

 The 10 habits that make you more attractive The 10 habits that will make you more attractive and get people to like you. Most people think that being attractive is all about being good looking. Indeed, some people are blessed with natural good looks. They go through most of their lives benefitting from their pleasing physical appearance. But attraction has to do with much more than your face, body, hair or clothes. Here are 10 habits that you can start implementing into your daily life that will make you instantly more attractive, regardless of your physical appearance!

 养成这十个习惯,让你更有吸引力,让你更受欢迎!大多数人认为,有吸引力,意味着长得好看。确实,有一部分人生来就长得好看,在人生中,他们因为好看的外表而获得了不少好处。但是,吸引力不仅仅跟面容、身材、发型或者衣着有关。接下来,让我们一起看看这10 个习惯,无论你的外貌如何,如果你能在日常生活中养成这些习惯,你就很快能让自己变得更有吸引力。

 Number 1: Keep your words positive. You can complain all you want about things, people or circumstances. But at the end of the day, you"re not helping yourself grow. And you certainly don"t make others like you any better! You see, people like to be around others who make them feel good. But, how do you do just that? Well, you can start by using positive words, and offering a lot of praise. Receiving that kind of energy makes others feel good, and they will naturally like you more.


 Number 2: Be curious. The only way to make other people curious about you is by being curious yourself. Learn how things work. Analyze why people behave the way they do, and try to figure out what makes them tick. Read some interesting books, and find out what"s happening in the world around you. When you have a lot more to say, people instinctively think you"re smart and fascinating.


 Number 3: Smile more. There"s a reason why happy and charming people tend to have more friends and admirers. Happiness is considered the most attractive expression! People are drawn to positive emotions, and a smile conveys friendliness and openness. So, remember to smile often!


 Number 4: Surprise people. When you tell someone what you"re going to do for them, they automatically expect you to deliver. Instead, surprise them from time to time! It"s much more memorable and impactful than doing what you"ve already promised. It"s not the gift alone that will brighten their day, but the thought you put into the nice gesture!


 Number 5: Say thank you. These two simple words, though overused at times, can make a world of a difference in someone"s day. All it takes is a couple of seconds to think about and appreciate what you are given. Even if it"s something small, like someone holding the door open for you, always remember to say thanks!


 Number 6: Remain calm. We can all agree that it"s an unpleasant sight to see someone screaming or lashing out in a destructive way. And sometimes we just can"t help but lash back! Well, don"t do that. Before you snap, take a minute and think about the whole situation. It"s best to stay calm and just talk it out. By doing this, you"ll be able to understand others much better, and as a result, you will establish closer connections to them.


 Number 7: Forgive and forget. We all have been hurt and disappointed at some point in our lives. And while letting go is a difficult thing to do, it is extremely important. Anger, jealousy, and holding grudges are ugly habits. They only cultivate negativity and bring you down. Forgiving someone for having wronged you will not only make you a better person in their eyes, but you will come across as a mature and sensible person.


 Number 8: Strike up a conversation. Most of us feel uncomfortable when we"re out of our comfort zone, and away from familiar groups of people. But people who take the initiative and introduce themselves to others are the types who are completely comfortable in their own skin – a trait that"s highly attractive! So, break out of your comfort zone and strike up a conversation with someone you don"t know! You"ll instantly surprise them, and you might just walk away with greater confidence!



 Number 9: Do something nice for a stranger. Take opportunities to be kind to others every day. You"ll be amazed how good it feels! Pick up a dropped wallet for someone, or simply smile at a passerby. These are little gestures most people won"t take the effort to do, but will give respect if you do! Not only will you feel better, but your gracious act will be much appreciated.


 Number 10: Take care of yourself. People who take care of themselves are more attractive because they emanate self-discipline. Being in control of yourself means that you are able to meet your basic needs, and others don"t perceive you as being a burden. Eating nutritiously, exercising regularly, and attending to your physical, mental and emotional health should be an important part of your daily routine.


 Can you think of any other simple habits to add to this list? 还有哪些简单的习惯能让你更有吸引力、更受欢迎?你能想出来吗? 励志英文演讲二:

 Keep studying It"s very simple. The attitude you have when facing struggles and obstacles is what determines whether you will be successful. If you"re going to commit the next two three four years of your life to your education, then your attitude is everything. Being able to keep studying despite the adversity thrown at you. You fail an exam? Keep studying. You argue with your friends? Keep studying. You have money problems? Keep studying.


 You keep on marching on through the struggle, the chaos, the frustration, the procrastination, the disappointment, the anger, the regret. When all that is there, but you keep studying through it all, you know you have the discipline to be a successful person.


 It"s the ability to know that even though at the time you feel overwhelmed and overpowered,

 you know deep down that it too shall pass. You will find a way. You will keep studying to chase your goal, to make you proud, to make your family proud, through thick and thin.


 You will continue studying. It is something that is ingrained into every successful person, the ability to push through difficult times, not because you were lucky with it, not because they inherited it, but because they developed it. They did it once. They did it again. They did it again. And each time after that gets easier and easier. The more you overcome your struggles today, the easier you"ll overcome your struggles tomorrow. And once you build up that momentum of improving your productivity, it becomes a whole lot easier.


 And it"s funny how it works. The more you study, the more you understand the subjects and topics, and the more you prepare for your exams, the easier your exams will be, the easier university will be, the easier it will be to get a good internship, or graduate job after graduating. It"s really very simple. the more you study, the easier your life will be. Keep studying. Do not ever give up. Respect the struggle of your journey, because it"s the struggle that will build you to be stronger. But be persistent, keep working on.


 It"s going to be a struggle. It"s going to be hard. But that is an incredible thing, because you are going to figure it out. You will pull through. You have enough time. you have enough resources. You have enough commitment. You will find a way to smash your exams. Believe in yourself. You will figure things out. When tomorrow comes, you might not know what steps to take, but believe in yourself. Steer your own ship. It"s your life. Take control. 这个过程将会很痛苦,很困难,但是这将变成一个奇迹,因为你最终会处理好眼前的难题,渡过难关。你有足够的时间,足够的资源,足够的投入。你会找到办法,通过考试。相信自己,你会处理好一切。对于未来,也许你不知道要怎样走下去,但是你要相信自己,走好你自己的路。这是你的人生,你的人生你做主。
