注精神层面发展。太极拳的特点是以静制动、以柔克刚。太极拳有一条若有若无、连绵不断的线连接着气的运转。围绕这条线,人们轻摇慢回,缓起缓收,提放自如, 毫不费力, 如同在跳曼妙的舞蹈。然而,在需要制服对方时,太极拳也可以突然发力。所谓"柔似水,水无边"。在舒缓优美的动作中,太极拳把练身和修炼内心很好地结合在一起, 成为老少皆宜的强身健体的一种传统方式。

 Traditional Chinese Filial Virtue 1. In a traditional Chinese family, filial piety is rigidly observed. ? 孝道 2 Filiality is one of the cores of Chinese culture. 核心

  孝道是中国传统文化核心之一 As one of the cores of Chinese culture, "filial piety " is not only the moral code for maintaining family relationships in Chinese society for thousands of years, but also the traditional virtue of Chinese Nation. Respecting and taking care of the aged-parents is regarded as an obligatory duty in China. Chinese people believe that only those who are concerned with and practice filial devotion to their parents would be honest, faithful, and grateful to others and seek ways to return their kindness.There are many stories which show the filial respect in ancient China. "Taste Liquid Medicine for Mother" and "Stealing Oranges to take home for his mother" are the most famous two of them. 作为中国传统文化核心之一的"孝道",几千年来不仅是维护中国社会家庭关系的道德准则,而且还是中华民族传统美德。中国人将奉亲养老视为义不容辞的责任。中国人相信只有那些在家里无微不至地关爱、体贴自己父母的人,才能够在与其他人交往的过程中做到诚实、守信、感恩图报。中国古代流传着许多关于孝顺的故事,"亲尝汤药""怀橘遗亲"是其中两个有名的代表。

 Confucian Culture 1.

 What is Confucianism? 儒家,儒教 2. Which one is the Confucius temple? 孔庙 Confucian culture is guided by Confucian thoughts, founded by Confucius in Chunqiu period, which was later developed by Mencius and Xun Zi, and lasted for more than 2500 years. The central idea is filial piety, loyalty , and integrity, proper rite and righteousness, honesty , cleanness and shame. Their core is "benevolence." Confucianism played a decisive role in the development of Chinese culture. Based on the Four Books and Five Classics, the traditions and principles in the Confucianism played an important role in the formation of Chinese people"s thinking patterns and teaching methods. Confucianism has worldwide influence. In many countries and regions of the world such as the UK, USA, branches of Confucius Institutes are established in recent years to spread Chinese culture and expand the language. In China, you can find many Confucius temples , which is an important place for the candidates for important exams.儒家文化是以儒家思想为指导的文化流派,为春秋时期孔丘所创立, 其后由孟子和荀子加以发展,绵延至今已有两千五百余年的历史。其中心思想是孝、悌、忠、信、礼、义、廉、耻,核心是"仁"。儒家学说对中国文化的发展起了决定性的作用。四书五经是儒家文化的基石,它对中国人的思维方式和教育思想的形成起到了非常重要的作用。儒家文化具有世界影响力。在世界各地如英国、美国建立了许多孔子学院以此传播中国文化和讲授汉语。中国各地也修建了很多孔庙,孔庙成为参加重要考试的学子们祭拜的地方。

 Beijing Quadrangles (Siheyuan )

 1. The Siheyuan is a building complex formed by four houses around a quadrangular courtyard. 四边形的 2. It was definitely a heavenly place of rest and tranquility. 宁静、安详 Being a traditional unique folk house in the hutongs, it has a long history in Chinese architecture. It is called "Siheyuan" in Chinese. "Si" means "Four", which here refers to the four sides: east, west, north and south. "He" refers to the surrounding , meaning the four sides circle into a square. Due to its special layout, it is compared to a box with a garden in the center. There is only one gate leading to a hutong, so when the gate is closed it loses touch with the outside world. Therefore family members can fully enjoy tranquility and share the happiness of a peaceful family union. Most of the existing ones are relics of the Ming (1368 - 1644) and Qing (1644 - 1911) Dynasties. They are the shadow of old China. The ancient furniture, fish pond, wooden doors and windows, and cane chairs remind you of their flourishing past. Those flashed bricks, Chinese eaves and cornices, fine brick designs, and wood carvings, reveal a strong classical tone of the old city. 四合院是一种由四所房子组成的四边形庭院式综合建筑。"Si"的意思是"四",在这里指四个面:"东、西、南、北"。"He"指周围,即四个面围绕成一个方形场地。四合院的四面围起高墙,中间是封闭的空间,只有大门向外开放,所以当大门关闭时它失去了与外界的联系。因此家庭成员可以充分享受宁静与和平,共享天伦之乐。此外,四合院的设计也体现了中国传统的风水和儒家思想,是中国传统民居的杰出代表。

 Shanxi Cave Dwellings 1. A cave dwelling is a special "structure", a useful space formed not by addition, but by subtraction, i.e., subtracting certain things in nature. 窑洞 2. The loess plateau is prevalent in the northwest and its neighboring regions, with the depth of the loess extending from 100 to 200 meters. 黄土高原 3. We can see the cliff that beetles over the sea. 悬崖 4.Please draw a vertical line to the edge. 垂直的 5. Most of the traditional houses were built of timber. 木材 People in villages on the loess plateau in Luoyang have been living in caves since ancient times. Cave dwellings around a courtyard are a very interesting site. Having selected a good place, the local people would dig a 100-sq-meter pit, dig some caves at the four sides , a tunnel leading to the ground at one side and a well in the center of the pit and build up low walls at the four sides. The courtyard cave dwelling is warm in winter, cool in summer and rain and wind proof . The pits of different families are close to each other. When you are at the boundary line of the village, you will besurprised to hear cocks crow and dogs bark because you won"t see any houses and people. If you come to Luoyang, remember to visit the cave dwelling in the countryside and enjoy a completely different world. 窑洞是一种特殊的 "建筑结构",通过不添加任何材料,相反却减去某些东西形成一个有用的空间。在中国西北及其周边地区遍布黄土高原,黄土纵深达 100 至 200 米。地下水渗流小和垂直的性质,为窑洞民居提供了良好的先决条件。气候干燥、少雨,冬天寒冷、木材有限等自然条件,使窑洞不需要木材就能建成,同时冬暖夏凉,非常经济。窑洞主要有崖庄窑、下沉式地坑院窑洞和箍窑之分。

 Typical Ethnic Houses 1. The Yi ke yin is more compact than the Beijing style of residences. 一颗印民居 2. Dai bamboo house is Dai people"s stilt house. 傣家竹楼 3. The Mongolian Yurt, called "a vaulted tent" or "felt tent" in ancient times, is a domed pealed tent. 蒙古包 4. The open-walled lower story is for raising domestic animals and for storage. 家养的 5. The building has an oblique roof, shaped as an upside down V, covered with grass or tiles. 倾斜的 6. She will pot plants from her garden and put on her balcony.

 阳台 7. The wooden poles are fastened with leather thongs and studs to form a fence-like structure. 皮带

 Small and medium-sized courtyard houses of south China are mostly composed of one or two courtyards, but various localities have their own rich styles. For example, the "1a-roomed" houses in Dongyang and nearby areas of Zhejiang Province, usually consist of three principal rooms and five left and right wing rooms) forming a Sanheyuan (courtyard with houses on three sides). The two tips of the three buildings stand out of the corbie gable; a door is open in the middle of the front wall of the courtyard, and the left and right corridors, which also each have a door, lead to the courtyard. Such layout is highly regulated, simple and clear-cut. The courtyard is wide and open, giving the sense ofbeing comfortable and upright. Dongyang is a famous place for wood-carving. Very exquisite wood-carvings are usually found in the column capital and eave-porches of residences. 作为一个统一的多民族国家,中国是由 56 个民族组成的,其中汉族占总人口的 91.59%。数目众多的少数民族同汉族一样分享、居住在中国的土地上,他们之间的联系已形成多年。

 傣族是云南主要少数民族之一。竹楼是傣族历史、文化、宗教和习俗的载体。它也是傣族著名的象征之一。竹楼是一种干栏式建筑。呈正方形,有两层楼高的竹楼已有超过 1000 年的历史,是傣族的传统民居。竹楼的上层是生活区,由 20根木杆支撑,离地面超过两米。下层是开放式的,没有围墙,用来饲养家畜和存储物品。竹楼是斜屋顶,形如倒置的 V,上面覆盖着草或瓦。竹楼的上层分为两部分:里面是卧室,外面是客厅。上层有长形走廊和阳台。

 蒙古包是蒙古族的传统民居。蒙古包的构架是由细木杆组成的环状圈,约 2 米长。它每个部分拆卸、携带都非常方便。木杆被皮条紧固,和螺柱形成栅栏状结构。整个外框由一块厚厚的毛毡覆盖,再从外面用绳子系紧。毛毡通常是白色并装饰有红色、 蓝色、 黄色和其它颜色的布料。蒙古包的顶部开孔,提供光照和空气流通。

 The Earthen Tower in Fujian 1. Earthen tower is a kind of traditional communal residence of the mountainous regions of south-eastern China.

 土楼 2. She had lived in the castle for so long.

 城堡 3. The shapes of traditional tanks are either rectangular or round. 长方形的,矩形的 4. The Eight Trigrams are a set of symbolic signs created in ancient China. 八卦图 形 Tulou, is a kind of traditional communal residence of the mountainous regions of south-eastern China. It is a representative of a unique style of Chinese architecture, also regarded as the Ancient Castle in the East. Its history can trace back to the 12th century. As its name suggests, most tulou are of the style of earthen construction. Originally, these buildings were built for defense purposes. Therefore, the structure of a tulou always resembles a small fortified city. It is rectangular or circular in configuration, with a large number of halls, storehouses, wells and bedrooms inside. 土楼,是一种中国东南部山区传统公有住宅。这是一个独特的中国建筑风格的代表,也被视为东方古城堡。它的历史可以追溯到十二世纪。顾名思义,大多数土楼都是土制建筑风格。最初,修造土楼是以防御为目的。因此,土楼的结构总是类似于一个小型的设防城市。土楼通常是矩形或圆形,甚至还有八卦形的。其内部有数量众多的大厅、 仓库、 水井和住房。土楼通常有三到四层,但最高的大楼 6 层。包括在院子里的房子,这样的建筑通常拥有超过 50 个家庭。

 Huizhou Residential Houses 1. Huizhou residential houses embraced local physical features of the area. 徽派民居 2. They incorporated fengshui concepts and aesthetic trends, with black tiles, white walls and decorations placed elegantly on upturned eaves. 飞檐 3. The old man is well-known in stone carving. 雕刻 The Huizhou style is the predominant architecture in the villages: white walls, dark tiles, horse-head gables, stone drums or mirrors and open interior courtyards are common features. It was the style favored by the local merchant class. Reputed as "A Living Ancient Residential Museum" by experts and tourists at home and from abroad, they were listed as a world cultural heritage site by UNESCO in 2000. 徽州由"徽商"而闻名。徽商们曾经在中国商业领域中发挥了重要作用。他们带着金钱回到家乡,遵循中国风水理论,在徽州的山水间建造了这些美丽的"黑白"徽派房屋。


 Tang Poetry and Song Ci poetry 1.

 Tang poetry and Song Ci poetry are two pearls in the history of Chinese literature. 珍品 2.

 Tang dynasty is known as the era of poetry. 诗歌 Tang poetry and Song Ci poetry are two pearls in the history of Chinese literature. Tang dynasty is known as the era of poetry . Most of Tang poems were collected in The Poems of the Tang Dynasty,while the most widespread is Three Hundred Tang poems. As far as the writing skill is concerned, the Tang poetry combined realism and romanticism. In form, poetry of Tang dynasty contained four-line or eight-line verse with five or seven characters in each line. The best-known poets of the Tang Dynasty were Li Bai, Du Fu, Bai Juyi and Wang Wei. Ci poetry is one type of the ancient poetry. Different from traditional poetry in terms of characteristic of form, Ci poetry has long and short verses and can besung as music. As a new type of poetry, Ci reached its zenith in the Song Dynasty. Song Ci poetry holds a very important position in the history of Chinese literature. Many outstanding Ci poets such as Su Shi, Liu Yong, Lu You and Li Qingzhao were the representatives. Su Shi’s Ci poems are characteristic of passion and refreshment. Li Qingzhao is an outstanding Ci poetess . Her works are exquisite, refined, and full of true feelings. Ci poetry has various names of cadence which we called “tune” such as The moon over the West River, The River All Red and Dreamlike Song, etc. 唐诗宋词是中国文学史上的两颗明珠。唐代被称为诗的时代。大部分唐诗都收录在《全唐诗》中,而流传最广的当属《唐诗三百首》。唐诗在创造方法上是现实主义和浪漫主义并举,在形式上有五言、七言绝句和律诗。唐朝著名的诗人有李白、杜甫、白居易、王维。词是古典诗歌的一种,有别于传统诗歌。词的句子可以长短不齐,还可歌唱。作为一种新体诗歌,宋代发展到了鼎盛时期。宋词在文学历史上有着非常重要的地位,产生了苏轼、柳永、陆游、李清照,等众多杰出的词人。苏轼的词具有热情豪放、清新流畅的特点。李清照是宋代著名的女词人,她的词清新精巧,满怀真情。宋词有很多调名称为词牌,如西江月、满江红、如梦令等。

 Chinese Shadow Play 1. Shadow play is an ancient Chinese traditional art.

 皮影戏 2. They were staring at the television screen. 屏幕 3. A herd of dairy cow is sleeping cozily on the green grass.

 奶牛 4. He is good at cutting the figure in the shadow play. 皮影人形 5.

 There are some traditional Chinese musical instruments. 乐器 As a form of folk art, Chinese shadow play has a long history. It first appeared more than 2,000 years ago, and by the Song Dynasty this art had become highly developed . Chinese shadow play is somewhat like film which also needs screen , "actor", "actress", but shadow play has its own uniquefeature that makes it different from film. The "actors", "actresses" in a shadow play are not real persons but figures made of cow leather . Being controlled by someone these figures are reflected on the screen. Audiences watch the play on the other side of the screen. When the play goes on, someone plays the instrument and someone sings the opera. The shadow play is in fact the world"s earliest "movie art" with the accompaniment of humans. The content of the play is usually about Chinese historical stories and myths , so the shadow play is very lively and attractive. Being the art of light and shadow, shadow play has long been popular with people both at home and abroad. 中国皮影戏作为一种民间艺术,拥有悠久的历史。皮影戏产生于两千多年前,到了宋代皮影戏已经十分发达。皮影戏有点像电影,因为它也需要屏幕、演员。但是皮影戏又有它的独特性。皮影所需要的演员是用牛皮制作的皮影人形,这些人形由一个人控制着,并用光将它们反射到幕布上,观众坐在另一侧欣赏演出。在这些皮影表演的同时,会加入乐器的演奏和戏剧的唱腔。皮影戏可以说是世界上最早的"有声电影"。一般皮影戏的剧目是中国历史故事和神话故事,因而皮影戏是非常热闹和吸引人的。皮影戏,作为光和影的传统中国艺术一直受到人们的喜爱。

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