
庖丁巧解牛 知识·巧学 生词巧解 犹豫;踌躇 【词析】音析:元音字母e,i,a分别读作和。

义析:to be slow to act,speak,or decide 【典句】We do not hesitate to give our lives for our country,let alone suffer some hardships. 我们不惜为国献身,更不必说吃点苦了。

【拓展】1)构词:hesitation n.犹豫,踌躇 2)牢记相关短语:hesitate at nothing 毫不犹豫地做某事;without hesitation毫不犹豫地,立即 伪装;假扮;遮盖; n.伪装 【词析】音析:元音字母 i,i分别读作[I]和[aI]。

义析:appear in order to prevent other’s recognition 【典句】The soldiers disguised themselves by wearing white garments in the snow. 在雪地里战士们穿着白色服装把自己伪装起来。

【拓展】1)构词:disguisedly adv. 假装地;匿名地;disguiser n.伪装者;假装者 2)牢记相关短语:in disguise 伪装,化装;in (under) the disguise of 伪装成,在……伪装下;make no disguise of不掩饰;throw off one’s disguise摘下假面具;露出真面目 (见解或判断上)错误的;
不正确的 【词析】音析:元音字母i,a,e分别读作 和。

义析:wrong 【典句】The pupils have a mistaken opinion of their teacher. 学生对老师的看法不正确。

【拓展】1)构词:mistakenly adv. 错误地 2)
牢记相关短语:a mistaken idea错误的想法;mistaken statement错误的声明;be mistaken about误会 光辉灿烂的;杰出的;才华横溢的 【词析】音析:元音字母 i,字母组合ia分别读作 [I]和。

形析:bri(=bright明亮)+lliant(+light 光亮) 义析:bright,shining,wonderful 【典句】A brilliant solution to the problem results from a brilliant mind. 一个解决问题的出色的办法源于一个聪慧的头脑。

【拓展】1)构词:brilliantly adv.辉煌地,灿烂地,光亮地 2)牢记相关短语:a brilliant color 鲜明的颜色;a brilliant artist 一位有才华的艺术家;brilliant achievements显赫的成就;a brilliant mind头脑敏锐的人 显露出(本来面目);背叛 【词析】音析:元音字母 e,字母组合 ay分别读作 [I]和。

形析:be(使)+tray(= trade交出) 义析:go against 【典句】Her face betrayed her nervousness. 她的面部表情显露出她很紧张。

【拓展】1)构词:betrayer n 叛徒,背叛者 2)牢记相关短语:betray a secret 泄露秘密;betray one’s country to the enemy卖国,做卖国贼 开除;让……离开 【词析】音析:元音字母i,i分别读作 [I]和[I]。

义析:keep sb.away 【典句】The boss threatened to dismiss all the employees who had expressed their sympathy for the strike,but it’s all bluff. 老板威胁说要解雇所有同情罢工的员工,但是这不过是恐吓而已。

【拓展】1)构词:dismission n.免职;解雇;不予考虑 2)牢记相关短语:dismiss a class 下课;dismiss the meeting宣布散会;dismiss sb.from his post撤销某人的职务;be dismissed from the service被免职;被解雇;dismiss fear from one’s mind消除心里的恐惧 谴责;使……注定 【词析】音析:元音字母o,e分别读作和[e]。

义析:to express strong disagreement 【典句】Most people are willing to condemn violence of any sort as evil. 大多数人都愿意把任何暴力行为视作恶行加以谴责。

【拓展】牢记相关短语:be condemned to death 被判死刑;condemn sb.’s behavior谴责某人的举动;condemned the needless waste of food反对不必要的粮食浪费 pass...off as...(某人)冒充…… 【词析】义析:pretend to be real 【典句】She passed herself off as an experienced actress. 她冒充成有经验的女演员。

【拓展】牢记相关短语:pass oneself as sb.冒充;pass on 传递;前进;pass by漠视;不理会;pass out失去知觉;昏过去;pass up放弃;错过 【辨析】pass和 past pass,past这两个词不是同义词,也不是近义词。pass是动词,而past是介词,有时用作形容词或名词。当pass用作动词和past用作介词时,它们都有“过去”和“经过”的意思。past用作形容词,是“过去的”意思,用作名词是“过去”的意思。

相识;了解;熟人 【词析】音析:元音字母 a,字母组合ai,a分别读作,和。

形析:ac(=act 行动)+quaint(=question询问)+ance(名词后缀)
义析:knowledge of a person 【典句】I have some acquaintance with English,but I do not know it well. 我稍懂些英语,但并不精通。

【拓展】牢记相关短语:make one’s acquaintance 结识某人;drop/cut an acquaintance with sb.和某人绝交;have a nodding acquaintance with sb.与某人有点头之交;have no acquaintance with不熟悉;不了解;pick acquaintance with偶然认识 机会;运气;大笔的钱 【词析】音析: 字母组合or,tune分别读作和。

形析: for(为了)+tune(调子)→寻找机会 义析:luck 【典句】It is also believed that it will bring good fortune in the coming year. 据说它还能为人们在新的一年里带来好运气。

【拓展】1)构词:fortunate adj.幸运的,幸福的。

2)牢记相关短语:be in good fortune运气好;by good fortune幸好,由于幸运;come into a fortune继承一大笔财产;have a fortune有财产;have fortune on one’s side走红运;have the fortune to do幸而……(做)……;make a fortune发财致富;read sb.’s fortune给某人算命;run a fortune冒风险;seek one’s fortune找出路;try one’s fortune碰运气 generally speaking adv. 一般说来 【词析】义析:in a general way 【典句】Generally speaking,whoever works hard will get a good chance for a job. 一般说来,努力学习的人都有得到一份工作的机会。

【拓展】牢记相关短语:broadly speaking一般地说;frankly speaking坦率地说;personally speaking就个人来说;properly speaking确切地说;roughly speaking粗略地说来;strictly speaking严格说来 in terms of 就……来说;从……角度 【词析】义析:as far as 【典句】In terms of weather,here is a good place for the tour. 从天气来讲,这里是一个旅游圣地。

【拓展】牢记相关短语:in the long term从长远的观点看;in the short term从眼前的观点看;in any term无论如何,在任何情况下;in black and white terms 毫不含糊;in general terms笼统地;in high terms极力称赞 清楚的;明显的;种类不同的;(截然)分开的 【词析】音析:元音字母i,in分别读作[I]和。

形析:dis(分开)+stinct (=stinguere刺) 意指用刺作记号,明显分开。

义析:to be different from others 【典句】There is a distinct improvement in your study. 你的学习有显著进步。

【拓展】1)构词:distinction n.区别,差别 2)牢记相关短语:a man of very distinct character一个个性很强的人;distinct statement确切的声明;a distinct opportunity难得的机会;be distinct in...from...在某方面与……不同 妥协;折衷 【词析】音析:元音字母o,o,i分别读作,和。

形析:com(前缀,互相 )+promise (许诺)
义析:a settlement of differences in each side 【典句】We can not compromise on such terms. 我们不能根据这样的条件和解。

【拓展】牢记相关短语:compromise with a person与人和解;compromise of principle原则上的让步;be compromised by被……连累;compromise with...on在……方面,同……妥协 fade out (声音、画面)逐渐模糊、渐淡 【词析】义析:become weaker and weaker 【典句】The memory of her sufferings in her childhood will never fade out from her mind. 她永远不会忘却童年时代所受的痛苦。

【拓展】牢记相关短语:fade in(电影画面或广播声音)渐现,淡入,渐强;fade away消失;逐渐减弱;褪色;fade up渐强(指电视、广播中的声音) 有效的 【词析】音析:元音字母e,e,i分别读作[I],[e]和[I]。

形析:effect(效果)+ive(……的) 义析:having an expected effect 【典句】After the government had taken some effective measures,prices began to level off. 政府采取了一些有效措施后,物价开始稳定了。

【拓展】1)构词:effectively adv. 效率高地 2)牢记相关短语:be effective on对……有效;become effective(法律、决议、协定等)生效;be far from effective很不得力;take effective measures采取有效措施
