
 Unit 1 Understanding ideas

 It"s all about ME! 一切都“关于”我!

 "Me". It"s a small word with big meaning, and that meaning is as individual to each of us as the way we look. Through interviews, was able to discover what"me" means to other people, and how they have learnt to appreciate the beauty in themselves. “我”,这个小小的字有着十分丰富的含义。对于我们每个人来说,这个意义就像我们的外表一样是因人而异的。通过这次采访,我得以发现“我”这个字对于其他人的意义,以及他们如何学会欣赏他们自己的美。

 Psychologist, Dr Hart 心理学家哈特博士

  Jade, 24, accounting manager 杰德,24 岁,会计经理

 As a song in Ugly Betty puts it, "It"s a pretty person"s world". I understand this more than most, as I have always been plain-looking. I"m girl who"d love to look good. Well, who wouldn"t? So, ever since I discovered selfie apps that could remove my freckles, enlarge my eyes and even slim my jawline,I have become addicted. I spend hours every day editing my selfies, posting them and eagerly checking my phone a hundred times for comments. Each "like" boosts my confidence. Dad thinks I am a narcissist, but what I say is that my pictures aren"t hurting anyone, so who cares? 正如《丑女贝蒂》里的歌曲所唱的那样,“这是个看脸的世界。”我比大多数人都更能理解这句话的含义,因为我一直相貌平平。我是个爱美的女孩。好吧,谁不是呢?所以,自从我发现自拍软件能消除我的雀斑,拉大眼睛,甚至削尖下 巴,我就用上瘾了。我每天会花数小时修我的自拍照,发照片,并频繁地打开手机,迫切地查看评论照片的每个“赞”都会增强我的自信。爸爸觉得我太自恋,但我的解释是,我的照片没伤害其他人,管它呢?

 Dr Hart says:

 Obsessive online photo editing indicates lack of self-confidence and a desire for attention. However, the image Jade presents to obtain the praise of others is false. People who pretend to be someone they are not tend to misjudge themselves. 哈特博士说:沉迷于修饰上传网络的照片,其实是缺乏自信和渴望关注的表现。不管怎样,杰德呈现给别人想要博取赞美的形象,都是虚假的。那些把自己包装成别人的人,只会对自己产生错误的判断。

  Anthony, 21, college student 安东尼,21 岁,大学生

 I never really cared about my appearance. That"s why I could never understand my sister, who has 17 lipsticks and can"t decide which one to use every morning. I only used to have five identical pairs of trousers and five identical shirts. When I first moved into my dormitory at college, this made my roommates quite confused as they saw me in the same clothes day after day. Last month they registered me for TV,

 New You. It felt bizarre at first. I didn"t like being reviewed from head to toe. But I was surprised at how good I looked after the makeover! For the first time in my life I saw myself as a handsome and well-presented young man. At that moment, I perceived that external beauty isn"t totally worthless. It can be an expression of our personalities, helping us make a good and positive impression on others. 我向来不关心自己的外表,所以我永远无法理解我姐姐。她有 17 支口红,每天早上都不知道该用哪支好。而我以前只有五条模一样的裤子和五件模样的衬衫。当我第一次搬进大学宿舍时,室友看到我每天穿同样的衣服都十分困惑不解。上个月,他们给我在一个叫《全新的你》的电视节目中报了名。我最初感觉很奇怪。我不喜欢被人从头到脚地打量。但经过一番装扮之后,我被自己的美貌震惊了!我人生中第一次发现,原来自己也可以是个英俊又体面的年轻人。在那一刻,我意识到外在美并非毫无价值。它可以表达我们的个性,也有助于我们给他人留下良好、积极的印象。

 Dr Hart says:

 It"s true that inner beauty is very important, but external beauty shouldn"t be completely overlooked. It plays a part in the image we present to the world, and making an effort with your appearance can leave a positive first impression on others and boost your confidence. 哈特博士说:内在美固然重要,但也不能完全忽视外在美。外在美在我们呈现给世界的形象中扮演着重要的角色。努力提升你的外表可以给别人留下积极的第一印象,增强你的自信。

 Unit 1 Developing ideas

 The Hunchback of Notre-Dame 巴黎圣母院 Published in 1831, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame tells a tragic story of events in Paris. Esmeralda"s beauty means that many men fall in love with her. One such man sends the hunchback Quasimodo to kidnap Esmeralda. But Quasimodo fails and is captured and tortured in public. Esmeralda hears his call for water, and steps forwards out of mercy. She offers Quasimodo a drink of water, which saves him and also captures his heart. When Esmeralda is later sentenced to death for a crime she did not commit, Quasimodo rescues her from an angry crowd outside the Notre-Dame Cathedral. Esmeralda is safe from execution as long as she stays inside the cathedral... 《巴黎圣母院》于 1831 年出版。它讲述了一个发生在巴黎的悲惨故事。埃斯梅拉达的美貌使无数男人为她倾倒。这些倾慕者中有一个人派驼背卡西莫多去绑架埃斯梅拉达但卡西莫多失败了,在公共场合被捕并遭受酷刑。埃斯梅拉达听 到他对水的呼唤,怜悯之心油然而生。她给卡西莫多递上水,这不仅拯救了他的生命,也俘获了他的心后来当埃斯梅拉达因莫须有的罪名被判死刑时,卡西莫多从圣母院外喧哗的人群中救下了她。只要她留在教堂内,就可以免于被处决的 危险… Esmeralda and Quasimodo were still for several moments, as they considered their predicament in silence she so graceful, he so repulsive. Every moment

 Esmeralda discovered some fresh defect in Quasimodo, as her glance travelled from his knock knees to his hunched back, from his hunched back to his single eye. How anyone could be formed in such a way was beyond her comprehension. Yet there was so much melancholy and so much gentleness spread over all this that she gradually adjusted to it. 埃斯梅拉达和卡西莫多许久没有动,默默地思考着自己的处境,一个是那样优美,一个是那么难看。每一刻,随着埃斯梅拉达的目光从卡西莫多的弯腿移到驼背,再从他的驼背移到独眼上,她都在他身上发现更多的毛病。她难以理解一个人怎么能长得如此畸形。但他表现出那样的忧郁与那样的温顺,她渐渐地适应了。

 He was the first to break the silence. "So you were telling me to return?” 他首先打破了沉默:“那么你是叫我回来吗?”

  She moved her head, and said, "Yes." 她点点头,答道:“是的。”

  He understood the motion of the head "But!"he said, as though hesitating whether to finish, "I am-I am deaf." 他明白点头的意思。“不过,”他说,似乎犹豫着要不要说下去,“我是……我是聋子。” "Poor wretch!"exclaimed Esmeralda, with an expression of heartfelt compassion. “可怜的人!”埃斯梅拉达喊道,发自内心地对他表示同情。

 He began to smile sadly. 他苦笑起来。

 "You suppose that was all that I was missing, do you not? Yes, I am deaf, that is the way I am made. It is horrible, is it not, next to your exquisite beauty!" “你觉得那就是我的所有缺陷,对不对?是啊,我是聋子,生来如此。真是可怕,不是吗?而你呢,却如此美丽!” There lay in the accents of the unfortunate man so significant an awareness of his sadness that she had not the strength to utter a syllable. In any case, he would not have heard her. He continued: 从那不幸的人的语气里可以感受到他对自身的悲哀心知肚明,她没有勇气回答。何况即便回答,他也无法听到。他接着说道: "Never have I viewed my ugliness as at the present moment. When I compare myself to you, I feel an immense pity for myself, poor unfortunate monster that I am! Be honest, to you I must resemble some savage creature. You, you are a ray of sunshine, drop of dew, a birdsong, whilst I am something terrible, neither human nor beast.idon "t" know what am,as I am coarser, more downtrodden, and plainer than pebble!" “我从来没像现在这般明白自己的丑陋。当我把自己同你比较时,我就非常怜悯自己,我是多么可怜而不幸的怪物啊!说实话,你一定把我当成某种野兽了吧。你呀,你就像一束阳光,一滴露珠,像鸟鸣声,而我呢,却是一个可怕的东 西,不像人也不像兽。我不知道我是什么,我比卵石还要粗硬、难看、不显眼!” Then he began to laugh, and that laugh was the most heartbreaking sound in the world. He continued:

 然后他笑了起来,那是世界上最痛心的笑声。他接着说道: "Yes, I am deaf, but you shall talk to me with your hands as my master talks to me, and then I shall quickly know your wishes from the movement of your lips, from your expression. 是啊,我是聋子。但你可以用手势对我讲话,就像我的主人跟我说话那样。这样,从你的口型和你的表情,我很快就能 明白你的意思。

 "Well!" she smiled, "Explain to me why you rescued me. “好啊!”她微笑着说道,“告诉我你为什么要救我。”

  He watched her intently while she was speaking. 她说话的时候,他专注地看着她。

 "I understand," he replied. "You ask me why rescued you. You have forgotten an unfortunate person who attempted to kidnap you one night, this same person to whom you showed kindness when he was being punished. A drop of water and a little pity that is more than I can repay with my life. You have forgotten that unfortunate soul, but he remembers it. “我明白了,”他回答道,“你问我为什么要救你。你忘了,有天晚上,有个坏家伙想绑架你,你却在他被惩罚时对他表示友善。我即使为你赴汤蹈火,也报答不了那滴水和你的怜悯之心。你已经忘记那个不幸的人了,他却还记着你的恩情。

 She listened to him with profound tenderness. A tear swam in the eye of Quasimodo, but did not fall He seemed to make it a point of honour to keep it at bay. 她带着满心温柔听完他的话。一滴泪珠在卡西莫多的眼眶里滚动,却没有落下来。似乎不让眼泪落下来,他就可以维护自己的尊严。

 (Adaptation from The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor Hugo) (改编自维克多·雨果的《巴黎圣母院》)

 Unit 2 Understanding ideas

 Life Behind the Lens 镜头背后的人生 A white-haired old man riding an ordinary bicycle around the streets of New York, always wearing the same blue worker"s jacket and simple black running shoes. If you saw him,you"d never think there was anything remarkable about him. And yet every member of New York"s wealthy high society wanted nothing more than to pose for this man. 一位白发老人总是穿着一件蓝色工装夹克和样式简单的黑色跑鞋,骑着一辆普通的自行车在纽约街头穿梭。如果你看到他,你不会觉得他有任何引人注目的地方。然而,纽约富裕的上流社会中每一个人都想着对他摆姿势、请他拍照。

 This ordinary-looking man was Bill Cunningham, one of the most important American photographers of the last 50 years. 这位看起来普普通通的人就是比尔坎宁安,美国近五十年来最重要的摄影师之一。

 What made Cunningham so great? It certainly wasn"t the use of expensive

 technologically-advanced equipment. Cunningham always used simple, relatively cheap cameras and took all his pictures on the streets of New York, not in a studio. Nor was it a wide range of contacts and connections. Although he always knew where fashionable parties and events were happening, Cunningham liked to photograph ordinary people in the poor Bronx as much as VIPs in rich Manhattan. He found inspiration where others could not, in simple, everyday scenes, such as a man buying oranges at the local grocery store, or a woman riding home on the graffiti-covered subway. These things were real, and it was within their reality that Cunningham saw both beauty and potential. Through his fascination with what people were wearing, and not who they were, he opened the doors of fashion to everyone -fashion as he saw it belonged to the people, not just to high society and big brands. 是什么使得坎宁安享有如此盛誉?当然不是因为他用了昂贵先进的设备。坎宁安总是使用简单、相对便宜的相机,他所有照片的拍摄地都是纽约的街道,而不是摄影棚。也不是因为他交友广泛,识人无数。虽然他总是知道时尚聚会和大 型活动举办的地点,但无论是对于在贫穷的布朗克斯拍摄普通人,还是在富裕的曼哈顿拍摄贵宾他都同样喜欢。他能在一些简单的日常场景中得到其他人无法得到的灵感,比如一个在当地杂货店买橘子的男人,或是一个乘坐画满涂鸦的地铁回家的女人。这些东西是真实的,在这种真实中,坎宁安看到了美好和潜力。他用自己迷恋的对象关注人们穿什么,而不是这些人是谁一—向所有人打开了时尚的大门。早他看来,时尚属于民众,而不仅仅属于上流社会和大品牌。

 Moreover, what made Cunningham great was his devotion to photography, and the hours and hours of sheer hard work he put into his work. Cunningham would go out onto the streets of New York each and every day, regardless of the weather. He would even stay outside in a storm, not coming back until he knew he had the right photos. He hardly ever took a day off and not once stayed home sick. This devotion and hard work is what we see reflected within his photos. This is what makes them so special. 此外,坎宁安的伟大之处还在于他对摄影的奉献精神,以及他在工作中投入的大量时间和精力。不管天如何,坎宁安每天都会走上纽约的街头。甚至在暴风雨时,他也会待在外面,直到他认为自己已经拍摄到满意的照片才回家。他几乎从未休过一天假,也从未因病待在家中。我们可以从他的照片中看到这种奉献和努力。这就是使得这些照片如此与众不同的原因。

 Although he was a world-famous fashion photographer, Cunningham"s approach to life was uncomplicated. He lived in a small apartment with a shared washroom. simple restaurant was where he usually had the same meal of sausages, eggs and coffee. 虽然坎宁安是一位世界著名的时尚摄影师,但他的生活方式却并不复杂。他住在一间与其他人共用浴室的小公寓里。他经常到一家简单的餐馆吃同样的食物,有香肠、鸡蛋和咖啡。

 Cunningham never accepted the benefits offered to him for being a fashion photographer. He valued his integrity and would not be bought by anyone, no matter how many free clothes or flights to faraway destinations he was offered. And if he went to a celebrity party, he was there to work rather than have fun. "Money"s the

 cheapest thing," he once said, then added: ".. freedom is the most expensive. This lack of self-interest- and promotion kept Cunningham focused on his craft, enabling him to capture New York"s unique street style. 作为时尚摄影师,坎宁安从未接受过这个职业带给他的好处。他珍视自己的正直,不为任何人所动摇,无论提供给他多少免费衣物或远程航班。而且如果他去参加名人聚会,他是去工作而不是玩乐。“钱是最不值钱的东西,”他曾说, “……自由是最昂贵的。”对自身利益和升迁毫不关注,这使坎宁安能够专注于自己的技能,捕捉到纽约独特的街头风格。

 Cunningham"s passion for photography lasted throughout his life. He was87 when he passed away, and had been working right up until his last illness. Nothing ever stopped him from getting the photo he wanted. His hard work made him more than a fashion photographer -he was"cultural anthropologist", who we can thank for recording the life of a whole city and its people over half a century. Bill Cunningham was an observer, and not one of the observed, worker not a star and this was how he wanted it. 坎宁安对摄影的热爱贯穿他的一生。他在 87 岁时与世长辞,一直到最后生病前他都在工作。没有什么能阻挡他拍到想要的照片。他的辛勤工作使他不仅是一名时尚摄影师—他更是一位“文化人类学家”,我们感谢他记录了整个城市及其人民长达半个世纪的生活。比尔坎宁安是一位观察者,而不是位被观察者,是一名劳动者而不是一个明星一而这正是他想要的。

 Unit 2

 Developing Ideas

  MASTERS OF TIME 时间大师 In the quiet courtyards of Xi San Suo behind the high walls of the Forbidden City, time ticks at its own pace. If it hadn"t been for a three-episode documentary, outsiders would never have known that the plainly-dressed people working here are masters of their craft, who have spent their lives restoring precious antiques. Among these is the clock restoration master, Wang Jin. 在紫禁城高墙内西三所安静的庭院里,时间按着自己的节奏流逝着。要不是那三集纪录片,外面的人永远也不会知道,在这里工作的那些衣着朴素的人竟然都是精于各门]技艺的大师,他们毕生都在修复珍贵的古董。这其中便包括钟表修复大师王津。

 Walking through the seven crimson gates towards his workplace, Wang Jin still regards himself as an ordinary worker in the Palace Museum, although now he is often stopped by admirers wanting their photo taken with him. Day in, day out, Mr Wang and his students spend their time restoring clocks dating back Hundreds of years. But for quite some time, he and his student Qi Haonan used to be the only two people repairing timepieces in the Palace Museum. 王津穿过七重深红色的大门,走向自己的工作地点。尽管现在他经常被想和他合影的粉丝拦住,他仍然认为自己是故宫博物院的一名普通工人。王先生和他的学生们日复一日地修复着数百年前的钟表,但在过去相当长的一段时间里,故宫博物院修理钟表的工匠只有他和他的学生亓昊楠。

 Qing emperors were very fond of clocks. Therefore, in order to please them, foreign envoys presented these emperors with the most intricate and splendid timepieces. Today, the Palace Museum has one of the most significant collections of timepieces in the world, mainly originating from Europe and China. With objects ranging from small pocket watches to clocks over one metre in height, each of these requires its own unique method of restoration. Given the complexity of the work and the lack of necessary materials, this means that each expert can work on a maximum of two large pieces a year. But, through their painstaking efforts, Mr Wang and his students do more than repair the clocks they bring them back to life. 清朝的皇帝们十分喜欢钟表。因此,外国使节们把最精致、最华丽的钟表送给这些皇帝来取悦他们。如今,故宫博物院拥有一部分世界上最重要的钟表藏品,这些钟表主要来自欧洲和中国。小到怀表,大到超过一米高的钟表,每一件都有 其独特的修复方法。工作的复杂性和必要材料的缺乏意味着每位专家每年最多只能修复两件大型钟表。但是,王先生和他的学生们通过艰苦的努力不只是修复了钟表一他们还让钟表恢复了生命。

 The only sound to break the silence in Wang Jin"s workshop is the chiming melody of the repaired and polished clocks. To Wang Jin it is the most beautiful music in the world. Now, after eight months of endless adjustments, the time has finally come for Mr Wang to wind up the gigantic clocks that date back to the time of Emperor Qianlong. The intricately fashioned objects that have stood still for centuries instantly come back to life: water flows, boats sail, dogs bark, chickens flap their wings and a woman starts to spin. It is a truly awe-inspiring moment. It is suddenly clear that when the clock masters say that"these antiques have lives", it is neither an exaggeration nor a metaphor. 在王津的工作坊里,唯一能打破寂静的声音是在修理、抛光钟表时发出的报时的旋律。对王津来说,这是世界上最美的音乐。经过八个月无休止的调整,王先生现在终于进行到了为乾隆皇帝时代的巨型钟表上弦的时候。那些已经静止了几个世纪的造型复杂的摆件瞬间复活了:水流动着,船航行着,狗吠叫着,鸡拍动着翅膀,一个女人纺着线。这真是一个令人惊叹的时刻。人们突然明白,当钟表大师们说“这些古董有生命”时,这既不是夸张,也不是比喻。

 But, despite the combined work of several generations of masters. it seems unlikely that the restoration of the clocks will ever be complete. Even if every clock in the Palace Museum were restored, there would still be work to do. because restoration would probably need to begin again on the clocks that were repaired long ago. This is a race against time that can never be won! Nonetheless, Mr Wang remains optimistic about the future of these timepieces. Following in the footsteps of his own teacher all those years ago, Mr Wang has now passed on his skills to the new members, who will take on many of the future repairs. What"s more, inspired to follow in his father"s footsteps, Mr Wang"s son now has also taken up repairing antique clocks. This new generation of artisans will not only help preserve traditional skills; the innovation they bring to the craft will also ensure that the art of clock repairing stands the test of time. 但是,尽管经过了几代大师的共同努力,钟表的修复似乎永远不可能完成。即使故宫博物院的每一件钟表都被修复了,仍然有工作要做,因为可能需要重新

 开始对很久以前修复的钟表进行修复。这是一场与时间的寒跑,却永远不可能赢! 尽管如此,王先生对这些钟表的未来仍持乐观态度。多年前,王先生继承了师父的事业,而现在他将自己的技艺传授给了将承担未来许多修复工作的新成员更重要的是,在继承父业这一壮志的激励下,王先生的儿子现在也开始修复古董钟 表。新一代的工匠不仅能够协助保留传统技艺,他们给技艺带来的创新也将确保钟表修复去术能够经得起时间的考验。

 In today"s fast-paced world, the saying that"time waits for no man" has never seemed more apt. Yet inside the hidden courtyards of Xi San Suo, there is something timeless about the way Mr Wang and his colleagues sedately piece together the past with skilful hands and modest hearts It is as if they have become one with their craft and with the history of the country. 在当今快节奏的世界里,“时间不等人”的说法似乎再贴切不过了。然而,在西三所的隐秘庭院里,王先生和他的同事们用灵巧的双手和谦逊的心沉着地拼凑着过去,带来了永恒,好像他们已经与自己的技艺和这个国家的历史融为了一 体。

 Unit 3 Understanding Ideas

  The D-DAY LANDINGS 诺曼底登陆 By spring 1944, the Second World War had been raging across the globe for about five years. But along the south coast of England, something unusual was happening: Allied troops made up mainly of British, Canadian and American soldiers were gathering in large numbers. This marked one of the final stages of a top-secret operation that had been months, perhaps years, in the planning. Code-named "Operation Overlord", it was the largest combined sea, air and land operation in history, the aim being to free north-west Europe from German occupation. After waiting for the perfect combination of weather, moon and tides, the date for the start of Operation Overlord was set for 6 June. 1944 年春天,第二次世界大战的战火已经席卷全球大约五年之久。但是在英格兰的南部海岸正发生着不寻常的事情:由英国、加拿大和美国士兵组成的盟军正在大量聚集这标志着一场计划了数月,甚至可能是数年的绝密行动终于进入了最后阶段。这次作战行动的代号为“霸王行动”,它是历史上规模最大的海、陆、空三方力量集结的行动,目的是解放德国占领的欧洲西北部地区。在确保天气、月亮和潮水三者达到最佳结合点后,“霸王行动”最终定在了 6 月 6 日。

 An order issued by Supreme Allied Commander General Eisenhower to the troops read: "Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped and battle-hardened... But this is the year 1944... The tide has turned! The free men of the world are marching together to Victory! I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in battle.We will accept nothing less than full Victory! 盟军最高司令艾森豪威尔将军在鼓舞军队士气时说道:“你们的任务将不会轻松。敌人训练有素、武器精良,而且久经沙场……但今年是 1944 年…时局已经发生转变!全世界自由的人们正在一起向胜利前进!我对你们的勇气、责任心和作战能

 力十分有信心。我们将迎接的只会是彻底的胜利!” With these words ringing in their ears, Allied soldiers prepared for what would become known as D-Day At dawn on 6 June, thousands landed by parachute behind enemy lines in northern France. Meanwhile, thousands more were journeying across the English Channel to Normandy, protected by fighter planes in the skies above them. Their objective was clear: to reach the Normandy beaches along about 80 kilometres of French coastline. But even in the depths of war, few could have been prepared for the violence and horror they would experience there. 盟军土兵耳中回荡着这些话语,做好了登陆诺曼底的准备。6 月 6 日清晨,数千名士兵在法国北部空降在敌人后方。与此同时,更有数千名土兵在战斗机的保护下,穿越英吉利海峡,在诺曼底登陆。他们的目标十分明确:到达法国海岸线约 80 千米外的诺曼底海滩。但就算是深陷战争,也很少有人能够做好准备,面临即将发生的残暴和恐怖。

 The fiercest fighting was at Omaha Beach. The enemy were hiding, ready to attack the Allied soldiers even before they reached land. Boats were hit and men drowned, while those who did make it to the beach faced heavy machine gunfire. By mid-morning, hundreds lay dead in the water and amongst the tanks on the beach. One soldier recalled how he barely made it with bombs falling all around him: "I was the first one out. The seventh man was the next one to get across the beach without being hit. All the ones in between were hit. Two were killed; three were injured. That"s how lucky you had to be. 奥马哈海滩的情况最不容乐观。敌人藏身于各个地方,准备在盟军登陆前就开始进攻。船被击翻,一些人落水而亡,而那些成功登陆的人面对的则是机关枪的猛烈扫射。上午 10 点左右已有上百人在水中或在海滩上的坦克之间阵亡。一名士兵事后回忆他是如何在轰炸中侥幸脱险的:“我是第一个冲出来的人,第七个冲出来的士兵是第二个穿过海滩没有被击中的,我俩之间的士兵全被击中了,其中有两人死亡,三人受伤。真的是要有天大的幸运才能躲过这一劫。” But, despite the high cost in human life, the D-Day landings were a success and were seen widely as the beginning of the end of the Second World War. By the end of August 1944, the Allies had reached the River Seine, Paris was liberated, and the Germans had been removed from north-west France. The Allied forces then prepared to enter Germany, where they would meet up with the Soviet military moving in from the east. 尽管伤亡惨重,诺曼底登陆还是取得了成功,并且被人们普遍视为第二次世界大战结束的开端。在 1944 年 8 月底,盟军抵达塞纳河,解放了巴黎,从法国西北部赶走了德国人。之后盟军准备进攻德国,而苏联军队也正从德国东部攻入, 两军相遇。

 Seventy years later, men who had fought on D-Day gathered on both sides of the English Channel, where people were coming together for memorial ceremonies. As part of this solemn and moving occasion, a former soldier read out to the crowd these lines from the poem For the Fallen, by Laurence Binyon: 70 年后,曾在诺曼底登陆中奋战的将士聚集在英吉利海峡两 岸,人们共同参加纪念仪式。在庄重感人的仪式上,一位当时参战的老兵向众人朗诵了劳伦斯比尼恩《谨献给阵亡将士》一诗中的一段:

 They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. 我们会日渐衰老,但他们永远不会老去, 他们永远不为年龄所难,永远不为岁月所累。

 每当夕阳西下,每当清晨来临, 我们都会想起他们。

 Survivors of the D-Day landings continue to meet to remember the fellow soldiers and friends they lost that day. Although each year they are fewer in number, their outstanding acts of courage mean that we will always remember them-as well as those who lost their lives on the beaches of northern France. 诺曼底登陆的幸存者每年都会相聚并纪念他们在登陆那天失去的战友和朋友。虽然每年相聚的人越来越少,但他们的英勇壮举将会让我们永远铭记他们,以及那些在法国北部海滩上阵亡的士兵。

 Unit 3 Developing Ideas

 LIANDA: A PLACE OF PASSION,BELIEF AND COMMITMENT 联大: 一个充满热情、信念和奉献的地方 Throughout history, the great thinkers of the world have often rather romantically referred to their academic struggles as being like "war". However, for most of them, the "war" has been purely symbolic. Real war is never romantic as it brings suffering and immense challenges. 纵观历史,世界上伟大的思想家们常常以一种浪漫的说法把他们的学术之争比喻为“战争”。然而,对他们中的大多数人来说,“战争”一词纯粹是象征性的。真正的战争从来不是浪漫的,因为它会带来痛苦和巨大的挑战。

 In 1937, the aggression of the Japanese army brought disaster to China"s three great universities: Peking University and Tsinghua University were occupied by Japanese troops, while Nankai University was completely destroyed by bombing. To save their educational and intellectual heritage, the three universities joined together in Kunming as National Southwest Associated University, otherwise known as Lianda. 1937 年,日军的侵略给中国三所著名大学带来了灾难:北京大学和清华大学被日本军队占领,南开大学被彻底炸毁。为了保护教育和知识遗产这三所大学在昆明联合成立了国立西南联合大学,简称联大。

 Professors and students alike in the three universities made an epic journey over a distance of more than 2,000 kilometres, most of them on foot. Their bed was the dusty road and their roof was the open sky, often lit up by exploding Japanese bombs. Conditions were little better once they reached the remote and mountainous south-west part of China. They had to live in rough buildings, packed 40 to a room, like sardines. There were dire shortages of food, books, and equipment. Furthermore, classes were frequently disrupted due to fierce air attacks and often had to be held before 10 am and after 4 pm. 这三所大学的教授和学生们完成了一场 2,000 多千米的漫长而艰辛的行程,

 他们中的大部分人都是徒步完成的。他们以尘士飞扬的道路为床,以开阔的、经常被日军的炸弹照亮的天空为屋顶。到了中国西南部的偏远山区后,情况也没有好多少。他们不得不住在简陋的房子里,40 个人像沙丁鱼样挤在一间屋子里,食物、书籍和设备严重短缺。此外,由于猛烈的空袭,课堂经常中断,因此上课时间往往在上午 10 点前和下午 4 点后。

 However, despite the immense hardships and the daunting challenges, it was right in this place, over period of eight long years, that the nation"s intellectual heritage was not only guarded but fortified by the passion and belief of the worthy academics of Lianda. It is no wonder that many, if not most, of China"s leading scholars and scientists emerged at Lianda, including the two Nobel Prize-winning physicists, Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengdao. "Lianda laid the foundation for every achievement I have made, Yang recalled. He still remembers learning in a temporary classroom that had no glass in the windows. "On windy days, we had to hold down the paper on the desk, which would otherwise be blown away,"he said. 然而,尽管面临着巨大的困难和艰巨的挑战,在这个地方,经过八年漫长的岁月,国家的知识遗产不仅得到了保护,还得到了强化,这些都归功于联大杰出学者们的热情和信念。难怪即使不是大多数,但也有许多中国领先的学者和科学家都是联大出身,包括两位诺贝尔奖得主,物理学家杨振宁和李政道。“联大为我所取得的每项成就奠定了基础。”杨振宁回忆道。他还记得在间窗户没有玻璃的临时教室里学习。“在刮风的日子里,我们不得不把纸按在桌子上,否则纸就 会被风吹走。”他说。

 With the country at war, students at Lianda were not going to shirk their duty. Driven by a sense of commitment, a great many joined the army to resist the Japanese invaders and defend the honour of the nation. In fact, Lianda provided the largest number of student-soldiers from any campus in China. Of the thousands of college students from all over China who served as interpreters, one tenth were from Lianda, including the well-known translators Zha Liangzheng and Xu Yuanchong. Zha later depicted the contributions of his peers in a poem: 国家正处于战争状态,联大的学生们不会逃避他们的责任。在献身精神的驱使下,许多人参军抵抗日本侵略者,保卫国家的荣誉。事实上,联大输送的学生士兵的数量是中国所有校园中最多的。在来自全国各地担任翻译的数千名大学生 中,有十分之一的人来自联大,其中包括著名的翻译家查良铮和许渊冲。查良铮后来在一首诗中描述了他的同龄人所做的贡献: Softly, on the hillside forgotten by all, misty rain falls in a gentle breeze; There is no trace of the footprints of history, Where brave souls once stood, breathing new life into the trees. ……静静的,在那被遗忘的山坡上, 还下着密雨,还吹着细风, 没有人知道历史曾在此走过, 留下了英灵化入树干而滋生。

 A product of the war, Lianda is now physically gone. But it has become the crowning glory of China"s modern universities, not only because of its prominent professors and talented students, but also because of the school"s strong spirit of

 perseverance and dedication. In 2017, representatives from Peking University, Tsinghua University, Nankai University and Yunnan Normal University gathered to commemorate the 80th anniversary of its founding. 作为战争的产物,联大现在已经不复存在。但它已经成为了中国现代大学的最高荣耀,这不仅仅是因为那些杰出的教授和才华横溢的学生,也因为联大坚韧不拔和勇于奉献的精神。2017 年,北京大学、清华大学、南开大学和云南师范大学的代表们齐聚一堂,共同纪念联大建校 80 周年 More than eighty years on, the priceless contribution of Lianda still needs to be reaffirmed. It has become part of the collective memory of the Chinese nation, with its spirit as the blueprint for all universities in China in the modern era. 尽管已经历经 80 多年,联大做出的无价贡献仍值得重申。它已成为中华民族集体记忆的一部分联大精神更是描绘了现代中国所有大学的蓝图。

 Unit 4 Understanding Ideas

 Artificial Intelligence: A REAL THREAT? 人工智能: 真正的威胁? In the words of Professor Stephen Hawking, Artificial Intelligence will be"either the best, or the worst thing, ever to happen to humanity". Technology of Tomorrow Forum wants to hear your thoughts on Al. Is it our greatest human achievement so far? Or is it the biggest threat to our existence? 用斯蒂芬霍金教授的话说,人工智能将是“人类有史以来最好或最坏的事情”。明日科技论坛希望听到您对人工智能的想法。到目前为止,人工智能算是我们人类最伟大的成就还是对我们生存的最大威胁呢? Millenniumbutterfly 千禧蝶 Thanks to, I"ve got my own super-smart personal assistant built into my phone. She always has an immediate answer for any question I put to her, and even uses my answers to learn more about my preferences. It used to feel like 50 per cent of my time was spent researching new restaurants. In contrast, my PA only needs a few seconds to find the right place. Every recommendation she gives me is great since she can predict if I will like a particular restaurant. 多亏了人工智能,我才可以在手机中内置个人超级智能私人助手。我向她提任何问题,她总能立即答复,甚至可以通过我的答案了解更多关于我的个人偏好。过去,我觉得自己有 50%的时间花在了研究新餐厅上,相比之下,有了私人助手,只需数秒就能找到正确的餐厅了。因为她可以预测我是否会喜欢某一个餐厅,所以她给我的每一个建议都很棒。

 And speaking of hanging out, I"m hoping that self-driving cars are available soon. I"ve been taking driving lessons for over a year, and still haven"t got my licence. Self-driving cars can learn to drive in the same way that we do, and can make judgements based on information. And as they won"t be susceptible to human error, they"ll certainly be a lot safer. The only thing is that there might be a few machine-learning problems when the first cars hit the market, so perhaps I"d better learn to drive first. Still, do think that developments in Al will on the whole make

 doing day-to-day ...

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