
Unit4 《I have a new pen pal》
第七课时 (Part C Story time) 教学目标 1. 短语: live in, very much, have to, in front of, read books, be angry, look at, from that day on等. 2. 能完成故事的叙述。

教学重难点 1. 重点: 能正确理解并使用对于个人爱好的问答. 2. 难点: 能对爱好进行问答. 教学过程 Step1. Warming up 1.师生问好。

2.播放 chant My new pen pal My new pen pal, my new pen pal. He likes to sing. He can sing so loud. My new pen pal, my new pen pal. He likes to play. He plays ping-pong. He likes to play football. He really likes to play. I really want him to come here some day. Step2 Revision 1. 复习动名词形式。[来源:学*科*网] 2. 利用图片进行对话练习。

A: What is her hobby? B: She likes dancing .[来源:学科网] A: What is Wang Li’s hobby? B: She likes cooking. … 教师对于某人的爱好的问与答做出总结。

Step3 Let’s learn 1.学生听录音,找出答案。

1).Where does Zac live? 2).What does Zac do in front of king? 3).Why is the Monkey King angry? a.教师播放录音,学生听。



2.学生再听录音,找出关键词: 教师让学生口头叙述故事发生在什么时候,什么地点,人物 以及发生了什么?做练习.教师核对答案。

Step4 Let’s talk (借助故事的图片,说故事。) 1.教师出示图片,学生完成练习。


Step 5 Summary 教师和学生一起总结本节课的重点内容。[来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|K] 1.词汇及短语: live in, very much, have to, in front of, read books, be angry, look at, from that day on 2. 句型:Zac likes singing and dancing.[来源:学#科#网] Zac sometimes sings and dances in front of the king. Step6. Practice 一、选择填空 1. Zac lives____ a forest. A. near B. next C. in 2. The Monkey King likes____ a book. A. reading B. reads C. read 3. Zac got up and _____ at his tail. A. looking B. look C. looked 4. Zac sometimes sings and ___ in front of the king. A. dance B. dances C. dancing 二、用所给单词的正确形式填空 1. He ____ (like)collecting stamps. 2. My pen pal _____ (watch) TV at night. 3. Mike ____ ( go) to work by bus. 4. I like ____ (make) kites. 5. Mr. Bill ____ (teach) English. Step7.Homework: 1. Retell the story with your partner.和同桌一起说说这个故事吧。

live in, very much, have to, in front of,read books, be angry, look at, from that day on 板书设计 Unit 4 I have a new pen pal 1.词汇及短语: live in, very much, have to, in front of,read books, be angry, look at, from that day on 2. 句型:Zac likes singing and dancing.[来源:学科网ZXXK] Zac sometimes sings and dances in front of the king.
