
第186组 pocket 英音:/'pɒkɪt/美音:/'pɑkɪt/  1. n. 口;
容器 2. vt. 隐藏;
将…放入衣 3. vi. 形成或囊 4. adj. 小型的,袖珍的;
金钱上的 时 态: pocketed, pocketing, pockets  形容词: pocketable 词组 | 习惯用语 pocketing n. 做口袋的各种布料; v. 把…装入袋内;
忍受(pocket的ing形式); slit pocket 开缝口袋 dust pocket 贮尘室;
防尘室,收尘室 pocket book 小笔记簿 lapel pocket 胸前口袋 corner pocket 角落球袋 pitch pocket 树脂束; [植] 树脂囊; [车辆][机] 油眼; watch pocket (背心,裤腰上的)表袋 welt pocket 西装袋;
手巾袋 side pocket 横袋;
大袋 网络短语: POCKETING 袋布; 腔槽加工; 腔体加工; 加工; change pocket coin pocket 裱袋 slant pocket angle pocket 斜袋 Pocket BMX 口袋小轮车; 口袋自行车; 黑人自行车; 越野自行车; Pocket Projector 口袋型投影机; 微型投影机; 联想掌上智能投影机; 式投影机; Patched Pockets 修补口袋 vertical pocket 插袋 Melding Pockets 小地区 fork pocket 叉槽 Pocket Monsters-Emerald 绿宝石; 口袋妖怪; 英语例句库 1.My keys are in my coat pocket. 1.我的钥匙在外衣口袋里。

2.Her mother docked her of pocket money. 2.她妈减少了她的零用钱。

3.He pocketed his wallet and car keys. 3.他把钱包和汽车钥匙放进衣袋里。

4.He concealed the sweets in his pocket. 4.他把糖果藏在口袋里。

5.His pockets bulged with apples and candy. 5.他的口袋鼓鼓地装满了苹果和糖。

6.The lad's pocket was lumped with various articles. 6.那小孩的口袋给各式各样的东西塞得凹凸不平。

7.Jack filched a pen from his friend’s pocket. 7.杰克从朋友的口袋里偷走了一支钢笔。

8.His pocket was all gummed up with candy. 8.他的口袋全被糖粘住了。

9.I keep my wallet in an inside pocket. 9.我把钱包放在里面的口袋里。

10.The defendant had the jury in his pocket. 10.被告已控制了陪审团 11.The apple made a bulge in his pocket. 11.苹果把他口袋塞得鼓了起来。

12.The intruder whipped out a knife from his pocket. 12.闯进来的人突然从他的口袋里掏出一把刀来。

13.He was twenty dollars in pocket by the transaction. 13.他在这笔生意中赚了20美元。

14.He fumbled about in his pockets for the ticket. 14.他(瞎)摸着衣兜找票。

15.Someone has stolen my wallet from my back pocket. 15.有人从我的后口袋偷走了皮夹子。

16.The soldiers had their furloughs in their breast pockets. 16.士兵们的贴身口袋里装着休假证 17.He was enthusing about his new pocket cassette recorder. 17.他对自己的新袖珍录音机爱不释手。

18.The gang had hundreds of police officers in their pockets. 18.这个犯罪团伙操纵了数百个警察。

19.Kelly stood watching, her hands sunk deep into her pockets. 19.凯丽手深深地插在口袋里,站在一旁观望。

20.He had the audacity to pick pockets in broad daylight. 20.他竟敢在光天化日之下掏包。

21.My billfold is in the left-hand pocket of my coat. 21.我的钱包在大衣的左边兜里。

22.He’d been lining his pockets for years before it was discovered. 22.他多年中饱私囊,终于东窗事发。

23.The money was muddled up with everything else in his pocket. 23.他衣兜里的钱和其他东西都混在一起了。

24.The blast was caused by pockets of methane gas that ignited. 24.爆炸是由数袋甲烷气体着火引起的。

25.He docked her pocket money until the debt was paid off. 25.他削减了她的零用钱, 直到还清了债务。

26.Forged passports were found in a secret pocket in the hold-all. 26.假护照是在手提箱的暗袋里发现的。

27.They caught him with a lot of narky in his pockets. 27.他们逮住了他,并从他口袋里搜出了大量的毒品。

28.I'm tired of villages where everyone lives in everyone else's pocket. 28.我讨厌那些人与人都很近乎的村落。

29.Hands stuck in his trousers pockets, jarvey off for the day, singing. 29.双手揣在兜里,唱着歌儿的那副样子,活像是逍遥自在地度着一天假的马车夫。

30.In his pocket I found a handkerchief, string, and what have you. 30.我在他的兜儿里找到手绢、线一类的东西。

31.Mr Luo Busen must uncloak... so, he installs us without the pocket. 31.罗布森先生不得不脱去外套……所以,他没有口袋把我们装起来。” 32.He bears grudges against me, because I broke the egg in his pocket. 32.他对我怀恨在心, 因为我坏了他的计划。

33.The coins jingled in his pocket. 33.硬币在他的口袋里叮当作响。

34.Read the instructions on the pocket. 34.看一下袋子上的说明。

35.The thief picked the man's pocket. 35.小偷扒了那人的口袋。

36.The gem is beyond my pocket. 36.这颗宝石我可买不起。

37.His handkerchief stuck from his pocket. 37.他的手帕从口袋里露了出来。

38.He is suffering in his pocket. 38.他在经济上正受损失。

39.His pocket was bulging with sweets. 39.他的口袋由于装满糖果鼓起来了。

40.The society was not even in funds to pay its out of pocket disbursements. 40.该社团甚至没有经费应付日常开支。

41.A prestidigitator who, putting metal into your mouth, pulls coins out of your pocket. 41.戏法佬,放烂铜烂铁入你口,铸成硬币,然后从你荷包攞出 42.My grandfather always carries his watch in his pocket; it's a foible of his. 42.“我的祖父总是把手表放在口袋里,这是他的一种怪习性。“ 43.I bought a new cigarette lighter and it broke; now I'm £5 out of pocket. 43.我买了个新打火机,可是已经坏了;

44.I bought a new cigarette lighter and it broke; now I'm £10 out of pocket. 44.我买了新打火机, 可是它坏了, 这下白花了十英镑。

45.He remembered in the nick of time that his passport was in his coat pocket. 45.在最后关头他想起来护照在外套口袋里。

46.Don't forget to shake the pockets out before you take your coat to the cleaner's. 46.你把外衣送到洗衣店之前, 别忘记抖空衣兜。

47.My pocket was picked. 47.我的口袋被扒了 48.(as) handy as a pocket in a shirt 48.[美、口]非常方便 49.It's in my jacket pocket. 49.它在我上衣口袋里。

50.He bought a pocket dictionary. 50.他买了一本袖珍词典。

51.The oranges bulged his pocket. 51.桔子使得他的衣袋胀得鼓鼓的。

52.His pocket bulges with apples. 52.他的衣袋装着苹果鼓了起来。

53.A man who could make so vile a pun would not scruple to pick a pocket. 53.一个能说出如此恶劣双关语的人,是不会对偷窃钱包感到不安的。

54.There are a number of thoughtful slots and pockets for storing things, including a lighted glovebox. 54.,乐骋有若干深思的储存物品空间,包括一个浅的手套箱。

55.DENTIST, n. A prestidigitator who, putting metal into your mouth, pulls coins out of your pocket. 55.一种变戏法的人,他一边往你口袋里放金属,一边从你的口袋里掏金钱。

56.It wasn’t that long ago that Americans bestrode the globe with the world’s strongest currency in their pockets. 56.就在不久前,美国人还口袋里装着世界上最强大的美元高踞于地球之上。

57.This ominous, goateed man waves a pocket watch back and forth, guiding his subject into a semi-sleep, zombie-like state. 57.这个不吉利的、尖胡子男人来回晃动一只怀表,引导他的受测人进入了一个半睡眠、僵尸般的状态。

58.He tore the flower gravely from its pinhold smelt its almost no smell and placed it in his heart pocket. 58.他神严肃地扯下那朵用饰针别着的花儿,嗅了嗅几乎消失殆尽的香气,将它放在胸兜里。

59.Lenny took his bare red hands out of his pockets and bent down to refasten the snow-crusted, icy metal clasps. 59.他将冻得通红的手从口袋里拿出来,弯下腰,将冰雪覆盖的金属扣又重新扣上。

60.ACD (Active Camming Device) - Protection device that secures in rock cracks or pockets by means of spring-loaded cams. See SLCD. 60.使用弹簧凸轮装置在岩石裂缝或者岩洞做确保的保护器材。
