
人教版(PEP)小学英语五年级下册 Unit 1 My day Part B同步测试(二)B卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友们,经过一段时间的学习,你们一定进步不少吧,今天就让我们来检验一下! 一、 选出下列各组单词中不同类的选项。

共1分) 1. (1分)
—________is your sweater? —It's blue. 二、 读句子,用所给单词的正确形式填空。

共13分) 2. (5分)

My grandpa has a________ . It is very big. There are lots of animals and vegetables on the farm. These are________ . They are cute. These are________ . I like them. I like milk. Look at the vegetables. The________ are red. The________  are big. They're yummy! 3. (2分)
At________,the________is high in the sky. 4. (5分)

Dear Mum, Today ________Mother's Day. Here ________ some beautiful flowers and a card ________you. I love ________. I love your smile. I hope (希望) you are ________every day. Yours, Cutie 5. (1分)

A. It's time for Chinese class.   B. It's time for lunch. C. It's time for school.          D. Time to go home. ________ 三、 给下列对话选择相应的图片。

共4分) 6. (4分)

①Miss Fang      ②Mr Zhang    ③Mrs Wang     ④Mrs Li ________ ________ ________ ________ 四、 做游戏,看谁答得快(找出下列问句相应的答语)。

共1分) 7. (1分)
________  (My/Mine) book is green. 五、 给下列图片选择相应的短语。

共3分) 8. (3分)

Su Hai and Su Yang ________ near City Library. They always go there ________ ________. 六、 根据句意选择合适的介词补全句子。

 for  with  i (共4题;
共8分) 9. (3分)

A:What day is it today? B:It's ________ . A:What lessons do you have? B:I have ________ and ________. 10. (2分)
—What is he wearing?                          —He ________ ________ a yellow T-shirt. 11. (1分)
—What's this? —________ 12. (2分)
I have a beautiful cat. ________ name is Mimi. These cakes are ________. (it) 七、 选词填空。

共37分) 13. (5分)

① It's for you. ________     A. 它是光滑的。

② I like flowers. ________     B. 祝你生日快乐。

③ Touch and guess. ________     C. 这是给你的。

④ It's smooth. ________     D. 摸一摸,猜一猜。

⑤ Happy Birthday to you.________     E. 我喜欢花。

14. (25分)
情景练习 A、My favourite toy is a bus. B、My name is Daming. C、They're dogs. D、I'm eight. E、It's a cat. (1)
What are they? (2)
What's this? (3)
How old are you? (4)
What's your name? (5)
What's your favourite toy? 15. (1分)
It's tall.  ________ 16. (1分)
Whose storybooks are these? ________(mine) 17. (5分)

(________)1. It's an elephant.                 (________)2. I can play basketball.           (________)3. Can you have a try?              (________)4. Yang Ling can't fly.             (________)5. Mike can play football very well. A.杨玲不会飞。

B.你能试一试么? C.迈克足球踢得很好。



八、 根据表格内容写出两个句子。

共10分) 18. (10分)

Does Chen Jie like swimming? (作肯定回答) (2)
Zhang Peng lives in Shandong. (改为否定句) 九、 看图补全短语。

共7分) 19. (1分)
 ________ 20. (5分)

① have________   ② watch________   ③ take________    ④ shine________    ⑤rain________ 21. (1分)
It's warm.Take off your________  . 十、 选出下列问句对应的答语。

共5分) 22. (5分)

A.It's 9 o'clock. B.It's sunny. C.Yes,we do. D.It's on the first floor. E.No,it isn't. (1)
—Where is the music room? —________ (2)
—Do you have a library? —________ (3)
—What time is it? —________ (4)
—What's the weather like in Beijing? —________ (5)
—Is that a gym? —________ 十一、 选择合适的选项补全对话。

共5分) 23. (4分)

A.Yes,we did. B. How about you? C. I played football with Sarah. D. What did you do yesterday? Amy:Hi,Tom. ________              Tom:I went fishing. ________         Amy:________                        Tom:Did you have a good time?       Amy:________ Tom:Me too. 24. (1分)
Three________ (cola) please. 十二、 单项选择。

共6分) 25. (2分)
—Can I have some bread?   —_____ A . Yes,you can't.     B . No,I can't.     C . Yes,you can.     26. (2分)
What would you like     breakfast this morning? A . with     B . for     C . by     D . in     27. (2分)
  A . Nice to meet you.     B . How are you?     十三、 给下列问句选择相应的答语。

共1分) 28. (1分)
—________did you go last weekend? —We went to Beijing. 十四、 阅读短文,判断正误。

共40分) 29. (10分)

Jonney is an English boy. He is thirteen years old. He lives in London. He studies English,Science,Art and PE at school. He likes Chinese very much. He also likes singing Chinese songs. He has a Chinese friend,Wang Ping. He usually writes emails to Wang Ping on Saturdays. He helps Wang Ping with his English and Wang Ping helps him with his Chinese. They learn from each other. (1)
How old is Jonney? A . 3     B . 13     C . 30     (2)
Where does Jonney live? A . In the UK.     B . In China.     C . In the US.     (3)
Does Jonney study Chinese at school? A . Yes,he does.     B . No,he doesn't.     C . Sorry,I don't know.     (4)
What's Jonney's hobby? A . He likes singing Chinese songs.     B . He likes writing emails.     C . He likes studying English.     (5)
What's the meaning of “learn from each other”? A . 一起学习     B . 觉得认真     C . 互相学习     30. (10分)
阅读理解 Hi,I'm Mike. I'm a clever student. Usually,I go to school on foot. Because my home is near the school. Tom is my good friend. We often go to school together. My father is a doctor. He often goes to work by car. My mother is a teacher. She often goes to work by bus,but sometimes by bike. On weekends,I often go to the park with my parents. In the afternoon,I often go to the library by bike. I like reading. After dinner,I like watching TV with my family. (1)
Tom often goes to school on foot. (2)
Mike's father is a driver. (3)
Mike's mother never goes to work by bike. (4)
On weekends,Mike often goes to the park with his father and mother. (5)
After dinner,Mike likes reading. 31. (10分)
(2019六上·龙岗期末) 根据短文内容,选择正确的选项。

Air is all around us. It is around us as we walk and play. From the time we were born,air is around us on every side. When we sit down,it is around us. When we go to bed,air is also around us. We live in air. We can live without food or water for a few days,but we cannot be alive for more than a few minutes without air. When we are working or running,we need more air. When we are asleep,we need less air. We live in air,but we cannot see it. How can we make air move? Here is one way. Hold an open book in front of your face,close it quickly. What can you feel? What you feel is air. (1)
What is always around us? A . Wind.     B . Fire.     C . Air.     (2)
We can live without food and water for ________. A . a few days     B . a month     C . one year     (3)
When we are running and working,we need ________ air. A . little     B . more     C . no     (4)
Can we make the air move? A . Yes,we can.     B . No,we can't.     C . Yes,I do.     (5)
What does this article (文章) tell us? A . We can be alive without air.     B . Air is dirty now.     C . Air is important to us.     32. (10分)
阅读短文,并判断,对的用“正确”表示,错的用“错误’表示 。

Hello,I'm May. Today is my birthday(生日). I'm seven years old. I have two gifts(礼物). One is a lovely doll,another(另一个)is a new dress. I like them very much. My sister and brother come to my birthday party. We can sing and dance. We are happy. (1)
Today is May's birthday. (2)
May has a lovely ball and a new dress. (3)
May's father and mother come to her birthday party. (4)
May can't sing and dance. (5)
They're happy. 参考答案 一、 选出下列各组单词中不同类的选项。

共1分) 1-1、 二、 读句子,用所给单词的正确形式填空。

共13分) 2-1、 3-1、 4-1、 5-1、 三、 给下列对话选择相应的图片。

共4分) 6-1、 四、 做游戏,看谁答得快(找出下列问句相应的答语)。

共1分) 7-1、 五、 给下列图片选择相应的短语。

共3分) 8-1、 六、 根据句意选择合适的介词补全句子。

 for  with  i (共4题;
共8分) 9-1、 10-1、 11-1、 12-1、 七、 选词填空。

共37分) 13-1、 14-1、 14-2、 14-3、 14-4、 14-5、 15-1、 16-1、 17-1、 八、 根据表格内容写出两个句子。

共10分) 18-1、 18-2、 九、 看图补全短语。

共7分) 19-1、 20-1、 21-1、 十、 选出下列问句对应的答语。

共5分) 22-1、 22-2、 22-3、 22-4、 22-5、 十一、 选择合适的选项补全对话。

共5分) 23-1、 24-1、 十二、 单项选择。

共6分) 25-1、 26-1、 27-1、 十三、 给下列问句选择相应的答语。

共1分) 28-1、 十四、 阅读短文,判断正误。

共40分) 29-1、 29-2、 29-3、 29-4、 29-5、 30-1、 30-2、 30-3、 30-4、 30-5、 31-1、 31-2、 31-3、 31-4、 31-5、 32-1、 32-2、 32-3、 32-4、 32-5、

推荐访问:2步计算应用题 2测量亥姆霍兹线圈轴线上磁场的分布。 3-二氟甲基-1-甲基-1h-吡唑-4- 30年高中同学聚会发言稿 32岁女,第一胎32周,B超提示羊水过多 35kv电缆预防性试验 35kV降压变电所电气一次部分初步设计