
冀教版英语五年级下册 全册教案设计 2021-1-27 课 题:
Lesson1: I Am Excited ! 总 1 课时 教学目标:
run, sorry, jump, sing, dance, sit ,down, stand, up;

掌握句型:Don’t ______ ! ______ please ! I want to _______. 2、情感与态度:在运用所学单词进行对话的过程中,对学生进行礼貌教育。


1、单词run, sorry, jump, sing, dance, sit ,down, stand, up;

2、准确运用句型:Don’t ______ ! ______ please ! I want to _______. 导学方法:合作探究 教具准备:卡片 导学 内 容 评注 一、问候:Hello, everyone. How are you? Glad to meet you . 二、教授sit, stand 1、师:____, please walk. → Don’t walk. Sit down, please.(一生配合做动作)Stand up, please. 分别在黑板出示单词卡片run, sorry, jump, sing, dance, sit ,down, stand, up。


师:Hello_____,(生站起)Sit down please.(生坐) 师:Stand up, please.(生站) 2、游戏:Simon Says. (1)
师:Simon Says: Stand up. Simon Says: Sit down. Simon Says: Don’t sit down. Sit down, please. 生集体完成命令。

(2)师:Simon Says: Don’t ______ ! Simon Says:______ please ! 单个生做动作。


3、理解朗读课文 Do you know what Danny is doing ? Listen to the tape. (1)出示问题:
a. What time is it? b. Are Jenny, Danny and Liming excited ? c. What does Danny want to do ? d. Does Mrs. Li ask Danny to sit down ? e. What does Mrs. Li ask Danny to do then ? (2)播放课文动画课件。


(4)跟读 三、操练句型:I want to _______. 四、小组合作学习展示 板书设计:
单词 run, sorry, jump, sing, dance, sit ,down, stand, up;

掌握句型:Don’t ______ ! ______ please ! I want to _______. 课后反思:
课 题:
Lesson 2: What are you doing? 总 2 课时 教学目标:
1.能听、说、读、写本课的四会单词: see, look, look out of, look at, boy, girl, now, draw, picture. 2.能听、说、认读短语:drawing a picture,singing a song,looking out the window, reading a book. 3.能听、说、认读句子:What are you doing? I am ____ing. What is she /he doing? She /He is ____ing 并能在实际情景中运用. 教学重、难点:
1、本课的四会单词. see, look, look out of, look at, boy, girl, now, draw, picture. 2、灵活运用句型:What are you doing? I am ____ing. What is she /he doing? She/ He is ____ing。

导学方法:合作探究 教具准备:卡片 导学 内 容 评注 一、Warm-up 1.Sing a song “I am drawing” 2.Let’s chant Walk、walk、I am walking. Jump、jump、I am jumping. Read、read、I am reading. Point、point、I am pointing. 二.Presentation 1.教学“see, look, look out of, look at, boy, girl, now, draw, picture” 板书:see, look, look out of, look at, boy, girl, now, draw, picture 用红笔在的后面加look, draw后加ing. 教读这两个单词并拼写. 2.Play a game. 师发指令,生做动作: draw、sleep、draw a picture、read a book、look out the window、 3.老师拿卡片,让一名学生上台看 卡片上短语后做动作. T: What are you doing? S:I am drawing a picture. 师再问其他学生: What is she /he doing? 引导其他学生回答: She/ He is drawing a picture. 5.Let’s chant. What are you doing? Drawing、drawing,I am drawing a picture. What is she /he doing? Drawing、drawing,She/ He is drawing a picture. What are you doing? reading、reading,I am reading a book. What is she /he doing? Reading、reading,She/ He is reading a book. 6.课文阅读 (1)听第一部分录音,回答问题:
In the morning,who is quiet?Who is loud? What is Jenny/Danny/Li Ming doing? (2)朗读课文加深理解,学生提出不懂的地方, (3)分角色朗读课文。

单词. see, look, look out of, look at, boy, girl, now, draw, picture. 句型:What are you doing? I am ____ing. What is she /he doing? She/ He is ____ing。

课后反思 课 题:
Lesson 3: Who Is singing? 总 3 课时 教学目标:
A. 知识目标:对本课单词baby ,man ,woman,cry, talk, sleep, who. 句型: Who is this? This is a man.做到听说读写四会。

能听懂说出认读单词their 能够理解并表演第二部分:Who is singing? B. 能力目标:通过学习本课,能掌握相关的词汇;

C. 情感目标:通过和Li Ming, Jenny, Danny在火车上的活动,增强学生观察力,增加生活情趣,更加热爱生活。

1、本课的四会单词:baby ,man ,woman,cry, talk, sleep, who. 句型:Who is ___? It’s ____. 2、本课的难点在于对课文的理解和句型的灵活运用。

导学方法:合作探究 教具准备:卡片 导学 内 容 评注 Class Opening and Review 1.游戏复习所学动词或动词短语,也可以猜词。(看卡片做动作)
New Concepts 1. 出示图片,教授单词woman , baby, man, cry, talk, sleep, 教师示范利用图片描述。(可以给他们起名字)
This is Tim. He is a father. How old is he? He is ____ years old. He is a man. 在让学生依例描述图片,也可以手写。

让学生描述woman , baby, man, cry, talk, sleep, 通过游戏巩固新词。

可以教师描述,让学生猜词。如:He is a father. How old is he? He is ____ years old. He is a …… 。


2. 教师领读课文第一部分。

3.复习句型:She/ He is ___ing. 创设情景,复习正在进行时。板书学生提出的动词短语,加上ing并朗读。

(增加本课需要掌握的动词短语:sing cry talk sleep)
What is he doing? What is she doing? What are they doing? 引导学生做出正确回答。

5.小组合作学习,操练句型, 提出不懂的地方,互相帮助解决。


单词:baby ,man ,woman,cry, talk, sleep, who. 句型:Who is ___? It’s ____. 课后反思:
课 题:
Lesson 4 Who Is Hungry? 总 4课时 教学目标:
1.知识与技能:掌握四会单词:who, hungry, water, tea, candy. 理解并灵活运用下列句型 :Who is hungry? What would you like to eat? Would you like some______? Yes, please./No, thanks. May I have some…? 2.过程与方法: 情景交流及对话表演 3.情感态度教育: 学会与他人合作和关心他人。

Who is hungry? What would you like to eat? Would you like some______? Yes, please./ No, thanks. May I have some…? 导学方法:合作探究 教具准备:卡片 导学 内 容 评注 Step1. Greetings and review (表演上节课布置的情景对话) Step2. Leading-in and listening T: When you are thirsty, you drink. But when you are hungry, what do you do? Yes, when you are hungry, you eat. Then what do we eat every day? Ss: Rice, dumplings, noodles, apple, hamburgers… T: Yes, you are right. For breakfast, lunch, or supper, we have rice, dumplings, noodles, and many other kinds of food. But do you like to eat snacks? What’s a snack? Look, these are snacks.(show them to the class). 出示单词卡片,教学生认读单词:who, hungry, water, tea, candy. 引导学生利用新词说句子。Who is hungry? I’m hungry. Who is hungry? He is hungry. Would you like some fruit? Yes, please. No, thanks. 师:Do you like them? Do you think Danny, Li Ming and Jenny like them? Ok, let’s listen to the tape. ( Play the tape and Ss answer the question:
Do you think Danny, Li Ming and Jenny like them?) Step3. Reading 1. Read the text and answer the question “What would Jenny, Li Ming and Danny like to eat on the train?” ( Write the question on the blackboard) --( Ss read the text and answer the questions) 2. Read the text after the teacher to understand it better. 3. Read the text aloud in groups and try to make it into a dialogue. Step4.Optional- practice Ss can read the text in groups or practise the dialogue in groups 板书设计:
单词:who, hungry, water, tea, candy. 句型 :Who is hungry? What would you like to eat? Would you like some______? Yes, please./No, thanks. May I have some…? 课后反思:
Lesson5 What Are They Doing? 教学目标:
理解并灵活运用下列句型 : What is __ doing? -- He/ She is __ing … What are you doing? -- I’m __ing … What are they doing? – They’re __ing … 2.过程与方法: 情景交流及对话表演 3.情感态度教育: 学会细心观察,与他人合作和关心他人。

理解课文并能够熟练使用下面的句型 What is __ doing? -- He/ She is __ing … What are you doing? -- I’m __ing … What are they doing? – They’re __ing … 导学方法:合作探究 教具准备:卡片 导学内容 Step1. Greetings and review 可以做动作,让学生猜词语,如hungry, thirsty, sleep, draw 等。然后出示卡片,复习这些词。

Step2. Leading-in and listen Show some pictures to the class by ppt.(幻灯片)and present the sentences: What is he doing? He is running./ What is she doing? She is singing./ What are they doing? They’re playing. (To the class) What are you doing? C: We’re looking and listening. T: Good! Then do you know “ What are Jenny, Li Ming and Danny doing on the train?” What are they doing? ( Write the question on the blackboard)领学生多读几遍。

Ok, let’s listen and find the answer. What are Jenny, Li Ming and Danny doing on the train?” 播放录音,第一遍听,第二遍跟读,之后让学生回答问题。What are Jenny, Li Ming and Danny doing on the train?” Step3. Reading comprehension Read the text and fill the chart 检查学生的完成情况,进行指导。

Step4. Practice Do “ask and answer” in pairs like this:(利用书中的图画。)
What’s the baby doing? – He is___ing. 板书设计:
句型 : What is __ doing? -- He/ She is __ing … What are you doing? -- I’m __ing … What are they doing? – They’re __ing … 课题 Lesson 6 Danny is lost! 课型 新授 授课时间 1 教 学 目 标 知识目标 1.学生能听懂和理解这一简单的故事。



能力目标 在日常情境中注意观察,并用简单的英语对话 情感目标 1.培养对英语的兴趣和学习英语的好奇心。



重点 同知识目标1—2 难点 同知识目标3 教具 教学光盘、本课课件 教 学 过 程 二次备课 开始上课和复习Class opening and review 问候Greeting 一、读前活动:给学生几分钟时间看图片,猜测每幅图发生了什么。(这部分可以用汉语教授)

Panel 1:Where are they going? Who drives them to the train station? Panel 2:Who gets the tickets? Panel 3: Who is lost? Panel 4: What is Danny doing now? Panel 5: What fruit does Danny want to buy? Panel 6: Why Danny doesn’t buy the bananas? Panel8: Who is hungry? 2.大声朗读:



三、读后活动 1. 角色扮演: 4人小组活动 活动手册 结束课堂教学Class closing:
教学反思 板书设计 Lesson 6 Danny is lost! They are going on a trip to Beijing. Danny is lost—He wants to buy bananas. 课题 Lesson7: Arriving in Beijing 课型 新授课 授课时间 教 学 目 标 1.掌握本课四会单词:men, women, children, people, many 2.能够正确运用四会单词:men, women, children, people, many 3.培养学生较好的文化意识与英语语感。教育学生在社会中做到尊老爱幼、遵守社会公共秩序。小组合作,互相帮助。

重点 掌握与运用men, women, children, people 难点 掌握与运用men, women, children, people 教具 教学光盘 教 学 过 程 二次备课 (一)
1. Greeting: 2. Chant: What do you see? (二)
1. Show CAI (or poster)about many people in the train station. 2. Let class discuss and answer: What do you see in this CAI. 3. Learn men, women, children and people. 4. Listen and follow 5. Let’s Chant: Leave Arrive Chant 6. Look at the CAI again, then answer these questions: 1) What are the women doing? 2) What are the children doing? 3) What are the men doing? 7. Listen the tape carefully, then answer my question: Who is tired and hungry? 8. Open your book and look at the second part,and then follow the tape. 9. Show the poster to practice 10. Homework Class closing 教学反思 板书设计 Lesson 7: Arriving in Beijing man ———— men woman ———— women child ———— children 课题 Lesson8:Tian’anmen Square 课型 新授课 授课时间 教 学 目 标 a) 能听懂、会读、会说: easy, difficult, hurt ,fly a kite . b) 能听懂、会读、会说句型:1.Some people are taking pictures on the square. 2.This is easy/difficult. 重点 正确地说、读、写、用单词:easy, difficult, hurt ,fly a kite, take pictures 难点 There is /are 句型的用法。Don’t worry. I can help you. 教具 多媒体课件,单词图卡,算式条,句型条,风筝 教 学 过 程 二次备课 (一)Greeting: (二)
1. Show CAI (or poster)about many people in the train station. 2. Let class discuss and answer: What do you see in this CAI. 3. Learn men, women, children and people. 4. Listen and follow 5. Let’s Chant: Leave Arrive Chant 6. Look at the CAI again, then answer these questions: 1) What are the people doing? 2) What are the children doing? 3) What are the men doing? 7. Listen to the tape carefully, then answer my question: Who hurts? 8. Open your book and finish the Part2. 9. Show the poster to practice 10. Homework: Finish the exercise book. Class closing 教学反思 板书设计 Lesson 8 Ti’anmen Square easy     This is easy/ difficult. Difficult It’s easy/ difficult. fly a kite   Let`s  fly a kite . hurt      I hurt my arm. There is/are 课题 Lesson9:The Palace Museum 课型 新授课 授课时间 教 学 目 标 1、掌握词汇take、take a picture、table并能读、写、说出和听懂这些词汇。

2、可以说出和听懂take a picture, May I take your picture? Be careful.等用语。

重点 (1)掌握词汇table,take, be careful, take your picture (2)会用受伤后求助及如何安慰别人等用语。

难点 运用本课所学的用语进行情景对话。

教具 教学光盘 教 学 过 程 二次备课 一、Class opening and review 1、师生间互相打招呼问好并自由对话。

Hello! Are you happy? What’s your name? Nice to meet you. 2、唱“Head, should, knees, toes”. (3、Show me......学生按指令拿出实物并说This is a ......。

4、How old are you?/I am _years old. 二、New Concepts (一)呈现新知camera, take a picture, picture及要帮别人照相的用语。

(1)教师假装去公园玩,对学生说:I am going to the park today. I want to take my camera. What a camera ? Look! I can show you!接着呈现实物camera, 板书单词,教读练说take your picture, (2)边说边演示T:Ok! Let’s take a picture.边说边演示take a picture.让学生边说边做出照相动作。


T: May I take your picture ? (4)练说句子,分两大组相互问答?同桌两人相互问答,并做出照相动作。

(5)实物呈现 picture. 板书单词,教读练说。

(二)操练巩固新知 (1)游戏:猜一猜。



(三)操练巩固新知 (1)让几名学生分别指着受伤的身体部位向全班同学求助。进行对话。



(四)利用教科书P25 (1)学生翻开书,小组讨论书完成第二部分 (2)师生完成第二部分 (3)播放录音磁带,学生跟读。

四、Class closing. 作业:完成本课的活动手册 教学反思 板书设计 Lesson9:The Palace Museum visit visiting take take a picture Be careful. I’m falling! 课题 Lesson10:The Great Wall 课型 新授课 授课时间 教学 目标 1、掌握词汇the Great Wall thousand wait Don’t be afraid并能读、写、说出和听懂这些词汇。

2、可以说出和听懂:Don’t go! Please wait Don’t be afraid等用语。

重点 了解长城。它的历史,长度以及它在中国人心目中的价值 难点 了解长城。它的历史,长度以及它在中国人心目中的价值 教具 教学光盘 教 学 过 程 二次备课 一.自主学习 Translate English into Chinese 1.look in the window 2.say cheese 3.Be careful! 4.Help!I’m falling! 5.May I take your picture? Answer the following questions(根据第八,第九课课文回答) 1.What’s on the square? 2.What’s in the window at the Palace Museum? 3.How old is the Palace Museum? 4.Does Danny take a picture? 二.合作探究 Translate Chinese into English 1.在回来的路上 2.在回旅社的路上 3.救命!我掉下来啦! 4.请等等。小心! 5.别怕。我来帮你! 三.达标检测 Answer the following questions according to the text of Lesson 10 1.Where are Jenny, Li Ming, and Danny talking? 2.How old is the Great Wall? 3.How long is it? 4.How does Danny feel on the way back to the hotel? 5.What does Danny do when he sees the restaurant? 6.What do you think about the Great Wall? Fill in the blanks with the proper(恰当的) words 1.When the traffic light is green, please______. Don’t _____. 2.When the traffic light is red, please________. Don’t ______ 3.When the traffic light is yellow, please_______. Don’t_____ 今天我学会的单词有:_________________________________ 重点句子有:
_________________________________________ _________________________________________ 四、Homework: Finish P27 教学 反思 板书设计 Lesson10:The Great Wall far from need to +动词原形 on the way back、 Don’t be afraid Don’t go 课题 Lesson11:Shopping in Beijing 课型 新授课 授课时间 教学 目标 1、Review the phrase: Let’s go to the… to… 2、Encourage the students to make their own observations about the pictures and the story。

重点 要求掌握的四会词语for,busy,shop,walk和一般现在时的构成和用法。

难点 是学生能正确了解和使用一般现在是表达经常性的动作。

教具 教学光盘 教 学 过 程 二次备课 Class Opening and Review 1、Greeting Hello, everyone! 2、Play “Charades” to review the phrase : Let’s go to the  — to —. Let’s go to the shop to buy. Let’s go to the restaurant to eat. Let’s go to the library to read a book. Let’s go to the gym to play. Introduce Demonstrate: everyone with volunteers. Ask for a series of volunteers to come to the front of class. Ask each to perform an action loudly or quietly. Teacher: (point to each volunteer in turn.) What is he /she doing? Class: He/she is _____ing. Use the student book and audiotape. Review the story so far 、last time, Jenny, Danny and Li Ming were at the Palace Museum. What happened? Look at pictures. What are they doing now? (shopping ) why ?   Tell them to continue the action until I give a command.   They must listen carefully! Then lead a dialogue.    Practice   Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about shopping for gifts on a trip. Play: Mother, May I ? to review adverbs from this unit. (quickly, slowly, loudly and quietly). Use the activity book. Check for understanding. Class Closing Finish P29 教学反思 板书设计 Lesson11:Shopping in Beijing Jenny buys a scarf for her mother. 同义句 Buy sth. for sb. Buy sb. sth. Jenny buys her mother a scarf. What time is it? What’s the time? 关于时间的几种说法 2:30 half past two / two thirty 2:45 a quarter to three fifteen to three Unit 2 Lesson 12 A Visit to the Great Wall[ u 教材分析 通过本节课Story time学习,使学生能够表述自己在日常生活中去旅行的事迹。

u 教学目标 【知识目标】 1. 学生能听懂和理解这个简单的故事。

2. 学生能就故事内容进行问答。

3. 学生能向同学复述故事。

【能力目标】 通过本节课Story time学习,使学生能够表述自己在日常生活中去旅行的事迹。

【情感目标】 培养学生热爱文物及保护文物的情感意识。

u 教学重难点 【教学重点】 通过本节课的学习,学生能够简要复述课文大致内容。

【教学难点】 学生能够简要复述Story time课文内容。

u 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia[来源:Z&xx&k.Com] u 教学过程 Step 1.Warm-up 1 Greetings Say hello to students: Hello everybody. Welcome boys and girls. When the students sit well, let them recall as much as possible about the landscape of Beijing. Ask: What do you know about Tian 'anmen Square? What did you learn about the Great Wall? Would you like to see the Palace Museum? 2. text introduction Let the students turn to the thirtieth page of the textbook. Tell them to read a story that can provide more information about the Great Wall. Step 2.Presentation Story time: A Visit to the Great Wall 1. Pre-reading activities Look at the pictures and discuss what you see in each picture, and record the contents of the students' answers on the blackboard. Use the problem to help students understand. How do Mrs. Li, Jenny, Danny and Li Ming go to the. What do we call the Great Wall in China? Are Danny and Jenny interested in the Great Wall? Do you know the Chinese saying about the Great Wall? Why can't Danny draw or write on the Great Wall? 2. Reading activities Talk about pictures Figure 1 What do you see in this picture? Everyone is sitting in the bus and going to visit the Great Wall. Figure 2 Where are they now? They arrived at the Great Wall. How happy it is to see the children! They know that the Great Wall in China called the Great Wall“. Li Ming told Danny and Jenny about the knowledge of the Great Wall. Figure 3 In this picture, they are lucky to be on the Great Wall. What are they getting to know now? They know that the Great Wall is very old. Some parts have the history of 2000. How old it is! As time goes on, more walls have been built, and this is the Great Wall that we see today. Figure 4 Now, they stop to talk about more about the Great Wall. Li Ming tells an interesting thing about the Great Wall and China and the country. People say that if you want to know that you are “a good man“, you have to visit the Great Wall.源:学。科。网Z。X。X。K] Figure 5 Danny felt that he was a real “man“ and wrote the word on the Great Wall. Li Ming is not happy. He told Danny not to scribble on the Great Wall scribble. Why? Because it is the responsibility of everyone to protect the cleanness and beauty of the Great Wall. Do you agree with this point of view? You'll certainly agree. Figure 6 The children are going to leave. Jenny was very impressed. She was heartily pleased. She felt lucky to be able to visit the Great Wall. Listen to the story Play story recordings. The students listened quietly. Listen again and repeat all the students. Now, let the volunteered students take turns reading the story. Let a student stood up and he / she said: “Let s read this part of the story. Points to the frame, to help students to read aloud. Continue to let the different students read aloud until all the contents are read.] Step 3.Practice After 1. Reading activities Make a sign It is important to explain to the students why it is important to protect the historic sites like the Great Wall. Because they are part of our historical heritage and culture, they should be respected and protected whenever they are. So we cannot scribble on the Great Wall by not throw garbage in the scenic spots. Divide the students into groups. The students decided to make a sign on the Great Wall to protect the beauty and cleanliness of the Great Wall. Give them some time to make it. After finishing, let the volunteered students read the signs of the sign. Then, put the signs in the classroom. 2. Read and discuss Let the students look at the bottom of the thirty-first page. Help students understand what they need to do. The teacher read the three questions aloud to ensure that the students knew what to do. Divide the class into groups, talk about the story, and what they know after reading. The groups should first read the story together again. Then, ask questions and answers on the questions given. What's the Chinese saying about the Great Wall? How can we keep the Great Wall clean and beautiful? Talk about the Great Wall with your friends. Talk about the play Students should be able to answer these two questions easily. Q: Who is going to Beijing? Wait to answer. And then ask: What happens to Danny? The class was divided into three groups, with one girl and two boys in each group. Each group should practice the story and perform it for the whole class. 1. Danny 2. Jenny 3. Li Ming Explain their task to the students. The first thing to do is to decide your role. Then read the story together and decide how to perform. Let a few groups perform in Chinese, and the other groups perform in English. Step 4.Consolidation I'm a little speaker: group the whole class to perform and retell the text story. The teacher has chosen the best team to win and gives the students the appropriate reward. Step 5. Summary Retell the Story time text story. Step 6. Homework Read and retell the Story time text story. 课题 Lesson13:Let’s buy postcards 课型 新授 授课人 授课时间 课时 教学目标 1.让学生能听说读个4词汇:postcard letter email send 2.让学生能认读、理解并运用句子 教学重点 让学生能在运用本课所学词汇和句子,能流利的朗读课文并能综合运用本课知识 教学难点 让学生能在运用本课所学词汇和句子,能流利的朗读课文并能综合运用本课知识 教具准备 信、自制明信片、多媒体课件 教学过程 1、导入新课:
I have a good friend .I miss her very much. How can I do? 导入本课。   2、新授第一部分。   (1)首先在小组中自读第一步分出示第一张幻灯片让学生明白先自渎找出不会的单词划出来并先在小组中解决,小组长记录小组情况,小组活动结束后小组长负责汇报小组情况。   (2)组长汇报后师总结归纳出本课新单词:postcard letter email师边板书边领读,指名读。用实物和图片和学生一起问答练习新词汇。在利用幻灯片做猜词游戏巩固词汇。  (3)播放录音跟读后,让学生读一读自己想读的句子。(读对的加二分,错的加一分,小组长负责加分)
3、新授第二部分。  (1)小组中自学本部分。(同第一部分)  (2)小组长汇报后教学本部分重点单词:send幻灯片出示图片让学生理解意思并领读指名读。How much学生经常见到,点一下,让学生说说意思。  (3)幻灯片出示本部分的问题让学生读一读,告诉学生听录音后回答这些问题。  (4)跟读和回答后重点读一读第二幅图和第四副图。   4、教学第三部分。  (1)完成第一题:先让学生指名读一读例句再让学生自己写一写画一画。给足学生时间,师巡视指导。完成后指名读一读。让学生自己总结归纳send 的用法。   (2)完成第二题:也先让学生读一读示例对话,再让学生写写。同桌展示。让学生总结本部分练习的什么?什么时候用。  5、总结本课:让学生自己说说本课主要学了什么? 个性化建议 板书设计 Lesson 13 let’s buy postcard Much postcard letter email send sure 教学反思 课题 Lesson 14 Jenny writes a postcard 课型 新授 授课人 授课时间 课时 教学目标 1、学生将学会如何书写明信片,如何写姓名和地址,如何给明信片贴上邮票。

write 、mum 、dad 、dear 、fine 、left 、right 3、学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本句型结构:
Where do you write on a postcard ?on the left 。

Where do you put the address ?on the right 。


教学重点 1、明信片各部分的介绍。


教学难点 1、明信片各部分的介绍。


教具准备 录音机,磁带、明信片 教学过程 1、greeting 学生到达教室时,向他们问好。播放新歌作为背景音乐。让学生说出他们想在明信片里的表达的三件事。


2、presentation 告诉学生,今天将要学习怎样书写明信片以及如何写地址、贴邮票。他们还将学唱一首关于明信片的歌。最后,他们将制作自己的明信片。

(1)let’s write a postcard 教授单词:write 、mum 、dad 、dear 、fine 、left 、right。展示每张卡片并且说出单词。一边用大个字母把单词写在黑板上,一边读出单词。指着每个单词,让学生站起来读。

教授left 、right时要形象化。说left举起左臂。说出单词让学生重复。用同样的方法教授right。

把全班学生划分,一半在教室左边,一半在教师右边。再一次演示left和right。指着左边这组说:you are on my left 。指着右边这组说:you are on my right。

让学生看教科书P40 part 1。把这一页渡给学生听。慢慢浏览整页。一边读,一边举起教科书,指着所读的部分。慢慢的进行,读完后,让自告奋勇的学生读相同的内容。

把Jenny 明信片上的话写在黑板上。边读边写。假装你是Jenny,正在写明信片。先把内容写在明信片的左边。

教师:when you write your message ,you put your words on the left side 。确保指着正确的的位置。

教师:when you write the address ,you put it on the right side 。再次指向正确的位置。


首先,日期。What is the date when Jenny writes her card ?让学生读日期。

然后,写内容。Make sure you put it on the correct place 。让学生读明信片的内容。

接下来,写姓名和地址。The address goes on the right side of the postcard 。让学生读姓名和地址。

最后,贴邮票。Where does the stamp go ?It goes on the top ,right side of the postcard 。


(2)let’s sing 。

让学生看课本P41 part 2 。逐行浏览这首歌。

播放录音,学生做好聆听。播放时,学生跟着录音看歌词。当播放歌曲时,教师站在黑板上明信片图画的旁边,随录音指出歌曲中被提到的事物。例如:here is your address on it ——指着地址位置。


(3)let’s do it . 让学生看课本P41 下面,看空白的明信片并告诉他们该做些什么。给他们纸和剪刀。他们可以单独制作或小组合作,利用示例的明信片作为指导,制作一张明信片。

(4)巩固检验 让学生轮流把自己的明信片呈现给同学。

(5)作业 随堂练习册。

(6)结束课堂教学 个性化建议 板书设计 Lesson 14 Jenny writes a postcard write 、mum 、dad 、dear 、fine 、left 、right I want to …… We are having fun in Beijing 。

It’s not far from Tian’anmen square 。

教学反思 课题 Lesson 15 Sending the postcard 课型 新授 授课人 授课时间 课时 教学目标 1、学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:turn、wrong 2、学生能学会如何遵循基本的方向指令:
Go straight 。

Turn left at the traffic lights . 3、学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本句型结构:
How much are _______? They are _____. I’ll take them . 教学重点 1、疑问词how much的用法。


教学难点 1、疑问词how much的用法。


教具准备 录音机,磁带、明信片 教学过程 1、greetings 学生到达教室时,向他们问好。

教师:good morning /good afternoon students !let’s sing the postcard song together 。

Where do you write the address ? Where is the stamp ? Where is the date on this postcard ? 等待正确回答。

Is that the right side or the left side ? 再找学生指出贴邮票的位置。

2、presentation 导入:
教师:In this lesson ,we will learn about going to the post office to mail a postcard。

(1)where is the post office ? 首先,教授单词turn ,turn left 和turn right 。先直走,然后向左转。在转弯的时候,说:now I am turning to the left 。用同样的方式教授turn right . 然后把straight 写在黑板上. 画一条直线说straight. 画一条弯曲的线,说:this is not straight. 播放part 1 录音,学生看书跟读。

教师直走并且说:I am walking straight 。然后。向右转。转弯的时候,说:now I am turning right 。


(2)At the post office 。

让学生看见课本P42 part 2 ,讨论他们在图片中看到了什么。浏览每幅图并且把画框中的句子读给学生,然后解释意思。



教师:Hello, may I help you? 学生:Yes, please. how much are the stamps? 教师:One yuan for two stamps . 学生:I will take _____ stamps ,please。

(3)let’s do it 。

A、look and write 让学生看part 3中的第一个活动。首先向学生解释,当他们想买一件物品时,用how much is___?当他们想多买物品的时候,用how much are______? 书中有两个对话框。每个图框里有两种物品。看第一个图框,一件物品离你较近,另一件物品离得较远。当纸袋较近的物品时用this ,指代较远的物品时that 。第二个图框里,指代较近的物品用these,指代较远的物品用those 。学生看图,然后写出问题和答案。用这两个例子帮助学生理解任务要求。

答案:How much is that cap? It’s 15 yuan. How much are these shoes? They are 30 yuan. B、look and talk. 让学生看第二个活动,讨论这幅图。说出他们在地图上可以看到什么。指出动物园、火车站、旅馆、公共汽车站、邮局、书店和四条街道。向学生解释,他们现在站在地图左下方的红色箭头处。两人一组,就地图上的地点,进行问路的对话练习。


How to get to the post office from the hotel? How many postcards is Danny writing? How much is one stamp? (5)家庭作业:


个性化建议 板书设计 Lesson 15 Sending the postcard Turn light need wrong Danny and Jenny want to send the postcard 。

Turn left at the traffic lights . I’m writing nine postcards to my mother 。

教学反思 课题 Lesson 16 An Email is fast 课型 新授 授课人 授课时间 课时 教学目标 1、学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:Email 、idea 、computer 、use 2、学生能学会如何书写电子邮件的内容和地址以及如何发送电子邮件。


教学重点 1、句式want to 的用法。


教学难点 1、句式want to 的用法。


教具准备 录音机,磁带 教学过程 1、greetings 当学生到达教室时,问候他们。

教师:Good morning/afternoon students! Did you tell your parents about postcards? Who knows where the post office is in our city? Who can describe how to go there ? 2、presentation 导入:让学生翻开教科书,看第44页。告诉学生,今天他们将学习怎样写电子邮件。他们还会学一首新歌。

(1)send an email 介绍新单词Email,idea,computer,use。

让学生看教科书44页,part1. 让他们从图框1中选出可以认读并会说的词。他们应该能够选出关键词postcard,stamp,send,father,computer等。



教师:What does Danny want to use to write home ? 学生:An Email 。

教师:Why not a postcard or letter ? 学生:An Email is fast. It doesn’t need stamps. 针对这个学生进行表扬。叫另一位学生。

教师:What does Liming say to Danny ? 学生:Good idea. 教师:What do they need to send an Email? 学生:A computer. 现在让学生看第44页底部大的电子邮件。先浏览电子邮件的各个部分。

To:此部分表示电子邮件将会被发送到哪里。在这封电子邮件中,收件人是李大明(李明的爸爸),他的邮箱地址是:lidaming@163.com 。指着地址的各个部分,向学生解释,先是人名,然后是@符号和互联网地址。







(2)let’s sing . 现在,教唱电子邮件之歌.让学生看45页part 2. 逐行读一遍歌词。把每一行写在黑板上,让学生听教师朗读并跟读。





(3)let’s do it 。

让学生看45页,part 3 。


Hi _____./Dear ______./Hello _______. 向学生解释,每封电子邮件的正文——想让阅读邮件的人了解的主要事情,是不同的。

Your friend ,\Love ,\All the best ,\Thanks . (4)巩固检验。




个性化建议 板书设计 Lesson 16 An Email is fast Email 、idea 、computer 、use And it doesn’t need stamps 。

I want to send an Email to my father 。

Mum and I will go back home tomorrow 。

Don’t forget to write my name 。

教学反思 Unit 3 Lesson 17 Danny's Email u 教材分析 通过本节课的学习,使学生能够熟练掌握怎么发送电子邮件的格式,并能在实际生活中会运用电子邮件。

◆ 教学目标 【知识目标】 1. 学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:kind, us 2. 学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本句型结构:[来源:Z。xx。k.Com] How’s the weather in Canada? Is it snowy? It’s sunny. There is no snow. What a great trip! 【能力目标】 通过本节课的学习,使学生能够熟练掌握怎么发送电子邮件的格式,并能在实际生活中会运用电子邮件。

【情感目标】 通过发送电子邮件,增进学生了解更多的电子信息。

◆ 教学重难点 【教学重点】 How’s the weather in Canada? Is it snowy? It’s snowy. There is no snow. What a great trip! 【教学难点】 会用How’s the weather …?句型结构。

u 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia u 教学过程 Step 1. Warm-up 1. Text introduction Tell the students that today they will read the email sent by Danny to Stephen. Teacher: Everyone is going home, and the trip to China was great, great, “she“, “t“, “I“, “I“, I will learn some difficult words. Step 2. Presentation 1. Danny writes an email. (1) Let the students look at the first part of the 46 page of the textbook. Discuss this email. Is this email from Who? Who will receive this email? What is the subject of the email? What does Danny say to Steven? (2) Play the tape and listen to the students. Play it again. (3) Draw a big email on the blackboard and fill in the blank. Let the students help. What is Steven's email address? When the students say it, the teacher writes the address in the right place. What is Danny's email address? Write the address in the right place. What is the subject of the email? What does Danny say to his friend? (4) After filling all the emptiness, read the email. Then let the different self - alert the brave read out loud. Ask students: what does Danny tell Stephen about China? Point out the new word in the email, kind. Write on the blackboard: The people here are kind. Explains to students, kind refers to a person who is very friendly and generous and willing to do things for others, because he / she knows that it will make others feel happy. (5) Then play the tape again, listen. 2. Demo A dialogue with a brave man to demonstrate the air. Teacher: How is the weather in Beijing? Is it snowy? Students: No. It's sunny. There is no snow. 3. Practice One to one activity The whole class is divided into two groups. Each group has a conversation about Danny's email to cover these questions as much as possible.源:Zxxk.Com] What does Danny say about the people? When will Danny go back to Canada? What does Danny tell Steven about his trip? 4. Time to go home (1) The whole class is divided into four groups. Look at the 46 page and the second part. Read the text and read it to the students loudly. Then, record it on the blackboard. What can you say when you say goodbye: What a fun trip! ________was great! You'll go back to tomorrow. We'll miss you. Don't forget to write to us. It was fun visiting China with you. Thanks for looking after us. What a great trip! I hope you come back again. (2) Explain to the students that this is something to say to each other when you want to say goodbye after a trip. Teach students how to express these statements. (3) Listen, listen. (4) Now, let the groups practice the farewell dialogue at the airport. Step 3.Practice Pair work. Point and talk. Let the students look at 47 pages and third parts. Explain the task requirements. They want to read Stephen's email to Danny. Then, read the following sentences, judge. Tick or draw a fork according to your own judgment. To give students enough time to complete the exercise, the teacher must walk around to provide the necessary help. Answer: 1. V 2. x 3. x 5. x 4. V Step 4. Summary Key vocabulary: Kind us Key sentences: How's the weather in Canada? Is it snowy? It's sunny. There is no snow. What a great trip! Step 5. Homework Write an email to your family and send it, and say in the next lesson about how you feel about sending email. Unit 3 Lesson 18 Little Zeke Sends an Email u 教材分析 通过本节课的学习,使学生能够复述Little Zeke Sends an Email故事内容。


u 教学目标 【知识目标】 1. 学生能听懂和理解这个简单的故事。

2. 学生能就这个故事进行问答。

3. 学生能向同学复述这个故事。[来源: 4. 学生能给小齐克书写电子邮件并发送给他。

【能力目标】 通过本节课的学习,使学生能够复述Little Zeke Sends an Email故事内容。

【情感目标】 培养学生能够通过发送电子邮件,增加朋友之间的情感。

u 教学重难点 【教学重点】 学生能就这个故事进行问答。



【教学难点】[来源:Z_xx_k.Com] 学生能够复述这个故事。

u 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia u 教学过程 Step 1. Warm-up 1 Greetings When students enter the classroom, greet them: Hello everybody. Welcome boys and girls. Take a few minutes to review the focus of the first five lessons. Help the students to recollection through the question: What does a postcard have on it? Why is an email a good way to send a message? Who does Jenny send her email to? Let the students stand up and sing the song of the postcard. Students can refer to the forty-first page of the textbook to help them recollection of the songs. 2. Text introduction Let the students open the forty-eighth page of the textbook. Tell them that they are going to read a story about little Zeke. They met Zeke in the previous textbooks. But it was the first time that Jenny, Danny and Li Ming met Zeke. Step 2. Presentation 1. Pre reading activities Look at the picture and discuss what you see in each picture. When the student answers, teach: the teacher takes a record on the blackboard. Help students understand by asking questions. Where are Jenny, Danny and Li Ming? What are they doing?§科§网] Who does Jenny want to send an email to? Does Emma send Jenny the email back? Who is Little Zeke? Where does Little Zeke live? Do they know Little Zeke? 2. Reading activities Talk about pictures Figure 1 Jenny, Danny and Li Ming are sending e-mails. Figure 2 Jenny wants to send an email to his good friend, Emma. She wanted to tell Emma about her trip. Figure 3 Jenny wrote e - mails. She told Emma that her place is now in the afternoon, but she knows that Emma's Ottawa is now in the evening. She said they had a good time. Figure 4 Jenny wants to send an email again. She wants to send to her brother. Danny is hungry. He wants to have lunch. Figure 5[来源:学.科.网] Jenny, Danny and Li Ming received an email. They were all surprised. They know that in Ottawa, it's already late and everyone is sleeping. Who sent this email? Figure 6 They read this email. It was not from Emma. Who came from that? Little Zeke. Zeke said Emma was good, and she was sleeping now. Zeke has no bed. Qi Ke sleeps in a sock. This stocking is a gift from Emma. Zeke was tired and ready to go to bed in his stocking. Figure 7 Jenny, Danny and Li Ming were puzzled. They don't know who Zeke is. 3. Listen to the story Play story recordings. The students read and listen reading. The recordings are played again, and all the people follow the recording. Now, let the brave man take turns reading the story. Call up a student, said: “Let s read this part of the story. Points to the frame, help students to read aloud to the other students. Please go getters continue to read the contents of the other frame. Step 3. Practice Post-reading A performance story[来源:Z,xx,k.Com] The class was divided into a number of 3 groups, each consisting of one girl and two boys. The group practice the story and then perform in the class. 1. Danny 2. Jenny 3. Li Ming Let the students look at the questions under this page. The students ask questions and answers to each other before they perform the story. Explain the task to the students. They have to decide which role to play first. Then, read the story and decide how to perform. Write e-mail After the students had finished the story, they asked them to pretend to emails to little Zeke. Step 4. Consolidation After-school activities Let the students review the contents of this unit, review the key words, and prepare for the review course. Step 5.Summary (1) Retell the text story and briefly retell the content of the text. (2) Students can write e-mails to Zeke and send them to him. Step 6. Homework Briefly retell the text story to his little partner. Unit 4 Lesson 19 Li Ming Comes Home u 教材分析 通过本节课使学生能够理解某事发生在现在和某事发生在过去的概念。

u 教学目标 【知识目标】 1. 学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写以下词汇:story, did, yesterday, night 2. 学生能理解某事发生在现在和某事发生在过去的概念。

3. 学生能理解并会运用:walk / walked 【能力目标】 1. 通过联想在相关知识建建立联系。[来源:学|科|网][来源:Zxxk.Com] 2. 积极与同学合作,共同完成任务。

【情感目标】 1. 培养学生学习英语的兴趣和好奇心。

2. 寻找机会锻炼听力技巧。

3. 努力在日常生活中模仿和运用英语。

◆ 教学重难点 【教学重点】 学生能够理解某事发生在现在和某事发生在过去的概念。

【教学难点】 学生能够理解某事发生在现在和某事发生在过去的概念。

u 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia u 教学过程 Step 1. Warm-up 1. Greetings (1) When students arrive in the classroom, they greet them: Welcome back, boys and girls. Today, we begin the last unit in (2) When the students are seated, it takes a few minutes to discuss the trip to China. See how many students can recall the contents of the first few units. As they speak, they record what they say on the blackboard. It must be said: Good work! Yes, we learned that. Yes, that is what they did 2. Text introduction Tell the students that today they will read a story about what Li Ming and his travels have done. They will also learn how to talk about what is happening and what happened in the past. Step 2. Presentation 1. Li Ming's story. (1) Start from talking about the present and the past. Explain to the students that if something is happening, it means that things happen now. We use the present tense of the verb to show that things are happening. If you have done something in the past, it shows that this has happened. (2) Write often, today, yesterday, last night on the blackboard. Explain to the students that they will study in the course of the past. In English, the action takes place in the past, and it is necessary to add the suffixed behind some verbs to form a general form of the past. 2. Display Draw a table on the blackboard, in the form of the form. At the time of making a sentence, fill in the blanks with the following verbs. For example: “Today, I Yesterday I ________ed. I often ________., ________. Last night, I ________ed.“ choose the easy acting out. Leave the form on the blackboard. Step 3. Practice Let the students turn to 57 pages and look at the third part. 1. Tell Li Ming's story The student should conceive of the story to other students in the class. Talk about these five pictures. Read the words at the bottom of each picture. Make sure that the words of the past are emphasized. Give a demonstration to the students. The teacher tells the story of Li Ming. When the story is told, write the sentence in the blackboard and make the verb in the past. Li Ming had fun at the Great Wall. He missed his father very much. He wanted to buy a T-shirt for his father.[来源:Zxxk.Com] He walked to Wangfujing. He looked in many shops. Give students enough time to fine home. When everyone is ready, the students are invited to show up before.[来源:学&科&网] 2. Ask and answer. Then write. Divide the whole class into two groups to complete the exercise. First, lead you through the whole practice. Here, they'll see the four picture. Read the sentences below each picture. Point out the present time in each sentence: call, help, watch, and wash to see if anyone can say their past. (in the ED) Call called Help helped Watch watched Wash washed When the teacher feels that all the students understand how to do the exercises, give each group time to practice talking about the past. Then let them write the questions and answers on the horizontal line. Answer: What did you do yesterday? I called my friend. What did, What, and it is called “Yu“. Step 4. Summary Key vocabulary: Story did yesterday night The present and past tense of verbs will be properly used in different tense: Walk/walked I often walk to school. I walked to the park yesterday. Step 5. Homework Read the text Part1, and in the show next class and buddy. Unit 4 Lesson 20 Jenny Goes Home u 教材分析 通过本节课使得学生能够继续理解现在发生的事情和过去发生的事情等概念。

u 教学目标 【知识目标】 l. 学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:had, went, saw, ate 2. 学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本句型结构:
Did you miss me? Yes, I did. What did you do?. 3. 学生继续理解现在发生的事情和过去发生的事情等概念。

4. 学生能辨别这些动词的现在时和过去时形式:have/had, go/went, see/saw, eat/ate 【能力目标】 学生能够继续理解现在发生的事情和过去发生的事情等概念。[来源:Zxxk.Com] 【情感目标】 学生能继续感知和理解游客对中国的看法和感受。

u 教学重难点 【教学重点】 能辨别这些动词的现在时和过去时形式:have/had, go/went, see/saw, eat/ate 【教学难点】 能辨别这些动词的现在时和过去时形式:have/had, go/went, see/saw, eat/ate[来源:学#科#网Z#X#X#K] u 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia u 教学过程 Step 1. Warm-up 1 Greetings The students greet them when they arrive in the classroom. Take a few minutes to review the concepts of the past tense and the present tense. Write down the words on the blackboard. Call called Help helped Miss missed Watch watched Wash washed Let the students stand up and read the words. 2. Text introduction Tell the students that today they will read a story about the return of Jenny and her tour. They will also continue to learn how to talk about what is happening and what is happening in the past. Step 2. Presentation 1. Jenny's gift (1) Explain to students that this part is a general past tense of irregular verbs: go-went, see-saw, eat- ate, do-did, have-had (2) Now, write these pairs of words on the blackboard: Have had Eat ate Do did Go went See saw Explain to the students, the past tense forms of verbs is not formed in ending. (3) Let the students look at the first part of the 58 page. Look at the text and find out all the verbs in the past and write them on the blackboard. Be sure to wait and see if students can correctly identify the verbs in the article: did, had, and went (4) Write these sentences on the blackboard. Now past[来源:学§科§网Z§X§X§K] Do you miss me? Did you miss me? I have fun. I had fun. I go for a walk. I went for a walk. Read each sentence and teach the present and past tense of these verbs. 2. Practice Q & A Find a companion, fill in the blank with the given verb phrase and question the question. Did you yesterday ________? Eat a banana Wash clothes Have fun Do your homework Watch TV If the answer is affirmative, say: Yes, I did. If the answer is negative, tell your partner what you did yesterday. 3. Go and went Let the students look at 58 pages and second parts. Show that you want them to find out the difference. Browse each picture in the three group. Read the sentence. It emphasizes the present tense verb in the first sentence and the past tense verb in the corresponding sentence. Complete three sets of sentences in turn. Listen to the tape. 4. Demo Write these sentences on the blackboard. Disorder order: I go fishing with my grandfather. I went fishing with my grandfather. I see my friends playing in the park every day. I saw my friends playing in the park yesterday. I eat rice for lunch on Mondays. I ate rice for lunch. Let the volunteered students read, the teacher said: Read a sentence that shows something happened in the past. Read a sentence that happens now. 5. Practice The whole class is divided into two groups. A man said what he did at the present time. Another person says the same thing in the past. Let the volunteered students demonstrate the dialogue. Student a: I go to school at 8 o'clock every day. Student B: I went to school at 8 o'clock yesterday. Step 3. Practice Let the students look at 59 pages and third parts. 1. Read Part 1. Put the sentences in the correct order. Explain to the students what to do. They have to read the previous page. Then, arrange the sentences according to the sequence of events. Write the serial number in the box next to each sentence. Answer: 45231 2. Look and write. Explain how to do the exercises. Here are some pictures and blank sentences. The bottom of this page is a list of words. The students should first look, and then read the words, words from the list, with the correct verb forms. Answer: had, went, saw, did, played Step 4. Summary 1. Key words: Had went saw ate[ 2. How to use did to guide interrogative sentences and their answers: (1) - Did you miss me? - Yes, I did. (2) - What did you do yesterday? I ate an orange. Step 5. Homework Read the text Part1, and in the next class and buddies show. Unit 4 Lesson 21 Look at the Photos u 教材分析 通过本节课的学习,使学生继续加深对现在时和过去时概念的理解。加深学生对中国旅游城市及文化的理解。

u 教学目标 【知识目标】 1. 学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:Photo, were, was, happy 2. 学生能继续加深对现在时和过去时概念的理解。

【能力目标】 通过本节课的学习,使学生继续加深对现在时和过去时概念的理解。

【情感目标】 通过本节课的学习,加深学生对中国旅游城市及文化的理解。

u 教学重难点 【教学重点】 能够用现在时和过去时介绍自己在不同的年龄阶段,不同的年龄特征。

【教学难点】 能够用现在时和过去时介绍自己在不同的年龄阶段,不同的年龄特征。

u 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia u 教学过程 Step 1. Warm-up have had eat ate[来源:学#科#网] do did[ go went see saw[来源:Zxxk.Com] Step 2.Presentation 1. Danny’s story (1) am, is, are, was, were,Every new word is said two times. (2) I am happy. He is happy. She is happy. You are happy. We are happy. They are happy. I was happy. He was happy. She was happy. You were happy. We were happy. They were happy. 对于I/she/he,在过去时态中用was,在现在时态中用am/is。


(3) were, played, was, happened, hurt (4) We were on the train to Beijing. We played with the baby. It was fun. Danny was at the Palace Museum. What happened? He hurt his tail. Step 3.Practice 1. Read and write “am”, “is”, “are”, “was” or “were”. 1. was, am 2. were, are 3. was, is 4. were, are 2. Talk and write. Read Li Ming's description of the pictures they took in the Imperial Palace. Emphasize the following verb: look (present tense. Li Ming now lets you see the picture. Were, went, had (past tense). Li Ming is telling you what happened when they visited the Imperial Palace. Now, the students draw a picture of their own in the blank of “my picture“ on the right. Then, write a picture of what they do when they take a picture. It can be anything the student wants to write. At least three sentences are written in the usual past tense. Step 4. Summary ①photo were was happy ②I was a baby in 2002. I am a boy now. Li Ming was short in 2003. He is tall now. Step 5. Homework Read and recite the text Part1. 课题 Lesson 22 Gifts for everyone 课型 新授 授课人 授课时间 课时 教学目标 1、学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:bought . 2、学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本句型结构:
This is for you. I hope you like it. It is great. I really like it a lot. 3、学生能辨识动词变过去式的规则变化(词尾加ed)。


教学重点 1、一般过去时的使用。


教学难点 1、一般过去时的使用。


教具准备 录音机、磁带 教学过程 1、Greetings 向学生问好:Hello students! Yesterday I went to see a movie. What did you do? 花几分钟时间复习过去时和现在时的概念。

Have/had eat /ate do/ did go/ went see / saw call /called help / helped miss/missed watch/watch wash/washed 复习这些动词的现在时和过去时形式。指着没每个词,读出来,问:
Is this now or in the past ? 2、presentation 导入:
告诉学生Jenny 和Danny 现在返回学校了。他们给朋友们和wood 老师带了礼物。说:
Let’s find out their gifts 。Let’s find out how to talk about gifts when you give and receive them . (1)Gifts from China 把单词buy 写在黑板上。用汉语解释这个词的含义。给出几个含有buy 的例句。

I am at the shop 。I want to buy a cap 。

I buy a birthday gift for my mother , 找学生读出这些句子,说明buy 在这里是一般现在时形式。

现在,用图片卡教授单词bought ,出示卡片,读出单词,让学生跟读。


buy一般现在时 bought一般过去时 演示:
教师:I want to go to the shop now .I want to find a gift for a friend . 学生:You want to buy a gift for your friend . 教师:This is correct ,I want to buy a gift now . 教师:I went to the shop .I bought a gift for my friend . 学生:Yes, I understand .You bought the gift yesterday . 教师:This is correct .I was there in the past and I bought my friend the gift . 在讨论故事前,先介绍一些礼物和接受礼物时会用到的词汇和短语。

This is for you. Do you like it? It is great. I like it very much. I bought this hat for you. Try it on. Thank you very much. Thanks. It is too big ,but thanks for thinking of me. 让学生看P62 part 1,以谈论图片开始。看学生能够获取什么信息,就每幅图能说些什么。谈论图片的时候,一定要强调那些动词,并让学生辨认它们是一般现在时还是一般过去时。




(2)let’s do it 让学生看课本P63 part 2 。

1、look、draw lines 、retell the story 向学生解释如何完成这个练习。让一个学生读出画框里的内容。然后让学生利用课本part 1 里面的信息来完成练习。他们复述故事。把人物和礼物以及送礼物对象连线。让学生看Jenny给wood 老师买一副画的例子。


2、find the rules ,write more sentence 。



很多动词变过去式直接在词尾加ed,例如:walk 、walked. 如果动词是以字母e结尾,则只在词尾加d,例如:live 、lived. 有些不规则动词,如be ,则需要注意,并特别记忆。例如:is was ,are were. (3)巩固检验:



个性化建议 板书设计 Lesson 22 Gifts for everyone Bought 、put 、gift 、walk 、sunny We bought gifts for you in Beijing. This kite is for you, Steven. It’s too small for me, but it’s good for a baby. They lived in shanghai last year. 教学反思 Lesson 23 An Email from Li Ming 教学目标 1、学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:back 。

I had a great time …… 3、学生将能读出四个句子中的两词连续。


教学重点 1、一般过去时的使用。


教学难点 1、一般过去时的使用。


教具准备 录音机、磁带 教学过程 1、Greetings 学生进入教室时问候他们,提醒大家将学完这本书。这个学期就结束了。

很多动词变过去式直接在词尾加ed,例如:walk 、walked 。

如果动词是以字母e结尾,则只在词尾加d,例如:live 、lived 。

有些不规则动词,如be ,则需要注意,并特别记忆。例如:is was ,are were 、eat ate 。

2、presentation 导入:
教师:today ,liming has sent an Email to Jenny and Danny 。he is sending some photos of their trip 。let’s see what he wrote in the letter 。

(1) liming’s Email 在李明的邮件内容中教授单词:
Back 、please write back soon 。

李明给朋友们写了电子邮件。他希望朋友们回复他。说:he wants them to write a message back to him 。he wants them to send him a message 。

让学生看P64 part 1 ,首先,提问问题,帮助学生回忆在前几课中学过的关于电子邮件的知识。逐行浏览这封电子邮件。

教师:Who is the Email send to ? 学生:Jenny and Danny ? 教师:What is this Email about ? 学生:Photos 。


大声朗读邮件,然后让学生一起朗读。问:What does liming want to know about Danny ?Who does he send the photo of the panda for ? 现在播放录音,让学生跟读。再播放一次,需要时暂停。

让学生看P64 part 2 ,找学生一起演示对话。

现在播放P64 part 2 录音,让学生静听,再播放一遍。


(2)let’s do it . Read part 1 .Answer the questions . 让学生看P65 part 2 ,向学生解释如何做这个练习。然后让学生独立完成。他们默读part 1 ,然后利用其中的信息回答问题。

答案:He sent them some photos of their trip 。

Danny fell and hurt his tail 。

Yes ,he did 。

(3)let’s chant . 播放新歌谣的录音,让学生用心听。然后让学生把课本翻到P65 ,看歌词。



(4)listen and repeat . 让学生看P65 下面part 4 ,谈论这四个句子。向学生解释,有时候以特定的音结尾的单词和下一个以相似音开头的单词一起读的时候,发音会比较困难。










个性化建议 (2) 板书设计:Lesson 23 An Email from Liming Back 、happen 、help 、walk I had a great time with you in Beijing 。

The photo of the panda is for Danny 。

Please write back soon 。

I wanted to fly a kite 。

I hurt my arm and Jenny helped me 。

课题 lesson 24 A gift for little Zeke 课型 新授 授课人 授课时间 课时 教学目标 1、学生能听懂和理解这个简单的故事。



教学重点 1、表示动作的短语。


教学难点 1、表示动作的短语。


教具准备 录音机、磁带 教学过程 1、greetings 当学生进入教室时,问候他们:hello everybody ,welcome boys and girls. 2、presentation (1)导入:
让学生打开教科书P66 ,告诉他们今天将阅读关于小齐克的另一个故事。

Story time :A gift for little Zeke (2)课前活动:

Where does little Zeke ? Is Tess little Zeke’s friend? Why does little Zeke feel sad this evening? Does Mrs. Jones know little Zeke? What does little Zeke write to Mrs. Jones? Does Mrs. Jones give little Zeke a gift at last? What does Mrs. Jones give to little Zeke? (3)阅读活动:

Picture 1 这是Emma的教室,指着Emma的课桌。你能看见藏在课桌里的小齐克吗?他睡在Emma课桌内的袜子里。

Picture 2 小齐克还有一个朋友,教Tess ,Tess 早上带食物给小齐克吃。他吃什么?汉堡和牛奶。Tess 把食物放在Emma的课桌上。

Picture 3 今天教室里举行了一次聚会,他们的老师Jones给每个人买了礼物。她给Tom买了一本书,Tom非常喜欢,但是没有Zeke的礼物,他很伤心。

Picture 4 Jones给Emma买了一个红色的球,Emma说:“谢谢!”他非常喜欢这个红色的球。

Picture 5 Jones也给Tess买了礼物。是什么呢?新的彩色蜡笔。Tess用她的新蜡笔画了一幅画。

Picture 6 小齐克观察着这一切。他也想要一件礼物。但是Jones不认识他。小齐克只和Tess和Emma说话。

Picture 7 现在小齐克怎么办呢?他给Jones写了一张字条。他告诉Jones他是谁,他说他在Emma的课桌里。

Picture 8小齐克看见了一个礼物,有一张来自Jones的卡片。卡片上写着这是小齐克的礼物。他赶紧打开礼物,是什么呢?是一个供他睡得小床。

Picture 9 小齐克现在不伤心了。他开心了。他在黑板上写了几句话,感谢老师送给他这张床,他现在去睡觉了。不是该去袜子里睡觉的时候。不是!是该去床上睡觉的时候了。







3、作业布置 随堂练习册 4、结束课堂教学。

个性化建议 板书设计 lesson 24 A gift for little Zeke feel 、gift 、crayon 、watch 、talk 、open Mrs. Jones had a book for Tom. Emma played with her ball. Little Zeke talks to Emma and Tess. “Time for sock. No! Time for bed!” 教学反思
