
第116组 imagine 英音:/ɪ'mædʒɪn/美音:/ɪ'mædʒɪn/ 1. vt. 想象, 设想 2. 料想, 猜想 3. 想 时 态: imagined, imagining, imagines  名 词: imaginer 词组 | 习惯用语 imaginable adj. 可能的;
可想象的 imagines n. [昆] 成虫;
意像(imago的复数); v. 想像;
虚构(imagine的三单形式); to imagine 想象 imagine as 认为成 imagine that 想象...... imagined figure 影人 imagine doing 想象做某事 Imagine Cup 创新杯(软件设计比赛)
just imagine 想象一下 imagined communities 想象的共同体 网络短语: IMAGINE'R 生地铁卡 imagine doing imagine it 想象一下吧 imagine phlegmatically 冷淡地设想 imagined landscape 想像地景 un imaginable 不可想象的 imagine constantly 经常设想 imagine delightedly 高兴地想象 imagine astonishment 想象吃惊 The Imagines 摇滚乐 英语例句库 1.He imagines that people don't believe him. 1.他总是认为人们不信任他。

2.Don't imagine yourself to be always correct. 2.不要以为自己总是对。

3.I can't imagine what he looks like. 3.我想象不出他是什么长相。

4.She imagines herself to be a true artist. 4.她幻想自己成了一个真正的艺术家 5.He imagined himself as manager of the company. 5.他把自己想像为公司的经理。

6.I imagine him as a big tall man. 6.我以为他是个高大的人。

7.I don't imagine they will come if it rains. 7.我认为天如果下雨, 他们是不会来的。

8.I would imagine that they'll want to keep it. 8.我猜他们也许想保留它。

9.He lives in an unreal world imagined by himself. 9.他生活在自己想像的虚幻世界里。

10.We never imagined that men would land on the moon. 10.我们从未想到过人类能登上月球。

11.We have been inundated with every bit of information imaginable. 11.凡是想得到的各种各样的信息潮水般地向我们涌来。

12.I imagine she was pretty annoyed when she found out. 12.我想她发现此事后一定很生气。

13.You gave me to imagine you approved of my report. 13.你使我认为你赞成我的报告 14.I had fondly imagined that riding a mule would be easy. 14.我曾经天真地以为骑骡子很容易。

15.Do not imagine that you can cope with all the problems. 15.别以为你能处理所有这些问题。

16.Imagine my amazement when a 70-year-old man beat me at tennis. 16.在网球赛中, 我竟被一位70高龄的老人击败, 请想像一下我当时的惊愕状态。

17.I could imagine him as a schoolmaster being drooled over by the girls. 17.我可以想象得到他是一个令女孩子们痴迷的男教师。

18.It will be the greatest imaginable privation for her to have to leave london. 18.对她来说,不得不离开伦敦大概是能想像到的最大的损失。

19.We imagine using an anticatalyst to “freeze out“ any chemical reactions in the system. 19.可想象利用一种反催化剂使体系内的任意化学反应“冻结”。

20.It’s hard to imagine that Mark and John are brothers—they’re like chalk and cheese. 20.很难想像马克和约翰是兄弟俩,他们一点也不像。

21.We had the greatest difficulty imaginable. 21.我们遇到了可以想象到的最大困难。

22.You can imagine the situation there. 22.你可以想象那里的情况。

23.You don't imagine it is true. 23.你别想像那是真的。

24.His elation may well be imagined. 24.他那得意的神情完全可以想象出来。

25.This is a despicable fraud. Just imagine that he has the effrontery to say it. 25.这是一个可耻的骗局。他竟然有脸说这样的话。

26.I imagined you might be a grim-visaged old nurse with thick legs and a moustache. 26.我以为你会是一个老护士---面目可憎的,还长了胡子 27.Imagine driving to Manakin-Sabot, outside of Richmond, Virginia, to see Jerry Parker's office in 1994. 27.想象一下,在1994年开车到弗吉尼亚里士满杰瑞·帕克的办公室看看。

28.Imagine driving to Manakin-Sabot, outside of Richmond, Virginia, to see Jerry Parker’s office in 1994. 28.想象一下,在1994年开车到弗吉尼亚里士满杰瑞?帕克的办公室看看。

29.Cage stood in front of the door waving her arms around, I couldn't imagine why! 29.凯奇站在门前挥动着手臂, 我想象不出这是为什么! 30.I imagine you're right. 30.我猜你是对的 31.Imagine you've been shipwrecked. 31.想象你遭遇到了船舶失事。

32.They imagined your ship wrecked. 32.他们以为你的船遇难了。

33.Thus, for example, it is impossible to imagine Japanese product packaging without Schmid's syllabary, katakana eru. 33.他的设计作品是日本传统和西方现代主义独特的结合体。

34.Don’t imagine that because they are rich, they are happy. All that glitters is not gold. 34.不要以为他们有钱就一定很幸福。有些事不能只看表面。

35.Little imagine these views are blankety-blank, they can affect the ground to come loose only hot. 35.殊不知这些说法毫无道理,它们只会影响地面散热。

36.He just went on and on for so long in the most boring and inexpressive voice imaginable! 36.他只是喋喋不休地讲了很久,极其枯燥又毫无表情! 37.I can’t imagine why a dynamic young woman like her is marrying a shrinking violet like him. 37.我不能想像,像她这样一个充满活力的年轻女子为什么会嫁给他这样一个胆怯害羞的人。

38.Imagine if milli or billi of people each did one of these-how would the world be different? 38.试想一下,如果成百万甚至上亿的人们仅仅做了其中的一件,世界将会有多么大的不一样! 39.Can you imagine the racket made by a line of empty trailer trucks rolling along cobblestone streets? 39.你能想象出一队空的拖车卡车在卵石路上行进所发出的噪音吗? 40.The original costume was recovered by the imagine that according to spicula and some other clothes-made tools came up of land. 40.原始服饰根据出土的骨针、骨锥等制衣工具想象复原的。

41.Do not imagine that mathematics is hard and crabbed and repulsive to common sense,it is merely the etherealization of common sense. 41.别把数学想象为硬梆梆的、死绞蛮缠的、令人讨厌的、有悖于常识的东西,它只不过是赋予常识以灵性的东西。

42.She had always longed to travel to the United States and to see what she imagined as the land of milk and honey. 42.她一直想去趟美国,看一看这片想像中的乐土。

43.Imagine that you are a nonsmoker sharing a room with a smoker.According to the Coase theorem, what determines whether your roommate smokes in the room? 43.假设不吸烟的你和一个烟民同住一室,根据科斯定理,什么决定了你的室友是否在室内吸烟? 44.Imagine if The Cure and Death Cab For Cutie took a Summer holiday to Byron Bay in 1987 and decided to record a low-budget EP. 44.阳光,拍子,色彩,个人世界。初看专辑封面,还以为音乐走的是冷调路线,结果完全不是那样。我想那只是Sailmaker一直期待的画面。

45.“I can imagine,“ Jun said, raising a forkful of icing to her lips, doing her best to ignore how he kissed the morsel off his fork. 45./ “我能想像“,六月说,升起对她的唇糖衣的 forkful, 最做她不理睬他如何在他的叉子外吻一口。

46.I projected myself at that world with great intensity, imagining the narrow streets, the public gardens, the cafes, the ritualized social lives of the Viennese bourgeoise. 46.我展开密集的想象,设想自己生活在当年的世界,置身于狭窄的街巷、公园、咖啡馆,体验维也纳市民恭行如仪的社会生活。

47.In addition “Star, You Good“ this dance is the opening ceremony preinstall luminescent spot, the direction request is specially high, therefore difficult degree it can be imagined. 47.再加上《星星,你好》这个舞蹈是开幕式预设的亮点,导演的要求特别高,所以艰辛程度可想而知。

48.You can imagine her mixed emotions while striving to stifle her amusement and at the same time to understand that the poor rushee had never smoked before. 48.一方面,她努力抑制着自己,不让自己笑出声来;

49.In the most brutalist, Le Corbusier-esque project, the Dutch practice MVRDV imagines a tower-block in place of the Sorbonne and motorways cutting through the heart of Paris. 49.而最具野兽派气质的是勒•柯布西耶风格的项目,惯于荷兰式做法的尼•马斯设想了一个塔式建筑以取代巴黎大学和高速公路贯穿巴黎中心。

50.Izumiya the very famous shopping mall in Japan is located near my Dormy Nishinomiya. I can buy almost everything I can imagine there and the price is always cheap. 50.最后一张照片是我吃的晚饭,来日本之前我一直担心吃不饱,但是实际上饭量还是足够的,可很可口,吃饱没有问题。

51.In this age of celebrity worship, one can well imagine how delicate is the relationship between Yvan and Charlotte and how Attal is dealing with Gainsbourg through this film. 51.然而帽子愈来愈大的时候,脆弱的头能承受压力吗? 52.In the hubbub of city life, it is hard for us to imagine the people and the things of the past, and how indeed these people felt about the world. 52.天天生活在城市里的我们很难想像过去的人,过去的事,过去的年代与感觉。

53.The distinction between pastness or futureness and “the” past or “the” future is graphically illustrated by imagining a movie of, say, the egg being dropped on the floor and breaking. 53.过去或未来的状态与「这个过去」或「那个未来」的区别可以用图像说明:想像有一段影片,里面录制了蛋掉到地上而破碎的过程。

54.I mean my dad gets nervous if I spend more than five minutes in the bathroom.Can you imagine what he'd do if I spent three hundred bucks on a water bed?Woops! 54.我在厕所里呆上十分钟,我爸爸就会紧张,他要是知道我花了三百元钱买了水床,坏了。

55.Imagine the sound of a cello when you say, Beddy bada bida bedder budder (Betty bought a bit of better butter) and you'll be close to the native way of saying it. 55.想象一个大提琴的声音,同时说“Beddybadabidabedderbudder(Bettyboughtabitofbetterbutter)”,你就会非常接近地道的说法。

56.This is the seat of logic, analysis, verbal reasoning and the kinds of thoughts--Maybe I should just kind of squinch over a little more to the left--that you never imagine crossing Tiger Woods's mind. 56.这是逻辑、分析、语文推理和思维——我也许应该稍稍偏向些左脑——那种你永远想象不出泰格伍兹头脑中闪过何种念头的所在地。
