
人教版(PEP)小学英语五年级下册 Unit 1 My day Part B同步测试(二)(I)卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友们,经过一段时间的学习,你们一定进步不少吧,今天就让我们来检验一下! 一、 选出下列各组单词中不同类的选项。

共10分) 1. (10分)
写出下列单词的副词形式 ①loud________   ② quick________  ③slow________  ④quiet________ ⑤happy________   ⑥ real________ ⑦ sad________ ⑧ good________⑨fast ________ ⑩early ________ 二、 读句子,用所给单词的正确形式填空。

共31分) 2. (25分)
情景练习 A、My favourite toy is a bus. B、My name is Daming. C、They're dogs. D、I'm eight. E、It's a cat. (1)
What are they? (2)
What's this? (3)
How old are you? (4)
What's your name? (5)
What's your favourite toy? 3. (1分)
Mike walked       ________(quiet)into the room not to wake up his grandpa. 4. (1分)
We have a basketball class today.________ 5. (4分)
I usually________ ________  ________ ________(散步)at 7:30. 三、 给下列对话选择相应的图片。

共4分) 6. (4分)

①seven         ②eight      ③ten      ④Nine ________ ________ ________ ________ 四、 做游戏,看谁答得快(找出下列问句相应的答语)。

共2分) 7. (2分)
—Can you ________? —No,________  五、 给下列图片选择相应的短语。

共1分) 8. (1分)
They  ________ (go) to school at 8:00. 六、 根据句意选择合适的介词补全句子。

 for  with  i (共4题;
共8分) 9. (5分)

⑴Bob is a good football player. ________ ⑵Last Saturday,my father and I watched a basketball game.________ ⑶This is our team.________ ⑷—Who won? ________ —Tom's team won. ⑸My brother is a policeman.________ A.            B.          C. D.         E. 10. (1分)
My mother________(buy)vegetables in this supermarket every day. 11. (1分)
When is________(your/you)birthday? 12. (1分)
My father is________  good man. 七、 选词填空。

共8分) 13. (1分)
His father looked at his son________(angry)because he made a mistake. 14. (4分)
I am ________America. But I live ________China now.This is a picture ________my hometown. I am good________drawing. 15. (1分)
Lucy or Lily,who is ________ (heavy)? 16. (1分)
—When is the English test? —________(November 2nd) 17. (1分)

A:What are you doing ? B:I'm ________ 八、 根据表格内容写出两个句子。

共11分) 18. (11分)

Which season do you like best? (根据问句写出答语)
________? (根据答语写出问句) Because I can go on a picnic in spring. (3)
What do you often do in summer?(根据问句写出答语)
九、 看图补全短语。

共6分) 19. (1分)
 ________ 20. (1分)
—What are they doing? —They're ________ football.   21. (4分)

① eat breakfast ________     A. ② English class ________     B. ③ get up ________     C. ④ go to bed ________     D. 十、 选出下列问句对应的答语。

共5分) 22. (5分)

________ B:They are talking about yesterday's football match. A:Oh,I watched it on TV. Didn't you watch it? B:________ I did my homework and forgot the time. When I turned on the TV,it had finished already. A:________ But Tianjin Team will play again this evening. B:________ A:Sure. You should finish your homework earlier if you want to watch it. Remember,________. A.  What a pity! B.  Work must come first. C.  Can we watch it on TV? D. What are they talking about? E.  No,I didn't. 十一、 选择合适的选项补全对话。

共6分) 23. (5分)

A.He is tall and strong. B.Mr. Carter. C.I often do homework. D.We have tofu and fish. E.I like apples. They are sweet. (1)
—Who's your English teacher?       —________ (2)
—What's he like?                   —________ (3)
—What's your favourite food?       —________ (4)
—What do you do on Sunday?      —________ (5)
—What do you have for lunch?      —________ 24. (1分)
Mr. John can ________(make)cakes. 十二、 单项选择。

共6分) 25. (2分)
—Do you like drinking tea? —________. A . Yes,I do     B . No,I do     C . Yes,I don't     26. (2分)
What's that? _________a robot. A . This is     B . That is     C . It's     27. (2分)
—I want to make a cake.What do I need? —        A . You like milk.     B . You need some eggs and milk.     C . I like eggs.     十三、 给下列问句选择相应的答语。

共1分) 28. (1分)
Where was he?   ________  十四、 阅读短文,判断正误。

共38分) 29. (10分)
阅读理解 My name is Bruce. I'm eleven years old. I study in Yangguang Primary School (阳光小学). I like watermelon. And I have a red pet (宠物). It has two long ears and red eyes. It is white,it likes grass very much. Can you guess what is it? (1)
—How old is Bruce? —He is ________ years old. A . 11     B . 12     C . 13     (2)
—What does Bruce like? —He likes________. A . pineapple     B . watermelon     C . pear     (3)
Bruce's pet (宠物) has two ears. It is ________. A . small     B . long     C . short     (4)
What color are the pet's (宠物的) eyes? A . blue     B . yellow     C . red     (5)
Can you guess what is Bruce's pet? (你能猜猜Bruce的宠物是什么吗?) A . An elephant     B . A rabbit     C . A monkey     30. (10分)
(2020五上·北京期末) 读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。

Our class is going to Mount Tai by train next weekend. Many students are very happy. Tom is excited. Because he likes climbing mountains. Lily is a tall girl. She is not happy. Their family is going to visit her grandparents. She can't go to Mount Tai. John is sad. His left arm hurts. The doctor asks him to stay in bed. He can't go with us. (1)
Our class is going to Mount tai by         . A . plane     B . train     C . car     (2)
        likes climbing mountains. A . Tom     B . Lily     C . John     (3)
Lily will           next weekend. A . stay in bed     B . go to Mount Tai     C . visit her grandparents     (4)
John is sad because          . He can't go with us. A . his right arm hurts     B . his left arm hurts     C . his right leg hurts     (5)
The doctor asks John to          . A . watch TV     B . see a movie     C . stay in bed     31. (8分)

Boy:Hello,I'm Mike.What's your name? Girl:Hi,I'm Sarah.I'm a student. Boy:Where are you from? Girl:I'm from the USA.What about you? Boy:I'm from Canada. (1)
Mike is a boy. (2)
Sarah is a teacher. (3)
Mike is from the UK. (4)
Sarah is from the USA. 32. (10分)

To:brian@compmail. ca From:rose@supermail. com Subject:A trip to Shanghai. Dear Brian,    I'm in Harbin now. How's the weather in Canada?It's cold and snowy here. I'm having fun. The people here are very kind. I'm coming home to Canada on May 31. Tomorrow I will write an email to my parents on the computer. I miss them very much. But it's a great trip. See you soon. Your sister, Rose (1)
This email is from ________. A . Brian     B . Rose     (2)
Rose is in ________ now. A . Canada     B . China     (3)
Rose will write ________ to her mother and father. A . a letter     B . an email     (4)
Rose is Brian's ________. A . sister     B . brother     (5)
Rose ________ this trip. A . likes     B . doesn't like     参考答案 一、 选出下列各组单词中不同类的选项。

共10分) 1-1、 二、 读句子,用所给单词的正确形式填空。

共31分) 2-1、 2-2、 2-3、 2-4、 2-5、 3-1、 4-1、 5-1、 三、 给下列对话选择相应的图片。

共4分) 6-1、 四、 做游戏,看谁答得快(找出下列问句相应的答语)。

共2分) 7-1、 五、 给下列图片选择相应的短语。

共1分) 8-1、 六、 根据句意选择合适的介词补全句子。

 for  with  i (共4题;
共8分) 9-1、 10-1、 11-1、 12-1、 七、 选词填空。

共8分) 13-1、 14-1、 15-1、 16-1、 17-1、 八、 根据表格内容写出两个句子。

共11分) 18-1、 18-2、 18-3、 九、 看图补全短语。

共6分) 19-1、 20-1、 21-1、 十、 选出下列问句对应的答语。

共5分) 22-1、 十一、 选择合适的选项补全对话。

共6分) 23-1、 23-2、 23-3、 23-4、 23-5、 24-1、 十二、 单项选择。

共6分) 25-1、 26-1、 27-1、 十三、 给下列问句选择相应的答语。

共1分) 28-1、 十四、 阅读短文,判断正误。

共38分) 29-1、 29-2、 29-3、 29-4、 29-5、 30-1、 30-2、 30-3、 30-4、 30-5、 31-1、 31-2、 31-3、 31-4、 32-1、 32-2、 32-3、 32-4、 32-5、

推荐访问:3-甲基-1-(2 5-二氯-4-磺酸基 35-二羟基苯甲酸 30齐天大圣大战二郎神生写 3116人体生理学试题及答案 3452-1-2013 35kV电缆交接试验