
冀教版英语六年级下册 全册教案设计 2021-1-27 Lesson 1 Ping—Pong and Basketball 设计理念:

1. 本课主要讲的是一些运动项目,让我们来看看在加拿大学校里有哪些体育 运动。参加这些运动又应该有哪些准备,尤其是服装上应该做哪些准备。

2. 教师应充分调动学生的积极性,让学生在感知、模仿、学习、体验的基础 上逐步达到自然交流与真实运用语言的目的。另一方面设计对话情景达到言语交际的目的。

3. 本课的重点内容:
⑴ 重点词汇:badminton, ping-pong, soccer, basketball,sport, runners, shorts, T-shirt ⑵ 重点句型:What sport do you like best? I like...best. 学生分析:

教学目标 (一)知识:
jeans 牛仔裤;
skirt 裙子;
blouse 上衣;
sweater 毛衣;
socks 袜子;
scarf 围巾;

sport 运动;
basketball 篮球;
ping-pong 乒乓球;
shorts 短裤;
T-shirt 圆领汗衫;
runners 跑鞋 3.听懂并说出下面的句子:
What sport do you like best? I like...best. 你最喜欢什么运动?我最喜欢……。



教学重难点 1.与运动相关的名词:
sport 运动;

basketball 篮球;

ping-pong 乒乓球;

clothes 衣服;

shorts 短裤;

T-shirt 圆领汗衫;

runners 跑鞋 2.常用句型:
What sport do you like best? 你最喜欢什么运动? I like...best. 我最喜欢……。





教学过程 一、warm up and lead in 1.热身激趣:健康歌 2.播放音频资源,进入学习课文内容之中。



教师出示乒乓球、羽毛球、篮球、足球等实物,学习badminton, ping-pong, soccer, basketball,Ping-pong is a sport. Basketball is a sport, too. (设计意图:歌曲热身,使学生体会到锻炼身体的重要性。播放音频资源,进入学习课文内容之中。进而回想自己平时喜欢什么运动,教学新知。在轻松快乐的气氛中进入一堂课的学习之中,将严肃的课堂变成轻松愉悦的课堂,有利于学生积极参与课堂学习,帮助学生快速记忆单词,学会用英语进行表达。)
二、Presentation Of the new lesson。

Part1:第一步:教师播放Flash 动画,熟悉课文内容。


What sports do you play? I like … best. 教师出示运动卡片,提问“What sports do they play?”学生加以回答。学生走到学生中,指名回答“What’s your favourite sport?” (设计意图:使学生熟悉课文内容,认识并能正确读出新单词,在句型中操练新知。)


第三步:找一找,认识单词need 和store 第四步:听录音,小声跟读;
分角色朗读课文 (设计意图:学生的自主学习,深化了对课程的理解,培养了学生乐观向上,勤于学习乐于学习的能力)
三、Evaluating students 1.我给图片起名字。


3.根据图片回答问题:What do they wear? 4.小小设计师。

四、Homework : Read the text. Finish the exercise of your Activity Book. (设计意图:粗浅的作业设计,符合学生的学习习惯,巩固所学,深化知识。)
五、Class Closing. Song:长大后我就成了你! 教学预测:
学生在师生互动,合作学习这样的一个丰富的、生动的课堂中经历英语学习过程,不但会获得新知,我想更能体会到英语就在身边,感受到学习英语的最大乐趣:玩中学、学中玩! Lesson 2: At the sports Shop 教学目标:
1、能听说读写need, any, or三个生词 。

2、理解“some ,any ,”二词用法上的不同。

3、让学生掌握并熟练运用“ I need……” “Do you have any……?” “Do you want this/these or that/those ? ” “ How much are they?” 4、通过购物的情境练习,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。

一、Class opening and review. 1.如果你去商声或超市看到过哪些商品,你能用英语把你看到的说出来吗? 2.如果你现在就在商场,你都想买些什么? 二、New Concepts. 1.播放课件,学生看手回答问题。

(1)这是什么地方? (2)有几个人物?分别是谁?他们在做什么? (3)认真听,购物时最常用的几句话是什么?根据学生的回答,学习生词need, any, or. 举例说明some 和any 的区别。

I have some ping-pong balls. Do you have any ping-pong balls?板书学生提出的购物常用句子。I need some ping-pong balls. Do you want these balls or those balls? How much are they? 2.把课堂变成一个百货商店。


学生汇报自己的购物情况.I need a ________. I bought _______. 三.达标测评:

1. I need some ______. A. book B. balls C. runner 3. She has a brother _____ a sister. A. and B. or C. of 4. Do you like red _____ blue? A. and B. or C. of 5. One of dollar _____ an apple. A. of B. for C. on 6. — _____are they? —Thirty dollars. A. How much B. How many C. How Ⅱ.根据汉语补全句子。

1. She needs ___________ (一双) shoes. 2. They are _______ (三十) dollars. 3. Do you like English _______ (还是) Chinese? 4. I’m going to a _______ (运动) store.[来源:Z#xx#k.Com] 5. I need some ________________(乒乓球) . 四. Class closing. Let's have a chant. Wearing, wearing, what are you wearing? Shirt, T-shirt, I'm wearing a shoes. Buying, buying, what are you buying? Runners, balls, I'm buying basketball. 五、板 书 设 计 Lesson 2: At the Sports Store I need some ping-pong balls. Do you have any runners? Do you want these balls or those balls? How much are they? 六、课后反思:本节课,比起上节课,课堂气氛活跃了很多,看到孩子们一双双渴求知识的双眼,我信心十足,一定要带好孩子们走英语之路。

Lesson3 Let’s play! 教学目标:   1.知识目标:能四会单词light, heavy, throw, catch, hit;
能灵活使用句子The basketball is heavy. The ping-pong ball is light. I’m throwing / catching the basketball. I’m hitting the ping-pong ball. 2.能力目标:能利用所学的词汇和句子表演本课对话并运用于打篮球和乒乓球的活动中。

3. 情感目标:培养学生对两种球类运动的喜爱之情。


1. 单词卡片,石头,羽毛等轻重对比的物体,篮球,篮筐 ,乒乓球,乒乓球拍,球网,有条件可带学生去操场上这节课,课后习题卡(每人一张)。

2. 录音机或课件。

Class Opening and Review 1. T: Hello, class! What’s your favourite sports? S: My favourite sport is ______. 2. T: I want to learn basketball / ping-pong ball. Can you teach me? S: Yes。

(设计意图:开头直接提出老师想学打篮球和乒乓球,让学生做小 老师教,激发了学生的学习兴趣,增强了学生的自信心。)   New Concepts   1.教师右手拿篮球并说The basketball is heavy.左手拿乒乓球并说The ping-pong ball is light.让学生模仿练习。   2.利用准备的实物练习heavy 和light.   3.教师告诉学生篮筐是net,拿着篮球投篮,边投边说I’m throwing the basketball. Say“throw, throwing”, please.学生模仿练习。

4.教师没投中就说This is too hard. The basketball is too heavy. 学生模仿练习。  5.教师拿着乒乓球投篮,一下就投中了就说This is too easy. The ping-pong ball is light. 学生模仿练习。   6.然后把篮球传给别的学生并说I’m throwing the basketball. He’s catching the basketball. Say “catch, catching”, please. 学生模仿练习。   7.教师又拿起乒乓球拍并告诉学生This is a paddle. I’m hitting the ping-pong ball. Say“paddle, hit, hitting”, please.学生模仿练习。   8.听录音两至三遍,完成课后习题。   9.学生分组编对话。   10.汇报演出。  (设计意图:这节课的教学可在教室布置环境也可到操场上去,让学生真正体会篮球和乒乓球运动,激发学习兴趣。在句子中学习单词,做到句不离句,最后过度到对话练习,形成篇章,对学生的综合语言运用能力有了很大提升。)  Class Closing   Activity book  Homework   课下打篮球和乒乓球并把所学语言运用进去。   板书设计:   Lesson 3 Let’s play! The basketball is heavy.   The ping-pong ball is light. I’m throwing/catching the basketball. I’m hitting the ping-pong ball. 课后习题:   一. 根据要求写单词:   写出现在分词形式 写出反义词   hit--- heavy---  throw--- hard---  catch--- this---  learn--- these---  teach---   二. 填空:   1.I want to ____ basketball. Can you ____ me?   2. The basketball is ____. The ping-pong ball is ____.   3. I’m ____ing the basketball. He’s ____ing the basketball.
4. I’m ____ting the ping-pong ball. Lesson4 Did you have fun? 教学目标 1)、能听说读写bought, taught, thought. 2)、复习巩固以前所学的四种时态,能能够正确地进行听说读写。

3)、学会唱“What did you do?“ 教学难点分析   复习巩固以前所学的四种时态,能能够正确地进行听说读写 。

教学课时:一课时 教学过程 一、 Class opening and review. 1.投影出示一些单词,让学生说出它们的过去,和将来时。其中包括buy,teach 和 think。(由于这三个词的过去时以前没有接触过,所以暂时放到一边)
2.对话练习。老师提问一些问题让学生回答。   (1)What did you do yesterday?  (2)What are you going to do tomorrow?  (3)Do you usually......? 每个问题找几个同学回答。   二、New Concepts.   1.继续看复习题1中留下的未知项,即buy , teach, 和think三个词的过去时如何改写。老师将这三个词的过去时添加上去,教学生如何读,并反复拼写,加以识记。并共同找到bought, taught, thought三个词语在书写和发音方面的共同点和不同点,便于学生比较和掌握。  2.阅读练习。要求学生自学课文第一部分,然后回答以下几个问题:Where did Jenny and Li Ming go? What did Jenny do? What did Li Ming do? What did Jenny do? 学生读完后,共同交流学习成果,老师加以总结.   3、根据课文第二部分的内容,设计一些时态填空,让学生试着自己填写。   (1)They usually ______ (teach) each other a sport.   (2) Jenny ______(go) to the park tomorrow.   (3) Danny always _______ (think) he can catch the ball.   (4) This morning , Jenny and Li Ming_____ _(buy) some things at the store.   (5) They _______(teach) each other a sport yesterday.   (6) Danny ______(think) he could hit the ball.  4、学唱“What did you do?”学会后,将学生分成两组对唱,一问一答。   三、Class closing. 师生齐唱:“What did you do?”结束课堂。

Lesson 4 Where Did You Go? What did you do? teach---taught buy---bought think---thought  课堂练习 (1)They usually ______ (teach) each other a sport.   (2) Jenny ______(go) to the park tomorrow.   (3) Danny always _______ (think) he can catch the ball.   (4) This morning, Jenny and Li Ming______ (buy) some things at the store.   (5) They _______(teach) each other a sport yesterday.   (6) Danny ______(think) he could hit the ball.   A Basketball Game 教学设计 一.教材及学情分析:
本单元学生主要学习一些描述运动项目及运动衣着用品的词汇。本课是借一场篮球赛,让学生复习有关职业及颜色的单词,学习一些新的词汇,并让学生了解一些与比赛有关的知识。五年级学生已经有了一定的词汇基础,对英语也有了一些认识,他们对于自己喜欢的话题和知识有很强的好奇心和表达的欲望。所以在本节课教学中,首先要调动起学生的学习兴趣,使学生集中精力学习。而且本课内容贴近生活,学生乐于理解和接受. 二.教学目标:
(1)能听、说、读、写单词player, team, game, 并了解与这些词汇相关的内容。

(2)能听、说、读、写并且运用词汇:win, lose. (3)能听懂、理解、会说、会用日常用语:plays basketball for fun, jump up and down, what’s the score?等。


能听、说、读、写单词player, team, game, win, lose.及一些常用语,并能运用这些知识对一些信息进行描述。

学习语言的目的是运用语言,因此小学英语教学的根本目的是培养学生运用英语的能力。所以教学中必须体现学用结合,学以致用的原则,以培养学生运用英语的能力为根本 。本课主要通过分组比赛的方式,让学生主动参与课堂,并培养他们合作的精神。


五、教学过程 教学环节 活动内容 教学内容 设计意图 Class Opening ⑴师生间互相打招呼问好并自由对话。

Hello,boys and girls. How are you today? Are you ready for class? 营造英语氛围,让学生进入学习英语的状态。

Review 出示课件玩游戏:A basketball game 复习职业类词:teacher, clerk, cashier, waitress, waiter, bus driver, doctor, police officer.同时通过分组比赛形式引出team, win, lose. 通过玩游戏,让学生复习学过的词汇,及引出一些新词汇。

New Concepts 1.出示图片向学生介绍词汇player,team and game . 2.Show pictures and tell the story: A basketball game. 3.出示问题听录音。

4.Read Part2 and answer the questions. 1. Yao Ming is a player, Bob is a player too. He is a police officer. He plays on a team. Bob’s team plays basketball games… 2.把第二部分的短文缩编成一个小故事,并播放幻灯片加以帮助学生理解。

3.Questions: Where do Jenny and Li Ming go? Why? What does Bob’s team have? What does the other team have? Do Jenny and Li Ming have fun at the game? 4.Questions: Who win? How do they win? What’s the score? 1.通过用具体的实例和图片介绍让学生能够理解新词汇的含义并为下面的阅读做好铺垫。




Practice 男女分组进行比赛:运用所给出的短语或词汇说出句子。

Player, team, game, Have fun, arrive, police officer, for fun, play on a team, the other, snacks, loud, win, lose 通过游戏提高学生学习的兴趣的同时,让学生真正的把所学知识能够加以运用。

Homework Write about the story, or talk about it. Blackboard Design Lesson5: A Baskball game player girl’s team team boy’s team game [来源:Zxxk.Com] 七、教学反思 作为教师,我们有责任使每个学生学好英语。人与人之间存在着一定的差异,这是客观的,要大面积提高教学质量,必须面向全体学生,因材施教,充分调动每一个学生的积极性主动性,让每个学生主动地、生动活泼地学习和发展。虽然我在教学方法、形式上有所变化,但对发展学生作为学习主体方面还是有所欠缺,需要在以后的教学实践中不断地去学习和积累经验。

年度第二学期六年级英语导学案 主题 Lesson 6 A famous football player 任课教师 备课时间 课型 问题解决课 问题训练课 课时 一课时 授课日期 学习目标 知识目标:
1、我能听、说、读和写这些单词:player, parent ,from then on, coach, dig, dug, around 2、能灵活应用过去时。


重点难点 要求会的单词和故事的内容以及过去时的应用。

教学准备 录音机。

教学程序 时间 教师行为 期望学生 行为 一、复习引入 2 分 钟 Class Opening and Review Question: 1. Look at the picture. Do you know who he is? 2. Do you like to play football? Now let’s look at this story, then answer the questions. (设计意图:利用图片引出新课,营造学习的氛围。通过问题,能将学生的注意力更好地吸引到学习中去。


二、自学引导,探究新课 10 分 钟 New Concepts 1. Listen to the tape together. 2.学习新单词:
Player, parent, from then on, coach, dig-dug , around 3.listen to the tape carefully, and read after it。

Then answer these questions. 1. Why did the boy use boxes and bottles as his footballs? 2. Why did the coach give the boy a football as a gift? 3. What can you learn from Pele? Class Closing Activity book Homework 说一说,你喜欢的体育明星,在小组内和同伴分享你的小故事。然后以对话的形式展示出来。



三、问题训练,巩固提升 20分 钟 课后习题:
1. Pele used as his footballs. 3. When did the boy win the world cup? 4. Why did the coach say” this is the best Christmas gift” ? 完成练习,并小组讨论。

教学板书 Lesson 6. A famous football player Why did the boy use boxes and bottles as his footballs? Why did the coach give the boy a football as a gift? What can you learn from Pele? 教学反思:
Lesson 10 Exercise 教学目标:
1、Students can read,write,say and accurately understand the vocabulary:minutes,hours,exercise
2、教授歌谣“Everyone, Everyone, Reach up High” 使学生能跟着节拍边做动作边说歌词。


  掌握本课四会单词: minutes, hours, exercise 教学难点:
  如何在实际中灵活运用 How much/How many/How often是难点。


一、 Class Opening and Review:
 1、Play “ What Time Is It” to review how to say times.
T: Hello! Now look, what is it? S:Watch. T:It is a clock. What time is it now? S: It is_______. 二、Key Concepts:
  (1) Demonstrate “minute, hour” with a big clock .
T: How many minutes does it past?
S: …..
T: One hour. Hour, say it.
S: hour.
T: Now, think. How many minutes make an hour?
Minute, say it and guess what it means here.
S: Minute.
(教师可以用钟来提示学生 minute 是什么意思。同时教师还可以扩展秒,年,天。) T: Yes, sixty minutes make an hour. Say it. S: Sixty minutes make an hour. T: How many seconds make a minute? S: …….
T: Now look, what time is it now? It is time for exercise. What does it mean? Guess. (2) Play“Simon Says” to review actions and phrases such as:ride a bike, walk to school, run, jump ,play ping-pong, play soccer , play basketball 等。Some volunteers. Ask each volunteer (in a whisper ) to perform an action(use the actions recommended for “Simon Says” above.) Ask the class to guess what he or she is doing . Then ask all the volunteers to perform their actions at the same time and lead a dialogue:   T: Look! They are exercising! (Point to each volunteer) Riding a bike is exercise.
Playing ping-pong is exercise.
Walking is exercise.
What else is exercise? ( Point to the next volunteer. ) __ing is ...
S: …exercise.
T: Right! ( Point to the final volunteer. ) And __ing is …
S : …exercise.
T: Very good!
(3) 游戏
规则 :
两个同 学上前面来,一个同学面向大家,另一个同学用事先准备好的单词大卡片对着同学,让同学们做动作,前一位同学猜 ing is exercise . (安排这个环节主要是为了巩固刚刚学过的句型和单词exercise.为下面的学习做准备。)
2、Use the Student Book and Audiotape:
(1)《教科书》第一部分 T:Exercise helps make your body healthy and strong.出示问题:What is exercise? How much exercise do you need? 学生边看书边听课文录音,同桌讨论后回答。回答第一题引出动名词短语作主语这一知识点,板书:Riding a bike/Walking to school/Running/Playing ping-pong is exercise. 回答第二题时引出How much 与 How many 的区别, 并利用钟表演示使学生能回答: How many minutes are there in an hour? / How many minutes make an hour? (2) Ask a volunteer. T: How do you go to school?   V: ride a bike.   T: Riding a bike is exercise? How often do you exercise a day?  V: …… ……   T: How many minutes do you exercise a day?   V :…….  学生分组进行对话练习,然后找同学进行检查。

 《教科书》第二部分 出示问题:How many minutes dose Danny exercise? How often dose Danny exercise? How many minutes dose Danny walk to school? 听课文录音小组讨论后得出结论:Danny needs to get more exercise. 采取多种方式操练:同桌对话、小记者采访的形式询问同学们的锻炼情况,在活动中复习并巩固句式的运用,深刻领悟锻炼的重要性。

Now, let’s do some exercise together. Ok?
Teach “Everyone, Everyone, Reach up High” in Number 3 of the student book.
(1) Play the audiotape, the students follow to read words and look at the pictures in their books.
(2) Teach line by line, students to repeat.
(3) Finally play the audiotape again, students chant along and do the actions.
(4) 各组选派一名台前表演。

三、Class Closing: Homework:(1) 画出一些动作或尽量用动作表演出来来练说:___ing is exercise.
(2) 课余将所学chant 带动作表演给家人或朋友。

   (3) Make a chart : 了解身边人的锻炼情况。

Lesson 10Exercise Sixty minutes make an hour! Riding a bike Walking to school is exercise Running Playing ping-pong Exercises:
一、Fill in the blanks.
1、_____ helps make your body healthy and strong.
2、Sixty m_____make an h____. 二、根据答句补全问句:
1、_________exercise do you need a day?   I need about twenty minutes of exercise a day.
2、__________minutes do you need to walk to school?
I need about five minutes to walk to school
3、___________do you play ping-pong?
I play ping-pong three times a week.
1. What do you do after supper? Twice.
2. What are you doing now? On foot.
3. How do you do? Yes, please
4. May I help you? I’m coming.
5. Time for supper. It’s Friday today.
6. How do you go to school every day? I often go for a walk with my sister
7. How often do you eat breakfast at home? I often go for a walk with my sister. 8. What day is today? How do you do? Lesson 11 Work Hard 教学设计 教学目标:
1. 知识方面:能听、说、读、写和正确运用high、low和homework等单词。


3.情感态度,价值观:通过分组练习、游戏培养学生合作互助精神 、通过本课主题培养学生健康的生活观念。


1.使学生听写词汇 homework、high、low等单词 2. 使学生能灵活、运用并练习句型 。

Step1 Warming-up and revision 一、Greeting. 二、随意对话让学生说出自己最喜欢的事。

Step2 New Concepts 一、 出示幻灯出示单词卡high、low板书并领读,让学生小组内学习两个单词。

在出示reach up high, bend down low出示图片让学生明白其汉语意思。并让学生在练习本上进行书写练习,及时巩固所学单词,接下来听教师的口令练习high、low.然后同桌练习。

Play a game要求学生做练习,上黑板展示。游戏提高学生的学习兴趣。

二、学习课文第一部分以对话引出课文内容。引出work hard,出示问题要求学生在小组内进行学习。学习完毕回答所提出的问题,随时进行鼓励,激发学生的学习兴趣,并让学生进行语句对话练习。





四、学习课本第三部分 让学生听录音自己编做动作再上台展示。激发学生的学习兴趣。

Step3 练习完成练习册 。

Step4 布置作业。

Step5 Class closing。

板书设计: Lesson 11 Work Hard reach up high bend down low what do you do at home? at school \ at home 《Helen Keller》教案 课题:Helen Keller 教学目标:
能听懂、会说并能在实际情境中运用She could do……/ She couldn’t do……等句型。能识别单词表中的单词。


能读懂描述Helen Keller一生经历的句子,并能用所学语言知识以小作文的形式描述一个人的经历。

了解Helen Keller身残志坚的故事,学习她勇敢面对困难、勇于向命运挑战的精神,培养抗挫折能力。





3、小组合作预习课文,圈出疑难的单词、词组、句子,并试着 翻译。





( )Helen Keller was born in England . ( )Helen Keller became blind and deaf as a small child . ( )Helen Keller’s teacher drew letters in Helen’s hand . ( )Helen Keller was a writer . ( )Helen Keller lived to be 87 . (二)、选择:
1、( )Lu Xun _____ born 1998. A. is, in B. was, in C. was, on 2、( )“She can’t see.”It means (意思) _______. A. she is a blind. B. she is deaf. C. she can speak 3、( )When I was a little boy , I ______ ride a bike . A 、can B 、can’t C 、couldn’t 4、( )She could ______ pictures . A 、draws B 、drew C、draw 5、( )She went ______ the world . A 、all over B 、all of C 、all away 六、拓展延伸:
Helen Keller was born in America. She was born in 1880. She became blind and deaf as a small child. She wrote a book about herself. She lived to be 87. 七、情感教育:
只要朝着阳光,便不会看见阴影。--- 海伦·凯勒 我们应该学习海伦· 凯勒勇敢面对困难、勇于向命运挑战的精神,做一个坚强的人。

Lesson 13 Summer Is Coming! 教学设计 教学目标:
1四会单词:leaves, grass, flowers, sandals。






教具准备:单词卡片,多媒体课件,教学光盘 教学过程:
一、 Greeting and review: T: Hello, boys and girls. Are you ready for English class? OK. Now, let’s begin our English class. Today, we are going to learn Lesson13, Summer Is Coming. What’s the meaning? Do you know? 二、New Concepts: (一) No. 1 1 T: I have some questions for you: How many seasons are there in a year? What are they? (课件出示四季幻灯片) T: Please look at the trees carefully. What happens to the leaves in the different seasons? “Leaves”, do you remember? What’s the meaning? Can you read it? Read and spell it. Recite it. (出示leaves单词卡片, 并粘在黑板上) It’s the plural form, the singular form is “leaf”. T: Look at the leaves in winter? Do the trees have any leaves in winter? (The trees don’t have any leaves in winter.) (板书 The trees ------ leaves in ------.) T: How about in spring? Do the trees have any leaves in spring? Are the leaves new or old? (Yes, the trees have new leaves in spring.)
T: What colour are summer leaves? (green) Do you know summer leaves can make you cool? So, trees have cool, green leaves in summer. Say it, please. T: Look at the leaves in fall. Do the trees have cool, green leaves in fall? The trees lose their leaves in fall. “lose”, what’s the meaning? Here, it means “失去”. What colour are fall leaves? (yellow, orange, red) T: Class, different seasons, different trees and leaves. Can you say the differences about the leaves? 2 T: Now, let’s talk about the weather of the four seasons. How’s the weather in winter? (cold and snowy) (板书 The weather is ------- in ------.) In spring? (warm and rainy) What are these? Do you like spring flowers? (出示单词卡片flowers, 并领读,拼读,背诵单词) How’s the weather in summer? Is the weather hot and sunny in fall? 3 T: This time, can you tell me the clothes you wear in the four seasons? What do you wear in summer? (板书 I wear my -------- in -------.) (在学生回答时,适时出示单词sandals, 并领读,拼读,背诵单词。)
T: How about in spring? In winter? In fall? 4 T: Now, take out your chart, please fill in the blanks of these three lines, the trees, the weather, and the clothes. Please just write down the key words. It’s OK. T: Who wants to show your chart? Please come here. (实物投影显示学生表格) 5 T: Now, let’s listen and read the No.1. (二) No.2 and No.3 1 T: There are four seasons in a year. What’s your favourite season? T: But my favourite season is summer. Because I like to lie on the grass in summer. “grass”, do you know? (出示单词卡片grass, 并领读,拼读,背诵单词) I like to lie on the grass in summer. (板书I like to ----- in ------.) Do you like to lie on the grass in summer? T: I like to lie on the grass in summer. I like to wear my shorts and sandals in summer. I like to swim in summer. They are my summer fun. “summer fun” , what’s the meaning? T: What’s your summer fun? What do you like to do in summer? 2 T: Let’s listen to the No.2 and No.3, then tell me: What’s Jenny’s summer fun? What’s Li Ming’s summer fun? T: Let’s read it. 3 T: This time, please talk about your winter fun, spring fun, and fall fun in groups. And then write them down on your chart. T: This boy/girl, can you tell us your winter fun/spring fun/ fall fun? 三布置作业:
T: I’ll give you your homework. Please choose one season, and then write a passage. 冀教版Lesson14《Tomorrow We Will Play》教学设计 一、教学目标:
知识目标:will, skip, fly, very, park... 能力目标:学会在将来时态中使用 “will” 情感目标:培养同学维护花草树木的思想感情 二、教学重难点:“will”在将来时态中的使用 三、教具学具:单词卡片,表示处所的图画和动作单词,课件等 四、教学过程:
2、用表示处所的图片和相应的动作单词卡片练习句型Let’s go to the _____(场所)to ____ (动词)

Eg: Let’s go to the bathroom to wash our hands. Let’s go to the living room to watch TV. Let’s go to the gym to play ping-pong. Let’s go to the park to fly kite. 3、做游戏“Memory Card”来复习动词的三种时态:
挑选10个左右动词,分别写出他们的三种时态。教师把单词卡片分成 “过去,现在,将来”三种时态放在黑板前,首先让同学记忆单词一分钟,然后让他们挑出相应单词三种形式组合在一起,并贴在黑板相应的位置上。看那组记得准 4、介绍will是be going to的另一种表达方法,然后在黑板上将来时态的局部加出第四栏,给出一个will的例子,同学试着填充其他动词的这一局部。

将同学分成若干小组,告诉同学我们明天要去公园,请小组合作制作一项计划,围绕 “What will you do in the park?”展开讨论,并把商议结果以对话的形式汇报。

Question: A. what will Li Ming, Jenny and Danny do? B. What will Danny do in the park? 7、Reading following the tape. 8、练习:
A: 仿写句子:
Eg: pencil Tomorrow I will write a story. 1. book _____________________________ 2. kite_______________________________ 3. skipping rope_______________________ 4. park______________________________ 5. grass______________________________ B: 用所给词适当形式填空:
1. Yesterday I _______(go) to the park with my parents. 2. Li Ming always _______(go) to school by bus. 3. Tomorrow I ________(go) to library to read a book. 4. I ______(go) to Beijing next holiday. 5. Last holiday I _______(help) my mother with housework. 五、Blackboard:
Lesson 14 Tomorrow We Will Work and Play Yesterday Today Tomorrow Ate Eat going to eat / will eat 六 年级 英语 教学设计 课题 Lesson 15 Jenny's Summer Holiday 课时 One 课型 New 教学目标 1、使学生能听、说、读和写词汇:lake, beach, see, ship, boat, swim-swam, trip 2、引导学生描述自己暑假将要做的事。运用一般现在时\一般将来时\一般过去式. 教学重难点 1. Learn and use these words. 2. Verbs form about change. 导 学 过 程 一、Warming up 1、Greeting:T: Hello, everyone! Ss: Hi. 2、Review A、复习动词的过去式和将来时 yesterday today tomorrow[ go watch play B、师生、生生问答 T: What do you like to do in the summer? S: I like to swim. S: I like to play badminton. S: …… T: What did you do last year? S: I went to Chengde. S: I went to the park. S: (师替学生答) I went to a lake to swim in the lake and played on the beach. (出示beach卡片引出新单词) 二、Presentation 1、learning new words。

教师出示lake, beach, see, ship, boat, swim-swam, trip新单词(让学生自己试读教师指导)。


lake, beach, see, ship, boat, swim-swam, trip, on the beach, I like playing on the beach. I will play on the beach this summer. In the ocean. I like playing in the ocean. I will swim in the ocean this summer. What will you do this summer? I will … 3、练习话题 小组讨论:What will you do this summer? 小组汇报:
S: I want to play with my friends. That is fun. 4、跟读课文,回答问题。

1. Where did Jenny go last summer? 2. What did Jenny do last summer? 3. What will Li Ming do this summer? 三、Practice 一、 根据中文信息,选择正确的选项, 完成单词。

( )1, s_ _mer A. an B. am C. um D. un ( )2, air_ _ane A. al B. pl C. ch D. ph ( )3, _ _ip A. cr B. dr C. tr D. ty ( )4, mi_ _ A. ee B. rr C. tt D. ss ( )5, c_ _sin A. ou B. oa C. oe D. oo 二、 用所给词的正确形式填空。

My family like to _______ (go) on trips for our holiday. Last summer we _______ (go) to Beidaihe for our holiday. We ______ (stay) on the beach most of the time. (大部分时间)There we ________(make)thins with the sand. I _______ (cannot) swim. So my father _______ (teach) me to shenyang for our winter holiday. My aunt and uncle ________ (live) there. So we _______ (visit) them. Also we ____ (go) skiing and skating. 三、连词成句。

1、 like, beach, playing, I, the, on 2、 will, and, aunt, I, uncle, visit, my 3、 in, play, summer, to, sports, like, I, the 4、 Danny, too, I, miss, and, will, you 5、 ill, again, happy, feel, we, see, to, China __ 四、Homework : Do activity book 五、Blackboard:
Lesson16 Li Ming’s Summer Holiday 教学目标 :
1.掌握四会单词: visit.。


教学重点: 掌握四会单词并灵活运用。


教师:幻灯片 ,乒乓球,录音机,小黑板 学生:单词卡 教学过程: Step1 Warm up Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls. S: Good morning, Miss Zhao. T: How are you? S: Fine, thank you. And you? T: Fine, too. Let’s play a game. Step2 Review 出示游泳、读书、看电视、踢足球等幻灯片,师生根据幻灯片展开问答活动。

T: What will you do for the summer holiday? S: I will swim in the sea. S: I will read books. S: I will watch TV. 设计目的:从复习旧知识入手,引入新知识。

Step3 新课呈现 1.教授visit T:What will Li Ming do for the summer holiday? He will visit his cousin, aunt and uncle. 教师教学visit 并板书。


2教师告诉学生当我们拜访亲人或朋友时,我们首先say hello to them . 3播放第一部分录音。

When will Li Ming fly home? What will he say to his parents? What will he do with his friends? What does he do in the summer? How will he feel to see China again? 学生根据录音内容回答以上问题. 4全班交流答案. 5教师播放录音,让学生看书跟读. 6将全班分成若干小组,要求学生以”明天去公园”为内容组织对话. 教师巡视帮助有困难的学生. 请编好的小组在全班同学前演示. 设计目的:在合作中提高口语交际能力,综合运用词汇的能力以及创新能力. Step4 操练 1用自己准备好的单词卡片复习单词。

如:visit v-i-s-i-t I will visit my grandparents. 2 Let’s play. 教师出示三张正面写有“1 park,2supermarket ,3school”的卡片,每张卡片的北面写有不同的活动,找学生1上前选择一张卡片。

S1What will I do? Number 2! 学生2和3进行猜测。

S2: You will buy some meat. S3: You will buy some fruit. 猜正确的学生获胜。


1Let’s do it ! Read Part1 and write the answer. 2小记者。

教师让学生扮演小记者,采访别人星期天干什么,例如:What will you do tomorrow? Will you? 板书设计: Unit 3 What Will You Do This Summer? Lesson16: Li Ming’s Summer Holiday Visit I will visit my cousin, Jing, and my aunt and uncle. I like to play sports in the summer. Lesson 17 Danny’s Summer Holiday 教学内容:Lesson 17: Danny’s Summer Holiday 教学目标:
1掌握四会单词:clever. 2继续学习用will 表述自己或询问他人将来要做的事情。



重点难点 重点:词汇clever 难点:一般将来时,一般过去时的运用。

教师:录音机、单词卡片、课文课件 学生:单词卡 教学设计: Step1 warm up Greetings. T: Hello, class S: hello, Miss T: Nice to meet you! S: Nice to meet you, too! 设计目的:复习:复习动词的过去式和表示将来的形式。

step2师生、生生问答 T: What do you like to do in summer? S: …… Step 3新课呈现 1教学句型:Will you ---? T: What did you do last summer? S: …… T(幻灯片展示游泳钓鱼、看望亲人等活动图片) Will you learn to fish? 教师引导学生用:No, I won’t. / Yes, I will. 教师用其他图片与学生展开对话。

2教学单词clever T: Will you visit your grandparents? S: No, I won’t 教师强调clever. 3播放录音,看书跟读。

What did Danny do last summer? Will Danny swim in the sea? Will Danny visit his family? How will Danny go to China? Where do Danny’s grandparents live? 5讨论并交流以上问题 Step 4 操练 1游戏:用学生自己准备的单词卡复习巩固本课时以及本单元已学过的单词。


S:Will you ----? 2请编排好的同学全班演示 Step5巩固延伸 同桌之间交流暑假旅游计划并用上学的句型。

Who? Where? When? How do you go? What will you do? 板书设计:
Lesson 17 Danny’s Summer Holiday Will you swim in the sea? Yes, I will No, I won’t. clever Lesson 18 Three Kites in the Sky 教学目标 知识目标 1 掌握单词:only, remember, second, sky, third ,wind. 2 通过看故事、读故事等方式,让学生了解故事,初步感知本单元的核心语句:
Everyone will look up at me. She has many colours and a ling red tail. She can fly very high in the sky 能力目标 以话题为线索,通过整体感知语境,看故事,跟读、分角色读、齐读等多种方式培养徐盛阅读能力。

情感目标 The students know how to learn English in different situations. 重点和难点 重点:掌握单词:only, remember ,second, sky, third ,wind. 难点:初步理解课文内容,能复述并表演故事。

教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Class opening and review Warm-up and greetings T: Hello, boys and girls. T: Are you ready for English class? Review Oral practice by talking about “What are you going to do in the summer holiday?” T: Will you fish? 教师和学生一起做钓鱼的动作。


T: I will ask you question。What can you do? 学生根据自己的实际情况,回答:I can … S:Hello, teacher S: Yes. S: Yes ,I will. 一起做钓鱼的动作。

Answer the questions 由复习导入新课 New concept 看故事。引导学生回答所提出的四个问题,并通过课件把故事用简笔画展现出来。

Is the wind too strong? What does Kylie have? What is the second kite’s name? What does Karla feel? Does Krista want to help the boy? 带着四个问题,欣赏完整的故事,仔细观察老师的表现,理解的含义,并能看懂简笔画。


学生再次通读课文,教师出示相应情景的图片,通过图片的提示使学生更好的理解课文内容 practice 检查学生的齐读情况。

分角色读,巡视、指导学生分角色朗读故事 巩固和延伸 老师做示范改编故事结尾。

齐读故事,全班读故事. 在小组内分角色读故事并上台表演。


给学生自由讨论的空间,让学生在课文的基础上运用这些语言,懂得怎样使用得当,提高了其表达能力 Homework: Read the text. Exercise book. Write down the homework. Lesson 19 Buying Gifts 一、教学目标:
(1)学生能够听、说、读、写、下列词汇和句式:形容词:every名词:flag标准问句:How many______? ______. (2)学生可以说出并且听懂下列标准问句:
How far is it? ___ kilometers. How much is it? It is ___ dollars. 2、过程与方法:在教学中运用游戏、情景表演等多种形式,增强学习的趣味性,培养学生运用语言的实际交际能力。


重点:1、形容词:every 名词:flag. 2、标准问句:How many______? ______. 难点:用How many ______? How much ______? 进行口语交际。

单词卡片、录音机、自制国旗、书、T恤衫 四、教学过程:
1、打招呼问候:复习句式 How old are you ? 和 How tall are you ?由此引出 How do you go to school ? 2、回忆故事,引出课题。李明到加拿大上学,现在他要回国了,想去买纪念品。

T:How will they go to the store? S1: They will go to the store by bus. S2: …… ②听课文第一部分,回答问题:
1、How far is it to the store ? 2、What does Li Ming want to buy ? ③引用句式:“Let’s go to the shop to buy.”用卡片进行替换练习。最后出示加拿大国旗flag,向学生介绍:This is a souvenir of Canada .Then lead the Ss read the word several time. 3.介绍重要概念every, flag 复习句型how many? Ask five boys and five girls to come to the front of the class. Give each girl a flag. Give each boy a book. Stick the price of the flag and book. Lead a dialogue such as: T: Look! How many people are there? Ss: Ten! T: How many girls are there? Ss: Five! T: Right! (point to each girl, one at a time )Look! Does shehave a flag? Ss: Yes. T: Good! (point to each boy , one at a time) Does he have a flag? Ss: No! T: Right! Every girl has a flag. She has a flag and She has a flag and She has a flag ……Every girl has a flag. Say it, please. Ss: Every girl has a flag. T: (Give a book to each boy.) Now every boy has a book. Say it, please. Ss: Every boy has a book. T: How many flags are there? Ss: Five! T: How many books are there? Ss: Five! T: How much is the flag? Ss: It is one dollar. T: How much is the book? Ss: It is fifty dollars. Lead the Ss to read “every” and “flag” a few times. 4 .学生回答完之后,教师简单介绍 expensive 和cheap 。

教师指着标有一美元的国旗说:This is cheap. The flag is cheap. 指着标有五十美元的书说:This is expensive .The book is expensive. Ss can understand 、read and say these two words . 5 .听录音(part 2),理解课文内容,回答问题。

What gifts dose Li Ming buy? How many gifts dose Li Ming need? How much is the flag? How much is the book? How much is the T-shirt? 6 .将全班学生分成若干组,要求以到商店买东西为内容组织对话。

S1: What do you want to buy? S2: I want to buy. S1: How many is it? S2:It’s . S1: How much is the …? S2: It is dollar(s). 7、结束课堂教学,布置作业。李明为家人选了合适的礼物,还要给Jenny一个surprise,什么是surprise?小组讨论,怎样给Jenny一个惊喜。请你们每个小组编一个对话,能用上How many ____? How much ______? How far____? 五、板书设计:
Lesson 19 Buying Gift How far is it? _______ kilometers. How many do you need?. How much is it ? It is ___ dollars. Lesson 20 Looking at photos 教学目标 : 1、正确运用过去时。

2、掌握单词remember, forget, find — found. 3、熟读课文,理解内容,结合自己积累的单词进行创造性的应用。





教学过程: 一、Step 1, Learn new words. 教师装作忘记,而后又想起某物体的英语名称。

例如,装作忘记怎样说window和door。教师利用手势和面部表情让学生看明白意思。指着物体引导进行如下对话, 师:What is this? I forget how to say it in English. I forget. Say it, please, class. 全班:I forget. 教师:Oh! I remember. It is a ____. I remember. Say it, please, class. 全班:I remember. 教师:(指着另一物品)I forget what this is. (指着另一名学生)What is this? Do you remember? 全班:It is a _____. 师:Oh, yes! You remember. Now I remember, too. Step 2, Use the students books and the tape.复习刚刚学过的故事。李明准备好要回在中国的家。本课中,他正在做什么?他和詹妮在谈论什么? 1,听录音,学生看书跟读。

(1)、What is Li Ming doing? (2)、What did Li Ming find? (3)、Who did Li Ming go to the shop with? (4)、Whose photo is it? 3、找出问题答案并总结句子所用的时态及写法。

He is packing his things. 现在进行时:be + 动词ing. He talked about pictures. 过去时:动词变过去式(be 动词变过去式)

5、let’s sing! (1)播放课件“let’s sing!”部分,学生跟唱体会歌唱的含义。



Step3, Practice. 课前让学生准备几张卡片。向同伴展示一张 Do you remember this ?如果对方有这张卡片,便回答Yes, it is a _____.并收起这张卡片。如果没有,对方回答No, I forget. Step4, Practice in class. 用所给的词的正确形式填空。

1、 Look at ___( this) pictures. 2、 I have much work _____(do). 3、 Li Ming taught me ____( play) ping—pong . 4、 It is 7:50. Let’s walk ____ (quick) to school. 5、 Jenny wants _____ (go) to the park. Step5、Homework用学过的过去式写一段话,不少于四十个单词 板书设计 Lesson 20 Looking At Photos remember forget find—found Lesson 21 A Party for Li Ming 教材分析:
本课是小学英语六年级冀教版第四单元第四课,Li Ming的加拿大之旅即将结束,于是Jenny 和Danny给Li Ming精心策划了一场意外的告别晚会。主要通过打电话邀请Steven来参加聚会来让学生学会电话用语,练习口语交际能力。

教学目标 1、知识目标:
(1)准确熟练拼读以下单词:early、late、party (2)理解并熟练朗读课文。

(3)掌握短语:call sb.(给某人打电话);
answer the phone(接电话)。

打电话的人要自我介绍,电话用语“我是某某”应该说:“It is calling.”或This is speaking. 2、能力目标:
打电话的人要自我介绍,电话用语“我是某某”应该说:“It is calling.”或This is speaking. (2)学会用英语打电话,培养学生用英语表达的能力。




教学重难点 1.重点:
1)词汇:early、late、party 2)短语:
call sb.(给某人打电话);
answer the phone(接电话) 2.难点:
1)学会电话用语“hello”和“It is ※calling.”、“This is※speaking.” 2)学会用英语打电话。

教学方法:讲授式教学方法和训练与实践式教学方法相结合 教学准备:黑板、录音机、图片 教学过程:
Step1、Class opening and review 1. Greeting T: Good afternoon, class. Ss: Good afternoon, teacher. T: Today we are going to learn a new lesson: Lesson 28 A Party for Li Ming. Let us have a party for Li Ming with Danny and Jenny. 2、Review T: Last time, we learnt two words “before” and ”after”, do you remember? Ss: Yes, we do. (在黑板上写上“before” 和”after”) T: What is the meaning of “before”? Ss:在…之前 T: What is the meaning of“after”? Ss:在…之后 T: Very good, you have a good memory. Step2、New concepts Learn New Words 1、在黑板中央画一个数轴代指时间,轴上一点代表英语课开始的时间(八点钟)在8:00左侧写上before,右侧写上after,如图所示:
before 8:00 after 引导学生对话如下:
T: Class, please answer my question, when does our English class begin? Ss: It begins at 8:00 T: Right.请一位同学站在before下面。Look! Here is Wang Binglin. He came before 8: 00, so he is early for our English class. (在黑板上before下面写上单词early,如图所示:) before 8:00 after early Follow me, early. Ss: Early. T: Can you guess the meaning of “early”? Ss: Yes, 早的 T: Yes, you are so clever. (指着讲台上的同学)Is he early? Ss: Yes, he is early. T: Right. (拍着这位同学的肩膀)Good work! You are early for English class. 2、请另一位同学站在after下面。

T: Look!Here is Wang Xiaonan. She came after 8:00, so she is late for our English class. (黑板上after下面写上late,如图所示:)
before 8:00 after early late Follow me please, late. Ss: Late. T: Can you guess the meaning of “late”? Ss: Yes. 迟到的 T: Yes, very good! Is she late? Ss: Yes, she is late. T: (对讲台上同学说) Please do not be late for our English class again. 3、出示一张同学们办聚会时的照片。

T: Look at the picture, class. This is a party. (黑板上书写party,如图所示:) before 8:00 after early late party Follow me please, party. Ss: Party! T: What does a party have, class? Student A: A party has many people. Student B: A party has many delicious food。

Student C: A party has many drinks. …… T: Yes. A party has many people, many delicious food, many drinks and so on. That is a party, do you like the party? Ss: Yes, we do. 4、教师领读early、late、party三个新单词,请个别学生示范,然后让全体学生齐读,并拼读一遍。

Focus On The Test 1. Listen to the tape. Listen to the tape and answer the teacher’s question: How many people are coming to the party? (听录音,回答问题。)
Ask the students to read the test together. (齐读) 2、Test explaining 教师讲解课文,要求学生掌握以下英语知识:
短语:call sb.(给某人打电话);
answer the phone(接电话) 相关电话用语:接电话的人第一句话说“hello”,相当于汉语中的“喂”;
打电话的人要自我介绍,电话用语“我是某某”应该说:“It is ※calling.”或This is※speaking. 3、分角色朗读课文,在情境中学习生活中的英语。

Step3、Practice 1、2人一组,以“一对一”的形式练习打电话(教师深入学生,查看学生练习情况)。


Step4、Closing 1. 总结本课重点:
学会3个英语单词:early、late、party 熟悉电话用语,学会打电话。

2、Homework: 课下2人一组练习打电话,内容为“邀请某个朋友参加聚会”。


Lesson 21 Party for LiMing before 8:00 after early late party Lesson 22 Surprise! 教学内容分析:
本课为我们提供了两个运用语言的语境。第一个语境为Danny和Jenny商量给即将回 国的李明举行一个聚会。第二个语境是Jenny电话邀请Steven参加为李明举行的聚会,并强调聚会要来早,给李明一个惊喜。在学习新单词和句型的过程中,通过情景教学的方式,把学生带入“surprise party”的情景中,并使用实物、图片等直观教具,使教学内容更加贴近学生的生活,使学习过程真实而有趣提高了学生的参与热情。

 1. Four skills: cake, cookies, sugar, someone, ice cream 2. Three skills: flour, oil, salt, bowl 3.学生能听懂并会运用句型   How long is _______? (二)能力目标:

教学课时:一课时 教学过程:
(一) Class Opening and Review
1. Greetings:
T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you?
S: Fine, thank you. And you?
T: I’m fine, too. What day is today? What’s the date today? How’s the weather?
2. Students answer these questions together.
3. Sing an English song.
4. Act out dialogues.
T: Do you like a party?
S: Yes. T: Li Ming has lived in Canada for ten months. Let’s have a party for him. I think we can invite some friends for the party. Who do you want to invite? Please call them. (教师出示一部电话提示学生编一个电话会话)
Show their telephone conversation. (由于是复习旧知识,学生们可提前准备好道具,教师要提醒学生正确使用“打电话”用语。如:Who’s that speaking? This is …. Is that…speaking?Yes, it is. 等。)
(二).Key Concepts
1. Presentation.
T: Today is Li Ming’s party. Yesterday I bought some things for the party. What are they?(出示课件,学生边看边回答。)
  S: Watermelon , pop , pizza , apples , banana…
T: But I think we need some more things. What do we need?
S: We need…(学生也许会给出很多不同的答案,如“蛋糕、饼干 、牛奶、水果等”)
  T: (出示课件:一块蛋糕,一些饼干)
Yes, we need a cake, some cookies. (出示实物“cookies” )
   They are cookies, and this is a cookie.(教师区别单复数,并将图片出示给学生)
   Students read and spell the new words
T: Can you make a cake? What do we need to make a cake? (学生也许会给出不同的答案如:鸡蛋,牛奶等,教师可拿出准备好的物品帮助他们回答)
  T: We must have these things to make cookies.. What are they? You can taste it and guess.
Then teach and read these new words.
T+S: We need flour, oil, salt, sugar to make cookies.
2. Listen and Say
T: Now, Li Ming’s friends Jenny, Danny make some cookies. But, when they begin making cookies, there’s someone at the door. Who’s that? (教师走到门口敲门,用身势语解释 there’s someone at the door.的意思。)
They make some cookies, what does every cookie have? Kim bought a gift for the party. What did she buy?(教师一边提问,一边出示幻灯,打出问题,)
Please listen to the tape and answer the questions. (放录音,学生听后回答问题。此环节培养学生在短时间内捕捉英语信息的能力以及锻炼他们的听说能力。)
  Then show the picture of “ice-cream”, read and spell.
3. Read and say
Play the tape again, students listen and repeat. Then read the text together.
  4. Act.
T: Boys and girls, Li Ming is leaving soon. Let’s have a party for him. How do you prepare the party and how to have the party for him, now I give you some sentences, you can accord to the sentences and the text, make a dialogue with your friends.
1. What do you need for the party?
2. How do you make cookies?
3. Who comes to the party?
4. How do you have the party?
学生根据句型及课文,编排一个课本剧。教师提示学生要联系生活实际,想想如何 开聚会。)
  Students show their play. (三)、课堂练习: 根据课文内容填“T”、“F”. 1. Kim is late for the party. ( ) 2. What do you need to make cookies? () 3. We need eggs, sugar flour and oil. ( )   4. Mr. Smith and Liming don’t know the party. ( )
4 .Danny, Jenny and Steven make a beautiful cookie has letter. ()

(五)、Class Closing
Sing a song.    T: Let’s sing a song for Li Ming. Let’s wish he and his friends “Auld Lang Syne”. Play the tape, students listen to the music and sing the song. 自我问答:
为了吸引学生的注意力,必须有所保留与顾及地变换教学方式,让他们在相对新鲜的活动中保持精力集中,在老 师的引领下有效学习,进而达到脱离老师完全自学的教育终极目标。

期中测试卷冀教版六年级下册 Lesson 23 Good-bye (一)教学分析 教学内容分析 本课是冀教版六年级下册第四单元的第五课,李明结束他的加拿大之旅,回中国之前在机场和詹妮、丹妮告别,并送给他们的惊喜,还有一首关于告别的歌曲“It’s time to say good-bye,”本课是一节对话课,机场送别的相关句型,有助于学生了解西方人送别的相关礼仪和文化习俗。

教学对象分析 六年级的学生也马上面临毕业,一部分学生也要分别,在五年级时曾经学过一些旅行的相关知识,对送别的话题有一定的生活经验,为本课的学习做好了铺垫。

(二)教学目标 知识与技能目标 1.能听懂,会说,认读并书写下列词汇:
good-bye,hear 2.能认读、理解并运用下列句子:Have a good trip. Don’t forget to write. 3.能运用所学的语言知识在创设的送别情境中进行熟练交际,并 在此基础上能将其运用与日常生活之中。

情感态度目标 1. 增强学生的参与意识,引导学生积极与他人合作,共同完成 学习任务。

2. 通过本课的学习,珍惜与同学、朋友的友谊。



(三)教学重难点 重点:理解并运用重点词汇和句型:good-bye,hear,have a good trip. Don’t forget to write 难点:运用所学的语言知识展示送别场面。并根据重点句型和句子进行情景再现。

(四)教具准备 教学课件、课文音频资料 (五)教学过程 Step1:
Pre-reading (Warm-up)
Lead a free talk between teacher and students; T: Did you see somebody off at the airport? S: Yes, I did. T: And what did you say to them about the farewell? S: …… [设计意图] 以师生间的对话导入新课,营造宽松氛围,复习相关的、词汇句型、 Step 2:
While-reading (Presentation)
(1)展示文中图片,由学生猜测故事发生的地点情节、主人 公,从而延伸出at the airport一系列的故事;

(2)利用单词卡片,使学生掌握本课中的重点单词airport、leave、soon、give、gift、sadly、remember、forget、dragon的含义 (3)学生活动:结合重点单词的理解,通读课文,并使学生进行分角色阅读, (4)结合课件,通过填空的方式来熟悉重点单词和句型的应用. 1. be leaving for 离开去某地 2. in twenty minutes 二十分钟内, in+时间段,通常句中采用将来时态。

3. give sb. sth. 给某人某物,等同于give sth. to sb. 4. a little 一点 5. want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 6. have a good trip旅行愉快 7. forget to do忘记去做某事 8. write to sb. 给某人写信.. 9. at the airport在机场 Step 3:
After-reading 根据课文,分组合作讨论,回答以下问题 1. What’s the surprise? 2. Why does Li Ming give the red dragon to Jenny? 3. How many gifts does Li Ming give to them? 4. What does the kite look like? 小组讨论,并选择代表来进行回答,并进行补充 Step 4:板书设计 At the airport Li Ming Surprise Kite Red dragon Lesson 24 Danny’s Surprise Cake 一、 教学分析 (一)教学内容分析 通过学习故事、阅读故事、演故事等方式,来培养学生的自主学习和会话交际等能力。故事教学不近能调动学生学习的积极性,同时,对学生学习英语知识有很大的帮助。在学习故事的过程中,学生以叙述的方式表达故事的内容,又能有效地提供其语言表达能力。在第四单元 Li Ming comes home 安排的故事 Danny’s surprise cake 是对本单元词汇的复习,涉及本单元所学的磁化 party、cake、every、begin 等,故事内容较长。

教学对象分析 本课的教学对象是六年级的学生,他们已经学习了三年多的 英语,但英语水平不一,有学习积极性高,接受知识快,表现欲强,富有想象力和创造力的但也存在一部分基础较弱的,而复述故事对学生来讲是有挑战性的,如何在学生已有的基础上让他们得到不同层次的提高,所以我把教学重点放到了看图预测、读文验证、提炼故事梗概、简单复述上。根据课本要求,在这节课我给出图片和简单句式,或单词,引导学生复述也分层要求,降低学习的难度。让他们在故事当中的语言简化,然后根据自己的理解把这故事讲出来。教学目标 知识与技能目标 1、 能听懂和理解这个简单的故事。

2、 能就故事进行提问和回答。

3、 能分角色用自己的语言表演故事 情感态度目标 善于发现身边的英语,喜欢阅读英语故事,进一步提高学习英语 的积极性;
朋友间互相帮助、 学习策略目标 通过教师的指导与训练,培养学生看图预测、读文验证、提炼故 事的梗概,简单复述故事等;

一、 教学重点、难点 理解故事大意,在猜测部分提前渗透;
同时再复述时,鼓励学生 运用自己已有的知识,创造性地进行表达。

二、 教具准备:教学课件 三、 教学过程 Step 1: Pre-reading (Revision and warm-up) 1. Sing: Red River Valley 2. Lead a free talk between teacher and students. T: What’s your favourite dessert? Can you make it? Is it special? 【设计意图】:以师生间的问候导入新课,营造宽松氛围,复习相关的、词汇句型} Step 2: While-reading (Presentation) 1、 看图预测,出示Danny’s cake 的图片并提问:
2、 Do you know who made it? Why Danny made it? Is it special? Let’s read a story. 【设计意图】学生猜测故事的内容。教师Danny’s cake 将学生引入故事情境,为以下的文章学习做了铺垫。

3、 观看flash. Look at the picture, try to understand or guess what they think is happening in each picture. 【设计意图】:带着问题初接触课本,通过本环节,孩子们能够对本故事有一个初步的了解。) 4、 Talk about the pictures. 并读文验证。

图1:观察第一幅图, What do you see? What id Danny going to do? Why? 图2: 出示文中的第二幅图片让学生快速阅读回答问题。

When the cake is cool, what does Danny do? Why does Danny walk slowly? 【设计意图】通过快速阅读课文的方式,指导学生如何快速阅读,获得自己所需要的信息,验证自己的猜测。

图3:What are these? Are these cookies special? Why? Who brings them? 图4-6:Is Danny’s cake special? Why? Does Jenny know what the surprise is? What is in the cake? Is everyone happy to find that? Now, what do you they think about Danny’s cake? 分角色朗读本段课文。

What does Mr. Wood want to do? Why? 图8:What does Li Ming find in the box? What else? 【设计意图】分部分学习,降低学习难度,引导学生借助图片及关键词复述,把故事当中的语言简化,然后根据自己的理解先试说一部分,掌握复述方法。

Step 3: Practice 1、 Reading practice the students learn the text by listening and clicking. 【设计意图】读和听是不可缺少的环节,学生必须有足够的听的输入,才能模仿出纯正、地道的语音、语调。

2、 Talk and act What’s the surprise in Danny’s cake? Act out the story. 【设计意图】对故事的细节进行学习,加深对故事的理解。带着问题让学生阅读故事,再请学生互相研究、讨论,找出解决问题的答案。通过学习故事、阅读故事、演故事等方式,来培养学生的自主学习和会话交际等能力。

Step 4: Post-reading Retell the story 关键词引导学生简单地复述整个故事,学生在复述时可以:
1、 用所给句子简单的复述小故事。

2、 根据图片、单词或句子,简单的复述故事。

3、 运用已有的知识,创造性地讲述简单的故事。


Step 5: Homework (选做)[ 学生听录音跟读故事 1、 复述故事 2、 续写故事 【设计意图】这一设计不仅体现了与文本的密切相关性,而且增强了学生的趣味性,同时体现了分层次作业。

板书设计 Lesson 24 Danny’s Surprise Cake What’s the surprise in Danny’s cake? Every piece of cake has a dollar in it! make a cake ice cream cookies special forgot sugar/ a dollar for Li Ming
