
第46组 lead 英音:/li:d; led/美音:/liːd; led/ 1. n. 铅;
石墨 2. vt. 领导;
致使 3. vi. 导致;
用水砣测深 4. adj. 带头的;
最重要的 时 态: led leading, leads  形容词: lead 词组 | 习惯用语 leads n. 引线;
管道(lead的复数); v. 领导;
指引; lead dioxide [无化] 二氧化铅 lead identification 引线标志 lead white 铅白色; 铅白; fish lead 铅鱼(探砣的一种);
游水测深锤 lead leg 前腿 leading phase 超前相位 leading question 对答案有诱导性的提问 lead bullion [材] 粗铅 coasting lead 沿海用测深锤 网络短语: Leads 通向; 销售线索; 铅条; 引线脚; lead foil lead paper 铅箔 Lead Time Lead Time 提前期 lead bar lead rod 铅条 Lead and lead compound 铅及其化合物 Lead azide Lead diazide 叠氮化铅 lead dioxide lead superoxide 二氧化铅 lead pipe lead tube 铅管 lead lead the way 引路 lead accumulator lead battery 铅蓄电池 英语例句库 1.Cathodic polarization curves of sulphamate basic lead, cadmium and lead -cadmiumelectrolytes were studied. 1.研究了在氨基磺酸盐体系中铅、镉和铅一镉镀液的阴极极化曲线。

评价该例句:好评差评指正 2.Diligence is the path leading to happiness. 2.勤劳是获得幸福的途径。

3.This path leads slap to the playground. 3.这条小路直接通到运动场。

4.The views of the two leaders agree. 4.两位领导的意见取得一致。

5.The leaders have the army behind them. 5.那些领袖有军队作为后盾 6.The South had leaders, the North numbers. 6.南方有领导上的优势,北方有数量上的优势 7.Politically, the two leaders are poles apart. 7.在政治上,两位领导人的观点截然相反。

8.He used to lead an outdoor life. 8.他以前习惯过野外生活。

9.The union leader eats managers for breakfast! 9.工会主席把经理们整惨了。

10.She leads a gay and wild life. 10.她过着放荡不羁的生活。

11.Gutters lead the water into the ditch. 11.排水沟把水排到这条水沟里。

12.The troops dressed on the squad leader. 12.士兵向班长看齐 13.The group leader supervises a dozen workers. 13.组长管十二个工人。

14.Worries and tenseness can lead to insomnia. 14.忧虑和紧张会导致失眠。

15.Saying, “lord lead me not into tentation“ 15.“上帝,让我免于试探” 16.A soldier leads a very precarious life. 16.军人过着非常危险的生活。

17.The stick had been weighted with lead. 17.这根棍子灌了铅增加了重量。

18.40,000 fervent admirers of the Great Leader. 18.伟大领袖的四万名膜拜者。

19.Their leader was the apotheosis of courage. 19.他们的领导人是勇敢的典范 20.This is the avouch of this leader. 20.这就是这位领导人的声言。

21.There is some consternation among business leaders. 21.商界领导人中有一些惊愕。

22.The coup leaders could face life imprisonment. 22.政变领导人可能要面临终身监禁。

23.She caricatured political leaders of his time. 23.她画当时政治领导人的漫画。

24.There is open hostility between the two leaders. 24.两位领导人表现出公开的敌意。

25.Moisture leads to the tarnish of the silverware. 25.湿气使得银器毫无光泽。

26.I sharpened the leads to a fine point. 26.我把铅笔芯削得尖尖的。

27.The meetings between the leaders took place off-stage. 27.发生在幕后的领导人间的会见 28.Corporate leaders viewed the economist's recommendations with mistrust. 28.公司领导对经济学家的劝告缺乏信心 29.Lead will fuse at quite a low temperature. 29.铅的熔点相当低。

30.Whom did you choose for our team leader? 30.你选谁当我们的队长? 31.The leading dancer is the incarnation of grace. 31.那位主要舞蹈演员简直是美的化身。

32.Vitamin C deficiency can ultimately lead to scurvy. 32.缺乏维生素C 最终能道致坏血病。

33.Leaders shouldn't keep themselves aloof from the masses. 33.领导人决不应该脱离群众。

34.She braced herself to lead a normal life. 34.她振作起来去过正常生活。

35.Narrow corridors lead off from the main hallway. 35.狭长的通道从主廊延展开来。

36.Workers’ leaders have expressed their willingness to cooperate. 36.工人领袖们表达了合作的意愿。

37.The civic leaders helped to forward the project. 37.市政府领导者协助促进工程的进展。

38.Hyperconjugation not steric repulsion leads to the staggered s ... 38.而不是老的教科书提到的位阻效应。

39.He is a leader who is magnanimous in victory. 39.他是个在胜利时宽宏大度的领袖。

40.Some militant leaders want to merge with white radicals. 40.一些好斗的领导人要和白人中的激进派联合。
