
  市教育局举办厚德少年立起来——“奋发向上 崇德向善”演讲比赛

 2015年5月4日上午,市教育局厚德少年立起来——“奋发向上 崇德向善”爱国主义读书教育活动演讲比赛在蚌埠三中顺利举办。?

 根据中共中央政治局常委、中央书记处书记刘云山在出席培育和践行社会主义核心价值观座谈会上讲话精神,切实抓好《关于培育和践行社会主义核心价值观的意见》的落实,要着力建设中华民族共有的精神家园,推动形成奋发向上、崇德向善的强大力量。2014-2015学年度市教育局局属各学校在学生认真阅读活动读本的基础上,开展了以“奋发向上 崇德向善”为主题的中学生演讲比赛校级比赛,并选出18名优秀选手参加此次比赛。




 according to site reality determine), and total screen and points screen should mutual insulation. Cable shielding wire connection, prior to sets of heat shrinkable tube adopt 0.75mm2 stranded copper conductor yellow-green ground wire and shield welding firm

 according to site reality determine), and total screen and points screen should mutual insulation. Cable shielding wire connection, prior to sets of heat shrinkable tube adopt 0.75mm2 stranded copper conductor yellow-green ground wire and shield welding firm

 according to site reality determine), and total screen and points screen should mutual insulation. Cable shielding wire connection, prior to sets of heat shrinkable tube adopt 0.75mm2 stranded copper conductor yellow-green ground wire and shield welding firm

推荐访问:教育局全国少年普法网 教育局 举办 少年