
  Training Objective


  Understand the purpose for environmental protection

 and implement the environmental protection

 plan efficiently. 理解 环保 的目的并有效地执行 环保 计划 Training Contents 培训内容 PART 1:


 the purpose for

 environmental protection 环保 的目的 PART 2:


 environmental protection current situation 环保现状 PART 3:


 the plan purpose for environmental 环保 计划

  Training duration 培训时间 July 七月 August 八月 September 九月 October 十月 November 十一月 December 十二月 Training Dept., 培训部门 Sewing 缝工 PP 海绵 Frame 木工 MVL/Maintenance 流水线/维修 Template&

 fordera 裁剪和内衬 Supply Chain 供应链 Sewing 缝工 PP 海绵 Frame 木工 Ass& Packing 包工和包装 QC 质检 Office 办公室

  Training Evaluation:


 培训评估 □ □ Achieve Training Objective

  □ □ Did not Achieve Training Objective

 (the comments for the reason is as below)


 Evaluation Authority Name / Date



推荐访问:培训计划 环保意识 Plan