
  加大行政问责力度 为打造“今日昭通效率”提供纪律保证


  市委常委、市政府常务副市长 张纪华



  市委、市政府对实施领导干部问责制和行政负责人问责制高度重视。从今年4月l日,全市行政问责办法正式实施以来,各地各部门按照市委、市政府的部署和要求,加强领导,密切配合,突出重点,狠抓落实,行政问责 工作取得了重要阶段性成效,人民群众反映较好,促进了上半年我省各项事业的顺利发展。这些成绩的取得,是全省上下共同努 力的结果,达到了开局良好,运行顺利的目的。但是,从全省实施行政问责的整体情况看,也存在着一些不容忽视的问题,应当引起高度重视。有些地区和部门思想认识不到位,领导重视不够,工作发展不平衡;有的地方和部门被动应付缺乏工作主动性,开展工作靠上级推动,行政问责工作没有真正展开;有的单位追究责任不到位,存在着有责不问的现象;有的配套制度建设滞后, 落实制度不力,没有形成长效机制等等。对此,必须下大力气加 以解决。






  省政府实施行政问责办法6个多月以来,各级政府和监察部 门不断加大工作力度,认真开展行政问责工作,取得了明显成效。

 但是由于行政问责是一项全新的工作,在推进过程中仍然存在一 些问题和不足这些问题刚才永东同志也作了全面的分析,我认为其中最突出的问题是问责工作的力度还要进一步加大、质量还 需要进一步提高。各级、各部门要按照党中央、国务院和省委、 省政府的部署和要求,认真总结6个多月来开展行政问责工作取得的经验,针对工作中存在的突出问题和薄弱环节,从贯彻落实 科学发展观,构建和谐社会,建设责任政府、服务政府,促进全省经济社会又好又快发展的大局出发,切实加强组织领导,采取 有力措施,进一步加大行政问责工作力度,确保行政问责工作扎 实稳步深入推进不断取得新的成效。

  (一)要加大问责的力度。行政问责制是以责任为核心,把权力与责任挂钩,对行政机关工作人员在任何时候、任何地方行 使行政行为和行使行政权力时,不履行或不正确履行职责行为进 行监督和责任追究的一项重要制度,也是维护党和政府的形象, 提高政府公信力的重要举措。从最近中央对山西襄汾尾矿库溃坝 事件和河北三鹿奶粉事件问责的领导级别看,充分体现了党中央、国务院推进行政问责的工作力度。省委、省政府推行行政问责制 的态度坚决、决心坚定,对此,大家有目共睹、感受深切。各级 政府和有关部门要进一步提高行政问责制的执行力,切实加大问责力度,对于符合问责情形的任何事项、不负责任的任何干部, 无论是谁,无论职位高低、政绩大小,该问责的要坚决问责、敢 于问责,一追到底,既要追究有关人员的直接责任,又要追究领 导人员的领导责任,做到问事必问人、问人必问责、问责必到底。

 通过责任追究,不断解决工作中存在的问题,促使行政机关工作人员提高责任意识,进一步加强和改进各级行政机关的思想作风、 工作作风、领导作风、生活作风和学风,为促进我省经济社会又好又快发展提供良好环境。

  (二)要突出问责的重点。从问责对象来讲,要始终坚持抓 住领导干部这个重点。权贵统一、权责对等是行政问责的一个基本原则。在各级行政机关起主要作用的是行政负责人。党和人民 赋予各级领导干部重大权力,同时各级领导干部也负有对本地区、 本行业、本部门、本单位管理和监督的重要领导责任,一旦发生 问责事项,特别是重大责任事故,也是行政问责的主要对象,必 须受到责任追究O抓住了这个重点,就能真正发挥行政问责的制 度震慑和监督作用,促进领导干部认真履行职责。在问责内容上, 虽然问责制中所列的问责事项都是重点,但我在这里要强调的是, 由于我省16个州市经济社会发展的差异很大,同一个地区的不同 行业和部门情况也各不相同,在具体执行中,各地、各部门要根据本地区、本部门存在的突出问题以及不同时期经济社会发展的 特点,来突出责任追究的重点。当前,各地、各部门要把保障科 学发展观的贯彻落实、各级党委政府重大决定的执行情况以及事 关全省和各地区经济社会发展的重点工作、重大项目的完成情况 作为问责重点;把贯彻落实省政府实施服务承诺制、首问责任制、 限时办结制的要求作为问责重点;把影响科学发展和涉及人民群 众生命财产安全的交通安全、生产安全、食品安全和环境污染等 作为问责重点,通过突出问责的重点带动问责工作的全面深入开 展,更好地保障科学发展观的落实。

  (三)要增强问责的时效。行政问责是各级政府及其行政机关对行政工作人员进行监督和管理直至追究责任的一种内部管理 制度,也是追究责任的一种快速反应方式,特别是对一些突发的 涉及广大人民群众生命财产安全的重大责任事件,问责有利于尽 快平息事态,消除民怨、民愤。因此,行政问责具有很强的时效性。最近,广东省对深圳龙岗区舞王俱乐部特大火灾事件进行问 责,于事故发生的第二天就公布了问责结果;河南省对登封煤矿 事故进行问责,事故发生当天就进行了问责。这充分说明了行政问责的时效性特点和要求。因此,各地、各部门一定要提高行政问责工作的效率,增强时效性,特别是对影响科学发展和涉及广大人民群众生命财产安全的重大交通安全、生产安全、食品安全 和环境污染事件,要快速启动问责程序,只要初步查明属于责任 事故,就要立即对有关领导和责任人员进行问责,并公布问责结果,及时给人民群众一个合理的交待。待事故原因彻底查清后, 再对相关单位和人员的责任进行严肃追究,涉嫌犯罪的移送司法 机关依法追究刑事责任。这样,才能充分发挥行政问责的应有作 用,提高行政问责的效果。

  (四)要提高问责的质量。各级、各部门要严格按照问责制 规定的范围、对象、程序和方式等规定开展问责工作,做到问责 事实清楚、证据充分,定性准确、处理适当,手续完备、程序合 法。要防止问责出现主观随意性和片面性,问责结果要公开、公 正、公平,体现公平性原则,做到有责必究,责任面前人人平等, 不能出现畸轻畸重的现象。同时,要正确认识行政问责的责任追究与纪律和法律追究的关系,正确区分和处理好各级党委、政府督查部门的督查职能与行政问责的监督制约职能之间的关系,正确和合理划分各级党委、政府以及纪检监察的信访接待与问责接待的关系,科学、合理地确定问责范畴,切实提高行政问责的质 量和针对性,不能将行政问责简单化,不论任何事项、任何问题都一味要求往行政问责这个筐里装,这样容易导致行政问责的形式主义。对于可以通过批评教育就能解决或没有造成后果和影响的一般性问题,如果不从实际情况出发、不分析具体原因就盲目地进行问责、追究责任,则有可能挫伤行政机关和公务人员的积极性,背离行政问责的初衷。对于违反党纪政纪甚至违法等行为, 如果也用问责去解决,则是滥用、泛用问责的行为,人为降低了 纪律和法律追究的严肃性。


  贯彻落实行政问责制是一项系统工程,也是一项长期而艰巨 的工作,不可能一蹴而就、一劳永逸,更不能当作一种短暂的行为、走走过场,搞形式主义,需要全省各部门通力协作,共同努力。因此,各级政府和各部门要在实践中,不断总结经验,从完善各项配套制度入手,加大改革创新力度,用规章制度保证行政 问责制深入、持久地推进和实施,建立健全贯彻落实行政问责制 的长效机制,实现行政问责的常态化、制度化、规范化。

  (一)要进一步规范政务公开工作。政务公开是自觉接受社 会监督,建立阳光政府的重要举措,也是建立行政问责等四项制 度长效机制的一项基础性工作。各级政府要把实施行政问责制度 与政务公开工作结合起来,进一步加大政务公开工作力度,扩大 政务公开的范围和层次,规范政务公开工作,以保证社会各界和 广大人民群众的知情权、参与权、监督权。要把建立和完善制度 作为建立行政问责长效机制的重要抓手,通过建立和完善科学、 有效的制度来解决重点、难点问题,来规范行政行为、提高行政 效率,来保证行政问责的规范化、制度化。明年,省政府初步考虑要严格推行政府重大决策听证制度、政府信息查询制度、部门 季度工作通报制度、重要事项公示制度等四项举措,进一步加大 政务公开工作力度,规范政府行政行为。各级、各部门也要在这些方面进行积极探索,为全省四项举措的出台和推行奠定基础。

  (二)要拓宽行政问责线索来源。一是行政问责机构要与有关部门建立联系机制,主动加强与有关部门的沟通协调,增加问 责线索的来源渠道,尽量使该受到问责的事项和行为得到及时问责。二是要加大明察暗访力度,进一步扩大和提高明察暗访的范围和频率,采取交叉暗访、交叉检查等多种形式,主动获取问责线索。三是要建立安全生产重大事故责任追究沟通协调联席会议制度,及时了解重大安全生产事故调查情况,研究安全生产重大事故责任人员的处理意见,为提高问责时效创造良好的条件。

  (三)要建立完善宣传和培训机制。各地、各部门要加大宣 传力度,对各单位在实施行政问责工作中取得的成效,以及实践 中的新做法、新经验要及时进行总结宣传。在加强正面宣传的同 时,也要选择一些典型的事例进行警示教育,不断提高社会各界 和广大人民群众对行政问责制的认知度、参与度和满意度,为行 政问责制的深入开展营造良好的舆论氛围。要加大培训力度。各 级行政学院要把行政问责等四项制度纳入日常的培训内容,各级 政府及行政机关要采取专题培训、以会代训等形式,将四项制度 作为新录用公务员的初任培训、新提拔人员的任职培训以及对具 体从事行政问责工作的人员培训的一项重要内容,进行深入、系 统的培训,提高广大干部落实行政问责办法等四项制度的自觉性。

  (四)要健全完善督促检查工作体系。各级政府要统筹协调 监察、人事部门、新闻单位和政府督查机构的力量,进一步完善 制度,健全和完善监督检查工作体系,加大对实施行政问责办法等四项制度的督检查力度。要把实施行政问责办法等四项制度与 行风评议活动结合起来,纳入全省党风廉政建设责任制内容,严 格考核、认真落实。要把明察暗访作为实施行政问责等四项制度 的重要手段,建立明察暗访制度;要建立新闻媒体与行政问责工 作的联系互动机制,形成监督检查的合力,使行政问责制得到长期、持久地贯彻执行。

  同志们,贯彻落实行政问责等四项制度,是建设人民满意政 府的一项重要措施。各地、各部门要按照省委、省政府的部署和 要求,振奋精神,再接再厉,以行政问责为抓手,努力把四项制 度不断推向深入,为科学发展观的落实和全省经济社会发展目标 任务的全面完成提供有力的制度保障。


 festival, summer food, children food special rectification, everywhere selling counterfeit and shoddy food and other illegal behavior severely, seized substandard food 400 kilograms, 1000 bottles of wine, false Right more than 8000 boxes, packing boxes of 15000 people, to ensure that the masses of consumer safety.To investigate and deal with commercial bribery, pyramid schemes, trademark infringement, false advertising and other illegal casesThis year, the County Bureau continue to control commercial bribery, blow from MLM, trademark infringement and false advertising as a priority among priorities of work. In the summary node basis last year working experience in commercial bribery governance experience, actively learn foreign advanced experience first, not related to the analysis of field research, how to expand the area of governance the domain problem, the management of commercial bribery work continuously to the breadth and depth of development. This year in March, the county bureau successfully dealt with a real estate service company limited commercial bribery bribery case, involving the value of 100 thousand yuan, and according to the order to stop the illegal act of the administrative punishment, fines at 70 thousand yuan; continue to fight pass The pin high pressure situation, actively create no MLM marketing community activities, focus on the "pull the head" team payment, charge entry fees and the door to provide convenient conditions such as illegal acts as a pyramid scheme. In January this year, 9 day, County Bureau jointly with the public security departments in the daily check at a temple mall, pyramid Gang, captured the scene the marketing staff of 55, and 16 people were in administrative detention, 2 people were detained, other personnel by education and repatriation; Yantai Tianma Industry Development Co. Ltd. XX Branch to provide training places for the marketing case, according to law, make the order to stop illegal activities, confiscate the illegal income 1162 yuan, and fined A $150 thousand administrative penalty;; at the same time focusing on trademark, advertising against illegal cases, shall be ordered to stop the illegal advertisements released 50, deadline for whole reform 58, investigated 112 cases of trademark, advertising case 21.Xxx every year, the global total for all kinds of economic illegal 403 cases, one case. The simple procedure of 26 pieces, 377 pieces of the case, the general procedure, penalty fines totaling 139,85 million yuan.Clear the focus of work, to increase the importance of market supervisionCounty Bureau of the avian bird meat, grain, oil, real estate, automobile transportation, tobacco, Internet cafes and other advertisements as the focus of supervision, strengthen the daily inspections. The positive pole to carry out poultry meat market inspection, processing and sales of dead chicken Association banned dens in one place, destroyed more than 100 dead chickens, disease disease of pigs, sheep and other livestock, more than 10, and the burning of landfill disposal, maintenance support bird meat market and to increase grain consumption safety; market supervision, thorough investigation of the subject qualification check management, food for 44 cases, 100 cases of cotton, according to 221 households received for the acquisition of cotton merchants flow for the business according to the license The quality of the refined oil market; the county into a sample test, found and disposal of substandard oil in 3 batches, investigated 4 cases of illegal everywhere, fines of nearly 110 thousand yuan; the national real estate market rank order rectification as an opportunity to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the county real estate enterprises, for investigation of illegal cases in 3, the penalty of a fine of 30 thousand yuan; increase of automobile transportation transportation market supervision and inspection of transport vehicles, vehicles more than 1000 vehicles, dealt with unlicensed business 116, banned inconsistent with the operating conditions of the 19 households, 3360 households for the camp industry transport business license; increase market supervision and supervision of tobacco, and smoke The grass line sector joint law enforcement, law enforcement officers dispatched 1800 passengers, check the business more than 400 households, a fine of more than 3 yuan, to maintain the tobacco market order; increase rectification of Internet cafes, many of the county's 355 Internet cafes concentrated cleaning, check the thorough investigation of Internet business qualification, and resolutely ban "black Internet bar". On 7 of the existence of violations in the Internet according to the law of the processing; intensify supervision of the advertising market in the field of college entrance examination enrollment, examination and enrollment of senior high school entrance examination, some units issued cloth advertisements were examined, a total enrollment of more than 20 units of inspection, the law enforcement officers dispatched 120 passengers Vivian, support the enrollment advertising market order.Three, to strengthen the learning and education, enhance the quality of the team, and constantly improve the scientific development, building a harmonious society and the ability and levelContinue to deepen the business culture construction, and constantly improve the ideological and moral qualities of all the comrades and political theory quality. "To building a harmonious business, show a good image in" theme activities and all the minds discuss events deed opportunity, organize all the comrades through the Internet network, group discussion, speech, reading and learning files other forms of serious study and spirit, an important speech on the main theme of the Council's leadership activities of the municipal, county leaders important speech about emancipating the mind to discuss, especially is held in the party's Party Congress since the opening, the County Bureau of Party Congress spirit of learning as the current The primary political task, and combining with the actual work, adhere to learn while investigation and change, for the people, first, responsibility, dedication and their cultural connotation is gradually internalized of conscious action for all the comrades, with Comrades ideological and political quality is obviously enhanced; further deepen the business culture the construction, in an effort to "work" and "into" a lot of work reflect the effect of Kung Fu, divided into business culture construction, into the starting chapter, article and chapter four chapter has held a "business culture exhibition" XX County Industrial and Commercial Bureau, held the theme for the title to emancipate the mind and "eight honors and 88 Disgraces" The "July 1" Qing "mission and age peer" lecture, are subject to the superior leadership praise. In addition, but also through discussion, warning education, honest talk and reading the books, etc., vigorously carry out anti-corruption education, and further improve all comrades low awareness of self-discipline.Continue to deepen the post training, improve the quality of the business with the comrades and the ability to work. In this year the County Bureau constantly enrich the training content, innovative training methods, combined with the team quality status is formulated with a specific learning training plan, implementation of the "two two two" learning system system, daily two, two monthly, monthly, quarterly, the take training courses, to be acting training, special lectures, case by case, typical case analysis form, laws and regulations to carry out knowledge learning; two is to establish and push the promotion of the "system" questions take the way of questioning before. Before the examination about the participants Learning staff in the period, the content relates to the County Bureau of industrial and commercial integrity culture construction, the content of current political and common laws and regulations, greatly improving the learning consciousness of gay volunteers; each comrades "every day", namely people ask ask each day the task is completed, the day to learn what the laws and regulations, and found the deficiency of yesterday is whether correct today, through the question and find the gap distance, make up for deficiencies, improve their own quality; the three is to explore the promotion of the "interactive" training method, prior to collect problems, prepare materials, take the form of lectures answer to pass the problem after, not only make the training More than the name? If pregnant no matter one of Yu aunt sent long cut target has been difficult for 8 yuan Huan "Mei Si Xiang Fan is still a ape Nai Cup"? 4 comrades generation team to participate in the city's industrial and commercial legal system for post training contest, won the city's industrial and commercial system "the legal job training wins collective" honorary title, the former Red Tian Yuan, Wang Lijun two comrades were named for the city's industrial and commercial system of legal skill can model.The new move again in the style construction. Establish style is the image of the concept of "two all earnestly implement the ban" and the general secretary Hu Jintao put forward the eight aspects of the good atmosphere. This year county bureau to strengthen the prone position and link to ask questions of thorough investigation visit, especially whether the contract change, contract and market custody disguised as a key phenomenon, on the behavior of the grass-roots work into standard; in August through the <xxx state XX >, e-government network and other new media, for administrative approval, administrative enforcement, administrative fees and service window key services, released to the community of cloth public undertaking make The eight key commitments, accept the community supervision and supervision; the "sunshine supervision Kaka Printed Access >, < > and < sunshine supervision fee cards sunshine law enforcement supervision card", will review the examination and approval procedures, fees and law enforcement requirements were shown in three publicity card, ask the staff in the process of entry into the procedures collect relevant fees, and to carry out law enforcement supervision to the exhibition service issued, earnestly solicit their views and suggestions, accept their supervision. In addition, through visiting survey operators, solicit opinions and sign morals supervisors opened for morals hotline, accept supervision from the society from all walks of life, effectively regulate the fan The law enforcement behavior, prevent the illegal violation of discipline, promote the style construction, establish a good image.Four, construction and harmonious industry and commerce, show a good image, efforts to create a working environment within and outside the smoothActively carry out publicity, establish a good image.Since the beginning of this year, the County Bureau of publicity as the key point to work, on the basis of the original information publicity work system, again revised the manuscript "business information reward standard > increase of excitation, the national, provincial and municipal media published articles, the incentives, and further stimulate the positive and the initiative of communication reporters. Reporters working closely around the County Bureau Center, actively capture service to develop new measures and supervision of law enforcement in the new experience, through <xx, daily XXX, e-government, electronic system and <xx OA's new media business > at all levels to actively promote business Work, let the leadership know that social understanding, and establish a good image, to optimize the executive law enforcement environment. As of December 16 day, group communication reports issued a total of business information manuscripts 655, national media published articles 10; provincial media published articles 49; municipal media published articles 342 the county level, the media published manuscripts 254.Duocuobingju, step by step, solid has developed "building a harmonious business, show a good image in" theme activities.County Bureau to carry out the theme activities as an effective means of creating within and outside the work environment, the layers of member held a mobilization meeting, to strengthen the organization and leadership system, to develop the implementation plan, divided into administrative licensing, market supervision and administrative law enforcement, dry personnel management and comprehensive service of all 5 thematic groups, in-depth study and discussion, revealing problems seriously, centralized rectification. At the same time also increased the power of supervision and inspection efforts, through regular meetings, scheduling, on-site inspection, listening to the reports and check related data, timely solve each stage activities. In addition, the county bureau is also based on the actual work, and with the development of the county "Speed up the construction of strong city city, how do we emancipates the mind big discussion activities combined, put out 120 questionnaires and writing research on Article 43, the consultation opinions issued more than 300 copies of the book has three times all the comrades were organized into a hierarchical topic, to develop a corrective reform program and rectification measures in the state of <xxx daily, XX television and other news media for the publicity, accept social supervision from all walks of life. At the same time, County Council will also some effective measures such as: only business within specified time," interactive "training system", "hierarchical work summary and the administrative guidance system And so on to the form of the system fixed down, it has effectively promoted the development of the theme of the year.Comprehensively promote the administration according to law, and strive to build a legal business.Firmly establish the "legal system" is the industry and commerce administration work "lifeline" concept, the implementation of grassroots legal personnel, County Bureau of legal institutions and leaders in charge of 33 grade examination system, explore the establishment of the "administrative punishment case filing, investigation, closed three node stage" respectively, the new legal supervision mode of comprehensive control the product; actively promote the case, the three systems of reasonable discretion and administrative guidance; vigorously implement the online handling, realize the electronic archives and the book file synchronization, and improve the efficiency of law enforcement, save office handling costs; in addition, this year the County Bureau of administrative punishment hearing, litigation work to achieve a zero The breakthrough, a case to provide training places in search everywhere in Yantai Tianma MLM industry development Co., Ltd., County Bureau in accordance with the requirements of the parties and successfully held the first hearing, seriously listened to the party report, Shen Shen defence, the parties from the sentences. By handling the case to us see the improvement of legal consciousness of the party put forward new requirements to our law enforcement work, also saw the government administration according to law, according to the importance of the law enforcement program.In the work to promote the same at the same time, statistics, inquiry, archives management, comprehensive management, family planning, basic work and compilation and information construction etc. the same adhere to high standards and strict requirements, achieved better performance. Especially to strengthen the infrastructure construction, the purchase of new cars computer, printer, print and camera equipment such as 120 Yuyu pieces, worth more than 70 yuan, the public office conditions is greatly improved; actively carry out the work of Party building, county bureau is the machine working committee named "outstanding grassroots party organization" honorary title.Review of the work of XXX, we deeply appreciate the harmony to do business for heavy work, especially this year the County Council to carry out the construction of a harmonious business exhibition ", since the show good image" theme activities, product actively handle businessIn the future work in the County Bureau in the Council and the county Party committee, under the correct leadership of the county government, set up the administrative idea of governing for the people, sing the sound "a success", "team spirit, keep in mind the job is the responsibility, implementation is the bounden duty of" principle of work, long suffering, sound development, self-discipline, innovation, enterprising, solid work, the successful completion of the task entrusted to me at all levels of us.XXX XX Industrial and Commercial Bureau County in the county, the county government and the city of XX Industrial and Commercial Bureau's strong leadership, with the support in the relevant departments, carry out in-depth study and practice activities of Scientific Outlook on Development, efforts to improve the ability to perform their duties, improve the supervision level, to ensure the success of the big things, and properly carried out and run by the market complete removal of decoupling, the labor service company restructuring work, give full play to the functions of Administration for Industry and Commerce Administration in the maintenance of market order and social stability in service, the economic and social development and achieved good results. The whole year the main work summary as follows:First, the progress of a full range of work into the situation(a) the registration of business registerIn terms of the main registration of access, I have always been to support the National People's business, services, investment, development and local economic development as the goal, according to the law to regulate the registration act, and strive to optimize the level of service water.One is to further improve the registration system of the implementation of the "mind window, authorized" and the "first instance of a nuclear system. The implementation of service hall window direct licensing and commission business directly for the individual registration record in the form of a combination.Two is the office automation and the main information resource sharing based registration, improve the network service platform, to provide business registration office to guide all kinds of enterprise registration standard form and charging standards, further to facilitate the masses.The three is to open up the provision of government services "Easy Access", "on a regular basis to provide door-to-door investment companies, an appointment at any time and tracking" "three high quality service in a deputy; private private registration, as long as the information is complete, comply with the legal conditions, the implementation of the application please, when on the audit, registration. When the day of licensing.At present, the county a total of 1781 enterprises registered all kinds of registration records, including: legal person, 721 enterprises, business units, branches of 4699 households 322 households; individual owned enterprises, partnership enterprises 37 households, farmers' cooperatives 232.XXX January 1 to XX 11 / 11, 3349 newly registered enterprises of all types, including: 118 domestic enterprises, 178 private enterprises, 9 enterprises, partnership, sole proprietorship enterprises 68 households, 68 households of farmers' professional cooperatives cooperatives. Total for all kinds of enterprises change 514 households for all kinds of enterprises. In the cancellation of registration 58.As of November 11th XXX, the county a total of 13289 individual industrial and commercial households households, of which XX years new registration of individual industrial and commercial households 3128. One person handled a total of 28 households. The company registration office for the registered capital of the company in stage 43.(two) private supervision of enterprisesVerified in subject qualification, centralized inspection, on-site inspection, on-line inspection, the annual inspection and other convenience measures, the implementation of written examination and on-site inspection of the combination, the greatest degree to provide quality services to ensure the effectiveness of the inspection. According to a true body industrial and commercial households 10193, 10144 households through the real test and, not found 49 households, according to the rate.; should be seized 15799 enterprises, 1335 enterprises have been seized, which, through the online inspection of 282 households (online annual rate of 21%), during the annual inspection for thecredit information, integrity, compliance review, reasonableness, feasibility, implementation of risk assessment and clear review comments submitted after the loan approval and post approval. 1) loan approval gang duty 2) Accounting Department

 festival, summer food, children food special rectification, everywhere selling counterfeit and shoddy food and other illegal behavior severely, seized substandard food 400 kilograms, 1000 bottles of wine, false Right more than 8000 boxes, packing boxes of 15000 people, to ensure that the masses of consumer safety.To investigate and deal with commercial bribery, pyramid schemes, trademark infringement, false advertising and other illegal casesThis year, the County Bureau continue to control commercial bribery, blow from MLM, trademark infringement and false advertising as a priority among priorities of work. In the summary node basis last year working experience in commercial bribery governance experience, actively learn foreign advanced experience first, not related to the analysis of field research, how to expand the area of governance the domain problem, the management of commercial bribery work continuously to the breadth and depth of development. This year in March, the county bureau successfully dealt with a real estate service company limited commercial bribery bribery case, involving the value of 100 thousand yuan, and according to the order to stop the illegal act of the administrative punishment, fines at 70 thousand yuan; continue to fight pass The pin high pressure situation, actively create no MLM marketing community activities, focus on the "pull the head" team payment, charge entry fees and the door to provide convenient conditions such as illegal acts as a pyramid scheme. In January this year, 9 day, County Bureau jointly with the public security departments in the daily check at a temple mall, pyramid Gang, captured the scene the marketing staff of 55, and 16 people were in administrative detention, 2 people were detained, other personnel by education and repatriation; Yantai Tianma Industry Development Co. Ltd. XX Branch to provide training places for the marketing case, according to law, make the order to stop illegal activities, confiscate the illegal income 1162 yuan, and fined A $150 thousand administrative penalty;; at the same time focusing on trademark, advertising against illegal cases, shall be ordered to stop the illegal advertisements released 50, deadline for whole reform 58, investigated 112 cases of trademark, advertising case 21.Xxx every year, the global total for all kinds of economic illegal 403 cases, one case. The simple procedure of 26 pieces, 377 pieces of the case, the general procedure, penalty fines totaling 139,85 million yuan.Clear the focus of work, to increase the importance of market supervisionCounty Bureau of the avian bird meat, grain, oil, real estate, automobile transportation, tobacco, Internet cafes and other advertisements as the focus of supervision, strengthen the daily inspections. The positive pole to carry out poultry meat market inspection, processing and sales of dead chicken Association banned dens in one place, destroyed more than 100 dead chickens, disease disease of pigs, sheep and other livestock, more than 10, and the burning of landfill disposal, maintenance support bird meat market and to increase grain consumption safety; market supervision, thorough investigation of the subject qualification check management, food for 44 cases, 100 cases of cotton, according to 221 households received for the acquisition of cotton merchants flow for the busines

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