
  Topic: koolhaas:荷兰驻德柏林大使馆Print this page1.koolhaas:荷兰驻德柏林大使馆Copy to clipboardPosted by: coashPosted on: 2005-08-24 13:441The new Dutch Embassy, the latestaddition to Berlin’s rapidly evolvingskyline, occupies a site on the edge ofthe river Spree. (缩略图,点击图片链接看原图)2.Re:koolhaas:荷兰驻德柏林大使馆 [Re: coash]Copy to clipboardPosted by: coashPosted on: 2005-08-24 13:472After dark, the snaking trajectoryaround the building is revealed. (缩略图,点击图片链接看原图)3.Re:koolhaas:荷兰驻德柏林大使馆 [Re: coash]Copy to clipboardPosted by: coashPosted on: 2005-08-24 13:48The new Dutch Embassy in Berlin is a classic Koolhaas building. It reveals traces of some of his best known works and concepts, such as the external metaphoric materialism of the Rotterdam Kunsthal and the internal structural and functional mazes of the Jussieu library in Paris.Yet compared with other current OMA mega-projects such as Seattle Library or the headquarters for Central Chinese Television, the Dutch Embassy is actually a relatively modest building.Perhaps it was the choice of site in former East Berlin, now officially known as Mitte (literally ‘middle’), that incited such a highly controlled and introspective urban and architectural solution. Contrary to expectations, the central location does not exude the hustle and bustle of nearby PotsdamerPlatz. Instead, Klosterstrasse (Monastery Street)runs quietly off the busy Stralauerstrasse and ends on the quayside of the river Spree where the water flows slowly and darkly into a lock. Few tourists find their way here unless on a river cruise. Development of the prominent corner site, which had been vacant since the war, had to conform to Berlin building regulations. These were precisely defined by the city’s former chief planner Hans Stimmann and any new building had to occupy all four corners of the site.Being well versed in overcoming the inhibitions of planning laws, Koolhaas managed to avoid a preconceived standard solution. Instead of proposing the customary atrium or inner courtyard, he created a freestanding monolithic 27 x 27m cube enclosed by slim L-shaped wings, so achieving a narrow but totally open courtyard while still fulfilling the requirement to build on all four corners. Call it Dutch irony, but the urban solution is both perplexing and intriguing.In functional terms, the two spatially interlocked volumes are divided between offices located in the cube and apartments in the one-room deep L-shaped wings, along with plant rooms (the building is fully mechanically ventilated). Linked by five vertically stacked bridges, both volumes stand on a raised platform which serves as the underground car park for only 28 vehicles, despite staff numbers of 70. Underneath, a tarmac ramp leads up from the street level into the courtyard where the main entrance is located. From there a continuous 200m strip, or what 4.Re:koolhaas:荷兰驻德柏林大使馆 [Re: coash]Copy to clipboardPosted by: coashPosted on: 2005-08-24 13:513Slim wings are linked to the main cubeby stacked bridges. (缩略图,点击图片链接看原图)5.Re:koolhaas:荷兰驻德柏林大使馆 [Re: coash]Copy to clipboardPosted by: coashPosted on: 2005-08-24 13:554Entrance to the embassy compound. (缩略图,点击图片链接看原图)6.Re:koolhaas:荷兰驻德柏林大使馆 [Re: coash]Copy to clipboardPosted by: coashPosted on: 2005-08-24 14:015Inside the cantilevered volume of theconference room. (缩略图,点击图片链接看原图)7.Re:koolhaas:荷兰驻德柏林大使馆 [Re: coash]Copy to clipboardPosted by: coashPosted on: 2005-08-24 14:046The adjacent wings meet the localplanning requirement to build on allfour corners of the site … (缩略图,点击图片链接看原图)8.Re:koolhaas:荷兰驻德柏林大使馆 [Re: coash]Copy to clipboardPosted by: coashPosted on: 2005-08-24 14:057… but the main focus of attention is thecube, an impressively object building,but modest in scale when comparedwith other current Koolhaas projects. (缩略图,点击图片链接看原图)9.Re:koolhaas:荷兰驻德柏林大使馆 [Re: coash]Copy to clipboardPosted by: coashPosted on: 2005-08-24 14:20(缩略图,点击图片链接看原图)10.Re:koolhaas:荷兰驻德柏林大使馆 [Re: coash]Copy to clipboardPosted by: coashPosted on: 2005-08-24 14:25(缩略图,点击图片链接看原图)11.Re:koolhaas:荷兰驻德柏林大使馆 [Re: coash]Copy to clipboardPosted by: coashPosted on: 2005-08-24 14:27(缩略图,点击图片链接看原图)12.Re:koolhaas:荷兰驻德柏林大使馆 [Re: coash]Copy to clipboardPosted by: coashPosted on: 2005-08-24 14:28(缩略图,点击图片链接看原图)13.Re:koolhaas:荷兰驻德柏林大使馆 [Re: coash]Copy to clipboardPosted by: coashPosted on: 2005-08-24 14:30(缩略图,点击图片链接看原图)14.Re:koolhaas:荷兰驻德柏林大使馆 [Re: coash]Copy to clipboardPosted by: coashPosted on: 2005-08-24 14:32(缩略图,点击图片链接看原图)15.Re:koolhaas:荷兰驻德柏林大使馆 [Re: coash]Copy to clipboardPosted by: coashPosted on: 2005-08-24 14:34Koolhaas calls a ‘trajectory’ (in effect, a succession of staircases, ramps and corridors), snakes its way up through the building. At some points it emerges on or even through the facade (in the case of the cantilevering glass corridor above Klosterstrasse), changing direction of ascent and gradient until it reaches the restaurant and roof terrace. Floors, ceilings and walls of this architect-styled ‘stairway to heaven’ are clad in aluminium and sometimes even in plain or coloured glass. Typical of Koolhaas, there is an honest, almost brutally direct, confrontation with materials. Surfaces jump out at you, not only because of their vivid hues, but also because of their harsh and relentless objectivity.Over time, the trajectory’s cantilevered green glass ramp in will bear visible marks of wear and tear, just like the sheet aluminium on the floors and staircases. You slightly fear that the building, otherwise not so immaculately detailed and designed, might gradually begin to resemble a tatty old Dutch space station.Due to the restricted floorplate size (700 sq m), the interior is dominated by the trajectory. This often generates curious configurations as the architect and his technical consultants had to squeeze, fold and contort the available space. As Koolhaas does not deal in conventional floors and storeys, it is difficult to arrive at an accurate number of floors. (Discussing the notion of a mini high-rise, he once mentioned 20 storeys.) In reality, there are only 10 levels of varying height in this 26m-high building.Structurally, the embassy is a tour de force. Each floorplate rotates and cantilevers over the one below and no single internal column runs through the entire structure (only four walls project through from top to bottom). With its oblique corridors, passages, ramps, steps, views through coloured glass, monstrously thick rotating doors and dead ends, Koolhaas’ ingenious maze is reminiscent of the set for the iconic German expressionist film. The Cabinet of Dr Caligari. At times, columns and heavy transfer beams appear in the most baffling positions. One particular example is the very 16.Re:koolhaas:荷兰驻德柏林大使馆 [Re: coash]Copy to clipboardPosted by: coashPosted on: 2005-08-24 14:408The fashionably glum interior isdominated by the presence ofthe trajectory. (缩略图,点击图片链接看原图)17.Re:koolhaas:荷兰驻德柏林大使馆 [Re: coash]Copy to clipboardPosted by: coashPosted on: 2005-08-24 14:429Ramps, stairs and corridors windaround the building, connecting theprincipal spaces. (缩略图,点击图片链接看原图)18.Re:koolhaas:荷兰驻德柏林大使馆 [Re: coash]Copy to clipboardPosted by: coashPosted on: 2005-08-24 15:18low ceiling in the trajectory on level five, which compels tall visitors, such as Koolhaas, to instinctively lower their heads.Because of the deliberate spatial complexity, there is little coordination between interior and exterior. Here, Koolhaas pays the price for his structural manoeuvring, as he is obliged to rely on a loadbearing double facade. Where the internal zigzagging of the trajectory feigns freedom or even anarchy, the straight steel columnsthat run down the full height of the building indicate a necessary and more simplistic rigour. Despite the spectacular feat of one conference room cantilevering 5m out from the facade and the trajectory’s handful of timidly projecting features, the external envelope is actually a dreaded Cartesian cage. Evidently the spectacular cost (35 million euros) and extraordinary planning and construction time (five years) could not assuage this fundamental stylistic defect. Did the regimented marching order of Berlin’s facades finally catch up with the master of the informal? Still, Koolhaas’ embassy is undoubtedly a cunning retort to dogmatic planning laws as well as being another free gift to the city of Berlin. It even frames the outlandish Alexanderplatz television tower, a symbolic relic from the era of perceived Communist superiority over the West.From the core of the embassy cube there is an unobstructed view (through a gigantic opening in the apartment wing) of the tower’s Sputnik-like top. It is a powerful (yet also possibly partly ironic) gesture of reverence from Koolhaas to a city that once upon a time publicly denounced him and his views on modern architecture.CHRISTIAN BRENSING 19.Re:koolhaas:荷兰驻德柏林大使馆 [Re: coash]Copy to clipboardPosted by: coashPosted on: 2005-08-24 15:2210The staircase is articulated on thefacade as a diagonal slash of glazing. (缩略图,点击图片链接看原图)20.Re:koolhaas:荷兰驻德柏林大使馆 [Re: coash]Copy to clipboardPosted by: coashPosted on: 2005-08-24 15:2411Green glass panels unexpectedlydematerialise the floor plane. (缩略图,点击图片链接看原图)21.Re:koolhaas:荷兰驻德柏林大使馆 [Re: coash]Copy to clipboardPosted by: coashPosted on: 2005-08-24 15:2612A typical office on the upper floors. (缩略图,点击图片链接看原图)22.Re:koolhaas:荷兰驻德柏林大使馆 [Re: coash]Copy to clipboardPosted by: coashPosted on: 2005-08-24 15:2813A meeting room adorned withcontemporary art. (缩略图,点击图片链接看原图)23.Re:koolhaas:荷兰驻德柏林大使馆 [Re: coash]Copy to clipboardPosted by: coashPosted on: 2005-08-24 15:2914The multipurpose hall on the first floor. (缩略图,点击图片链接看原图)24.Re:koolhaas:荷兰驻德柏林大使馆 [Re: coash]Copy to clipboardPosted by: coashPosted on: 2005-08-24 15:31Mies van derRohe Award 2005 for OMA由荷蘭建築大師庫哈思與房龍所主持的OMA建築事務所(Office for Metropolitan Architecture / RemKoolhaas and Ellen van Loon)為荷蘭駐德國柏林大使館所設計的建築案獲得每兩年頒發一次的歐盟當代建築獎2005年大獎。Netherlands Embassy BerlinBerlin, GermanyOffice for Metropolitan ArchitectureRemKoolhaas, Ellen van Loon這棟外圍以玻璃為主體材料、有巨大寶石的特別建築坐落於柏林施普瑞河(Spree)旁,當夜晚來臨,燈光乍現,大使館的光影倒映在河上,猶如璀璨的煙火增添柏林的浪漫氣息。荷蘭外交部規劃此國家門面並足以與其他國家大使館抗衡的考量時即確定方針,大使館建築必須清楚的顯現獨立性並且能夠展現荷蘭人開闊的襟懷,從挑選地點到邀請建築師的煞費苦心。荷蘭大使館剛完成時即是德國與荷蘭建築界的大新聞,大使館成了最佳的國家展示標的,而當時在柏林的新國家畫廊正在展出庫哈思的建築設計代展,兩相輝映,讓荷蘭大使館面子十足。今年剛宣布的歐盟當代建築獎再度為這棟建築戴上桂冠,也證明了建築本身的價值。歐盟當代建築由歐洲聯盟與位於西班牙巴塞隆納的范德羅基金會(FundacióMies van derRohe)共同主辦。評審團由前一屆得主哈蒂(ZahaHadid)擔任主席,成員包括NAI館長貝斯基(Aaron Betsky)、義大利建築施波瑞(Stefano Boeri)、西班牙建築師布魯(Eduard Bru)、科洛瓦(Robert Collovà)、美國賓州大學建築學院院長莫斯塔法費(MohsenMostafavi)、土耳其建築師歐茲康(Suha?zkan)、法國建築學會IFA館長(Francis Ramberty)、日本新一代最受矚目的建築師妹島和世(KazuyoSejima)在242件設計案中選出得獎者。評審團的評語強調由OMA建築事務所所設計的荷蘭駐德國大使館具有質感的反映新都會特色,並且在觀念設計上有所創新,尤其是猶如通道般的設計巧思將建築體揉合為新的整體。荷蘭大使館曾經開放參觀,整個建築架構由外觀看宛如是玻璃罩,但是結構卻又像是停車場的通道盤旋而上直至八樓頂。辦公室與會議廳則被分配在通道的兩側,讓整體結構平衡而不致產生傾斜的錯覺。如果曾經到過鹿特丹參觀過荷蘭人如何以建築來打特都市給人的既定印象,這件作品與柏林的交互作用又是一個例證,庫哈斯完全屏除德國與柏林的歷史淵源與建築脈絡,似是一刀兩刃將柏林的建築風格帶出新境界。除了大獎之外,另一個評審特別推薦獎同樣被荷蘭建築師拿走!NL Architects所設計的烏特列茲大學(University of Utrecht, The Netherlands)籃球場(BasketBar)架設在半空中,獨具巧思。25.Re:koolhaas:荷兰驻德柏林大使馆 [Re: coash]Copy to clipboardPosted by: coashPosted on: 2005-08-24 15:32荷兰驻德国柏林新大使馆得到的整体评价是“空间宽阔、综合性强、富于创新、惊喜无处不在” 4月11日,欧洲范围内最高建筑艺术大奖———米斯·范·德洛尔大奖(leprixMiesvanderRohe)———在巴塞罗那颁布,荷兰建筑大师雷姆·库哈斯(RemKoolhaas)和艾伦·凡·鲁恩(EllenvanLoon)携荷兰驻德国柏林新大使馆一举击败了竞争对手,获此殊荣。米斯·范·德洛尔大奖打着欧盟的旗号,由米斯·范·德洛尔基金会主办。米斯·范·德洛尔(1886-1969)是上世纪德国最著名的建筑大师之一,他在德国学习并且开始了自己的建筑设计生涯,1937年移民美国。1927年的巴塞罗那世界博览会他设计了著名的德国宫(lepavillondel’Allemagne),成为其代表作品之一。德国宫在二战中被摧毁,战后重建,现在则是每届米斯·范·德洛尔大奖的颁发地。米斯·范·德洛尔大奖创建于1987年,每两年颁发一次,授予两年内欧洲建成的真正能体现建筑师别具匠心和把握能力的建筑,奖金高达5万欧元。评审委员会由国家权威的建筑师组成,今年评审团主席是伊拉克裔英国建筑师扎哈·哈蒂德(ZahaHadid),她在2003年凭借斯特拉斯堡的电车终点站获奖。2001年的获奖作品是拉菲尔·莫内奥的圣塞巴斯蒂安的议会大厅。1997年则是法国人多米尼克·佩罗的法国密特朗国家图书馆。雷姆·库哈斯和艾伦·凡·鲁恩设计的荷兰驻德国大使馆新馆位于柏林亚历山大广场后面,距离使馆区较远,2003年11月建成。整体的评价是“空间宽阔、综合性强、富于创新、惊喜无处不在”。竞争对手实力也都非常强劲:西班牙建筑师何塞·安东尼奥·马丁内斯·拉培尼亚和艾黎斯·托雷斯·图尔的巴塞罗那论坛广场,英国的诺曼·福斯特和帕特纳斯的伦敦瑞士大厦,扬·卡普里奇和阿曼达·勒维特的“未来系统”工作室和他们的伯明翰赛尔弗里奇商店,葡萄牙埃德瓦多·素托·德·姆拉的布拉加市政广场。雷姆·库哈斯和艾伦·凡·鲁恩都是世界上成名已久的建筑师。雷姆·库哈斯更是被预言为“21世纪最伟大的建筑师”。他生于二战中,童年在印尼雅加达过了四年,青年时代在欧洲赶上了社会风暴,中年在纽约著书立说,之后建立了自己的工作室,就连这届米斯·范·德洛尔大奖的主席萨哈·哈蒂德都曾在他麾下工作。库哈斯当年在普利策颁奖礼上发表演说:“我们在水泥砂浆的死海中泥足深陷。如果我们不解除自己对真实的依赖,并重新将建筑视作一种思考古老问题的方式,建筑学也许将不会持续到2050年。”而现在库哈斯手头上最重要的工作就是中国CCTV在北京CBD商区的新总部,他的设计在十家竞标单位中脱颖而出。CCTV新总部与美国纽约世贸中心重建并称为东西方两大工程的项目也是库哈斯面临的最大挑战。当代建筑论坛Powered by JuteForum? 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推荐访问:中国驻保加利亚大使馆 荷兰 大使馆 柏林