
Module 8:Unit 1 What time does your school start ? 一、教学目标 (一)知识目标 1. 能够听懂、会说并认读单词:exercise, playground, before, skip, coffee, tea。

2. 能够听懂、会说并认读句子:What time does your school start? What time do you get up? My school starts at… (二)能力目标 在实际生活中能口头运用“what time …”这类语句询问事情发生的时间,并做出回答。

(三)立德树人目标与价值观 帮助学生了解中西方学校生活的差异,热爱自己的学校生活。

二、教学要点分析 (一)教学重点 1. 单词“exercise,playground,before ”的认读和理解。

2. 灵活运用“what time…”询问事情发生的时间。

(二)教学难点 如何结合实际,在真实的语境中运用“what time……..”句型询问事情发生的时间,并做出回答。

三、教学准备 挂图、单词卡片、 四、教学课时:本课为此模块的第一课时 五、教学过程 step1:
warming-up 1. greetings. 2. say a chant: get up, get up, I get up at six. have breakfast, have breakfast, I have breakfast at seven o’clock. go to school, go to school, I go to school at half past seven. watch TV, watch TV, I watch TV at five o’clock. go to bed, go to bed, I go to bed at eight o’clock. 第一遍师生一起拍手说唱,第二遍加动作说唱。


Free talk and chant 1. T: you did a good job. I have a present for you. Look, what’s this? (A clock) What time is it? (six) 2. Listen to the chant and repeat. step3.进入文本 I get up at six o’clock. What about you? What time do you get up? 引导学生回答,在问过几个学生后适时板书,并领读。

在学生回答问题后,教师适时进行呼应:oh, I get up before … What time is it? (seven) I have breakfast at seven o’clock. What time do you have breakfast? What time do you go to school? 运用what time…多提问几个学生,适当时候让全体学生代替教师问, 在学生回答问题后,教师适时进行呼应:oh, I get up/have breakfast/go to school before … o’clock. 引导学生理解、学习before一词。

【设计意图】利用已经学过的知识导入对新句型what time…的认识和理解,并引导学生做出回答,利用教师的的评价自然解决了before一词的理解和使用。

2. t: what time do you do exercises? at nine o’clock or half past nine? (利用体态语帮助学生理解do exercises的意思)
Yes, we do exercises at half past nine. 教读exercise并板书,单人抽查。(学这个单词时可以分音节进行,帮助学生正确的发音,尤其是er和i的发音。)
加动作说:Do exercises 单人检查,并问:What time do you do exercises? (在学生回答时,教师根据学生的回答做出评价。如果学生回答的时间过早或过晚,教师要适时评价。

e.g. It’s too late /early. I think you can do it earlier/later.)
3. T: where do you do exercises? In the classroom or in the playground? (在操场) Yes, we do exercises in the playground. 教读playground(这是一个合成词,可以分开教,以利于学生记忆。)板书,单人检查。

拍手说: Playground, playground, i play in the playground 4. t: what else do you do in the playground? (在操场上还做些什么?)
I play basketball football… in the playground. I run jump… in the playground. T: I like skipping. (加上动作) I skip in the playground. Do you skip in the playground? 板书并教读skip。

加动作练习: Skip, skip, I like skipping. 【设计意图】在对话交流中对新单词进行了渗透,并根据学生好动的特点加上动作有利于记忆。

step3 :Presentation t: just now we talked about our school life in china. but Amy’s school is in England. Amy’s school life is very different from us.(学生听不懂时加上汉意。)do you want to know Amy’s school life? 【设计意图】用学生自己的学校生活导入到Amy的学校生活,有鲜明的对比性,学生感兴趣,使他们带着想深入了解国外学校生活的欲望投入到了课文学习中去。

step4 :Text 1. listen and underline the words you can’t understand. 录音结束后,让学生在准备好的纸卡上写出单词。

教师收集纸卡,讲解不懂单词,要尽量以旧引新 e.g. start: 先出示 car far 然后让学生自己读出新单词。rope: 先出示 hope so 然后让学生自己读出新单词。


2.(1)listen again and answer the fallowing questions: What time does Amy’s school start? What time does Amy get up? Does Amy go to school by bus? Does Amy do exercises every morning? 听录音前,先让学生读懂问题,录音结束后,师生共同订正答案。

Amy’s school starts at nine o’clock. 重点读一下 starts Amy gets up at half past nine. 重点读一下 gets (2)t: What time does your school start? (板书) 学生回答,并板书。



(4)work in pairs: Act out the dialogue. 3. Listen, point and repeat the text. 【设计意图】再次听录音,关注学生的语音语调。

Practice 1. Play a game: t: look here, I have some wonderful pictures. let’s enjoy the pictures. Ok? I’ll ask one of you to choose a picture and the others ask him or her a question with “what time…”(加上动作,帮助学生理解。)学生抽出一张图片(照片可以参照课本活动3)之后,其他的学生用what time …询问他,这位学生做出回答。也可以是教师抽图片,男生问,女生答;

【设计意图】抽图片这个小环节,学生比较感兴趣,都想来试试,在玩的同时有效地练习了句型what time…。

2. group work小记者: 请两位同学扮演采访与被访者,参看表格中的提示进行采访示范,也可发挥想象自定采访内容。教师可以根据本班情况安排同桌,或邻桌或小组内互相采访。

what time…? name get up do exercises go home? 【设计意图】小记者的活动,可以充分体现学生的主体地位,自主采访,既运用了所学语言,又增加了学生之间的友谊。

Step6 达标检测 What time does your school start? My school starts at eight o’clock. A: What time does your school start ? B:My school starts at nine oclock in the morning Step7:
Summary This class, we have learned how to describe the time about our daily life. Such as… Step8 homework 1、 Listen to the tape and read the text. 2、 Tell your parents What time your school starts. 板书设计 Moudle8 Unit1 what time does your school start? What time do you get up? I get up at six o’clock. Reading The Lion, The Bear and the Fox Long ago a lion and a bear saw a kid. They sprang upon it at the same time. The lion said to the bear, “I caught this kid first, and so this is mine.” “No, no,” said the bear. “I found it earlier than you, so this is mine.” And they fought long and fiercely. At last both of them got very tired and could no longer fight. A fox that hid himself behind a tree not far away and was watching the fight between the lion and the bear, came out and walked in between them, and ran off with the kid. The lion and the bear both saw the fox, but they could not even catch the fox. The lion said to the bear, “We have fought for nothing. That sly fox has got the kid away.” 反思 本课在教学设计上我采用了激励竞争法,任务型教学法,从听说入手,创设情景,设计游戏、歌谣,激发学生学习兴趣;
所设计的内容面向全体学生,由易到难,让学生在愉快的氛围中从不同程度得到提升。  课前导入我采用的是师生自由交谈,通过交流拉近师生的距离感,之后利用教师的肢体语言引出两个新单词,并以此创编歌谣,进行操练。我觉得用一首英语歌谣既营造出一种轻松愉快的英语氛围,孩子们边做动作边说,自然而然的进入到了英语的世界,为下面所学知识作了铺垫。在新授句型时,我先在黑板上板画钟表,和学生们进行时间表达法的复习,之后我很自然的和学生交流自己的作息时间:I get up at half past seven o' clock. What about you? What time do you get up? 引出本课的重点句型,学生在与教师谈话、交流中逐渐掌握句型。还设计了“抽卡片”的游戏让生更充分的练习,可由于学生对时间的表达未能完全掌握,我觉得学习效果一般, 且花费时间较长。  让生带着问题去有重点的听,可帮助学生快速理解文章。但由于时间关系,未能让学生模仿跟读。       在知识拓展应用时,我设计了“给笔友写e-mail”的活动,我觉得这个环节设计得比较好,鼓励学生创新意识,培养学生组织与表达能力,学习程度较好的学生均能很好的将所学知识内化和很好的运用。但由于时间关系,给大部分学生活动的时间还是过少,他们准备得不够充分。我感觉造成时间不足的主要原因是在前面句型操练这个环节花时间太多,加上本课课文本身较长,造成知识拓展活动由于时间不足而导致效果不好。今后在教学中应注意适当调配时间,使学习效果达到最佳。
