泰坦尼克号为什么会沉没 泰坦尼克号沉没100周年的英语演讲稿

  <**pan **tyle="font-family: '宋体'; font-**ize: 12pt">泰坦尼克号沉没100周年的英语演讲稿

 <**pan **tyle="font-family: '宋体'; font-**ize: 12pt">&nb**p;Film <<Titanic>> to it** **en**ational **ucce**** of the country, many of the people moved. Li**ten to my father **aid that in the **eventh Academy Award** pre**entation ceremony, which at one **troke wa** the 14 nomination** in the 11 award**, ha** created a miracle in the hi**tory of film.

 <**pan **tyle="font-family: '宋体'; font-**ize: 12pt">Two day** ago, broadca**t on televi**ion in thi** film, I had the privilege to watch the movie, after I read a very moving. E**pecially when the **hip **unk about to hit the tip of the time, touching the **creen appeared. Jack male hero in the **ea only to find an e**cape one of the wood, he **upported hi** girlfriend Lucy a boo**t, while their ice-cold water in the water, calmly waiting for the death of the call, the captain ordered hi** crew The lifeboat** to give the elderly, women a nd children, a nd he a nd hi** family, crew a nd **hip mu**t be a total of **urvival…… **een thi** touching **cene, I feel very excited, left in tear**.

 <**pan **tyle="font-family: '宋体'; font-**ize: 12pt">After the movie playing, my heart Nuan Rongrong, **itting on a **ofa, a long time of meditation: on the one ha nd to the le**** luxuriou** **hip **ank a nd **orry for **o many people killed a nd a big **hip with the **ea a nd **ad. On the other ha nd, I wa** Jack, the captain, who wa** the noble act** of admiration. At the **ame time I al**o under**ta nd that the "Titanic" theme, which i** a common pur**uit of mankind, a nd in great need of thing**, love. Jack'** love for hi** girlfriend, **o willing to **acrifice them**elve** to make good hi** girlfriend alive. The captain becau**e of hi** love Chuanke, in the face of cri**i** **tabilization compo**ed of lifeboat** for the elderly, women a nd children to flee, thi** love i** noble, a nd I think that **uch a di**tillation of love ha** become a re**pon**ibility.

 <**pan **tyle="font-family: '宋体'; font-**ize: 12pt">We all know that people can not love. A per**on, not the loving parent**, the **oul will feel very depre****ed a nd a family, not the mutual love between Changyou, there will be no happine**** of the U.S.; no inter-human love, there would be no group** of civilization a nd **ocial cohe**ion . Love i** the **urvival a nd development of human **ociety'** **trength. Human being** can not love.

 <**pan **tyle="font-family: '宋体'; font-**ize: 12pt">I think that love each other, a nd you love to other**, other** will be the mo**t **incere love for you. By that time, the world will become a better human.

 <**pan **tyle="font-family: '宋体'; font-**ize: 12pt">Now, however, i** totally touched by it, it will al**o be printed deeply into the memory. Fang Yanhuo even on New Year'** Eve, to **ee the pyrotechnic** in the dark of night **ky in the increa**e in bloom, a nd then concluded,竟会think of Titanic victim**, the captain i****ued a di**tre**** **ignal. Firework** al**o ro**e to the va**t night **ky, blooming, fell on the va**t **ea. The innocent little girl on board due to **ee the beautiful firework** a nd a happy **mile. Would like to think that it i** **till painful.

 <**pan **tyle="font-family: '宋体'; font-**ize: 12pt">???? People'** feeling** a nd the growth of the Federation of age increa**ingly deep, a** I only five year** ago to "Titanic" film a** a thriller, but now it ha** been deeply touched. Five year** later, after 10 year**…… I will from thi** cla****ic film received an increa**ing number of **entiment.

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 <**pan **tyle="font-family: '宋体'; font-**ize: 12pt"><**trong>Titanic wa** an Olympic-cla**** pa****enger liner owned by the White Star Line a nd built at the Harla nd a nd Wolff **hipyard. On the night of 14 April 1912, during her maiden voyage, Titanic **truck an iceberg, a nd **ank two hour** a nd forty minute** later in early 15 April 1912. At the time of her launching in 1912, **he wa** the large**t pa****enger **team**hip in the world.

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 <**pan **tyle="font-family: '宋体'; font-**ize: 12pt"><**trong>The **inking re**ulted in the death** of 1,517 people, ranking it a** one of the wor**t peacetime maritime di**a**ter** in hi**tory a nd by far the mo**t infamou**. The Titanic u**ed **ome of the mo**t advanced technology available at the time a nd wa** popularly believed to be <**trong>“<**trong>un**inkable<**trong>” <**trong>- indeed, in a 1910 White Star Line brochure adverti**ing the Titanic, it wa** claimed that **he wa** "de**igned to be un**inkable". It wa** a great **hock to many that de**pite the advanced technology a nd experienced crew, the Titanic **till **ank with a great lo**** of life. The media frenzy about Titanic'** famou** victim**, the legend** about what happened on board the **hip, the re**ulting change** to maritime law, a nd the di**covery of the wreck in 1985 by a team led by Robert Ballard have made Titanic per**i**tently famou** in the year** **ince.

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