
 Unit 1

 What is Tax (什么是 税 务)


 Section I :Dialogue 情境对话:求职面试(申请国税局公务员岗位)





 1. 税务英语专业术语及相关词汇

 job interview


  apply for

 申请 Internal Revenue Service(IRS)


  personnel officer

 人事主管 taxation

 税务 English competence

  英语能力 Proficiency in written and spoken English 英语读写能力 College English Test Band 4 and 6

  大学英语四、六级等级考试 Computer operation

  计算机操作 Microsoft Windows

  微软视窗操作系统 certificate of technical qualifications or license 职业技能证书 computer operation qualification certificate 计算机等级证书 driver’s license

 驾照 tax policy


 tax business

 税务业务 financial accounting

  财务会计 management process

  管理程序 academic study

 学术研究 direct tax

 直接税 tax authority

  税务机构 taxpayer

 纳税人 be competent for


 2. 英语面试时所需的交际能力 Useful Expressions:

  Nice to meet you. How do you think of your proficiency in… What special skills do you have? Have you obtain any certificate of technical qualifications or license? How about your academic study? What about your ability to communicate with others?




  课堂演示 教学时数:

 50 分钟 教学评估:




 对话译文 (求职面试:申请国税局公务员岗位)



 应试者:我叫李宇,1980 年出生,毕业于山西省财政税务专科学校,我的专业是税务。

 面试官:我们的招聘广告讲明英语能力是该职位的重要要求之一,你觉得你的英语口语和书面表达能力怎么样? 应试者:我已经学了十年英语,通过了英语四、六级考试,我的口语相当不错,能够流利地表达自己的观点,可与英语母语者交流。

 面试官:你还有什么特殊的技能? 应试者:我有计算机操作经验,能够熟练使用 windows 系统,包括 word和 excel。

 面试官:你获得过什么资格证书或执照吗? 应试者:我有计算机等级证书和驾照。

 面试官:非常不错,我们部门要求员工精通税务政策,税务业务,财务会计以及企业的生产和管理流程。你在学校学习怎样? 应试者:在大学,我学习成绩非常优秀, 我希望我的知识在贵部门能够学以致用。我所学的专业和贵部门的要求完全吻合。

 面试官:除了直接的税务业务, 税务部门的员工还有法定的义务和职责,与纳税人建立和谐的关系,树立为纳税人服务的观念。




 Section II :Further Study 正文:什么是税 教学目的与要求:通过本文的学习使学生认知到什么是税,税的种类,税的来源和去处,以及税收在我们的日常生活中的影响,在学生中树立“纳税光荣”的思想意识。教师可结合周围的社会实际,让学生通过小组讨论,找出一些贴近我们生活的税种,使学生深刻了解到税是“取之于民,用之于民”。


 Related Terms:

 IRS (Internal Revenue Service)

  国税局 tax auditor

  税务审计员 personal income

  个人所得,个人收入 corporate income

  公司收入 direct tax

  直接税 indirect tax

  间接税 government expenditure


 More Reference for Teachers :

 中国历史上最早的市场税收 古代市场单称为市。市是商品经济发展的产物,由来已久。商代末年,商人贸易就已出现,但当时手工业和商业都属官办,所以没有市场税收。到西周后期,由于商品经济的发展,在官营工商业之外,出现了以家庭副业为主的私营手工业和商业,集市贸易日益增多,因此出现了我国历史上最早的市场税收。







 教学方法与手段:小组翻译、小组提问、教师答疑、 师生互动、互为补充。


 100 分钟正文与练习。




 什么是税务 一个小孩吞了一枚硬币,硬币卡在喉咙里, 孩子的母亲冲到大街上,大声呼喊求助。一个路过的男士将小孩扛在肩上,用力捶了几下小孩的后背,小孩将硬币咳了出来。




 稽查员说:“卡尔顿先生,我认为在美国生活工作是一件很荣幸的事情。作为公民,您有义务纳税, 我们希望您微笑纳税”。


 从上面两则故事,我们知道税务涉及我们生活的方方面面。本杰明.富兰克林曾说过:“在这个世界上,只有死亡和纳税是不可避免的。”那么,什么是税务? 税务是指政府向某产品,收入或者活动征收的费用。如果税收来源于个人或者企业的所得,这种税被称为直接税。如果税收来源于商品或服务,则被称为间接税。税收的目的是为了提供政府财政支出。税收最大的用途之一就是公共产品和服务,比如街道的照明和环卫。由于公共产品和服务不允许将非纳税人和消费者排除在外,而这些公共产品和服务不可盈利,因此他们需要由政府或半官方机构提供,而政府或半官方机构的财政收入主要依靠税收。

 Section III: Exercise I. Group Discussion 教师可把学生分成若干小组,鼓励学生快速阅读,在课文中寻找答案,小组成员可相互补充。



 Tax is a fee charged by a government on a product, income or activity.(2)Taxpayers engaging in production and/or business operations shall apply for tax registration with the competent tax authorities of their place of production or business or the place where the tax payment obligation was incurred within 30 days of the date of receipt of a business license. Said taxpayers shall truthfully fill out the tax registration forms and shall provide relevant certification and information as requested by the tax authorities.

 (3) You should register with the bureau within 30 days after you receive business license.

 (4) To get and fill in the application form, and then present the related documents according to the economic type of your company.

 (5) If you pay tax to nation, you are safeguarding you country and you are a true citizen. To pay tax, it’s our responsibility and obligation. (6) Yes, it’s very important for us to pay tax. All citizens of a country are morally and legally bound to pay their fair share of tax. A large percentage of people who pay tax think as if government is trying to steal their hard earned money. Well, that’s not true. Money collected from taxes help a country to become stronger and help government provide a variety of services to its citizens. Government provides with our tax money on infrastructure projects, public security, general services, health services and other fields.

 II. Role-play: (参考答案) 答案是开放的,学生可参考课文内容设计自己的对话。练习以自由活动形式展开,老师只需要答疑解惑,活动的目的是让学生熟练掌握申请税务局公务员岗位时的一些英文词汇和表达。

 Sample dialogue: Mr. Robbins: Hello! My company is a private investment company. Could you tell me how I register with the taxation authority? Tax official: I"d like to. According to your condition, you should register with both the national and regional tax authorities respectively. Mr. Robbins: Is there any time requirement for registration? Tax official: You should register with the authorities within 30 days after you receive business license. Mr. Robbins: What should I do in the process of registration? Tax official: You have to get and fill in the application form, and then present the related documents according to the economic type of your company.

 Mr. Robbins: Can we use the copy of those materials? Tax official: Yes, you can. Mr. Robbins: How long will my company receive the certificate of the registration?

 Tax official: Within 30 days after we receive the application. As soon as your application is approved, I will personally notice you to get the registration certificate. Mr. Robbins: What is the charge of the registration? Tax official: 40 Yuan. Mr. Robbins: By the way, could you tell me your telephone number and working time? Tax official: Our telephone number is 64004857. We work from 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM and from 1:30 PM to 5:00 PM. Mr. Robbins: Thank you. Tax official: You are welcome.

 III. Observe and talk:

  Reference for teachers:

  1) Describe the picture simply.

  2) Illustrate the phenomenon that the picture reflects.

  3) Analyze what reasons caused the phenomenon.

  4) Comment on the phenomenon and put forward solutions. 参考答案:

 Sample Speech: In the picture, we can see a girl is collecting peaches from a peach tree. The picture vividly shows where the government’s financial income is from

 and where it goes. In this process, tax plays an important role. Tax is a fee charged by a government on a product, income or activity. In the picture, the peaches stand for the financial income which is collected by the tax authorities in the form of tax paid by the tax payers. In the end, the financial income is returned to all the people including the tax payers in the form of public goods and services such as street lighting and cleaning. So just look around, you will find that nearly all the fundamental facilities, like the high ways, the railways, even the school or college you attend are totally or partly funded by the financial income. To make it short, to an average person, tax is from our tax payers and then returned to all the people in all in other forms. So when you are enjoying all the public goods and services, do remember to pay your own tax, because that is your duty.

 Unit 2

 Tax System (税制)

 Section I :Dialogue 情境对话:求职面试(申请税收服务机构税务代理人的职位)





 1. 税务英语专业术语及相关词汇

 tax agent

 税务代理人 tax service agency

 税务代理机构 innovative idea

 创新观念 be qualified for

 适合,胜任 communication skills

  沟通技巧 team player

  具有团队精神的人 interpersonal skills

  人际交往能力 make use of

  使用,利用 intermediary tax service agency

 税务代理服务中介 be engaged in

  参与,从事于 tax agent

 税务代理 tax related audit

 涉税审计 tax consulting

  税务咨询 tax planning

  纳税规划 be familiar with

 熟悉 tax policy

 税务政策 tax registration

 税务登记 ticket purchasing and invoicing

  票务购买和开具发票 on behalf of

  代表 commissioned agent contracts

 委托代理合同 set up account


 supply legal remedy

  提供法律援助 in addition to

  除…之外 Registration Tax Qualification Certificate 注册税务师资格证书 vocational occupation


 2. 英语面试时所需的交际能力 Useful Expressions:

  I’m here for the interview for the position of tax agent. How do you know about our company? I’ve heard much praise for your achievement. Can you tell me why you want to leave your present job and join us? Working for you would be exactly the sort of challenge I am looking for. Why do you think you are qualified for this position? I think this job can make use of my major and professional experience I have obtained, and offer me opportunity for advancement. Are you familiar with the more specific work in a tax agency? Besides the business you have mentioned above, we still have some other business like…. What do you see as the future trends for the industry?




  课堂演示 教学时数:

 50 分钟





 对话译文 (情境:申请税收服务机构税务代理人的职位)


 面试官:见到你我也非常高兴。你是如何知道我们公司的? 面试者:贵公司在本市口碑甚佳,我听到过许多对贵公司的褒奖。

 面试官:我从简历中得知你在现在的公司已经工作了三年,能告诉我你选择跳槽到我们公司的原因吗? 面试者:这主要是因为我喜欢挑战,而目前这份工作对我来说几乎没有挑战性。我想换一份能使我成长的刺激的工作。贵公司是一个具有许多创新思想的年轻企业。自 10 年前成立以来,贵公司成功地扩大了市场。为贵公司工作,正是我寻找的挑战。

 面试官:你为什么认为自己适合这个职位呢? 面试者:我认为我的专业和工作经验使我得以胜任,同时我对这一岗位非常感兴趣。除此之外,我有良好的沟通能力,是一个具有团队合作精神的人,有着出色的人际交往能力。再者,贵公司在这一领域非常优秀。我觉得这份工作可以充分利用我的专业和我获得的职业经验,并给我提供升迁的机会。




 面试官:你熟悉税务代理机构中一些更具体工作吗? 面试者:是的。我熟悉税务登记,购票和开具发票,代表纳税人纳税。

 面试官:很好。首先,我们应当与纳税人签订委托代理合同。除了你提到的上述业务,我们还有诸如为顾客开设账户,提供法律援助,进行税务审查和税收筹划等其他业务。因此,除了专业和工作经验,你必须具有注册税务师资格证书,你有吗? 面试者:是的,我有。

 面试官:你认为本行业未来的发展前景如何? 面试者:我认为,税务代理是最有前景的新兴职业之一,它会提供更多的机遇和挑战。它有一个光明的未来。

  Section II :Further Study 正文:中国现行税制概述 教学目的与要求:通过本文的学习使学生了解中国现在的税制,对按本质和功能所分成的六大税种下的具体税目深入探讨。教师可结合周围的社会实际,让学生通过小组讨论,列举出一些贴近我们生活的商品,并指出我们在购买商品的过程中缴纳了哪些税。


 Related Terms:

 tax system

  税制 fiscal revenue

 财政收入 economic lever

  经济杠杆 macro-economic regulation

 宏观经济调控 build up

  建立 socialism market economy

 社会主义市场经济 play an important role in…

 在…方面起着重要作用 turnover tax

 流转税 Value Added Tax

  增值税 Consumption Tax

  消费税 Business Tax

 营业税 Custom Tax

 关税 income tax

  收入所得税 be applicable to

 适用于… enterprise income tax

 企业所得税 domestic enterprise

 国内企业 state-owned enterprise

  国有企业 collectively-owned enterprise

 集体企业 private enterprise

  私人企业 joint operation enterprise

  合作经营企业 joint equity enterprise

 合资企业 individual income tax


 resource tax

 资源税 Urban and Township Land Use Tax

 房产使用税 City Maintenance and Construction Tax 城建税 Farmland Occupation Tax

  耕地占用税 Fixed Asset Investment Orientation Regulation Tax

 固定资产投资方向调节税 Land Appreciation Tax

  土地增值税 Banquet Tax

 筵席税 Purchase Tax on Vehicle

  车辆购置税 Property tax

 财产税 House Property Tax

 房产税 Urban real Estate Tax

 城房税 Behavior tax

 行为税 Vehicle and Vessel Tax

  车船税 Stamp Tax

  印花税 Deed Tax


 More Reference for Teachers :






 初税亩是我国征收田税的最早记载。这种税收以征收实物为主。鲁宣公 15 年(公元前 594 年),鲁国正式推翻过去按井田征收赋税的制度,改行“初税亩”。即不分公田、私田,凡占有土地者均须按亩交纳土地税。井田之外的私田,从此也开始纳税。这是三代以来第一次承认私田的合法性,是个很大的变化。实行“初税亩”反映了土地制度的变化,是一种历史的进步。“初税亩”的出现,标志着我国从奴隶制赋税向封建制赋税制转化的开端。





 两税法是唐朝中叶实行的用以取代租庸调制的赋税制度。唐德宗建中元年(780),采纳宰相杨炎的建议,始改行两税法。两税法的主要内容:①国家根据财政支出定出总税额,各地依照中央分配的数额,向当地人民征收。②土著户(当地人)和客居户(外来户)均编入现居州县户籍,依照丁壮和财产(主要是土地)多少定出户等,按垦田面积和户等高下摊分税额。③每年分夏、秋两次征收,夏税限 6 月纳清,秋税限 11 月纳清,故称“两税”(亦有一说因其分为户税、地税两项)。④两税依户等纳钱,按垦田面积纳米粟;田亩税以大历十四年(779)垦田数为准,平均摊派。⑤租庸调和杂徭、杂税悉省,但丁额不废。⑥无固定居处的商人,所在州县依照其收入的三十分之一征税。




 一条鞭法,又称“一条编法”,是明代中期的赋税制度。明朝中期,一方面大量田地迅速向地主手中集中,另一方面商品经济迅速发展。于是随着社会经济的发展和土地管理体制的变化,一条鞭法应运而生。万历九年(1581 年),张居正在清丈全国土地的基础上下令在全国推行一条鞭法。主要内容是:把一切征项包括田赋、徭役、杂税等合并起来编为一条征收,化繁为简;②把过去按丁、户征收的力役改为折银征收,称为户丁银,户丁银摊入田赋中征收。需要注意的是一条鞭法还没有把力役全部摊入田赋,只是部分摊入;③“一概征银”,无论田赋或力役一律折银缴纳,差役由政府雇人充当。


 摊丁入亩,又称地丁合一,是清朝在“一条鞭法”的基础上出现的一次重大的赋税制度的改革。雍正皇帝继续并完成了康熙皇帝开始的赋役制度改革。雍正元年即 1723 年,雍正帝下令以雍正二年为始,在各省普遍推行摊丁入亩。摊丁入亩是一条鞭法的延续和发展,实行也比较彻底。它最终结束了中国历史上人丁地亩的双重征税标准,使赋役一元化。自改革后,原来独立的丁税已不存在,丁随地起,田多丁税多,田少丁税少,无田无丁税,从而调整了国家、地主和自耕农三者之间的利益分配关系,消除了税赋不公状况。

 教学方法与手段:小组翻译、小组提问、教师答疑、 师生互动、互为补充。


 100 分钟正文与练习。







 中国现行税制包括 19 种税收,根据其性质和功能,可分为以下 6个类别:

 1)流转税。它包括 4 种税收,即增值税,消费税,营业税和关税。这些税收通常是根据纳税人在生产,流通或服务环节的营业额或销售额为基础来征收。关税是对进口和出口中华人民共和国境内的商品所征的税。






 Section III: Exercise I.

 Group Discussion



 (1)Tax is the most important source of fiscal revenue and it is also an important economic level utilized by the state to strengthen macro-economic regulation, which produces important impacts on national economic and social development. (2)According to the nature and function, the taxes can be divided into 6 categories. (3) The levy of the turnover taxes is normally based on the volume of turnover or sales of the taxpayers in the manufacturing, circulation or service sectors. (4) The government levy resource taxes reflects the chargeable use of state-owned natural resources, and aim to adjust the different profits derived by taxpayers who have access to different availability of natural resources. (5) The taxes for special purposes include City Maintenance and Construction Tax, Farmland Occupation Tax , Fixed Asset Investment Orientation Regulation Tax, Land Appreciation Tax , Banquet Tax, and Purchase Tax on Vehicle, etc.


 Free talk(参考答案) 答案是开放的,学生可分成小组参考课文内容设计自己发言。练习以自


 Sample: As we can see in the diagram, China’s tax system conducted in 1994 can be divided into 7 categories according to their nature and function, namely, Turnover Taxes, Income Taxes, Resource Taxes, Property Taxes, Special Taxes, Behavior Taxes and Agricultural Taxes. And the 7 categories of taxes consist of 26 different taxes in total. In 2008, in order to adapt to the socialism market economy, the central government carried out the new tax system, the content of which changed a lot. First, compared with the old tax system, the new reduced the 7 categories to 6. The category abolished is the Agricultural Taxes, which put an end to the long history of this tax and lightened the load on farmers. Second, the excise tax in category of turnover taxes was changed into another name—Consumption tax. But they express the same meaning and levy taxes from the same target group. Third, compared to the original content, 2 more taxes were added in taxes for special purposes. They are Farmland Occupation Tax and Banquet Tax, respectively. In the old tax system, these

 taxes belonged to the category of Behavior Taxes. Forth, the category of Behavior Taxes merely retained 3 items of its taxes, which are Vehicle and Vessel Tax, Stamp Tax and Deed Tax. The rest items were added into another category or rescinded. Action speak louder than words, the new tax system is adaptable to the trend of the times and it has been playing an important role in assuring China’s fiscal revenue and promoting the sustained, fast and healthy development of China’s national economy.

 III. Observe and talk (参考答案) Sample

 In the picture, we can see that some people are pouring their money into a bottomless whole which stands for war. Some one may ask: Are they mad or are they kidding us? And what one man in the picture said shows all the people in the picture are taxpayers. So we know that the taxpayers are complaining of the high financial cost of the war.

 Before we make clear why they complain, we should know where the tax is from and where it goes. Tax is a fee charged from the tax payers by the government and returned to all the citizens in the form of public goods and services. Therefore, it should be more

 reasonable for the government to use the money collected from us in serving us such as improving our welfare and health care or promoting the development of the whole nation’s economy instead of wasting money on the war. As tax payers, it is our obligation to pay our own tax, but meanwhile it is also our rights to enjoy the fruit of our paying tax, public services and goods.

  Briefly speaking, the government should pay more attention to the taxpayers’ rights. They should not pay most of the fiscal expenditure on the citizens’ welfare.

 Unit 10

 Interesting Foreign Taxes I( ( 有趣的税种 1 )

 Section I :Dialogue 情境对话:税务中介机构支援接洽客户(一位客户代理正在审核客户资料)





 1. 税务英语专业术语 tax agent

  税务代理人 tax return

  纳税申报单 financial statement

 财务报表,财政报告 carry out

  执行,实施 overdue tax

 滞纳税款 tax bureau

  税务局 in accordance with

 依照,与…一致 tax assessment

 征税估值;税额查定 tax program


 2. 用英语向客户提供纳税咨询服务时所需的交际能力 Useful Expressions:

  I have brought the information, what else do you need? What problem does your company have in the tax aspect?

 How can we avoid such problems? How to solve the relevant problems? If you need other information, please do not hesitate to contact us.




  课堂演示 教学时数:

 50 分钟 教学评估:






 怀特先生: 我带了一些资料,你看还需要什么? 陈阳: 请提供你的纳税申报单。

 怀特先生: 给你。

 陈阳: 还有你的财务报表。根据你提供的资料,我们将进行企业基本情况和需求的分析。

 怀特先生: 我们公司在税务方面有什么问题吗? 陈阳: 按照条例,恐怕你得支付滞纳金。

 怀特先生: 太糟了。

 陈阳: 别担心,我们会与税务局沟通的。

 怀特先生: 怎么能避免此类问题呢? 陈阳: 我们将评估贵公司的纳税情况,然后设定纳税方案,你可以从中选择一个最恰当的。

 怀特先生: 太好了。不过我还有个问题,如何解决相关的数据问题呢? 陈阳: 我们会帮你解决。

 怀特先生: 换句话说,就是按照公司的信息,我可以选择最适合的纳税方案,对吗? 陈阳: 完全正确. 我们也会协助你们执行、完善方案。最后,我们将对其有效性进行评估。

 怀特先生: 如果你还需要其他资料,请联系我。

 陈阳: 谢谢你的信任. 我们会尽力把工作做好.

 Section II :Further Study 正文:国外有趣的税种 教学目的与要求:通过本文的学习使学生认知和熟悉国外一些有趣的税种。教师如有兴趣,可查阅相关资料,列举我国历史上一些有趣的税种与学生分享。


 Related Terms:




 法令;判决 prohibit

  禁止 institute

  制定;创立 duty act

  税收法案 tax resource


 financial income

 财政收入 luxury tax

 奢侈税 real estate transaction

  房地产交易 amend a tax law

 修订税法 garbage tax

  垃圾税 sewage-treatment tax

  污水处理税 excise department

 税务局 tax rate


 More Reference for Teachers :

 狗税 匈牙利人喜欢养狗,自18世纪以来,一直征收狗税。

 钓鱼税 在荷兰湖泊日趋减少,钓鱼者越来越多,为此政府制定垂钓管理法规,规定垂钓者应照章纳税,税额按区域等级而定。

 未婚妈妈税 美国威斯康星州通过法令,对未婚但有私生子的少女征税。这样做是为了对未婚妈妈的家长施加压力,让他们管好自己的女儿。但未婚妈妈满18岁以后征税停止。

 小便税 在古罗马莱维尼斯帕西安时期,国家开征了小便税。理由是,有些厂家利用阴沟里的尿液制造氨水。

 离婚税 美国加利福尼尼亚规定,结婚不满1年,未生养又无贵重财产的夫妻,欲离婚只要向州政府法律部门寄30美元离婚税,并保证双方无争执地分割财产,其离婚即自动生效。



 蜜月税 在土库曼斯坦,涉外婚姻要纳税。最有意思的是对土库曼斯坦女性进行涉外婚姻的法律规定,即任何外国男人在迎娶土库曼斯坦新娘时,除了必须向女方家赠送10枚金戒指外,还要向土库曼斯坦政府缴纳4.5万美元的“蜜月税”,反之则不须纳税,这一方面说明土库曼斯坦的女性珍贵,另一方面也说明土库曼斯坦政府真是生财有道。





 由于鼠害严重,印度尼西亚西部地区首长曾经在 1987 年 7 月颁布了一项关于缴纳老鼠税的法令。这项法令规定:每耕作一公倾稻田,需缴交 75 只活的或死的老鼠才能开耕;凡向银行贷款或办理旅行手续的,也要缴交 75 只老鼠才能获得批准。甚至连结婚或离婚也要缴交 50 只老鼠才能办理有关手续。

  教学方法与手段:小组翻译、小组提问、教师答疑、 师生互动、互为补充。


 100 分钟正文与练习。




 国外有趣的税种( (I )


 窗户税 1766 年, 英国议会通过了房屋与窗户税收法案。


 五个窗户的房屋不用纳税)。窗户越多,税额越高, 因此许多人把家里的一部分窗户用砖堵住了.现在在伦敦市中心老城区的墙上还能看见当年被堵的窗户。


 比利时法律当中,父母可以任意给子女改名,但必须交纳 200 比利时法郎的"改名税"。


 蓄须税是沙皇彼得一世为了改变和规范他的臣民仪表而制定的最著名的一系列措施中最出名的。早在 1698 年沙皇下令让他的重臣剃胡须,并在 1699 年间, 要求在法庭上开始穿着欧洲服装。在接下来的几年, 一系列法规命令各团体接受德国服饰(即欧洲服饰)。1705 年,又发布法令禁止朝臣、政府官员和市民买卖、穿着俄罗斯服饰。同年,受东正教青睐的胡须被禁止,同时开始征收蓄须税。除了东正教神职人员外,任何想留胡子的人都被要求缴纳一个特殊的税收并从政府官员处取得令牌。







 洗脸税 土耳其总统 2007 年 5 月批准了一项税法修正案。在新的法案中,任何在土耳其打开水龙头洗脸的人要同时缴纳三种税!首先是“环境清洁税”,在土耳其老百姓称之为“垃圾税”;第二种税叫“污水费”,按自来水水费 50%的标准收取;第三种税是“增值税”,不论是家庭还是写字楼都要支付这个费用,按水费的 18%收取。





 Section III: Exercise I. Group Discussion



 Keys:参考答案 (1)

 Open. (参考答案)

 For example, I am extremely interested in the Beard Tax. As we know, Tsar Peter I was one of the greatest emperors in Russian history and he implemented sweeping reforms aimed at modernizing Russia. Heavily influenced by his advisors from Western Europe, Peter took a series of measures to reform his country. Beard Tax was one of his reforming policies in order to transform and regulate the appearance his subjects. In 1705, Tsar Peter I of Russia instituted a beard tax. Those who paid the tax were required to carry a "beard token". This was a copper or silver token with a Russian Eagle on one side and on the other, the lower part of a face with nose, mouth, whiskers, and beard. It was inscribed with two phrases: "the beard tax has been taken" and "the beard is a superfluous burden". Through the discussion and teacher’s reference, students can have a better understanding about Tsar Peter 1 and the certain background at that time when Beard Tax was enacted.

 (2)Open. (参考答案)

 For example, I think it’s reasonable and necessary to levy Face Wash Tax not only in Turkey but in other countries and areas, which can warn the people to protect and save water in their lives. Water is our basic need for human beings to survive. At this point where global warming and pollution

 are becoming major problems of the environment, clean water becomes rare. We need to save and conserve water because it is a gift that we need to preserve.

  Water quenches us, bathes us, cleanses our things, and refreshes our surroundings. Without water, we cannot live long. As a health benefit, water cleanses the toxins in our body. It replenishes our body cells. Our body could even survive if we don’t eat for a week but we can’t endure life if we cannot drink for 3 days. That is how important water is to our health. Water also plays an important role to other living things. For animals to survive they need abundant water to drink and to bath. For plants, they also need water in order to grow and produce fruits.

 So, by taxing water, people can develop an idea of saving water, preventing water from pollution and making full use of every drop o...

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