
  [摘要] 目的 探讨彩色多普勒超声检查在肘管综合症中的诊断作用及临床意义。方法 对43例(67侧)临床诊断为肘管综合症的患者,按电生理分期标准分为三期。超声检测三期患者肘部尺神经受压的情况,测量神经外膜厚度、肘管平面尺神经截面积,并与健康志愿者肘部超声结果进行相关性的对比研究。结果 超声检测在肘管综合症患者中,早期尺神经外膜厚度增加,与对照组比较差异有统计学意义,肘管平面尺神经截面积未见增加;中、晚期尺神经外膜厚度、尺神经截面积均增大,与与对照组比较差异有统计学意义。结论 肘管综合症中、晚期的患者,超声检查可显示尺神经受压部位及程度,只得临床推广。
  [关键词]彩色多普勒超声检查; 肘管综合征; 诊断
  [中图分类号] R445.1[文献标识码] B[文章编号] 1005-0515(2011)-02-015-01
  The clinical significance of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of cubital tunnel syndrome
  LIANG Lei1 SANG Yuan-tian1 ZHANG Guo-qiang1 CHEN De-song 2
  (1 Department of Orthopedics,The Fifth People?s Hospital of Dalian,Dalian 116021,China .
  2 Department of Hand Surgery, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200040, China.)
  [Abstract] Objective To investigate the value of color Doppler ultrasonography in the diagnosis of cubital tunnel syndrome. Methods Forty-three patients (67 sides) of clinically diagnosed cubital tunnel syndrome were divided into three stages according to the electrophysiological findigs. Color Doppler ultrasound examination was conducted in these patients and in 30 healthy volunteers.Compression of the ulnar nerve at the cubital tunnel, thickness of ulnar nerve epineuium,and cross-sectional area of ulnar nerve at the cubital tunnel level were observed and measured. Comparision was made between the patients and the healthy volunteers. Results In patients with early stage cubital tunnel syndrome, thickness of ulnar nerve epineurium was significantly higher than that of the healhy controls. Ulnar nerve cross-sectional area at the cubital tunnel level was not increased. In patients with intermediate and advanced stage cubital tunnel syndrome, ulnar nerve epineuium thickness and cross-sectional area at the cubital tunnel level were significantly increased. Conclusion Color Doppler ultrasonography can be used to detect the location and degree of ulnar nerve compression in cubital tunnel syndrome. It is considered to spread in clinical pratice.
  [Keywords]Color Doppler ultrasonography; Cubital tunnel syndrome; Diagnosis
  1 对象与方法
  1.1 肘管综合症组:本组43例67侧,男17例21侧,女26例46侧;年龄38~80岁,平均51岁。右侧49例,左侧18例;病程时间为4周~12年,平均2年7个月。所有患者按照肌电图结果分为三期[3],其中早期19侧,中期20侧,晚期28侧。
  1.2 对照组:共30例60侧健康志愿者,年龄、性别与肘管综合症组相匹配。
  1.3 方法:应用ALT5000高频彩超检查仪探头,检查条件设为肌肉骨骼,对肘管综合征患者及志愿者进行检查。肘管是尺侧腕屈肌肱骨头和尺骨鹰嘴头之间的纤维性筋膜鞘和尺神经沟形成的骨性纤维性鞘管。先将超声探头纵行扫描肘管,矢状位观察尺神经的走行、形态以及受压部位;再用超声探头横扫肘管,测量尺神经外膜厚度,尺神经沟处尺神经截面积。
  1.4 统计学分析:数据资料应用统计学数据处理软件SPSS11.0处理,所得数据用均数±标准差(x±S)表示,采用t检验。p0.05)。肘管综合症中晚期组尺神经外膜厚度分别为0.07±0.02cm,0.08±0.01cm,截面积分别为0.6±0.2cm、0.7±0.1cm,两组参数均大于对照组,差异有统计学意义(p   超声测定肘管综合症特征性的形态学改变,是肘管平面尺神经截面积的增大[4]。肘管综合症早期尺神经截面积变化不大,是由于受压时间短,只有神经外膜厚度的增加;而中晚期的尺神经截面积由于病程长变化比较明显,并且多数卡压部位是在尺侧腕屈肌两头的远方,即尺神经沟平面,这与解剖因素及肘部屈曲尺神经受压有关[5]。病程长、受压严重的患者由于尺神经轴浆流受阻甚至断流,使神经变性、增粗,形成神经瘤样结构,在超声下显示十分明显,所以超声反映神经受压程度上有一定的使用价值。
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推荐访问:多普勒 综合征 超声 诊断