提高英语写作能力的app 结合课文素材,创新英语写作教学

  摘 要:英语写作是高中生英语学习的基本要求,在英语各项考试中占据很重要位置。本文笔者结合教学实践,围绕高中英语课文素材,从课文改写、课文仿写和情感因素等三方面探索了读写结合的教学模式。
  例如,人教版新教材必修5 Unit 4 Making the News的阅读课文My First Assignment――“Unforgettable”, Says New Journalist通过记者周扬和老板胡新的对话,诠释了记者这个职业的基本知识。课文不仅涉及大量生词,而且还有三个倒装句型。笔者在对文章进行阅读理解处理和词汇习得之后,让学生进行四人小组合作,以from this passage I learnt that a journalist should…总结课文对话内容。然后完成下面根据课文改编的短文填空:To the reporters, it’s no need for them to take a camera because they have professional photographers with them. The reporters should be curious and they must have a good nose for a story. They know how to acquire the information they need. While interviewing, they won’t be rude, they won’t talk too much themselves and they listen to the interviewees carefully. They will listen for detailed facts and ask new questions. There is a trick of the trade, that is, with the permission of the interviewees, they would use small recorder which could keep the evidence to support their stories.
  完成填空并朗读之后,布置写作任务:Suppose you are Zhou Yang, please answer a letter from a student about how to become a journalist.
  二、结合课文素材 鼓励学生仿写
  人教版新教材必修5 Unit 3 Using Language 部分的课文I Have Seen Amazing Things.
  Step 1 lead-in
  提出问题让学生进行讨论Just imagine, several thousand years later, the scientific technology is becoming more modern than it is now. What (changes in people’s life and work)will happen?
  * The helicopter cap of the year 3000 will get you around faster and easier than your bike.
  * The four-legged jeans of the year 3000 will make sure you have a place to sit everywhere you go.
  * In the future, if you want to go to another continent, you’ll be able to drive there.
  * By the year 3000, pro athletes will make so much money, they’ll just hire people to play for them.
  * By the year 3000, your computer will punish you if you type something nasty.
  * The doctors of the future will also be magicians, so they’ll be able to check your bones without x-rays.
  Step 2 Reading
  1. How many stops did they visit?
  2. How many inventions/amazing things did the guide introduce to us? What are they?
  What is the name of the invention? What is its function?How does it work?
  What’re the advantages and disadvantages of it?
  …Messages can now be sent using a “thoughtpad”. You place gthe metal band over your head, clear your mind, pres the sending buttton, think your message and the next instant it’s sent. It’s stored on the “thoughpad” of the receiver. It’s quick, efficient and environmentally friendly. The only limitation is if the user does not think his or her message clearly, an unclear message may be sent. …
  [设计说明]:这段文字对 “thoughtpad”的说明通俗易懂。因此,在录音机跟读、模仿语音语调之后,我又指导学生借助上面四个问题,对这一段进行了复述,并提请学生关注place, press, think这三个动词对于如何使用“thoughtpad”的形象和准确的描述。这个步骤的教学非常重要,让学生充分熟悉说明的写作手法,也为接下来的写作做充分的铺垫。如果老师在这个部分只是帮助学生理解文章和熟悉新词汇,而忽视了对其说明手法的关注,使学生失去了一次宝贵的学习机会,那将是很可惜的。
  Step 3 Assignment
  基于本文,我给学生布置的课后写作任务是: Think of another amazing thing in the future and describe it as the guide did. Make sure to state its name, function(s), and advantages and disadvantages if possible.
  事实证明,学生对这项写作任务很感兴趣,也确实做好了写作这篇文章的准备,他们丰富的想象力真是不可思议:a magic door, a special comb, suger classroom, a magic umbrella, think phone, superman clothes, a flying blanket…下面我选取了1篇学生习作(文中错误未加改正):
  I want to invent a new mobile phone in the future.
  This kind of mobile phone needs solar energy instead of electricity. It can be very thin, just like a paper. And you can fold it when you put it into your pocket. This new kind of mobile phone has a very special use. When you want to send a message, you just talk to it with the message, it means you needn’t use your hands. This use can make it more convenient to send a message. Also, it has disadvantages, when it is a rainy day, the phone may not work without power.
   这篇文章借鉴了课文的结构和写作特色:所发明事物的名称,功能特点,优缺点。围绕magic 一词,展开想象,非常生动。
  人教版新教材必修5 Unit 5 First Aid帮助学生了解在一些紧急情况下给受伤的人给予急救知识的重要性以及如何施行急救,有助于培养学生的社会责任感,建立正确的人生观。本单元提供了两篇范文(First Aid For Burns是一篇说明文,帮助学生识别一度、二度和三度烧伤的特征并了解如何根据不同的烧伤程度给予伤者正确的急救援助。Heroic Teenager Receives Award则是一篇新闻报道,讲述获奖少年John Janson因他的快速反应和急救知识拯救了邻居Ms Slade的性命。),笔者引导学生结合两篇课文,思索John成功施救的原因,并思考他这样做是不是有点傻。然后笔者布置了如下的写作任务:结合本单元两篇课文,以Talk about John 为题,写一篇120词左右的短文,谈谈阅读体会。下面选取一篇英语成绩较弱学生的习作如下(语言错误未加修改):
  After I reading the story about John Janson, this young teenager left a deep impression to me. John sets us a good example. Not only his knowledge of first aid but also his quick action and calmness. He applied the knowledge of first aid to give life saving aid on his neighbour. It was obvious that what he did made a real difference in this case. There is no doubt that John is a hero. So learn the first aid skills can make a real difference. So we can set up some classes to teach students the knowledge first aid like John’s high school. We all should learn from him.
  [1]教育部. 2003. 普通高中英语课程标准(实验)[M]. 北京:人民教育出版社
  [2]朱惠芳. 2007. 高中英语阅读与写作教学互动模式的探析及应用[J]. 中小学英语教学与研究, (8) : 42-46
  [3]戴建敏. 2008. 借鉴阅读材料培养学生的写作能力[J]中小学外语教学(中学篇), (10): 18-22
  [4]杨谢友. 2010. 依托课文阅读素材,提高学生写作能力[J]. 中小学外语教学(中学篇),(10):33-37
  (作者单位:昌硕高级中学,浙江 湖州 313300)

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