
人教版M5U2 The United Kingdom写作课教学设计 1. 教材分析 本单元是游记题材,记录了第一天所游览的六个英国景点。这些景点的描写语言非常生动,经笔者发现,形容词的大量使用是其中一个因素。这就给了笔者一个灵感,模仿阅读文本用不同的形容词来描述景点,借此可以充分利用教材来提高学生的写作水平。因为景点的范围太大,笔者将其缩为历史景观,符合原文的景点类型。

2. 学习者分析 高二学生对形容词有一定的积累,按主题划分形容词能激发学生的兴趣。学生具备一定的景点描写能力,但有待指导和提高。要求学生描写的景点均为学生非常熟悉的宁波历史景点,降低了写作难度,学生亦可适当发挥。

3. 教学目标 ①语言知识目标 学习并运用以下词汇:
单词:amazing, outstanding, enjoyable, fantastic, superb, unique, unbelievable, impressive, attractive, splendid, mysterious, extraordinary, magnificent, fascinating, brilliant, breath-taking, marvelous, miraculous, spectacular; historical, shiny, shining, bright, colorful, huge, enormous, tiny,wooden, plastic… 短语:be known for, with a history/area/height of, leave sb a deep impression… ②语言技能目标 学生进一步学习如何将上述词汇用在好的句型中,如定语从句、名词性从句、非谓语结构等多种句型,顺利完成由词到句至篇章的过程。

③学习策略目标 独立思考与合作学习相结合。

④跨文化交际目标 通过描写历史类景点,了解中西方思维与表达的异同。

⑤情感态度目标 学生通过对家乡历史景点的描写,能够加深对家乡的了解和热爱,重新发现家乡的美,增加自豪感。

4. Important and Difficult Points 头脑风暴有关总体印象、历史、色彩、大小、高低、长短、形状、材料等方面的形容词,并能套用不同的句型以增加美感。

5. 教学方法 任务型教学法,合作教学法。

6. 教学辅助 黑板, PPT,Ipad,教学白板。

7. 教学过程 Step 1: Lead-in Showing a few photos of the tourist sights, the teacher begins the class. T: Yesterday Zhang Pingyu shared with us her tour in London. On the first day, what tourist attractions did she see? Ss: (with the help of photos) Tower of London, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Westminster Abby, Big Ben as well as Buckingham Palace. T: These are all historical tourist attractions. Are they attractive? Ss: Yes. T: How does Zhang Pingyu make them attractive? There are no such beautiful photos in the text…It must be the power of words! How does she describe each attraction? Ss: the “fancy” Tower of London, “splendid” St. Paul’s Cathedral, “interesting” Westminster Abby and “famous” Big Ben. T: Fantastic! These are all adjectives. By using different adjectives, the author makes the attraction very attractive. There are many historical tourist attractions in Ningbo. We can also use various adjectives to make our attraction attractive. 【设计说明】开门见山地点出文中景点之所以吸引人的地方,即形容词的使用,告诉学生形容词的巧妙使用能让历史类景点引人入胜,引导学生他们也能写出一篇好的景点。教师在用语方面也尽量使用丰富的形容词。

Step 2: Brainstorm adjectives T: When we visit a historical tourist attraction, we will have a general impression, whether it’s ancient or magnificent. Besides general impression, what other aspects will you pay attention to? Ss: history, color, size, height, length, shape, material…(with hints given by the teacher) The teacher asks the students to discuss in groups about adjectives according to the following aspects: general impression, history, color, size, height, length, shape, material... Invite 4 group leaders to write them on the blackboard. Then the teacher shows more adjectives. The teacher also displays related sentences from the text accordingly. Each PPT has photos historical attractions in Ningbo to give students a direction impression of the adjectives. 【设计说明】教师将历史景点的描述按写作需要分成8个部分,分别是总体印象、历史、色彩、大小、高度、长度、形状、材质这八个部分,这些部分由教师提示学生说出。接着将学生分成四组,第一组列出与总体印象和历史有关的形容词,第二组与总体印象和色彩有关的形容词,第三组总体印象与大小高度长度,第四组总体印象与形状材质。教师先举例,再由学生讨论记录。结束后由各组学生代表说出,并由教师扩充词汇。Ppt上的宁波历史景点图片有助于学生联想。

Step 3: Make sentences T: It’s amazing that you should know such a large number of adjectives. Now it’s time to practise. Each of you are going to pick one of the given sentences to describe one of the four historical attractions. Of course it’s better to think of other great sentence structures, using clauses, conjunctions and so on. 【设计说明】这是由词到句的过程。教师用句子填空的形式让学生描述图片。图片为宁波非常有名的历史景点:鼓楼、保国寺、天一阁和天封塔。一些如面积、高度等信息已在图片上标出。四个景点分别分配给四个组。要求学生每人写两个句子,一个句子从ppt中选,另一个自己写。给出的句子富含各种句型结构,其实是给学生一个提示,想要写出好的文章,用上好的形容词,再辅以丰富的句型。学生完成后每组点一位学生描述。给出的句子如下:
XXX, whose top is , is really . With a(n) height/area/history of…, XXX... Known for its structure, XXX remains... Step 4: Writing and presentation Students of four groups are assigned to write four historical tourist attractions. When finished, the teacher presents one or two students’ writing and make assessments. 【设计说明】将句子成文。每个学生写指定的景点。既能操练各类形容词,又能运用上句型,从而产出优秀的文章。学生写完后用iPad拍照,直接在白板上展示。教师的点评围绕丰富的形容词、句型展开,充分肯定学生,指出改进方向。

Step 5: Homework Finish the writing and polish it. 【设计说明】保证一些未完成的学生能完成作文,并使全班同学针对点评改进自己的作文。

