
第13组 guard 英音:/gɑːd/美音:/ɡɑrd/ 1. vt. & vi. 保护; 控制 2. n. 警戒, 警惕, 守卫 3. 卫兵 4. 警卫队 5. 御姿势 6. 护装置 时 态: guarded, guarding, guards  名 词: guarder 词组 | 习惯用语 guarding v. 保卫;
防(对手)(guard 的现在分词)
guards n. 守卫;
禁卫军; v. 守卫;
看守(guard的第三人称单数); guarder n. 卫兵;
看守人 coast guard 海岸警卫队队员;
海岸巡逻队队员 permission guard 许可保护机制 Horse Guards 英国皇家骑兵卫队 keep guard 站岗 off guard 不提防;
不警惕 night guard [口腔] 夜用护板 rear guard 后卫部队;
殿后 网络短语: Guarder 防护软体; 警星; 守卫者; Guards 御林军; 近卫军; 卫军; 粘插图纸条; Fan Guard Fan Guard 风扇网 guard position 备用位; 防御位置; 保护位; 翻译; right guard 右后卫; 右哨锋; 好保镳; 锐特佳; neck guard 护颈 provost guard 临时执行宪兵任务之特; 宪兵纠察队; front guard 前防护 英语例句库 1.The raiders disguised themselves as security guards. 1.袭击者都装扮成了保安人员。

2.We posted a guard to keep watch. 2.我们派了一名卫兵站岗。

3.A guard is made of eight soldiers. 3.卫队由八个士兵组成。

4.The guard was feinted out of position. 4.守卫被骗离岗位。

5.Our two guards defended with great skill. 5.我队的两名后卫技巧娴熟地进行防守。

6.The guards stopped me at the gate. 6.卫兵在大门口将我拦住。

7.Guards set dogs upon the escaping prisoners. 7.守卫让狗攻击逃犯 8.We view these changes with guarded optimism. 8.我们以审慎的乐观看待这些变化 9.There is guard toing-and-froing along the rampart. 9.有一个卫兵在沿着城堡来回走动。

10.The constitution guards the liberty of people. 10.宪法保障人民的自由。

11.They were summarily ejected by the security guard. 11.他们立刻被保安赶了出来。

12.We were guarded by sentries against surprise attack. 12.我们由哨兵守卫, 以免遭受突袭。

13.Three men guarded him whenever he went out. 13.每当他外出时都有三个人保护他。

14.The player was guarded closely by her opponent. 14.那名运动员被她的对手紧紧地看住。

15.Guards broke up the fight. The marriage broke up. 15.警卫们结束了这场打斗。婚姻破裂了 16.The guards thwarted his attempt to escape from prison. 16.警卫阻扰了他越狱的企图。

17.Two fierce griffins guarded the entrance to the castle. 17.在城堡的进门处, 守着两个凶猛的怪物。

18.“T” AFO can guard against foot-drop, strephenopodia and strephexopodia. 18.“T”形AFO可预防足下垂和内外翻足;收藏指正 19.The captain assigned two soldiers to guard the gate. 19.上尉派了两个士兵守大门。

20.A noise prompted the guard to go back and investigate. 20.嘈杂声促使卫兵回头调查 21.The soldiers guarded the prince whenever he left the palace. 21.每当王子离开皇宫, 士兵们都要保护他。

22.Miners wore a helmet as a guard against falling rocks. 22.矿工头戴钢盔, 防护落下的岩石。

23.The car caromed off the guard rail into the ditch. 23.汽车撞上护拦又弹回,跌进沟里 24.There are guards at the door to keep out the undesirables. 24.门口有卫兵防止不良分子入内。

25.Be guard against various sham theories. Don't be fooled by them. 25.“要警惕各种假理论,不要上它们的当/不要为它们所欺骗。“ 26.The robber stunned the guard by banging him on the head. 26.抢劫犯猛击那个卫兵的头部使他晕了过去。

27.He paraded the soldiers of King Guard at the Conferment Day. 27.它当天还“检阅”了前来看望它的挪威国王卫队士兵。

28.He's lost (guard Daniel) Boobie Gibson for a lot of time. 28.他还很多次失去了后卫吉布森。

29.Soon the guard on the train came and clipped our tickets. 29.不久列车员走过来把我们的票剪了个口了。

30.The general detached a small force to go and guard the palace. 30.将军派遣一支小部队去保卫宫殿。

31.Tell him when the guarder of the value Clinton is already nonofficeholding. 31.当值的卫兵告诉他克林顿已经下台了。

32.In scientific discussions it is essential to guard against subjectivism and arbitrariness. 32.在科学讨论中要严防主观武断。

33.The Kuvasz has a double coat, formed by guard hair and fine undercoat. 33.哥威斯犬拥有双层被毛,由外层披毛和柔软的底毛组成。

34.Gamic's fierce Indri guards carry Gamic, their High Priest, to the offering ceremony. 34.祭司加密科面目狰狞的亲卫队抬着他来主持更生仪式。

35.Such is the lesson of the Great Guard, Helm of the Unsleeping Eyes.? 35.这就是伟大的守卫,拥有永不沈睡之眼的海姆给我们的教训。? 36.A few minutes later,the head-warder assembled the guards and warders in his office. 36.几分钟后,看守长把警卫和看守叫到他的办公室。

37.The old guard in European politics is being challenged by fresh new ideas. 37.欧洲政党中的保守势力受到了新观念的挑战。

38.The rancher must always be on guard against the dangers that nature can create. 38.牧场主必须时刻防备可能发生的自然灾害。

39.There’s a building guarded by the local militia at the corner of the street. 39.街道拐角处有一幢由当地民兵团守卫的大楼。

40.You must guard against those who fawn upon you and bow obsequiously before you! 40.对阿谀奉承、点头哈腰的人要格外警惕! 41.The sentry guard dived into his foxhole and closely observed the stranger towards him. 41.“哨兵跳入了散兵坑,密切注视着陌生人向他走来。“ 42.Coast guards radioed in the information. 42.各海岸警卫队员用无线电发来了信息。

43.The dog jealously guarded its bone. 43.那狗戒备地看管着它的骨头。

44.Be on your guard against pickpockets. 44.谨防扒手。

45.Be on your guard against thieves. 45.当心小偷。

46.Football players often wear shin guards. 46.足球运动员经常穿着护腿。

47.Armed guards wrestled with the intruder. 47.武装警卫和闯入者扭打起来。

48.The noise aroused the sleeping guard. 48.响声把睡着的警卫惊醒了。

49.But the growing scrutiny of the village guard system is fueling calls for its disbandment. 49.但是对卫队体系的不断推敲更助长了要求解散的声音。

50.That guarder tells him Clinton is already nonofficeholding, look for him please in his home. 50.那个卫兵告诉他克林顿已经下台了,请到他家里去找他。

51.Guard your temper. 51.克制住你的脾气。

52.Guard your tongue. 52.当心, 不可乱说。

53.Guard what you say. 53.说话时要谨慎 54.The warehouse is guarded. 54.库房有人看守。

55.They ordered the guard away. 55.他们命令警卫离开。

56.The guard was gunned down. 56.卫兵被枪杀了。

57.The dog guarded the house. 57.狗守护着房子。

58.He guarded himself against vice. 58.他避免染上坏习惯。

59.Stalwart policemen stood guard outside. 59.强壮的警察在外面警戒。

60.The guard saluted me smartly. 60.卫兵向我行了个漂亮的军礼。
