
9B Unit 5 Exercise 1 (词汇练习) 班级 姓名 学号 Ⅰ. Choose the right expression to replace the underlined part in each sentence below. A. parts of something B. laugh at someone in a nasty way C. didn’t look at or talk to someone D. imagine E. asked in a very desperate way 1. It’s impolite to make fun of others’ shortcomings. 2. Can you guess who will be the winner of the game? 3. When I was walking in the street, some children begged me to give them money. 4. Pollution is the serious problem which we shouldn’t ignore. 5. A unit of Oxford English is divided into several sections. Ⅱ.Complete the sentences with the given words in proper forms. by the afternoon, get a chance to, come along, all day, go on, make fun of, all sorts of 1. Our factory produces bags every day. 2. When things were getting worse, he and gave me a hand. 3. Because he spoke with a strong accent(口音), the other boys him. 4. You can find out interesting information if you talk to people you respect. 5. I run over fields and woods . 6. We started in the early morning, and , we had walked to the town. 7. We would rather with the experiment than give it up. Ⅲ. 词性转换 1. include v . 使成为…的一部分 prep. 2. depressed adj. 忧愁的,沮丧的 v. adj.(近义词) 3. unpainted adj. 未涂油漆的 adj.反义词 v./n. 4. properly adv. 正确地 adj. 5. joy n. 高兴 n. (近义词) v. 6. gain v. 取得 v.(反义词) 失去 7. sort v. 种类 / n. (近义词) 8. fool v. 欺骗 n. adj愚蠢的. 9.truth n. 真相 adj. adv. 10.worry n. 担心,担忧 v. adj.担忧的 11.move n. 动作,活动 v. 移动,感动 Ⅳ. 词组练习 1.漆围栏 the 2.鼓励学生们多读名著 __________ students to read ______ __ books 3.明亮而新鲜 __________ and ________ 4.拎着一捅油漆站在人行道上 stand on the ___________ _______ a __ of white paint 5一把长柄刷 a ___________ with a long __________ 6.感到很沮丧 feel very ___________ 7.三十码长 _________ long 8.把刷子浸入油漆中. ___________ his __________ the paint 9.粉刷围栏的一角 _____________ a ___________ of the 10.还没漆的部分 the ______________ _____________ 11.思考游戏 of 12.走过来 come 13.嘲笑 make ______ _________ 14.拾起他的 _________ up _________ 15.继续刷漆 _________ on __ 16.有一个漆围栏的机会 get a to a 17.再加几刷油漆 add ________ more _____ 18.在合适的地方 _________ just the 19. 观察着一举一动 watch 20.越来越感兴趣 get more and _____________ _____ 21.过了一会儿 after a ________   22.想让这事办好 want to be 23.一脸担忧但心里乐开了花 with in his face but his 24.供给他十二粒玻璃弹子 __________ him ___________ 25.得到各种各样的玩具 ____________ all _____ of 26.被刷了三遍漆 three of 27看到漆好的围栏 see the ________ ___ 28.累了 get 9B Unit 5 Exercise 2(课文整体理解)
Ⅰ. Read the story again. Use a flow chart to show Tom’s trick. Tom’s trick plan: Make the fence for him. Tom painted the fence joyfully. He told Ben that he was really painting the fence. Tom made Ben and . Tom to Ben paint the wall when Ben . Tom pretended that he really couldn’t let Ben do because he was person to do the work. Tom’s made Ben even more eager to the wall and him . Tom ‘unwillingly’. Now, Tom could the tree and have the fence . Ⅱ. How did Tom feel at the following occasions? 1. When Aunt Polly told Tom to paint the fence. 2. When Tom painted only a small corner of the fence 3. When Tom thought about his friends. 4. When Tom had a good idea. 5. When Ben Rogers started to make fun of him 6. When Ben Rogers got more and more interested. 7. When Ben Rogers took the brush from him. 8. When other boys came along one by one. 9. When the fence gained three coats. 10. When Aunt Polly gave Tom the cake. 9B Unit 5 Exercise 3(课文语言点梳理)
1. Every boy was happy, Tom Sawyer. 除了汤姆·索亚,镇上的每个男孩儿都很高兴。

→ 在镇上,在城里。前不加冠词。

What do young people think about places ?年轻人对镇上各处的看法如何? 辨析:except, except for, except that except 表示“不包括”,强调所排除的“不包括在内”,一般表示同类间的关系,+n. / doing except for 表示“除…以外”,后接的词与句子中的整体词(主语)不是同类,指从整体中除去一个细节或方面,+ n. / doing except that 表示“ 除…以外”,+ 句子 Your writing is good a few grammar mistakes.除了几处语法错误外,你的作文写得很好。

The office is open every day Sunday. 除了星期日,这家公司每天都营业。

It was a good hotel it was rather noisy. 这家旅馆还不错,只可惜吵了点。

2. He sat down under a tree to . 他坐到树下去休息。

→ rest n. 休息时间 v.休息 休息一会儿 = take a rest rest n. 剩余部分,其余,前面通常加定冠词,也可构成the rest of , …中剩余的部分 All you need is a good . 你所需要的就是好好休息。

Her hat was red, like her clothes. 她的帽子是红色,与她其他衣服的颜色一样。

He stopped to himself. 他停下来休息一下。

3. He began to the games which he had this day. 他开始想他早已计划好的这天要玩的游戏。

→辨析:think of考虑,思考,想起,记得, think about考虑,思考 I’m where to spend my holiday. 我正在考虑去哪里度假。

She often her old friends. 她经常想起她的老朋友。

→ 为…做计划,为…做打算 He has London for quite a long time. 他计划去伦敦已经很久了。

4. Ben Rogers came along the road, . 本·罗杰斯从路那边走来,欢快地哼着小曲,手里还拿着一只苹果。

→ 是现在分词短语伴随状语,表示伴随状态,他们的逻辑主语是本句的主语Ben Rogers. The dog came up to me, and its tail. 小狗摇着尾巴向我跑了过来。

He stood there quietly, the window. 他静静地站在那里,看着窗外。

5.Sometimes he stopped and stood back to look at the fence, and then added paint in just the right place. 他有时停下来,站回去端详一下围栏,然后在适当的地方再加点儿油漆。

→ 稍微多一点 a bit用于修饰比较级,放比较级前,表示“更,…得多”,类似词有:a lot, much , even, far等。

This dictionary is more expensive than that one. 这本字典比那本贵得多。

6. , Aunt Polly properly. 你知道,波莉姨妈要求把围栏漆得到位。

→ 你明白,是在请对方明白某事的过程中说的。

→ 希望…得以完成,其实质是want to do something中动词不定式部分的被动语态。许多动词后接不定式时,都可以用被动语态。

We the ceiling next week.我们希望天花板下个星期可以粉刷好。

I am glad a chance to improve my English. 我很高兴能有机会进修英语。

7. By the afternoon Tom had gained toys, and the fence had gained three of paint. 到了下午,汤姆已得到了各种各样的玩具,而围栏也已经被刷了三遍漆。

→ 各种各样的,与all kinds/ types of意思想近。

Our factory produces bread, rolls and cakes freshly every day. 我们的工厂每天新鲜生产各类面包,面包券与蛋糕。

→ 辨析:kind, sort, type kind 比较模糊,特指某种性质相同、而且有极相似的特征,能在某分类中放在一起作为一类 sort 在口语和商业用语中更常用,一般指大体上相似的事物 type 更客观和正式,常指同种类内部事物,或相同物体的不同型号。它表示的分类一般都是客观的、甚至科学的,有一定数据的标准,常译为“品种,类型,型号”。

We sell all of shoes.我们出售各种各样的鞋子。

Try this of black tea. 试试这种红茶。

He has bought a new of computer. 他买了一台新型电脑。

→ coat n.. 覆盖层,表层 This woodwork has had its final .这件木器已经上完最后一道漆了。

→ gain v. 获得,得到 近义词:get 反义词:lose get以某种方法或手段得到某种东西, gain指通过努力或有意识行动获得某种有利或有益的东西 Did you my e-mail last Sunday? 你上周日收到我的电子邮件了吗? I hope you will greater success. 我希望你们能获得更大的成就。

8. Tom , carefully. 汤姆继续认真刷漆。

→辨析:go on to do something, go on doing something, go on with something go on to do something 表示“接着做另一件事”,即接下去做与原来不同的一件事 go on doing something 表示“继续不停地做某事或间断后继续做原来没有做完的事” go on with something表示“间断后继续做原来没有做完的事”,后一般接代词做宾语。通常情况下,go on doing something和go on with something可互换。

The students and all the way. 一路上学生们一直有说有笑。

After a rest, we our lessons. = After a rest, we our lessons. 休息以后,我们继续上课。

9B Unit 5 Exercise 4(课文回顾性练习)
班级 姓名 学号 Ⅰ. Choose the word which is the closest in meaning to the underlined part in the sentences. A)properly B) encourage C) sections D) go on E) gained F) dipped ( ) 1. According to the weather report, the weather will continue fine till this weekend. ( ) 2. You haven’t done the job in the suitable way--- you’ll have to do it again. ( ) 3. Divide the class into five parts of six students each. ( ) 4. She put her hand in the water to find out how cold it was. ( ) 5. Nothing can persuade her to change her mind once it is made up. Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks with proper words. 1. I felt very d when I saw the exam paper, because I could not do any of the questions. 2. It’s really impolite to make f of others. 3. There are many different s of fruits in that supermarket.. 4. Tom stood on the sidewalk and looked at the f that his mother had told him to paint. 5. Wash those clothes p , and make sure that they are spotlessly clean. 6. The good news brings j (=happiness) to all of us. Ⅲ.Choose the best answer. ( )1. The fried chicken smells so that every child wants to have a taste. A. well B. terribly C. awful D. delicious ( )2. Mary me in surprise, with her mouth wide open. A. looked like B. looked at C. looked for D. looked out of ( )3. Thanksgiving Day on the fourth Thursday in November in the U.S. every year. A. is celebrated B. was celebrated C. will celebrate D. is celebrating ( )4. The scientist did a lot of experiments to how the bees pass messages. A. find B. find out C. see D. watch ( )5. did it take China to build the world’s highest railway, the Qinghai-Tibet Railway? ---- Four years. A. How long B. How far C. How often D. How soon ( )6. Could you please tell me go for the winter holiday? A. where will we B. where we would C. where we will D. where would we ( )7. We all enjoy rock and roll Mike and Ben. A. except B. beside C. besides D. except for ( )8.What do you think the film The Day After Tomorrow?. A. over B. with C. of D. for ( )9. We shouldn’t fun of disabled people. A. take B. make C. talk D. laugh Ⅳ. Fill in the blanks with the proper words. 1. To tell you the , I don’t like this song at all. (true) 2. We are told to talk with foreigners. (proper) 3. Da Vinci was one of the greatest in history. (paint) 4. The Sun is shining and the wind is blowing gently. What a day it is!. (please) 5. There have been about ten accidents in this busy and street. (noise) 6. Tom lives on the floor. (twelve) 7. I’m sorry for being late. (real) 8. The foreign tourists with admiration at the magnificent view of the Great Wall. (move) Ⅴ. Rewrite the sentence as required. 1. Please turn the taps off. ((改为否定句)
the taps off, please. 2. We can get wood from trees. (就划线部分提问)
can you get trees? 3. Mr. Green came into the room. He held a cup of tea in his hand. (保持句意不变)
Mr. Green the room a cup of tea in his hand. 4. We should take part in sports, such as running, jumping and skating. (保持句意不变)
We should take part in sports running, jumping and skating. 5. He felt very depressed. (就划线部分提问)
did he ? 9B Unit 5 Exercise 5(定语从句练习) Ⅰ. Put in who or which. 1. I met a woman can teach dogs to guide the blind people. 2. What’s the name of the woman lives next door? 3. Do you know anybody wants to buy a car? 4. Why does he always wear clothes are too small for him? 5. There is nothing in the world can frighten him. Ⅱ. Make on sentence from two sentences. Use who or which. 1. James lives on an island. It’s famous for its beautiful beaches. James . 2. I spoke to an assistant. She had long, dark hair. I . 3. Peter writes books. They are translated into many languages. Peter . 4. Jill is looking at a man. She thinks she knows him. Jill thinks she knows . 5. Sally stayed with some friends. What’s their name? What’s the name of the friends ? 6. I’m listening to some music. It was written over 300 years ago. The music . Ⅲ. Choose the best answer. ( )1. A football fan is has a strong interest in football. A. a thing that B. something that C. a person who D. what ( )2. Can you lend me the novel the other day? A. that you talked B. you talked about it C. which you talked with D. you talked about ( )3. The matter you were arguing about last night has settled. A. that B. what C. why D. for which ( )4. The man talked to you just now is an engineer. A,. who B. which C. where D. when ( )5. He is one of the teachers who English but only one of the teachers who French in our school.. A. know, knows B. knows, know C. knows, knows D. know, know ( )6. I won’t tell you the name of the person who me English. A. teach B. teaches C. are teaching D. have taught ( )7. The book that I was returned to Mary yesterday. A. have read B. had read C. read D. readed ( )8. I hate those never give their seats to people in need. A. who B. which C. they D. where ( )9. This is the place I have ever visited. A. there B. when C. where D. which 9B Unit 5 Exercise 6(综合练习) Ⅰ.Choose the best answer. ( )1. When George saw me starting my work, he stopped______ with me. A. to talk B. talking C. talked D. talk ( )2. ---He thinks of others than of himself. --- That’s why everyone likes to make friends with him. A. more B. less C. much D. little ( )3. ---Have you ever been to Hawaii? --- , and my father will take me there again this holiday. A. Yes B. Never C. Not yet D. I hope so ( )4. ---Have you finished reading the novel I lent you last month, Elsa? --- Yes. I finished reading it yesterday. A. whom B. who C. whose D. that ( )5. Hurry up! The play _____ for ten minutes. A. has begun B. had begun C. has been on D. began ( )6. Do you like this kind of cloth? Yes, it _______ very soft. A. is feeling B. felt C. feels D. is felt ( )7. I said hello to her, but she _________ me completely. A. ignored B. ignore C. to ignore D. ignoring ( )8. He makes a living by ________. A. begging B. beg C. to beg D. begged ( )9.Our country has become _______ in the past twenty years. A. more and more rich and strong B. more richer and more stronger C. more rich and more strong D. richer and stronger ( )10. Her face turned _________ redder than before when she was aware of her mistake. A. even B. very C. more D. little ( )11. China is a great country ______ a long history. A. for B. about C. with D. over ( )12.The desk is in the front of our classroom is our teacher’s. A. who B. when C. what D. which ( )13. Sorry, we don’t have the coat you need. A. what B. which C. who D. when ( )14. This is the ring I bought for your birthday. A. what B. which C. who D. whom ( )15. Houses over look the lake cost more. A. who B. which C. what D. when ( )16. I don’t know the meeting. A. where to have B. where have C. where will D. where having ( )17. Travelling by train is cheaper and enjoyable than that by air. A. more, much more B. quite, much too C. very, very much D. much, far more ( )18. By the time my parents reached home yesterday, I the dinner already. A. had cooked B. cooked C. have cooked D. cook ( )19. What a fine day today! What about out for a walk? A. go B. to go C. gone D. going ( )20. My friend has a good voice. I will her to take up singing. A. gain B. encourage C. please D. depress ( )21. The two boys although they saw the teacher came into the classroom. A. were going on talking B. went on talking C. were going on to talk D. went on to talk Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks with the proper words. 1. Please cut his apple into (half) . 2. He hasn’t finished painting so there is a(n) wall left. (paint) 3. Eddie showed great in singing. (interested) 4. Mr. Li gets of the same work every day. (tire) 5. To his great , he could finish all the work in time with his friends help. (enjoy) 6. Alice felt very because she lost her favourite match. (happy) 7. Are we now at the of the new century ? (begin) 8. Six people were killed in the riot(暴乱), a policeman. (include) Ⅲ. Rewrite the sentences. 1.This is an apple. Ben gave Tom an apple. (合并为一句) This is ________ apple _______ Ben gave Tom. 2. He is a boy. He gave Tom a kite. (合并为一句) He is ___________ boy ___________ gave Tom a kite. 3. This is a fence. Tom painted it. (合并为一句) This is ________ fence ________ Tom painted. 4. She is an aunt. She looked after Tom. (合并为一句) She is aunt looked after Tom. 5. Tom went there. He wanted to play football.. (合并为一句) Tom to play football went there. 6. He’s never late for school., ? (改为反意疑问句) 7. There are two buckets of paint in the room.(就划线部分提问)
paint in the room ? 8. We knocked out the thief who stole our things. (改为被动语态) The thief stole our things knocked out by us. 9. I always go to visit my grandparents three times a month. (就划线部分提问)
do you go to visit your grandparents? 10. He lost the key to his bike on his way to the lecture. (就划线部分提问)
did he on his way to the lecture? 11. By late afternoon Tom had gained three sorts of toys. (就划线部分提问)
Tom gained three sorts of toys? 12. Life here was not easy in the past, but now it is much easier. (保持句意不变)
Life here was much easier than it be. 13. If you don’t study hard, you can’t catch up with your classmates. (保持句意不变)
you study hard, you catch up with your classmate.
