
Authorization Certificate for Intellectual Property Infringement Complaints 知识产权侵权投诉授权委托证明 ,business license number , hereby authorizes number , 我方 , 营业执照号(适用于公司主体)/身份证或护照号 , 兹委托 , 营业执照(适用于公司主体)号/身份证或护照号  9   , as our intellectual property rights representative in China,and pursuant to relevant laws and regulations,to stop and eliminate on the Alibaba platform any counterfeit goods,impersonations, and any other activity that way violate, infringe upon of damage Party A’s intellectual property ,and Party B is specifically authorized to conduct the following: 作为我方的知识产权代理,根据中华人民共和国法律法规,制止并清除存在于淘宝网平台上的任何仿冒、假冒及其他任何侵犯和损害我方在中华人民共和国境内享有的知识产权行为,具体授权事项包括以下内容:
1.Fully authorized to act on behalf of Party A to lodge complaints against any activity on the Alibaba platform that infringe upon or violates Party A’s intellectual property rights;(Party B’s authorizations include: lodging complaints, presenting evidence, responding to notices, conducting correspondence,providing assistance to investigations ,receiving relevant documents ,accepting mediation,conducting settlements ,revoking complaints ,etc); 1、全权代表我公司向淘宝网投诉任何侵犯我方在中华人民共和国境内享有的知识产权的行为(包括:投诉、递交证据、沟通联系、协助查处工作、接受有关文书、接受调解、进行和解、撤销投诉等);

2.To purchase, appraise ,and issue appraisal certificates regarding merchandise that is suspected of infringing upon or violating the property rights of Party A; 2、对涉嫌侵犯我方享有的知识产权的嫌疑商品进行购买并进行真伪鉴定,出具鉴定书等;

CEO/盖章(或签字): Date/日期: 仅供参考

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